Man-made skies


Stretch ceilings: advantages and disadvantages of construction, decorative capabilities, varieties of canvas, installation

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The traditional method of finishing the ceiling is plastering, shtchelivation and painting, altogether and time consuming. Using the "tensioning" technology, the desired result can be achieved in a matter of hours, moreover, to get a lot of benefits and make the interior of the apartment brightly individual.

The initiative for writing this article belongs to one of our readers who recently replaced the place of residence. Andrei sent a letter to the editors in which he said that he was completely satisfied with the repair made by the previous owners of his new apartment (the case is quite rare!), That's just the ceiling in one of the rooms turned out to be placed polystyrene squares of corporal color, the view of which was confused by Novosla. They held these panels, as they say, on honest words, apparently, pulled the adhesive composition. To expose the surface of the ceiling slab, it took only half an hour and what to do next? The traditional method of plastering disappeared by itself: to cover the walls and dust walls, the floor and the newly acquired wardrobe - quite laboriously, and the malya plasters or refused to take into such a small amount of work, or demanded a pay too high. OTOVE Andrei thought about ordering a stretch ceiling, and invited the editorial office of "IVD" to attend the installation of this design. We decided that such an experience would be interesting to many of our readers.

Miracles on the ceiling

Stretch ceiling provides a lot of opportunities for playing with form and color. Moreover, if the polyester canvas requires the color of the water-fused composition, the PVC film releases a wide variety of colors (more than 100 shades, like Carre Noir and Prestige Design, both FRANCE) and textures, including imitating skin, natural stone IT.D. Drops of levels and take-off vaults, surround figures, skillfully highlighted by hidden mini spotlights, color photo printing and art painting, imitation of the starry sky, the incomplete list of ways to transform the lower surface of the slab overlap in the miracle of designer skills. (For those who want to learn more about all the possibilities of the stretch ceiling, we recommend reading the articles "Ceilings for desperate Dumanists" and "home color therapy" - see "IVD" No. 2 for 2001; No. 8 for 2006.) Of course, such delights will cost Very expensive. Let's say, the arrangement of one "step" on the ceiling will increase the cost of work by 40-60%, and for a slice of the sky of a southern hemisphere with one of the magtellane clouds will have to pay in 6-8 times than behind a simple snow-white ceiling.

Man-made skies
Man-made skies
"Karee Noir"
Man-made skies
Fran Studio.

Weighing "For" and "Against"

First of all, our newly refreshed in mind the content of the article "Prices from the ceiling" ("IVD" No. 7 for 2005) and phoned several firms involved in stretch ceilings. It turned out that since that time, little changed: the cost of plastering and painting works, taking into account the price of the material, is almost equal to the price of a high-tech tension system (of course, if we take into account the transportation costs for the delivery of dry mixes, plaster mesh, primer, paints, etc., and Also time spent on the subsequent cleaning of the whole apartment). The decision was already almost accepted. The only minus of the stretch ceiling submitted was the relatively low stability of the fine canvas to mechanically damage. But, since the random "injuries" of solid objects are applied by the ceiling not so often, Andrei closed his eyes to this deficiency. Now it remains only to choose the optimal option.

Man-made skies
Photo 1.

"Karee Noir"

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Photo 2.


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Photo 3.


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Photo 4.

"Karee Noir"

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Photo 5.


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Photo 6.

Fran Studio.

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Photo 7.

Saros Design.

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Photo 8.


1-2. The level of level is often combined with bending and changing the color of the canvas. At the same time, the difference in shades may be significant (1) or a slightly noticeable (2)

3-4. The effect of the starry sky is created by mounting the light guides above the web (3) or skipping fiber threads through it (4)

5. "Partly cloudy without precipitation" (Photo printing)

6-7.And the built-in lamps (6), and suspended chandeliers (7) are fixed to plywood base, which allows you to keep the surface of the stretch ceiling perfectly smooth

8. The battles (and from the PVC film, and from the polyester canvase) are perfect for bathrooms: they are not affected by the fungus, they are not formed condensate, and when the water does not appear spots and divorces.

