Water-air cocktail


Hot tub: therapeutic effect of hydromassage, design and principle of operation of the device, types of nozzles, selection of shape and material Fike, manufacturers, prices

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Hydromassage harmoniously and effectively combines thermotherapy, healing massage and drainage. Such a union gives positive results: the organism improves, it allows you to relax and experience the bright emotional sensations that can be compared with bathing in warm boiling jets of thermal sources.

Water-air cocktail
KOS in "IVD", 2010, N 6Mim wrote about vertical hydromassage, that is, about shower cabins. Today, we will continue the conversation, so to speak, in the horizontal plane and tell about the possibilities that baths equipped with hydromassage systems are possessed. The history of such fonts includes more than half a century, and during this time for many consumers they have turned from wonder in the usual subject that benefits and delivering pleasure. The Russian market presents a variety of models as economical in standard design, and literally polished electronics of aircraft, resembling yachts with their light flying lines, technically and ergonomically perfect.

Shown not everyone!

The hydromassage bath is useful to many, but not everyone. Contraindications for procedures are acute infectious and cancer diseases, fever, any diseases in the stage of exacerbation, skin infections, thrombophlebitis, urolithiasis, hypertension III degree, ischemia II-III degree, myocardial infarction, as well as pregnancy. If you are not sure if you can use the hydromassage, contact your doctor, and even better, to the hydrophysiotherapist.

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Photo 2.

Jacob Delafon.

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Photo 3.

Jacob Delafon.

1-3. In the bath with hydromassage, everything is thought out: designations on the remote control (1), jets with a built-in chromotherapy system (2), and the main form of a nozzle giving a lifeful jet (3).

Only pluses

Constantly improving products and increasing the number of options, manufacturers first of all make focus on therapeutic effect (actually, for this, the jacuzzi brothers once and lowered the hydraulic motor into the water). "Boiling" streams of water aimed at different parts of the body contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, strengthen their walls and restore elasticity, improve blood circulation and metabolism. Along with other methods, the hydromassage to a certain extent helps to reduce the weight and fight cellulite, pulls into the shape. It accelerates the recovery after injuries of soft tissues and the musculoskeletal system, is effective in case of occurrence of oxteochondrosis. Regular sessions allow you to stabilize the water balance in tissues, improve the structure and color of the skin, saturate its cells with oxygen, derive slags and toxins from the body, increase the muscle tone, activate the body's protective forces. During hydromassage, tissue relaxes, reflector excitability decreases, the motor functions of the joints, legs and spine are restored. Water-air cocktail of swirl jets are beneficial and for the central nervous system. These procedures make it possible to donate from the shipment of earthly worries, to cope with stress and in a new way to feel your own body.

How is the system arranged?

A hydromassage bath is a complex plumbing system consisting of a font equipped with a pump (pump), a system of nozzles built into the housing of nozzles, a control panel and an air compressor (as an option). The therapeutic effect ensures a combination of three factors: a powerful pump, the optimal diameter of the nozzles and the correct location. The engine power is calculated based on the characteristics of each specific model (dimensions, volume, number of nozzles). Standard pump power for the hydromassage system - 650-1100W (capacity-250 l / min). This allows you to create water pressure on the outlet of the nozzle, allowing a water or air-water jet to provide the necessary impact. The more nozzles, the power must be the pump. On the baths of significant volume (for example, 750l), an engine is installed with a power of 1500W.

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Photo 5.

Ideal Standard.

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Photo 6.


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Photo 7.


