Conquerors of space


Interroom sliding doors: the dignity of the design, design of door canvases, features installation of doors without framing and retractable in the wall

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Do you like fantastic films? If so, then, probably, noticed that in the highly developed civilizations invented by our contemporaries during the arrangement of housing preference gave sliding doors. The output suggests itself: without such structures we do not think progress.

Sliding systems with a roller mechanism cannot be called a novelty. But if in the field of the production of cabinet and built-in furniture of the system, these are hardly leading, then sliding interior doors in our apartments and houses are still rare. Avteda fully appreciate the benefits of driving towards the canvas easily, it is only worth imagining what will happen in a jewelry car if all the doors in it suddenly become swinging.

Business new, unauthorized

Conquerors of space
Architect E. Urbel

Photo K. Ovchinnikova Why among our owners, most often not very large apartments, sliding systems are less demand than swinging? The first and main reason is without a doubt, the habit of which is such that the process of opening / closing the sliding door seems to many (it seems) that requires a little more effort that occupies a little longer, finally, just inconvenient. The second is the idea that such a door can fit far from any interior. But after all, the roller mechanism is usually completely hidden, and the fact that in the appearance of the wall and wall opening, it can be performed in any style. The third reason is really worth it - they are losing swinging in tightness, which means that are not so effective in the fight against drafts and provide smaller sound insulation. However, it should be noted that in many systems this deficiency is minimized. Finally, such arguments are also given: the mechanism of the doors is complicated and not too reliable, the installation of the structure is extremely laborious, and its price is expelly high. Technical and financial issues We will consider in detail further, but immediately assure readers that none of these ideas correspond to reality.

Sliding doors save the useful area - this is an indisputable and proven practice, and the diversity of their designs is such that when searching for an optimal planning solution allows you to find a way out of any difficult situation.

The sliding doors cannons (the term "sash" here is hardly applicable) you can move in the opening, move along the wall and remove into the wall. When it is required to close the opening width more than 1.2 m, do the doors with two canvases (if more, the design will be called partition), which are either spread in opposite directions, or removed in one direction (telescopic doors). Daily rooms, where the bends of the walls are increasingly used and other unusual interior solutions, it is difficult to do without radius sliding doors.

Stalks, rollers and not only

> In traditional Japanese partitions, a slide principle was used: the principle of sliding was used: the lightweight canvas from paper on a wooden frame moved along the lower guide, and the upper guide kept them from the fall. Hasha in the middle of the twentieth century. Shirms for wardrobe began to replace the doors on the wheels. The roller support system, improved and upgraded, is successfully used today and in the cabinets. Roller suspensions appeared relatively recently, and it is these mechanisms that cannot be better suitable for interior doors. Why exactly they? Dirt, sand, extraneous objects fall into the lower guide. It creates some inconveniences (especially if towers above the floor) and in any case violates the unity of the floor covering, which contradicts the fashionable trends of the design of the premises.

Semi-automatic door

Sliding doors of two canvases can be equipped with a simple, but very useful synchronizer device. It facilitates opening / closing the door and prevents one cannon on the other. This is a miniature system that makes up steel cable and blocks. If the synchronizer is installed on the doors, where the canvas are opened in different directions, then it is sufficient to attach an effort (though, twice as large) to one canvase and the second will automatically start moving in the opposite direction. Slapsopy doors equipped with a synchronizer, the "slave" canvas repeats the movement of the "leading" without jerks and shocks. Synchronizers are in the assortment of most firms producing mechanisms for sliding doors. They are 400-800 rubles.

Sometimes the doors are equipped with a mechanism for self-blocking - the closer. Such a device is convenient in bathrooms, storage rooms, that is, in rooms, the doors of which are most often closed. At the installation of the closer, you can adjust the speed of the canvas.

Mechanisms for sliding doors produce many firms: "ALP" (Russia), Geze, Still (both Germany), Eclisse, Koblenz, Pettiti Giuseppe (all of Italy), Saheco (Spain), Valcomp (Poland) IDR. Each of them produces several systems with different "lifting capacity" (50-120kg).

The mechanism for the interior door includes roller carriages, guide (frequently called track or rail), two stoppers, lower flag and metal corners designed to attach the guide to the wall. The principle of operation of all mechanisms is the same, however, there are some differences, in particular, the material of carriats, rollers and axes can be different. Avteda exactly these most indicators affect the "carrying capacity" of the mechanism, its operational characteristics and durability. Rollers with rollers of solid plastic (GeZe, Still) is more durable and provide lighter movement of the web, but soft rollers (Pettiti Giuseppe) roll almost silently; Teflon coating rollers (Koblenz) have an increased service life. For light cloths, carriages with rollers on steel axes are used (without rolling bearings), for heavy carriages with rollers on ball bearings. It is worth noting that the specialists still recommend not to save and install even a lung cloth on rollers with ball bearings. A comprehensive solution offers Eclisse-rolls from special plastic on ball bearings. In this case, the number of rollers on the carriage depends on the mass of the web.