The domestic market shows stretch ceilings mainly foreign production, such companies like Barrisol, Carre Noir, Extenzo, Grupa DPS, NEWMAT, Prestige Design, Skol (all-France), Caela, Deckenfest, Decomat, Descor, Versailles (all Germany ), Avanti (Italy), Mondea (Netherlands), CLIPSO (Switzerland) IDR. The proposed systems differ in the material of the canvas and the method of fixing the latter. The most common ceilings from PVC film and polyester canvas with polyurethane impregnation (Clipso, Versailles). These materials are very durable - manufacturers provide a warranty on the finished ceiling for a period of at least 10 years (during this time the web will completely save the properties, will not quantify and will not change the colors). They are moisture resistant and waterproof, that is, well-fit for wet premises, and in the case of the "Flood" the neighbors from the top of the PVC film can, according to manufacturers, keep up to 100 liters of water to 1m2 and those save the walls of the walls, floor covering, furniture IT.D . (Andrei is going to install expensive audio equipment in the room, and this useful ability of the stretch ceiling is particularly important for it.) Both material allow you to mount the lamps of almost any type on the ceiling. According to the technical documentation for tensioning systems, the power of incandescent lamps should not exceed 60W, and halogen-30W, but this restriction can be circumvented with the help of additional heat insulating inserts: rings, "glasses", IT plates.

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Photo 9.


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Photo 10.

Saros Design.

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Photo 11.

Saros Design.

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Photo 12.

"Karee Noir"

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Photo 13.


Man-made skies
Photo 14.

"Karee Noir"

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Photo 15.

"Karee Noir"

Man-made skies
Photo 16.


9-11. Program on the capacity of lamps do not apply to some types of suspended chandeliers (9), however, they relate to all lamps mounted in the plane of the stretch ceiling (10.11)

12. For the creation of a two-level ceiling use a frame of wooden bars, plywood, drywall and similar materials, which are then tightened by PVC film or polyester web

13-14. Film with a glossy surface has a mirror effect; It visually increases the volume of the room and perfectly suitable for low ceiling rooms.

15.Conus is one of the most unusual forms of the stretch ceiling; By the way, such a ceiling can be functional- for example, to hide the ventilation system

16. Ceiling configuration compression emphasizes the ceiling plinth

Andrei knew that, in contrast to the polyester fabric, the PVC film of the nemorozostoya: at negative temperatures, it becomes rigid and fragile (with increasing temperature, the initial properties are restored), and at -40s stretched the ceiling film starts self-disseminated on the baguette. However, it was not embarrassed by the new seal, but for a cottage house, the material would not come up. But the white matt ceiling of the PVC film is about 20% cheaper than from nonwoven polyester cloth.

Note Melomanama

There are many myths relating to the acoustic properties of the stretch ceiling. Many believe that its installation is always a beneficial effect on acoustics indoors. Other - that the canvas behaves like a drum, that is, its effect is sharply negative. Calculate the situation We asked the chief engineer of the company ACOSTIC GROUP Alexandra Bognika:

-Son-absorbing properties of continuous stretch ceilings are caused by the resonance of the web (membrane effect) and depend on many factors: the tension force, the distance to the rigid surface of the overlap and the presence of internal fill from the sound-absorbing material. Pronounced resonant sound-absorbing qualities are manifested in a rather narrow frequency range and only in case of filling over the overlying space with mineral fiber plates. The high frequencies of the sound absorption of the solid canvase turns out to be low, it itself begins to reflect sound well. Specialists sometimes apply the canvas of this type to correct the acoustics of the room, but only after a detailed examination and accurate calculation.

Many well-known companies produce perforated canvases; There are also an imperceptible microporphoration ceilings on sale (Clipso, Newmat). The canvas of both types are called acoustic. Note, however, that the main acoustic effect is provided with a working layer of sound-absorbing material (as a rule, these are plates from mineral fiber), which must be placed in the above-handed space. The resonance sound-absorbing properties characteristic of solid ceilings are manifest with microperphoration, and at the same time, the sound wave in high frequencies penetrates through the holes to the noise absorber layer, which makes such a canvas efficient component of the complex of adjustment adjustment measures.

Business technology

The PVC film is fixed mainly by the harpoon method, which is as follows. Prepared by a cloth for several centimeters less than the ceiling area. On the edge of it is welded to the side of solid PVC. The film is heated using a heat gun and fled the side to the baguette (the frame from the mounting profile, reinforced on the walls along the perimeter of the room). Some companies use the Wedge (Mondea) or cam (Clipso, Prestige Design, Versailles) fastening method. Yves volume and in another case, the canvas is cut out with a reserve, refuel into the profile (PVC film is heated, the polyester canvas is simply stretched), and the excess is cut. With a wedge method, fixation is carried out by an additional spacer stroke, and it provides its design of the main profile. The fastening type practically does not affect the value of the material and the work, all three technologies are equally reliable and provide for the possibility of dismantling for repair in case of damage or need to drain the water penetrated from above. (We note that all these operations are unable to specialists from the installation company, and attempts to depend on water can lead to a real catastrophe.) With a harpoon method, the minimum level of decrease in the ceiling will be 30-40mm, during wedge - 12-15mm, and when cam 8-10mm (profile can be attached to the slab of the overlap).