4. One of the popular designer solutions is a bath installed on the podium or adjacent to it.

5. In the WWW ROUND model there is an air dry head and neck massage (nozzles are located above the water level).

6. The Aquasol model with the L-shaped panel is equipped with four types of hydromassage: Silence, Breath, Renew, Dream.

7. With a similar installation to the floor, access to equipment is possible only from the space located under the bath.

Caution does not hurt

Bath equipped with hydromassage system running on electricity, so all the rules for connecting the equipment must be met. The control panel is put on the side and, it would seem, the splashes can easily get on it. However, with a pneumatic regulation, the current on the surface of the side is not supplied, and the voltage of 12V is received on the electronic remote, safe for people. The recovery of the remote control does not hurt even the dive into the water. The pump is the most important part of the hydromassage system, is made of thermoplastic material and is isolated from metal parts of the equipment. Water inside the installation does not fall, since the nozzles are equipped with a special check valve. To protect the equipment of the bath from idling (without water), additionally mounted a special dry start sensor. This option is especially recommended to buyers who have small children.

Another useful option is automatic water level control, guaranteeing the safe use of equipment. If there is no such option, in no case do not turn on the hydromassage system until the foil is filled with water and side nozzles will not be closed at least half. In the opposite case, the leakage of pumps and the hydromassage installation will fail.

Principle of operation. Through the water intake, the pump takes the water scored in the font, and, pumping it through the pipe system, submits under pressure to the nozzles. However, the water jet is experiencing quite large resistance to the surrounding mass of water and quickly weakens, and its therapeutic effect decreases. To increase the strength of the strength of the jet, the air is mixed into the water, most often forcibly. For this, the system is equipped with an air compressor with a capacity of 450, 700 or 800W. Then the water-air "torch" will experience less resistance, passing through the mass of water, and the massage will be more efficient. The depth of jet penetration through the aqueous thickness can reach 70cm and more.

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Photo 8.


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Photo 10.


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Photo 11.


8-9. Baths with hydromassage demonstrate the variety of designer solutions: a model with a transparent window on the front wall (8), a round triple bath of high comfort, suitable for a spacious room (9).

10. Ergonomic functional model for a small room.

11. Comfortable and elegantly decorated with dark "mirror" panels a hydromassage bath, which two can use two, is equally well suitable for the apartment and for a country house.

Interesting and one-of-a-kind solution for hydromassage baths found Kaldewei (Germany). The nozzle on the Vivo Turbo model with Turbo-Whirl (Water-Air) is equipped with a magnetic valve and turbines. Due to this, the air is delayed into the nozzles under water pressure. Thus, the need for an air compressor disappears.

Control. There are two methods of controlling the hydromassage system: using pneumatic buttons and handles or with electronic remote control. For the first case, for regulating water flows supplied to the spinal (aeromassage) or side (hydromassage) nozzles, pneumatic fits are used. This service can be using pneumocopters, completely overlapping the water supply to the nozzles, as well as to distribute air flows between systems. Extract models of hydromassage baths on the remote control is provided for tuning the ratio of water and air in the stream. A more progressive type of management in the latest generation models is sensory, which allows you to program the type of hydromassage, its duration, the intensity of the jet, as well as the sequence of IDR procedures. To do this, use an electronic touch panel equipped with buttons with color indication and complemented by remote control.

Knut and Gingerbread Method

It is customary to allocate three main types of underwater massages: hydromassage (Whirlpool), aeromassage (airpool) and turbo-massage (Turbopool). For the room, water jets drowning from nozzles in the walls of the bath. Under the aeromassage you caress the streams of air bubbles, rising from the bottom of the bath. Turbomassage combines both types of exposure.

"Water Beach". The most common type of underwater massage - hydromassage is similar to "Water Beach" and has a therapeutic effect or does not go beyond a pleasant relaxing procedure. It all depends on the possibilities of the hydromassage system as a whole. Hydromassage nozzles (6-18 pcs. And more) are located in the walls of the bath and are directed to the most problematic parts of the body: foot, caviar, hips, shoulders, back and heads.