Tracks are made of aluminum. A couple of years ago, it was still possible to meet steel tracks on the market, but they were too noisy. Stoporks on both sides of the guide limit the movement of the carriages, fixing the cloth in extreme positions. The lower flag, which is attached to the floor side of the opening and hardened in the groove, professionalized along the bottom end of the canvas, is needed to reduce the play of the bottom of the canvas.

Complete doors with roller mechanisms and carry out the installation of such structures. Representatives of foreign manufacturers of interroom doors: "Union Italian doors", Italon, Master-Lock Service, Mercury Design, "Academy of the Interior", IMBM, "New Interior" IDR., As well as large domestic enterprises : "Arboled", "Volkhovets", "Sophia" IDR. By purchasing the sliding door, you pay additionally the cost of the mechanism (1.2-3.8 thousand rubles) and the preparation of the canvas (1.5-3.5 thousand rubles).

For some firms, the manufacture of sliding doors and partitions (mainly to order) is a priority activity. Here you should be called "Alpha", "Doc", Aldo, Ecalum, Emu-Style (All- Russia), Astor Mobili, Casali, Comas, Deni-Design, Foa (All Italy). The price of the registered door is calculated, based on the area of ​​the canvas (cloths), the cost of which can be 3-35 thousand rubles. For 1m2 (depending on the design, material, IT mechanism).

Domestic firms are mainly used by mechanisms from foreign manufacturers: "Arboled" - Geze, Aldo and "Volkhovets" - Koblenz, Plant "Horizon" - Still IT.D. Alpha Along with its own production mechanisms, GEZE Rollan system applies.

The simplest transformation

The sliding doors canvas are standard door cloths, appropriately modified. No serious restrictions on the design of the web does not exist: it can be shield, strain or glass (with or without frame). But the width of it (and at the door "along the wall" - if possible, the height) should be 30-100mm more than that of the disintegration door for the opening of the same size, since the framing (we will describe next) has a smaller thickness than Normal door frame. On the nuances of "Running" the canvas should be stopped in more detail.

Opinion of a specialist

Functionality and attractive design of sliding doors make them increasingly popular with a modern consumer. However, it is important that the adoption of fashion is not to the detriment of the operational characteristics of the door. The sliding design is definitely more complicated by the usual swing. Our practice shows that the doors should be equipped with products of well-known manufacturers. For example, the Eclisse factory produces a full range of elements of sliding mechanisms: rails and roller carriages, guide profiles and flags for any types of cloths, synchronizers and brackets for their fastening, pencils of all known species. An integrated approach to equipping sliding doors allows without fears for reducing their reliability and durability to implement various design and design solutions.

Viktor Garipov,

Commercial Director of the company "Union Italian doors"

Failure of the web includes the following operations: milling the groove checkbox (leading manufacturers to improve the slide and compensate for possible changes in the geometry of the web, insert into this g-shaped aluminum or plastic profile), handle cutting, on the doors with the end of the fold and lamination of the end The canvas, on the Italian and Finnish doors with a sample under the loop installation of decorative linings. In addition, mechanisms with a greater tightness of the distance between the track and the web, such as SINTESI (Eclisse), require milling of two additional grooves (2002020mm) under the fastening of carriages in the upper end of the web.

The works described can be carried out as manufacturers (or their representatives) in workshops, it will provide higher quality and installers in place.

The canvas from the multi-layer or hardened (sometimes both together) the glass without frames suspended with the carriages using steel clamps with an elastic gasket. Eclisse and Koblenz produce a special P-shaped flag for glass doors, but usually the bottom end of the canvas is fixed with a wooden or duralum profile with a groove under the usual flag. The cost of the canvase is practically no increase. Elegant framing

Conquerors of space

Conquerors of space

According to Eclisse experts, installation in a four-room apartment instead of swinging (a) sliding doors will save about 8m2 of useful area. Such doors do not disturb the passages to other rooms and are able to combine the premises (b)

