Wind of change


Survey of the drying machinery market: types of devices and their design features, principle of operation, models with convenient features

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What to do with pure clothes after washing? Most people continue to "decorate" the apartment with wet shirts, IT.d. It is time to break stereotypes, because the devices that are dried by things have already been created.

In Europe and the United States, the drying machines have long become an indispensable "companyon" washing. They cooperate fruitfully ", and no one is going to destroy such a function tandem. The satellite is still very far away. On their union, few people are thinking about, and the main reason is the lack of space in our small apartments. In addition, some simply do not imagine that underwear can be dried somehow differently than on the ropes. Although you agree to get used to the woven in the house we could not. The drying machine will get rid of the forced "decor elements".

Cabinet or drum?

The vast majority of "dryers" presented on the Russian market - drums: T 7744 C (Miele, Germany), VDR 07 LB (Ardo, Italy), AWZ 8676 (Whirlpool, USA). Externally, they look like washing machines, and their main element is a drum. But there are devices with a rectangular case and a door- for example, DC 7171 (Asko, Sweden), resembling a regular wardrobe. For the next case, the underwear dries in a rotating drum with simultaneous blowing warm air. AB drying closet clothes simply hanging on the hangers and blows away.

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Wind of change

Drums are good in that they have more functional features for drying linen and the process itself happens faster. By the way, the problem of the dislocation of the drum device is not so unresolved. If you have a washing machine, even in the most compact room you will be able to find a place for the "dryer" - the prudent manufacturers have come up with the most ergonomic variety: the device is put directly on the washing machine, and it turns out a column with a height of about 170 cm. With the "joint stay" devices of difficulties should not arise. First, manufacturers try to produce equipment in a single style, and secondly, drying units in size correspond to standard washing machines (approximately 856060cm). When installing, keep in mind that the weight of the devices on average is 50kg. Mounting for installation will have to be purchased separately, since they are usually not included in the kit. Their cost varies greatly depending on the company and varieties. You can find connecting elements for 400 rubles., And products for 2-4 thousand rubles. There are supplemented with a retractable shelf for linen. If the space allows you to put a "dryer" next to the washing machine. The creation of both accommodation options is dictated primarily by the convenience of shifting linen. By the way, the drum "dryers" are calculated on average for 5-6 kg of linen (however, loading, as in washing machines, depends on the type of fabric).

Distilized cabinets can be loaded slightly less clothing - about 3.5kg, but regardless of its material. For them, another parameter-capacity of hangers is equivalent to a linen rope with a length of about 15m. The cabinets are good because the linen almost does not occur and the things from delicate tissues will perfectly dry, since there is no mechanical impact, which means they are not threatened by deformation. There are situations where the family returns from a walk in wet clothing. The drying wardrobe will become a real chopstick. The device will cope and with the refreshment of things - they quickly get rid of smell. True, cabinets are not popular because of their dimensions (approximately 1756560cm) and poor functionality. Therefore, it is not easy to sell them. They are in the assortment of firms specializing in clothing care devices, such as Asko.

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1. The dry cabinet DC7171 (Asko) is equipped with three drying programs: "Normal" (65C), "average" (45C) and "ventilation". Duration of drying - 120 minutes. The compartment includes a rod for hangers, a shoe stand and gloves rack.

2. When installing the drying machine on the washing machine, you can purchase the mount, additionally equipped with a convenient retractable shelf for linen, such as HSS105 (Asko). The shelf will greatly facilitate the process of loading and unloading the instrument. Such a mount with a shelf is easy to choose almost for any combination of devices.

3. The AWZ 8676 (Whirlpool) apparatus is the transparent right-coal hatch.

4. The models of the T 7000 series (Miele) have a basket for a gentle drying of things.

Note that the drum models, and the cabinets are "loud" enough and it is unlikely to let you sleep well: the noise level is about 60 dB (for comparison: the whisper gives about 30 dB). Yes, and "appetite" they have a good - on average 3 kWh.

Masters for all hands

The name of the drying devices speaks for itself. Almost all types of matter are subject to them, many copes even with woolen things and delicate tissues. Sew the last is better using the program with the shortest time, and the air should not be heated. For drying products from wool, appliances are usually equipped with special baskets. Having been in a drying machine, all the fabrics become softer and more pleasant to the touch (this does not need to use any chemical means). AMMAKROY Things acquire special softness, although over time they are thinned, because in the process of drying "knocks out" a lot of fibers.