Air bubbles and "pearl baths". The principle of aeromassage is as follows: the air compressor is inserted into the system heated air, which goes through mini-injectors embedded into the bottom of the bath. At the same time, the air supplied to the nozzles is crushed into the myriad of the smallest bubbles. They rise up and drive water, bringing it to "boiling". The ascending flow of warm air bubbles creates the effect of caressing the manual massage of the body. The contrast of water temperature (35-36 c) and air (15-20 s) also has a positive effect.

Optional oxygen saturation, you can enjoy the "pearl baths". Previously, this option at home was unavailable. "Pearl baths" are ideal for general recovery and strengthening the protective functions of the body; They help relieve stress, increase the tone of all vital organs. Regular procedures enrich the skin with oxygen, stimulate tissue respiration, relieve pain (including rheumatism), activate metabolism, improve overall well-being.

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Photo 12.


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Photo 13.


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Photo 15.


12-13. Cascade faucets in Van Albatros (12) and Jacuzzi (13) are a real miracle of electronics. They allow you to feel the beauty of bathing in the jets of the waterfall and deliver aesthetic pleasure from contemplating water flows.

14. Each of the six nozzles of the VIVO Turbo system is a turbine nozzle and is equipped with a motor.

15. Chromotherapy has a positive effect on the physical and emotional state of the person, accelerates the metabolism and tissue regeneration. The backlight gives a session romance.

"Healing vortices." Turbomassage (Jet Massage, or Hydroaeerromassage) harmoniously unites hydro and aeromassage. In the jet of water created by water pump, air is suited, and thus there is a special water-air whirlwind. Valid dreams from the traditional hydromassage turbosassage intensively knead the body, improves the condition of the skin, etc.


Transition of quantity

The hydromassage baths are sold fully equipped, but the system can also be ordered individually. In the second case, the buyer is offered a choice of several options. By the manufacturer of its "menu" - simpler and more expensive, including all sorts of "gourmet delicacies". From what model the consumer preferences, the final price and a set of hydromassage functions depend largely. If you want something more "more", you can immediately specify additional options when buying. For example, give yourself a couple of hydromassage nozzles (Jet), purposefully massaging legs of the legs. They would choose devices for breast massage and abdomen in the form of an extension jet of the top level or special side waterfalls that allow you to create a vortex jet of water in the desired area. Another option is to cut the mixer-cascade bathtub and get a mini-waterfall that is beautiful and useful for the muscles of the cervical spine. Some models make it possible to order modes such as a "running wave", pulsating massage, East Massage Shiatsu (invention of Jacuzzi, Italy). "Water fingers" affect the body as well as the hands of a skillful master of the Chinese massage school. At the same time, the massage therapist ten fingers, and the J-SHA bath (Jacuzzi) - 32 (two parallel rows of 16 nozzles in each). Truly, the fantastic result gives the Option "Ozonization". Now you can experience a familiar feeling of an unusually easy breath after a thunderstorm, in a warm bath. Due to the high level of oxidation, the ozonator destroys the pathoral microorganisms in the water, makes it clean, transparent and fresh. Ozone has a painkillery effect.

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Photo 16.


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Photo 19.


16. The control panel of the hydromassage bath is not afraid of water and during a session can float next to the user.

17-18. Touch control panel (17), combined electron-mechanical air flow (18).

19. Apolis of aromatherapy is known for a long time. Vgidromassage baths and shower cabins for aromatherapy are provided by special reservoirs in which it is necessary to put medicinal herbs or drop the desired number of droplets of essential oil.

TEUCO (Italy) has created a unique Hydrosonic project that unites hydromassage with the effects of ultrasonic waves. Immersed in a bath equipped with nozzles with an ultrasound emitter, you will feel the beneficial effect of a deep massage occurring at the cellular level. Neither manual nor the traditional hydromassage is not able to provide a similar result, being superficial. GRANDFORM (Italy) establishes Biomagnetic AerhoreFlexotherapy Baths to use magnetic pulses at low frequencies during massage, distributed over various body zones. Similar options make models more expensive.