Sliding door, unlike swing, does not need a box as in the carrier element. But the wall should be finished - framing, which, as a rule, is harmonized with the canvas, creating a color and stylistic unity. For a glass door, a framing of aluminum profiles, anodized or painted enamel can be made. It is not forbidden to arrange the opening and with the help of a regular door frame or partially use it details. Most often, the framing makes a thickness of 10mm thick, hiding the joint with a wall with a platband. Thin planks are fixed to the wall on polyurethane "liquid nails", without the use of mounting foam. The stop stand needed so that the door is not "backlash" in the closed position, as well as to ensure better sound insulation, is a slightly modified bar of the door frame. It has a groove with a two-circuit seal made of soft PVC, which softens the punch of the rack cannon. Some manufacturers - Agoprofil, Barausse, Union Porte (all of italy) IDR - supply sliding doors with standard sets, including the framing of the opening and decorative eaves, which closes the mechanism.

Door in the wall

Conquerors of space
"Union Italian Doors"

Penal Scheme for Sliding Door:

A- vertical rack;

b-horizontal ribbiness;

in self-position

Thrown guide checkbox;

G-removable rail;

d- upper reinforcing profile;

E-metal resistant stalls that are retracted to the wall, both with aesthetic, and from a practical point of view, better than those shift along the wall, but they are much more complicated in the installation. The ability to remove the door to the wall should be provided by the wall design. If you want to install such doors to not yet erected interior partitions, you can take care in advance about the necessary changes in the design. If the partition already exists, there are two outputs. First, to demolish it (this is possible only if the wall is not carrier) and then build a new one, providing for a niche for a web and installing a sliding mechanism into it. Secondly, to increase the thickness of the partition for 80-120mm using hinged structures. The first, and in the second case, the main materials are steel profiles and plasterboard.

Facilitate the task help the premium passes for sliding doors, manufactured by Eclisse, Koblenz. Pencils are calculated either on plasterboard sheat, or on plastering (the first are the framework of galvanized steel profiles, the second is trimmed with galvanis sheets with a plaster mesh strengthened on them). Ready-made systems have a number of advantages compared to collected from ordinary profiles. First of all, they have a minimal thickness at high stiffness of the design. So that after decoration the wall does not "play", the frame is reinforced by frequently located profiles of complex section, made of steel 0.7mm thick. Eclisse ECLISSE The track can be removed and returned to the place even after the pencils installed and hidden the finish. It is very convenient for mounting additional devices (such as a closer or opening synchronizer), as well as at an unlikely, but still possible damage to the rail or foreign items.

Opinion of a specialist

Installation of doors with a "into the wall" scheme, especially if it is supposed to do without a foam, requires much attention. The width of the niche in the wall should be minimal. Sometimes it makes sense to separate the surface inside the simpleness, install decorative screens IT.P. In contrast, with an open door, a part of the rough wall or carriage of the mechanism will be visible. The playback is not in a hurry: you must first adjust the canvas, check the operation of the mechanism and only after that sew the wall. With heavy canvases, it is quite likely that after a while (it happens that after 2-3 years) there will be a need for their adjustment, and then do not do without dismantling the part of the structure. Sea point of view The door "along the wall" is a much more preferred option. Alas, it is extremely difficult to consider all the nuances when choosing a door movement scheme. The correct decision will always be able to prompt an experienced designer or a doors supplier specialist.

Stanislav Sechenko,

Leading Specialist of ITalon

Pencils are produced under the wall openings of standard sizes (height - 2000 and 2100mm; width - 600-1000mm for doors with one web and 1200-2000mm- for doors with two canvases). Variable the thickness of the pencils allows you to install both smooth canvases and canvas with protruding staps or layouts. Producers producers there are penalties for telescopic doors; two doors retaining in the common room between adjacent rooms; Radius doors with one and two canvases. Complete Penal includes a roller mechanism, the lower flag (flags) and all the necessary fasteners.

We fight with a gap

To improve the soundproof properties of the sliding door and reduce its "purge", first of all, it is necessary that the gap between the web and the wall can as little as possible. Therefore, on the segment of the wall where the door is moving, it is required to replace the usual plinth of a thin rail, which will allow you to suspend the canvas with a minimal one. Reduce the gap over the top end of the canvas to 5 mm can be using a carriage with a mortise mounting unit to the canvas. And in order to completely close the gap between the web and the wall, on the framing and the bar, hiding the track, glue sealing brushes. The listed measures allow you to achieve quite satisfactory sound insulation - 20-25 dB with a panel cloth with a thickness of 45 mm with a cellular filling (for comparison: an RW air noise insulation index of a swing door with the same web-about 33 dB).

