Two variations on a given topic


Improvement of a small garden plot requires special attention and professionalism. As in the "close" space, create a comfortable environment, we will show you on the example of two small garden "neighbors"

Two variations on a given topic 12825_1

The popularity of dacha rest led to an increase in the density of the development of the suburbs. Therefore, the land plot of a very small area is usually "attached" to the house in a typical village, which requires special attention and professionalism. As in the "close" space, create a comfortable environment, we will show you on the example of two small kindergartens "neighbors".

Plots in country villages with a dense typical building, as a rule, are not distinguished by a variety of planning structure. With their improvement, it is important to keep the style unity, to give every future garden with peculiarities and individuality. The main tasks (especially if the square is small) - the correct placement of all the necessary functional elements, as well as the competent selection of vegetable material.

Two variations on a given topic
Photo 1.
Two variations on a given topic
Photo 2.
Two variations on a given topic
Photo 3.
Two variations on a given topic
Photo 4.
Two variations on a given topic
Photo 5.
Two variations on a given topic
Photo 6.
Two variations on a given topic
Photo 7.
Two variations on a given topic
Photo 8.

1. The low shores of the reservoir between the stones are subject to shadowish herbaceous perennials. Badans and dusted Lilyniks are distinguished by their sizes, primaries, stamps, astilbies and hosts are hiding nearby. Usadovoy fireplace, IVA winding.

2. Sad bench hides between the powerful sceneries of hydrangea by the tree and branches of the Christmas fir.

3. Summer leaves of plants are especially beautiful on the background of sandstone-tumor stone, from which the shores of the reservoir and rocarium are formed.

4. With the Little Waterfalls descend the streams in the thickets of the juniper Cossack. Below is pressed against Microbiota stones. Against the background of coniferous shrubs, Rogers kishtangoliste is honored.

5. The mixtore in the front zone is per capitally and solemnly. Thuja Western Smaragd decorates a strict vertical corner of the house. Her "support" fir "Konika" and Thuja Western Danika. Microbiota, belching belch, hosts, badges and loyers make up the lower tier.

6.Things of Berez and Lip spectacularly a host collection looks.

7. The modern geometric style of the design of the front zone emphasizes the ranks of the short-lived hedges, borders from the brilliant Kizilnik. In the background, a contrasting group from the bubble of KALINOLIST "DOLISOLO" and the maple of the ostolist "Drummondi".

8. Involution, a dense fence from the deresses of white "Elegantissimo". Near the western "Smaragd".

So different twins...

In the case, the landscape designer for work "got" two identical neighboring ownership. These are plots that are strongly elongated. To the center of each, on the sides of which there are narrow passages. Just before the construction and for the nearest platforms. Such a "uncomfortable" layout and determined the location of the main zones: the parade, in front of the building, and private, behind it.

Two variations on a given topic
Photo 9.
Two variations on a given topic
Photo 10.
Two variations on a given topic
Photo 11.

9. Reception - film. Its coast is strengthened with stone facing concrete walls. The source of the stream in Rokaria is hidden by the branches of the juniper Cossack.

10. The tree is becoming very decorative since the middle of the summer. Lush bushes with white balls end the line of the mixboarder, stretching along the fence. The background is the screamer of the virgin grapes

11. Listing the mixture located along the fence, includes three tiers. Nizhny - grassy perennials (hosts, geraniums, lyvily), lapping shrub "Goldfinger". Middle-calbel ordinary, Pubobusnik, Hydrangea Tree, bubbler Kalinoliste. A part of the fence will be seen by maiden grapes. Upper tier rare rocks, for example, the rowan is discolored.

The despandment parts of both gardens prevail the modern geometric style, where short-lived hedges are used, original vegetable compositions from coniferous and decorative-deciduous shrubs and grassy perennials. Emerald planes of lawn emphasize the elegacity and solemnity of the place. This corresponds to a linear drawing of the pavement of input sites and a garage entry. Paper compositions include trees, mounted, linden, chestnuts, as well as shrubs with diversely painted foliage.