Even the elementary bottom backlight increases many times the pleasure of the water procedure. A specially designed chromotherapy system built directly into the nozzles (change in the colors of hydromassage jets, the ability to fix the tone of the IDR), makes the stay in the bath with pleasant and helpful. Each color background has certain properties, and swimming in the raging and sparkling light flows is beneficial on the nervous system.

Kohler (USA) offers a new FountainHead TM vibroacoustic bath, specially designed to remove voltage and stress. Four vibro-acoustic programs help immerse a person on Wednesday, which combines music, vibration, light and water.

The aromatherapy system integrated into some bath makes it easy to choose the desired smell and quickly saturate the water. It does not need to be added to oil and other means polluting it and make it difficult to clean the bath after the procedure. Numerous additional options, including the "heated water" mode (it supports the specified temperature during the entire session), can be controlled only with electronics.

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20-21. The new original Kohler- vibro-acoustic model FOUNTAINHEAD TM- will help completely remove the voltage and stress. It is distinguished by ergonomic design and combines the impact of music, vibration, light and water (20, 21).

22. Home "Thermal Source" in action.

23. Sundeck bath can be covered with a lid, while maintaining heat, and in the closed form to use as a couch.

Baths can also be equipped with shower massage devices in any combination, soft head restraints, beautiful handles, stereosystem, IDR TV. It is desirable that the hydromassage bath is equipped with a fleet function (and even better and auto-filler): To implement it, just press the button.


As a rule, nozzles are made of plastic with chrome coated (they are on average by 30% more expensive than jets from white plastic) or brass, less often stainless steel. The nozzles are classified by zones of exposure: for cervical and occipient departments, backs, sides and loins, legs and feet. The stroks of the vision of the functions of the injectors for the baths are divided into three main groups: hydromassage, aeromassage and combined. The designs are isolated rotating, vortex, twisting (rotary), microstrutes, with needle effect, streaming, pulsating, rotary IDR. The standard number of side jets (three on each side) is enough to massage the muscles of the whole body. The most simple nozzles differ only in size (jets for the back, hips and the waist-langed, larger, for the neck and foot-smaller).

7 tips for the user

1. Determine the minimum area necessary to install the bath.

2. The hydromassage bath must be deep enough, wide and long so that it can be comfortably located lying or half a walk. Moreover, a person should not slip and look for a plot point, it is inconvenient and dangerous. The average depth of the bowl - 42-43cm, capacity - 200-250l. If the font weighs a lot, wooden floors in old houses may not withstand her gravity. The outer length of the bath is approximately 260cm, the internal length is 210-224cm, the internal width is 80-90cm. These sizes are optimal even for functionally saturated font.

3. You will need a head restraint, adjustable foot focus, handles for convenience and security.

4. Hydromassage fonts deeper and higher "pacifiers", so think about how you (as well as members of your family) will be included in it. To climb the bath to be safely, manufacturers offer comfortable and elegant non-slip acrylic steps (in expensive models they are even equipped with backlight, included with the overall chromotherapy system).

5. The control panel must be simple and easy to operate.

6. Be sure to look at the instrument you are going to purchase, in working condition. Evaluate the intensity of the massage, substituting the hand under the jet. Pay attention to the volume of the bath, its internal dimensions, working waterfalls, backlight. Specify the store manager you are interested in and try to get specific answers.

7. After the procedure before merging the water from the font, 2-3 times by 3-5 with turn on the hydromassage system to release the pump and swinging hoses from water residues.

According to the design of the nozzles, different manufacturers differ somewhat. Rotary allow you to adjust the direction of the jet "for yourself". More advanced jets for hydromassage are directed by the emerging flow of air or water by climbing, lowering or tilt to the nozzle side. For example, there are jets in which you can adjust the angle of the massage jet direction, change its intensity or disconnect. Such adjustable nozzles help to create individual mini massage zones inside any therapeutic field of exposure. By the manufacturer of its "geometry" of the jet placement. Nevertheless, they are always located under the laws of point massage (directions of massaging jets and circulating venous blood coincide). This makes it possible to most effectively massage all parts of the body, especially in places of salt deposits, finding nerve knots (heels, palm) and where muscles are tense. The presence of additional jet, their number and position depend on physiotherapy testimony for massage, as well as user preferences.

