How to equip and insulate the operated flat roof?


Terrace, sports field, rosary - all this can be on the operated roof. The main thing is to choose high-quality insulation and other components of the roofing pie, which is comparable to the structure of the structure.

How to equip and insulate the operated flat roof? 10938_1

Inhabited roof

Photo: shutterstock /

Inhabited roof

Double density plates RUF BATTS D OPTIMA (Rockwool), length 1000-2400 mm, width 600-1200 mm, thickness 60-200 mm (4928 rubles / m³). Photo: Rockwool.

Initially, we will define the terms. On the slope of the roof is divided into scanty and flat. The waterproofability of the first, in addition to the roofing material, provides the natural flow of water in a slope. The tightness of the flat roof does not depend on the angle of the slope, this is the result of the use of special materials and technical solutions.

Inhabited roof

The rooftop garden is an expensive dream, and a tea-party site with family or friends is placed in a very affordable estimate. In addition, green plants will feel great in remote flower beds. And why not arrange a winter garden in the center of the building? After all, the flat roof expands the spectrum of planning solutions. Photo: shutterstock /

Inhabited roof

Insulation for flat roof Isover OL-P, plates 1190 × 1380 × 100 mm, (4800 rub. / M³). Photo: "Saint-Goben"

In turn, flat roofs are divided into non-exploited and operated. Non-exploitable perform only the main roofing functions, and people appear there only for the necessary periodic service. The design of the exploited makes it possible to use this area as a recreation area, playground, etc. The distinguishing feature of such roofs is the presence of a protective layer over waterproofing. It can be flooring from terraced boards, ceramic tiles and even ground with grass or plants planted, why such a kind of operated roof is often referred to as greine. And by the way, the flat roof opens the possibility of phased construction of the house (provided for by the project), when a favorable financial period can be waiting for the temporary roof.

Traditional or inversion roof?

The base for a flat roof is overlapping from monolithic or precast concrete, steel profiled sheets, etc.

By design, flat roofs are divided into traditional and inversion. In the first case, a layer of vapor barrier is littered to the overlap, it is heat-insulating plates, and from above - a layer of waterproofing, that is, roofing coating.

Inhabited roof

Elements of inner drainage - waterfronts. They are installed on low roof sections. Water receivers with electric heating properly work when alternating thaws and frosts. Photo: Rockwool.

The inversion roof differs from the traditional order of the constructive layers. Here, the insulation, resistant to constant water influence, is located on top of waterproofing, and the latter is directly on the supporting structure. In this case, the waterproofing layer is reliably protected from mechanical damage and is in the zone of positive temperatures, which favorably affects its operation. After all, the discharge-defrost cycles are destructive for almost any material. Inversion roof is preferable to traditional in terms of durability. In it, the main element of the enclosing structure - waterproofing - is reliably protected from external influences. And by the way, it is quite simple to turn such a roof in the exploited, it is enough to fall asleep the insulation with a drainage layer of sandbrevia, and on top of it lay paving slabs.

Reinforced concrete plates will serve as a reliable basis for a variety of roofing pies, including the top layer of paving slabs or fertile soil.

Inhabited roof

The price of 1 m² of a flat concrete or steel base of the roof, which is carrying the ability of which withstands the weight of snow cover, 2 times higher than the price of a wooden beam design. Photo: "ECOSTROY"

Flat roof of a country house

Benefits disadvantages
Because of the lower area of ​​the roof, less materials are required than with the arrangement of the scope design. Flat operated roofs, creating a significant load on overlapping, and sometimes on the foundation, provide for the design stage of the house.
Installation of roofing pie is more convenient and takes less time than on the pitched roof. Calculation of overlapping, taking into account the weight of the snow load, which will require increased design and increase its value.
High maintainability of the roof. The organization of the outer or internal drainage system is needed, constant control over them to warn breakdowns and freezing at a negative temperature.
Availability of service. It is impossible to use traditional leaf roofing materials.
In winter, a snowy hat plays the role of a peculiar addition of the roof insulation. Regular checks of the tightness of the roofing pie to avoid leaks are required.
An option with an exploited roof gives an additional useful area for a variety of pastime.