Methods for fastening the web

Man-made skies

Man-made skies

Man-made skies

A-Klin; b-harpoon; in cam;

1-mounted profile; 2-web or film; 3-page; 4-ceiling plinth; 5-harpoon; 6-plug

The main requirement of our Novosel to the mounting system was the possibility of using the ceiling baguette. The fact is that along one of the walls stood already mentioned cabinet height to the ceiling itself. AV during the pre-telephone conversation, specialists from firms offering a cartoon way, in one voice stated that the upper guide door of the cabinet compartment is not intended for fastening the baguette. The output, of course, was: to scream to the ceiling wooden bar or a fairly powerful steel or aluminum profile, and already to "knit" baguette. But how then decorating all this design? Ceiling plinth used did not want to lose 30mm the height of the room. So, the choice was made in favor of the firm offered a cam mount system.

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Photo 17.

"Karee Noir"

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Photo 18.


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Photo 19.

Saros Design.

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Photo 20.


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Photo 21.


Man-made skies
Photo 22.


17. In the help of the "Stretch" technology, you can create a wavy ceiling;

18-19. The odd elements in the form of waves of the most of the different form are used in combination with a flat ceiling;

20-22.Crons of tropical trees, water surface and clouds- Here are just some of the options for performing artistic ceilings Extenzo

On the finish line are direct

Only the masters from the trade organization can qualitatively, only the masters from the trade organization can be attributed to the ability to attract workers from the outside, since in this case you lose warranty). It is necessary to cause a measurer, which first of all will appreciate the possibility of using a fastener system or another. So, in our case, it was necessary that the lower surface of the ceiling slab, especially near the walls, did not have significant height differences. The specialist hurried to explain why it is necessary: ​​the PVC profile is attached to the plate with screws in a step of just 200-300mm, and it fits tightly to the stove, repeating all the irregularities; To use any spacers or wedges to level them, as it will reduce the fastening strength. Kscher, the stove turned out to be perfectly smooth. The Master recommended only to clean its surface, in particular, remove the residues of "liquid nails" so that, falling off afterwards themselves, they did not form convexities on the stretched canvas. Andrei also advised to buy all the lighting devices in advance, which he plans to place on the ceiling. Finally, making the necessary measurements, the master retired, promising that after 7 days the pattern will be ready. At least on the period of Andrei, installers visited. We present you a photo report about the work done by them, which took only 3h.

Installation of the stretch ceiling using the ceiling baguette

To estimate the possibility of fastening the frame profiles to the ceiling plate, the evenness of its surface is checked with a laser level (A); Pre-flashing the holes and scoring the dowels in them, screw the mounting profile (b); Focusing on stretched lacers stretched between profiles, fasten the plywood support platform for a decorative "glass" of the future chandelier (B); stretch the canvas, refueling it with a spatula in the groove of the profile (g, d); make a cut in the canvas to bypass the heating pipe, after which the junction of the canvas and the pipes are closed with a decorative edging overlay (E); fasten a decorative "glass", and then suspend the chandelier (g); cut excess web (s); Ceiling ready (and)

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Man-made skies
Man-made skies
Man-made skies
Man-made skies
Man-made skies
Man-made skies
Man-made skies
Man-made skies

Calculation of the value of the stretch ceiling area of ​​9.4 m2

Type of work Scope of work Rate, rub. Cost, rub.
Installation of canvas 9,4M2 380. 3572.
Truck bypass - 380. 380.
Installation of chandeliers - 1140. 1140.
TOTAL 5 092.
Material number price, rub. Cost, rub.
Clipso textile fabric 10.7m2 645. 6902.
Mountain profile 14 pog. M. 190. 2660.
TOTAL 9 562.
Supplement for placing area less than 10m2 1900rub.
TOTAL 16 554.

The editors thanks the company "Art Design", "Karee Noir", "Mal-C", "Stuninger", "Ecosel", Fran Studio, Saros Design, Sendeni for help in preparing the material.

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