How to extend the service life of the base overlap: 8 methods


In our country, tape and pile-painted foundations are most common, which imply a device of the beam basement (first floor floor). We tell you what to do so that this design serves you as long as possible.

How to extend the service life of the base overlap: 8 methods 11083_1

1 provide ventilation underground

That is, leaving the base in the wall of the base. When calculating them, they are sometimes focused on the SP 54.13330.2011 (the updated edition of SNIP -01-01-2003), according to which "in the outer walls of basements, technical underground ... It is necessary to provide product it with a total area of ​​at least 1/400 of the field of technical underground or basement, Uniformly located around the perimeter of the outer walls. The area of ​​one product must be at least 0.05 m2. " But only speech in the standard goes about apartment buildings, where the underground on the project has a concrete floor and is protected from moisture.

In a private house with an uninsulated underground, the area of ​​the ventilation holes is required to increase at least 1/200 from the building area (that is, for example, in the house of 8 × 10 m, it is planned to be produced by 0.4 m2 or more). At the same time, it is extremely important to take into account the wind rose (position the main part of the production from the windward and leeward sides) and to avoid non-ventilated zones in the corners, under the erkers, etc., produced is closed with stainless steel lattices.

How not to fall into underground

Production is leaving both in the outer walls of the foundation and in jumpers. Photo: Healthy house

2 fall asleep underground sand

In the swampy terrain, the underground must be filled with coarse-grained sand at least 25 cm. The capillary effect is manifested in the sand much less than in clay and loam, and there is less moisture in the underground. In order to "consolidate success", it is desirable to store on top of the sand with a solid layer of hydropara insulating material - at least a conventional polyethylene film.

How not to fall into underground

When performing a frame of a frame, it is important not to forget to cut out the skin in the plating panels. Photo: Kostroma Terem

3 isolate overlap beams

Overlapping beams are required to carefully isolated from the elements of the foundation (basement) and intermediate supports. To do this, use gaskets of two layers of rolled waterproofing (hydrohoteloisol and analogs) on bitumen-polymer mastic.

How not to fall into underground

1 - sandy benchmark, 2 - waterproofing, 3 - reference column, 4 - overlap beam, 5 - "Pirate" floor. Figure: V. Grigorieva

4 Protect wooden beams from rotting

Wooden beams of overlapping and cranial bars (on them lying on the floor rugged floor) should be protected from rotting, impregnating the antiseptic to a depth of at least 2 mm. For this, the composition is applied in 2-3 reception, and it is desirable not to brush, but by the help of a sprayer. A good result is also achieved with the impregnation of hotly spent oil. Another option is to use steel beams, but it is associated with a significant increase in costs (products from metal will cost 5-6 times more than BRUSEV or login).

How not to fall into underground

Steel floor beams will serve much longer if you cover them with a bitumen varnish. Photo: V. Grigorieva

5 Perform the draft not from the boards

It is extremely desirable to perform a rough rut from the boards, but from the material resistant to rotting, such as cement-chipboard. In case of cheese, the underground primarily rotates the draft roll, which fails with the insulation. As a result, the comfort of living in the house sharply decreases and the costs of heating are increasing.


Wooden beams protect against rotting with antiseptics. Photo: Svaigost.

6 Do not close the product for the winter

In no case, it is impossible to protect the proceedings for the winter to protect against the cold, as it was often done in the old days. The design of the overlap can be sent so much that they will not be dried and in the middle of summer - dampness will be felt in the house, there will be unpleasant odors.

How not to fall into underground

In the beams allowed to cut the gadgets for laying communications, but the depth of such grooves should not exceed 1/4 of the thickness of the beam. Photo: izbadeluxe.

7 provide access to underground

With a height of the underground more than 0.5 m, it is advisable to envisage easy access to this space for revision, maintenance and repair of the base overlap. It is much easier to periodically process the bottom of the beams, cranial bars and the rough rugged antiseptic, rather than lifting board floors and expose the reconstruction all overlap.

How not to fall into underground

The radical solution of the problem of the first floor roting is a refusal of beams and the construction of a hybrid foundation, such as a tape-slab or pile-plate. Photo: izbadeluxe.

8 Fur in the underground gray

Once a year, it is desirable to burn out a few sulfur checkers in the underground, which today you can easily buy not only in building markets, but also in the economic departments of supermarkets. Gray enclosure is an effective means of combating mold mushrooms.

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