Explanation of the first garden

Two variations on a given topic
First Garden Plan 1. Livestore

2. Flower garden

3. "Christmas" fir

4. Mixborror

5. Pond

6. Rocarium

7. Barbecue area

8. Old trees

9. Arbor

10. DOM

The private zones of the kindergarten became the most interesting and different types of kindergarten and "filling". This is due not only to the difference in the needs of the owners, but also "opposite" conditions of lighting. On the far, the southwestern border of the first plot is huge birch trees and linden, creating a dense shadow. Shaden the garden and neighboring houses. The second garden is on the edge of the street and almost all day is open to the sun rays.

Two variations on a given topic
Photo 12.
Two variations on a given topic
Photo 13.
Two variations on a given topic
Photo 14.
Two variations on a given topic
Photo 15.
Two variations on a given topic
Photo 16.
Two variations on a given topic
Photo 17.
Two variations on a given topic
Photo 18.
Two variations on a given topic
Photo 19.

12-13. The prepared part of the second sector, as well as the first, has a strict geometric layout. Along the fences, the deresses are planted by white "Elegantissima" and "Maja" (on the left), Roszus Rosa (right). Declauses, like Obelisk, Rows Tuya Western with a sever from the host, Sparies, juniper. The difference is a greater number of trees. Chestnuts, Lipa grow here. Beautiful Purple Krona Maple is a sharp "Royal Red".

14. Both sides of the track in small compact balls, the bushes of Quinta Japanese are located. In the spring of their branches shred with red flowers.

15. Seven girl grapes are especially apparent.

16.The view of the crucible platform is the fir tree Serbian.


18.The premium, herbalia.

19. The acquisition of the private zone is an alpine slide, made of butte sandstone. Roofing coniferous and deciduous shrubs are planted here (pine mountain, juniper, barbaris) and alpine grassy perennials.

Working with shadow

Most ornamental plants and even lawnies do not endure bad light, which strongly limits the selection of plant material. For this reason, the private part of the first garden is a lawn, where in a cool shadow you can do sports. Decorated her big leaves of a giant host, spectacularly rising over grass. On the left against the background of the wild grapes of the fence, the "Christmas" spruce rises, around the above-taking place. Near the ate is a comfortable bench. The dominant of this recreation area was an artificial reservoir with a rocker, located on the right. A rather high hill is formed from retaining walls and stone blocks. Between the stones runs the stream and coniferous shrubs grow. This bulk composition is disclosed towards the street fireplace and barbecue platform and makes this part of the garden especially cozy and elegant.

Two variations on a given topic
Photo 20.
Two variations on a given topic
Photo 21.
Two variations on a given topic
Photo 22.
Two variations on a given topic
Photo 23.

20. The blooming Badan and Tiallla reign in Gravel Sadik, the in the summer they are replaced by Iris Swamp, Lilyniki, Hosts and cereals (Ehlimus).

21. Lovely hostess Garden crops look very decorative in the trimmed of a stone of beds.

22. Accmers decorate the fence and along with the texts create a bright color picture.

23. Course currants, if you care for them, cutting out old branches, look no worse than any decorative deciduous shrub, especially in August, when red borders are ripening.

On the sunny side

The lack of high trees and a large illumination of the private part of the second garden made it suitable for the device of flower beds and the Alpine slide (in the left side), combined with a playground to relax, where garden furniture is delivered.

Right side occupies a thoroughly equipped garden. The beds here are raised with the help of retaining walls from reinforced concrete, lined with natural stone, and the space between them is falling asleep with small gravel. This technique allows you to contain a carpet of the garden clean, as the water and particles of the Earth easily pass through the pebbles.

The gravel garden, located in a narrow pocket between the wall of the house and the fence, forms a semboss of a semicircle. This is a more shaded place, and the plants are selected for him unpretentious and shadowish.

Two variations on a given topic
Second sad Explanation of second garden

1. Livestore

2. Flower garden

3. "Christmas" fir

4. Mixborror

5. Gravel Sad.

6. Rocarium

7. Obrica

8. Playground for recreation

9. Arbor

10. DOM

Little tricks

In the designer solution of two sites, you can find general principles characteristic of the planning of small gardens. The books include the placement of the main masses of the plants and the creation of decorative groups from them, including living inges, along the fences; use as an expanded breakfast path; If possible, the uniform distribution of thematic compositions on "Walking around the house" route. The garden, and fruit trees and shrubs, if their types and varieties carefully select "largest" and decorativeness, can be decorated with a garden.

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