A single-width 900mm width of 900mm is worth about 6.5 thousand rubles, for the door with two such canvases, about 13 thousand rubles. Radius pencils are much more expensive - from 40 thousand rubles.


Mount the sliding door is not harder than the usual swing. When the opening finishes are completed, to the wall at the estimated height of strictly horizontally (in terms of level), the guide is fastened, placing mounting corners at a distance of 400-600mm from each other. The design of the corners provides for the adjustment of the track from the wall - usually in the range of 20-30 mm, which allows the use of cloths of different thickness. Roller carriages and stoppers are installed on the track, and fastening brackets screw the canvas, after which the canvas hang on the screws to the roller carriages, fixing the brackets with nuts. Instead of mounting corners, a massive wooden bar or a solidized aluminum profile can be used as a carrier element (it is included in the KOSCA factories (Italy), Agoprofil, Deni-Design, Union Porte. Such a solution increases the reliability of the design and improves its appearance.

Lock all locks

Quite often, the sliding door is supplied only with a handle, going around without a latch. This is permissible: if the swing door is holding off from the opening as a result of a draft or from random jerseks, then the sliding door and itself is not bad "holds positions", as to open it, you need to make an effort in a different direction. But this does not mean that there are no locks for the doors of this type. As in the swollen, they can be cut into the usual latches, or latches with a blocking mechanism, or full locks, including with an automatic locking system (when the system is on, the riglels are automatically blocked when the door is closed, you can only unlock it with a key or swivel button. ). Latches have a hook-shaped tongue and a very weak spring, providing almost silent closing; Castles - single or twin hook-shaped riglel. High-quality locks for sliding doors are somewhat more expensive than for ordinary swing, and stand from 1600 rubles. ABLOY manufactures their companies (Finland), AGB (Italy), Archie (Spain) IDR.

The cost of mounting the sliding door with one web "along the wall" is 1.5-1.8 thousand rubles, with two - 2.5-2.8 thousand rubles. (excluding the framing of the opening). The cost of installing Penal (including draft trim) and additional materials (plasterboard, putty IT.P.) will be 25-40% of its price.

Conquerors of space
Photo 1.


Conquerors of space
Photo 2.


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Photo 3.


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Photo 4.


1-4. The right choice of roller mechanism will ensure smoothness and silentness of the sliding door. Tests of the "0500" system (koblenz) showed that its resource is up to 40 thousand opening / closing cycles

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Photo 5.


Conquerors of space
Photo 6.

"Union Italian doors"

Conquerors of space
Photo 7.

"New Interior"

Conquerors of space
Photo 8.

Architect I. Komelurova

Photo V. Nefedova

5-7. Perhaps the most popular sliding doors with translucent canvases consisting of wooden or aluminum (anodized, laminated, painted, lined with veneer) frame and inserts - from matted or tinted glass

8. As a rule, the sliding door of the sliding door in height corresponds to the way, but if it is high, you can install the door with a farian insert

Conquerors of space
Photo 9.

"Union Italian doors"

Conquerors of space
Photo 10.

Photo K. Manko.

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Photo 11.


Conquerors of space
Photo 12.

"Academy of Interior"

9. In some models of doors, the roller mechanism from stainless steel remains open and plays the role of a decorative element.

10. Doors "along the wall" will not interfere with the location next to the opening furniture, but from the wall will have to retreat 60-80 mm

11. If the door is cleaned into the wall, the opening can be decorated with fashionable semicircular platbands.

12. Light canvas with Rattan inserts are harmonized with interior decorated in almost any style.

Conquerors of space
Photo 13.


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Photo 14.

Mercury Design.

Conquerors of space
Photo 15.


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Photo 16.

Aldo (Koblenz)

13-14. One of the fashion trends is to install a sliding door without framing. The opening is separated in the same way as the wall: plastering, putty, and then paint or fall by wallpaper

15. Decorative eaves can be made of the same material (in this case of aluminum) and is designed in the same tone as the canvas, while framing - to harmonize, for example, with floor or furniture

16. Scheme of the roller mechanism: a - track; b-carriage; in stop

Conquerors of space
Photo 17.

Alpha (AGB)

Conquerors of space
Photo 18.

Alpha (AGB)

Conquerors of space
Photo 19.


Conquerors of space
Photo 20.

"Academy of Interior"

17-18. Types of locks: A- under the furniture key; B - under the latch

19-20. Sliding structures make to order for any openings

The editors thanks the company "Union Italian doors", Italon, "Academy of the Interior", Ecalum, Master-Lock Service, Aldo for help in preparing the material.

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