Waterflowing on a flat roof

It is no secret that stagnation of water negatively affects the durability of a flat roof and can cause a gradual destruction of the design. Therefore, the task of water lead from the roof is extremely important. It helps to solve a small bias at the expense of constructive techniques or incitement systems. For example, on the roofs with the base of the profile, the slopes, as a rule, set the carrying structures, and on flat reinforced concrete bases, they are made using a layer of clay gravel, cement-sandy solution, etc. In any case, the slope or angle of inclination of the roof of the roof to the horizon In accordance with the SP 17.13330.2011 "Roofs", should be at least 1.5%. This is necessary for the unimpeded drain of water to drain funnels, which are evenly placed in the lowest points of the roof.

Roofing coating by profiled steel sheet

Inhabited roof

1 - carrying steel flooring; 2 - vapor insulation layer; 3 - heat insulation plates RUF BATTS N Extra / Optima (Rockwool); 4 - layer of insulation from plates Ruf Batts in Extra / Optima (Rockwool); 5 - mechanical fastening of thermal insulation to the base; 6 - mechanical fastening of the waterproofing membrane; 7 - RockMembrane from PVC. Photo: Rockwool.

What to warm a flat roof

Inhabited roof

Plates XPS TEKHNONICK CARBON PROF, size 1180 × 580 × 30-100 mm (from 196 rubles / m²). Photo: Tehtonol

As thermal insulation of flat roofs of traditional type in cottage construction, stoves of stone wool, fiberglass (with compressive strength at 10% deformation - at least 40 kPa), extruded polystyrene foam and PIR-slabs are used. They are placed in one or more layers, covering the top layer plates of the base slabs, preventing the appearance of cold bridges. To the base, the thermal insulation is glued or fixed by mechanical method. For the insulation of the operated roof, its high density and compression strength is important. These values ​​are calculated, based on various factors, but first of all - from the weight installed on top of the heat insulation of the structure. In our market there are many interesting innovative thermal insulation materials.

Inhabited roof

Anti-root film Delta-Root Barrier (Dörken) from polyethylene to effectively protect the waterproofing layer on the roofs with extensive landscaping. Photo: Dörken.

Extensive and intensive roof gardening

Inhabited roof

Plates URSA XPS N-III, size 1250 × 600 × × 40-100 mm (from 190 rubles / m²). Photo: URSA.

For extensive landscaping, plants use well adapting to the roof conditions and do not need special care, such as mosses, surcharges, cereals, special herbs. Intensive gardening involves a greater variety of plants disembodied, requiring continuous care: watering and feeding. It can be grassy perennials, shrubs, lawn plants and even trees. With a mixed version in areas with extensive landscaping, shrubs or trees are planted with separate zones.

Inhabited roof

Photo: "Bruns Park"

The system of the operated roof with a protective coating of the soil with green plantings of the TN-Roofing Green Pir

Inhabited roof

1 - soil with green plantings; 2 - profiled membrane Planter GEO; 3 - Logicroof V-GR polymer membrane; 4 - heat-insulating plates PIR SLOPE SCM / SCM; 5 - heat-insulating plates PIR F / F; 6 - Rolled Waterproofing Bipol EPP; 7 - Primemer Bituminous TechnoNIKOL No. 1; 8 - reinforced concrete base plate. Photo: Tehtonol

Double density plates

Inhabited roof

PIR plates are produced by cashio-baths on both sides by foil, glass christmas, as well as smooth or profiled ends. Photo: Tehtonol

Large distributed loads arising during installation and operation of flat roofs, successfully withstand the roofing plates of double-density from the stone cotton wool RuF Batts D Extra / Optima / Standard (Rockwool). They have a combined structure of a hard upper (outer) layer with a density of 205 kg / m³ and lower (internal) density of 120 kg / m³.

In contrast to the traditional two-layer solution, with the help of a dual density plate of the same thickness in most cases, it is possible to achieve higher thermal resistance of the heat insulating layer, as well as speed up the installation process by reducing the amount of insulating layers by 2 times. Cost of packaging RUF BATTS D Extra / Optima with plates size 1000 × 600 mm, thickness 60-200 mm ranges from 490 to 1440 rubles.