Wrap and dry

You can dry clothes in a washing machine with drying-STA161S2 (SMEG, Italy), WDI 120 L (Ardo), WT 2670 WPM (Miele). There is a reasonable question: if there are such devices, why buy a separate device? The fact is that the washing-drying machine is not able to dry the same linen as the laundry and wash, since the drying requires a larger amount of drum. It will see, after washing, you will have to pull half things and dry in two receptions, which, you see, not very convenient. In addition, there is no such variety of programs like the drum "dryers". Still, the main task of the combined aggregate is washing. It is believed that so far it is impossible to create high-class washing and drying machines - the complication of the structure affects the outcome of the work. Both devices are individually functioning better. The drying machines are multifunctioning, carefully refer to delicate tissues and provide the best drying result for a specific type of material. The cost of washing and drying devices compared to "independent" devices increases by about 30%. There are among them and expensive models about 100 thousand rubles.

These aggregates can not only dry, they also successfully prevent the formation of folds: bed linen, jeans, T-shirts IT.P. After staying in the drying machine is not needed to iron. Additional features help better take care of your clothes. Say, the program "Road" allows you to clear things from dust and animal wool, refresh and soften the fabric without chemistry.

As for direct duties of instruments, modern drum models provide ample programs for selecting programs (up to 15). One option is to set the drying time or the desired residual moisture of things. For the first case, you define the time based on your own understanding, and there is a chance to disappoint or overcover clothes. In the second, you will get out of the car underwear with a given percentage of moisture: "Under the Iron" (5% humidity) or "in the closet" (absolutely dry). Drying programs are designed for various types of fabric (cotton, wool, flax, synthetic IDR), as well as types of products (shirts, outerwear IT.D.). You only have to select the desired mode.

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5. Automatic drying machine CSW 105 (Candy) is suitable 5kg laundry for washing and 2,5kg for drying.

6. The AWZ 477 model (whirlpool) is 7 and 4kg, respectively. Possible devices have protection against leaks.

7. The mining of the manufacturers of drying machines is manufactured with a loading hatch of plastic. There are only some exceptions when it, like washing machines, is made of glass. For example, like the WT 46S512 BY model (Siemens). Through this "window" can be observed for the operation of the device.

8. The special stand, like Electrolux, allows you to dry in the drums and shoes, tightly holding it when the drum is rotated.

The quality of the "drum" drying largely depends on the pressure of the underwear in the washing machine. The higher the spinning rate, the more dry things fall into the dryer and the less time it goes on drying. In the last models of washing machines, the spin can occur at 1600 rpm, after which the moisture content in the tissue is about 45%, and at 1000 rpm, about 60%. The size of the drum is also important: than it is volume, the more free space between individual objects and the faster all products will dry. So that the quality and speed of drying over the years have not changed for the worse, follow the cleanliness of filters for collecting dust and vigor, because the blocking prevents the correct air circulation.

How it's done?

Externally drum "dryers" are very similar to washing machines with front load, only the hatch is opaque. However, there are exceptions, the WTE 86303 OE model (Bosch, Germany) is made of glass. The main tool of "dryers", like a washing machine, is a drum (only it is more than that of washing). The lingerie is loaded, and it starts to rotate. But the speed is small- 50-100OB / min (depending on the tissue). At the same time, things are blowing the flow of warm (50-70 ° C) air, although, for example, with a delicate drying, the air does not heat up, and the room temperature is stored.

Periodically, the drum stops and begins to rotate in the opposite direction - so underwear is less. But in Asko machines and some Siemens models (Germany), such as WT 46S512 BY, the drum spins one way in non-stop mode, and so that things do not swear, special blades turn them over the eight trajectory. This option is preferable because it protects the drive from the overload, because with a reversing movement it is faster.

The principle of operation of drum models In general terms, the following: From the room, the device takes the air and heats it through a fan, the fan guides the air flow into the drum on clothing. The air absorbs moisture from it, which is then removed.

Drum "dryers"


Drying takes about 1.5 hours;

greater capacity (up to 6-7kg);

Many modes that allows you to choose the most suitable for each tissue or product.


The apartment requires a separate place to the device;

Not all fabrics can be dried.

Washer drying machines


It is not required to highlight an additional place for drying linen;

Drying takes about 1.5 h.


You can dry only half of things from the maximum load for washing;

complication of design, and therefore reducing the reliability of the device;

Less functionality than that of drum "dryers".



During drying, things are in a static state, and even the most delicate fabrics will not be damaged;

It is easier to dry shoes and hats.


an increase in drying time (up to 3h);

a small capacity (about 3-4 kg of linen);

few programs, which means it is harder to choose the optimal mode;

Significant dimensions.

But where does the moisture go away during drying? The answer to this question allowed us to divide the aggregates into two groups - exhaust and condensation. For the case, the wet air is derived by forced ventilation outside the room. For this, the device with a flexible tube is connected to the ventilation box, along which wet air leaves. However, now such machines are rare, which is largely due to aesthetic considerations (the presence of extra pipes in the room) and the inconvenience of the location (in close proximity to the ventilation shaft).