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Photo 24.


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Photo 25.


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Photo 26.


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Photo 27.


24-25. The angular models Glass (24) and HAFRO (25) make it possible to use space rationally, since they have more useful volume than round, oval and rectangular. This is especially important for small rooms. They are beautiful and functional, can be performed in different colors. Ergo nomic baths such, often have seats.

26. The Zenit Center model has an elegant framing. With its manufacture used the latest technology.

27. Helice bath is a real home decoration. This is a practically mini-pool, where everything is provided for complete relaxation.

Devices of various shapes provide a stream of different directions and intensity. For example, triple nozzles are used for the back massage (2-60 pcs.) - They are in them a large stream is divided into several smaller. Microfruces are installed so that they fit tightly to the massagable surface. The strongest massage is performed using rotary devices. Powerful rotating streams are created, which should be at least 5-15 cm from the body. Such jets are usually used for massage the pelvis, inner and outer surfaces of the hips. It would seem that the more injectors in the bath, the better. But this is not quite so, because according to the laws of hydraulics, due to an increase in the number of holes, the pressure of the jet is reduced, which means that the efficiency of hydromassage is reduced.

Otherial and formal

The correctness of the choice of shape and material of the bath is the key to your comfort and its aesthetic perfection.

Material. Most often, hydromassage baths are produced from acrylic. Note that the hydromassage can be equipped with pig-iron baths (this makes, for example, Jacob Delafon, France, and steel models (such samples are in Kaldewei). Acrylic is popular because the baths made of it are warm to the touch, long retain the water temperature for a long time, have good sound insulation. Their surface is very smooth, but not slippery; It has antibacterial properties.

Some manufacturers add an antibacterial additive in the front layer of their baths; Others introduce an active antibacterial substance (say, silver ions) to an acrylic slab with its manufacture and are distributed throughout the material of the material (for example, Hoesch, Germany). Thanks to the gel colorful compositions, the baths are distinguished by magnificent glitter, as well as purity and depth of color. At the same time, the choice of colorful solutions is almost unlimited (manufacturers offer, permiss, more than ten shades of white). Acrylic baths are easy to care, beautiful and meet the requirements of modern design. They are made from molded polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) with a thickness of 2-8mm (the more such layers, the felighted product, and therefore better).

The high cost of "pure" acrylic and the impossibility of performing too complex forms from it led to the search for alternative solutions. One of the most common materials for the production of acrylic bath-combined sanitary plastic ABS / PMMA, obtained by coextrusion method. Durable ABS (acrylnitrilButadienstyrene) in this tandem plays the role of a carrier base, and PMMA turns out to be on the inside of the bowl (with the total thickness of 5-11mm, its share is 15-5%). From the plumbing ABS / PMMA baths are made by Albatros, Domino, System-Pool (Spain), Hoesch, TEUCO and other leading European manufacturers. Releases them and domestic firms, such as Bath Acrylic System, Doctor Jet, Radomir.

The form. Choosing a bath form, pay attention not only to the design, but also on the inner "anatomy" of the bowl. It should be such that the body takes the correct position in relation to the nozzles. This will help ensure a comfortable position with relaxation. As for the design of modern models, acrylic and its analogues allow you to manufacture models of almost any form: round, square, rectangular, ellipseed, polygonal, angular IT.D. At the same time, the bath can stand in the middle of the room, adjacent to the wall (or even two or three), to be built into the podium recessed into the floor. For each user's request, decent attention is offered by many firms: Hansgrohe, to theralle, Duravit (all Germany), Duscholux (Switzerland), PoolSpa (Poland), Pamos (Austria), Novitek, BLU BLEU, Glass, Gruppo Tremese, KOS (All Italy), Balteco (Estonia), Aessel, Astra-Form, Seven Lux (All- Russia), Bazz (Sweden), Vitra (Turkey), Albatros, Doctor Jet, Hoesch, Jacuzzi, Kaldewei, Teuco Idre.