Inhabited roof

The inner waterproof of flat roofs is less susceptible to atmospheric influences, is more durable and reliable than the outer. Photo: shutterstock /

Blank bias

One of the main reasons for reducing the service life of a flat roof is associated with a violation or an incorrect device of slopes and confurons and, as a result, the formation of stagnant zones, and simply put, puddle on its surface. As practice shows, the optimal bias of the roof - at least 1.5% and the contrulon - from 3%. Inexpensive insulation (ceramzite, perlite) or lung concrete mixes (polystyrene foam polystone, ceramzitobetone, pelitobetone) are usually used to create them. An alternative method is the use of rigid plates of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) with a Tekhnaonol CARBON PROF SLOPE. This is a set of plates with a slope of 1.7% (plates A and B), 3.4% (plates J and K) and 8.3% (plate M), cut from extrusion polystyrene foam 40, 70 and 80 mm. They will help solve the problem of congestion zones and reduce the load on the base due to the low density of the material. And besides, get rid of wet processes during work on the device of slopes, reducing labor costs and the installation time of the roof. Cost of packaging XPS TechnoNikol Carbon Prof Slope, 1.7% slope (stove A), size 1200 × 600 × 20 mm - 1570 rub.

Instead of the incitement of the screed, the heat-insulating plates of the variable thickness can be used, with which it is easy to create a smooth drop of the roof level for water flow.

Inhabited roof

The ballast gravel layer, fastened over the drainage membrane, in the inversion roof can serve as the finishing coating of the non-exploitable roof of the house. Photo: shutterstock /

Plates Pir.

A flat roof, without a doubt, will withstand the weights standing on it and pedestrian loads and will serve for a long time without repair, if the PIR plates are used as an insulation, which produce Technonol Company, Pirrogroup, Izobud, Lissant, Profha Collar. This is the material of the new generation based on Polyenemiosianorate (one of the species of hard polyurethane foam). He did not appear in the Russian market so long ago, so it is worth recalling that PIR plates have the lowest thermal conductivity among modern insulation: λ = 0.021-0.023 W / (M • K). While the plates of the extruded polystyrene foam λ = 0.031-0.033 W / (M • K), and at the slabs of the stone wool λ = 0.034-0.046 W / (M • K). The structure of the material form closed cells filled with low thermal conductivity gas (from 0.016 to 0.022 W / (M • K), which is noticeably below the thermal conductivity of the air (0.0266 W / (M • K). Such a structure provides high efficiency and excellent thermal insulation characteristics, Guaranteeing maximum thermal protection even with a small thickness of the insulation.

High strength to compress PIR plates allows them to apply them in systems of flat operated roofs, where they demonstrate the required resistance to hiking loads. The cost of 1 m² of thermal insulation PIR-plates F / F in size 2385 × 1185 mm and a thickness of 40 mm - from 505 rubles, which is somewhat higher than that of other thermal insulation products.

PIR is one of the most modern eco-friendly insulation. It has characteristics that are extremely important in the construction of a private house with a flat roof. First, the low thermal conductivity of the PIR plate allows to reduce the amount of insulation and the overall weight of the roof design. Secondly, the service life of such a heater is over 50 years old. It is not afraid of moisture, is durable, not pulled out, which is of paramount importance at the stage of arrangement and operation of the roof, including equipped under the green seating area. The main thing when installing the plates of the insulation is to carefully adjust them to each other, not allowing gaps, the presence of which is fraught with heat loss, freezing and formation of condensate. Keep in mind: PIR rigid plates repeat the irregularities of the base, and this, of course, reduces aesthetic perception from the work performed. Therefore, the insulation should be placed only on the aligned surface.

Vladimir Shalimim.

Leading technical specialist of Technonol Company

Drainage membrane installation process in the inversion system

How to equip and insulate the operated flat roof? 10938_17
How to equip and insulate the operated flat roof? 10938_18
How to equip and insulate the operated flat roof? 10938_19
How to equip and insulate the operated flat roof? 10938_20
How to equip and insulate the operated flat roof? 10938_21

How to equip and insulate the operated flat roof? 10938_22

The gravel layer is poured into the reinforced concrete base, poured the screed, cover it with two layers of rolled waterproofing, on top of which the Drainage membrane Planter GEO (TEKNONICK) geotextile is set up. When connecting rolls, the lower geotextile is separated from the base to the desired value for "docking" with the following sheet

How to equip and insulate the operated flat roof? 10938_23

As the new cloths are forming landslides in the long and short sides. So that the drainage canvas was "continuous", the seams fasten the plantterband ribbon

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And geotextile - two- or unilateral adhesive tape for geotextiles, getting a whole filter layer

How to equip and insulate the operated flat roof? 10938_25

For the ballast layer (from 40 mm), gravel fractions of 20-40 mm fraction and weighing at least 50 kg / m² are used. It can be finishing on a non-exploited roof, and when used on gravel, it is placed in ceramic tiles or a blocking

How to equip and insulate the operated flat roof? 10938_26

Photo: Tehtonikol (5)

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