In the second case, the air circulates between the operating chamber of the instrument and the heat exchanger (moisture is condensed on the surface of the latter). This system works as follows: warm air, which entered moisture from clothing, falls on the heat exchanger, a small container through which cold water is hired. There, the air is cooled and dried, and water formed as a result of condensation enters the waterborg (or the pump pumps it into the sewer). From the watersar, the liquid must be pulled out periodically. As a rule, the car itself signals that it is time to empty the container.


Manufacturers do not recommend putting on drying machines, made using rubber, as it may be damaged.

You can not dry things with filler (IT.p.) if the shell is damaged.

It should not be placed in the device the objects of clothing treated with flammable cleaning agents, as well as with residues of a lacquer for hair, liquid for removing varnish, stains of oil, fat IT.D.

Do not put new black textiles along with light. On a dark background there will be particularly well visible villus from things of other colors.

Symbolic notation, specified on the clothing label

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Wind of change

The dried air is heated again, enters the drum, and everything is repeated until the sensors establish that the humidity reached the specified value (for example, the humidity of things and air has become the same). The process continues about 1. Constant cabinets are all somewhat simpler. A doubly ceiling of the device is a fan and a TEN: the first takes the air from the outside, the second heats it, after which the air flow is directed to clothing. Wet air leaves the ventilation shaft. These devices do not allow you to establish the degree of desired dryness of things or choose the mode for a specific type of fabric. Guided by your own knowledge, you can set only drying time and temperature. The duration of the process is about 3h.

Valuable technologies

Manufacturers do not indulge drying machines with various additions and new technologies. But still sometimes they depart from standards. For example, the Iron AID II (Electrolux, Sweden) and WT 46S512 BY (Siemens) are ready to dry at once 7kg underwear instead of standard 5kg. Series T 7000, T 8000 and T 9000 (Miele) are equipped with special baskets that are horizontally suspended in the loading hole. The things (shoes, soft toys, scarves, hatches IT.P.) are perfectly dried like a good capacity, but non-mechanical thermal exposure. Around the products will circulate warm air, but they themselves will remain without movement. Capacity basket3kg.

Bosch thought about the products with Pup. WATE WTE 86303 OE appeared a special "down jackets". The first phase, at low temperatures, the "dryer" does not give the fluff to fall; The second leaks in the usual drying mode.

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9-10. Panels of control of drying and washing machines are practically no different from each other. They have buttons or regulators of all work programs: "Basic", "delicate", "fast", "venting" IT.P., as well as the indication of the current process.

11-12. The extending ironing board HI115 (Asko) can be purchased as an additional accessory to the drying machine. It is designed for models installed in the column. If necessary, it is at hand, and when not used, hidden.

Electrolux has released an IRON AID II apparement device. It is better and more careful than other aggregates, take care of your wardrobe and easier will eliminate folds. Therapy besides the heated air and mechanical exposure "works" and steam: it is injected into the chamber with linen, reduces friction between the threads, and therefore, spreads the fibers and returns them natural shape. However, this effect of exposure to the pair is not new: if you hang clothes in the bathroom, turning on the hot water, the couple will smooth out small folds. The Upara is another plus: it is well separated from the tissues water-soluble particles of the smell, especially smoke cigarettes and "aromas" of restaurants and kitchens. This is the perfect option for carrying things.

Another innovation of the Electrolux- improved method for determining the "readiness" of linen. It is based on water ability to carry out electric current. As you know, the more water tissue, the better its electrical conductivity. The drum of similar drying machines consists of three sections: side-from metal, and central and plastic. Lingerie serves as a "conductor" between metal parts. The current passes through a wet fabric, the chain closes, and the system decides, continue drying or not.

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13.Sushile cabinets are indispensable for products that do not need to be washed, but it is necessary to dry, for example, for shoes and hats.

14-15. Sustal machines TKF 7350 S (14) and TKF 7340 A (15) (Blomberg) of a condensation type are seated with 7kg linen. The instruments are equipped with 14 drying programs, including drying woolen things and silk. Deferred start- up to 19h.

16.Complek (washing and drying machine) Professional for home (Miele) is a professional laundry. Minimum work resource - 20 years (8h 5 days per week). The standard program lasts 48min instead of the usual 90min.

Wind of change
Miele Empty Miele-drum appliances with a convex "cellular" structure of the inner surface. Due to this, the drying process becomes more gentle. In "Honeycomb" a airbag is formed, which gently picks up the underwear, and it is longer "purious" in the air flow. Additional capabilities make "Communication" with devices more comfortable. Let's say, even the smallest things can be found in the drum with lighting. "Start delay" will allow driving underwear at a convenient time for you. Adly greater security in almost all units is provided for protection against children and leaks.

All innovations and additions increase the cost of "dryers". Although it should be noted that not so technological drying cabinets in price they are not inferior. Both varieties are approximately the same on average 20-30 thousand rubles. However, you can buy the device and for 12 thousand, and for 50 thousand rubles. - Much depends on the authority of the manufacturer and the technical "filling" of the device.

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