Angular models are particularly popular. Compared, for example, with rectangular, they have a greater internal volume by using the angle. This applies even to compact baths width not more than 150-160cm. The most common right-coal models. They fit well into small rooms. They usually put them in a niche between the walls or in the corner. By ordering a rectangular bath, you should consider its future location, as the front and side panels (screens) need to be manufactured separately. Bathtubs round shape are designed for installation in the center of the room, so they are called freely standing. Such models often raise the podium. Round bath for embedding in the podium is supplied on an aluminum frame. It increases the rigidity of the entire design; Compressors and other equipment are also attached to it. Usually round fonts are designed for two people.


If the hydromassage fonts are not interinted in the floor (another option is possible only in a country house), visible part (motor, compressor, pipes, the hose is not too aesthetic) It is necessary to close the decorative screen, bile with tiles or a mosaic or tinted with a tree. Do not forget to provide free access to all working components of the bath. Designers create decorative corps for their models. For the baths of a high price segment, the outer "shell" is performed from acrylic with fiberglass gain. Decorative screens can be deaf or with doors. The latter are swollen, sliding or folding harmonica.

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Photo 28.

Ideal Standard.

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Photo 29.

Ideal Standard.

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Photo 30.


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Photo 31.


28-29. Manufacturers offer models of different form for embedding: for example, an octagonal AQUA (28), round Blue Moon with a large selection of panels (29). They allow you to realize any, including non-standard, designer solutions.

30-31. Cascade mixers in Albatros baths (30) and Jacuzzi (31) are a real miracle of electronics. They allow you to feel the beauty of bathing in the jets of the waterfall and deliver aesthetic pleasure from contemplating water flows.

In order for high-quality hydromassage baths more stable, and the board did not begged, they should be equipped with a all-metal framework. Rectangular models must have at least six pixels of support, and the angular is at least eight. The stability of the bath is designed to provide the legs adjustable in height. This is especially important if the floor indoors is uneven, which happens quite often.

Health and pleasure price

In Russia, baths with hydromassage offer several dozen producers. Let's call some of them: Roca (Spain), Dorff, Ideal Standard, Kolpa (Slovenia), Apollo (China), "Aquatic" (Russia), Assel, Albatros, Doctor Jet, Duscholux, Glass, Hoesch, Jacob Delafon, Jacuzzi, Kohler, Poolspa, Radomir, System-Pool, TEUCO Idr. Bathtub in basic configuration according to the most modest estimates costs from 35 thousand rubles. (domestic or Chinese). Adalcher is no limit to perfection: on average 100-300 thousand rubles. The price of the hydromassage bath depends on the multifunctionality of the equipment, the number of nozzles and special effects, as well as from the urgency of the order. Any improvement leads to additional costs: for example, disinfection - 10 thousand rubles, highlighting - from 6 thousand rubles. The headrest is approximately 2700 rubles., Handles - 1800 rub. We wish two additional nozzles for foot massage - lay out about 7 thousand rubles, and for the built-in mixer - 15 thousand rubles. If you want all the details to be chrome, will have to pay up to 20 thousand rubles.

Remember that the internal dimensions of the device also affect the price. Fixed with a length of 230-260cm cost much more expensive than standard models, which, as a rule, have a length of 180-220 cm. Make sure the functions you are interested in are in the standard bathroom package. If these possibilities are optional, the price of the bath may increase by 15-30% compared with its source cost in a typical version. Yves conclusion Wanted you happy swimming!

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