Conservation of construction


Rules and methods of protection of unfinished country houses from moisture and unandoned guests: the construction of temporary shelters for the foundation, walls.

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Conservation of construction

Conservation of construction

Erker from the bar is pretty difficult, and it, as a rule, is made in a chopped house on the basis of a frame construction after the house will give a shrinkage. So that the log house "sat" evenly, in the openings temporarily leave a couple of beams

Conservation of construction
Horizontal surfaces of unfinished walls are closed by rubberoid. Polyethylene film - the material is unreliable, as it is easy to break
Conservation of construction
If the object is securely protected, you can leave openings open
Conservation of construction
Waterproofing the foundation of the future house with bitumen mastic must be performed before the winter
Conservation of construction
From the mounted and tested water supply system before winter, water is fused. To do this, a special valve must be provided in the technical well.
Conservation of construction
Under the temporary roof from the frontier, the unfinished house will eat two to three years, but not longer
Conservation of construction
You can pave communications long before the end of construction. The main thing is not to forget them to bring and put it. Next to the place where the pipe with a sealed lid sticks out, the well will be drilled in the spring
Conservation of construction
Before winter, all trenches with laid communications are buried back, and the technical wells are tightly covered with covers
Conservation of construction
In order to avoid blockages, it is impossible to leave the conclusions of pipes, even if they are indoors. For reliability, special plugs use, especially since the pipes have standard diameters

As a rule, one summer season is enough to build the walls and roof of a country house. But due to a variety of reasons and circumstances, construction can delay until late autumn. It is the need to put it to spring what has already been done.

In winter do not build

The climatic conditions of the autumn-winter period in the middle lane of Russia forced for a while suspended the construction of private housing. It is not just that a part of the building processes according to the technology is required at positive temperatures. (Say, cement and concrete solutions are collected at a temperature not lower than 5C; Most external finishing work - color, plastered, are carried out only in the warm season IT.P.) Works that do not depend on the weather, also try to postpone until better times. After all, the creation of normal working conditions, ensuring access roads, storage of materials, finally, a short light day requires serious additional costs, which makes the winter building inappropriate. Nevertheless, for example, the construction of wooden chopped houses due to the fact that the tree gives a strong shrinkage, not one, and two construction seasons.

However, mostly construction work occurs due to a cash shortage of the Customer. Many precisely for this reason are planning a phased construction of a country cottage or cottage: in the first season, complete the foundation, in the second wall and roof, in the third interior decoration. But the plans are not always performed on time, and unambiguous walls may also be on the onset of cold weather, and rafters without a roof. Such an object defenseless before sediments and temperature drops can be preserved, that is, prepare for wintering.

Conservation of construction

Conservation of construction

Conservation of construction

Conservation of construction

Conservation of construction

Door and window openings are closed with rubberoid or pergamine (they are fixed with vertical slats), plywood shields, in rare cases - polyethylene film, which is convenient to close the holes of the non-standard form

The main goal of conservation is the protection against moisture. As is known, water, turning into ice, increases in volume. It is not close for the winter joints and seams (first of all horizontal), then the structural elements with the onset of frosts due to the stresses occurred inside the stresses will begin to deform and collapse. To protect against precipitation over unfinished objects, simple temporary designs from affordable and inexpensive materials are elevated.

Shelter foundation

Experts believe that the foundation (or zero level) with the basement of the stone house (that is, houses from bricks, concrete blocks, reinforced concrete) even useful to leave for a year without load. He, as it is called, will relieve, messengers. For wooden buildings, it is not necessary to do this, since the tree is relatively lightweight and creates a smaller load on the base.

Conservation of construction
Enough likely the likelihood

That the unlocked foundation without waterproofing for the winter partially cracks taking into account that the height of the snow cover in our latitudes is more than 0.5 m, the foundation is prepared for winter in the most thorough way. After all, even partially damaged, it is unlikely to endure the calculated loads. First of all, the base carefully examines, and by finding cracks or looseness where water can leak, close them. When weather conditions no longer allow working with cement mortar, the walls of the foundation are closed. Punching protective coating is mainly used runner. If there is a foundation with a waterproofing, it is necessary to close only the upper part of it from direct precipitation. It is also important that melt water does not accumulate near the foundation tape. Therefore, around the perimeter of the facilities lay the grooves for its removal to relief. If the relief does not allow you to take water, then it is necessary to make waterproofing.

But the most serious problems arise when it is necessary to substitute the foundation with basement. How to guarantee the reliability of the temporarily erected shelter? After all, if the water still sees inside and freeze there, it will break the entire design. In this case, in the arsenal of builders there is its own, "people's" way: to throw plastic bottles in the bunker, one third filled with water. Then, when the water freezing is freezing the water / more part of the spacer efforts, they will take on themselves submersible to the volume of ice and more fuel to compress the bottle, and the basement will not suffer. This method guarantees the safety of the design only if there is a protective shelter from direct precipitation, when only a small amount of water may be at the bottom of the basement or the pool (plastic bottles consumption of 3-4 pieces per 1m2).

Temporary roof

Conservation of construction

The house needs

At least in the temporary roof it happens that construction stops during the construction of walls and inter over the walls. In this case, it is necessary to protect against precipitation to horizontal areas of structures, especially if the walls are made of slotted bricks or multi-layered (for example, consist of concrete blocks and bricks). Above the "unfinished" lattice from boards and top covered with rubberoid, that is, there is a temporary roof. You can build a temporary rafter design with a claw from the unedged board, and to cover it from above with its runneroid. It is not necessary to close the wall outside- with a rough or face brick masonry for the winter nothing will happen. The booty surfaces of water stalk, and the part of the moisture that the pores absorb, in terms of the volume is negligible, so it will not cause destruction.

It is easiest to preserve wooden chopped houses, because a tree from nature is well adapted to changes in the temperature and humidity regime. It can be able to absorb moisture, and give it back depending on weather conditions. Therefore, in Sirubi, only the upper crown should be closed from direct sediments. Hodge, if for the winter, the chopped house will unsubscribe, it will actually not suffer, unless the shrinkage is spreading extra for a couple of years. By the way, even before the installation, all wooden products on technology are recommended to handle protective coatings. Avot Full isolation of wooden walls with a plastic film is only a seemingly protective measure, in reality that brings more harm. After all, moisture from under the hermetic film does not evaporate, but condenses on its surface. Insides in contact with the wall and film, the condensate drops will be reapped into a tree again, not allowing it to dry, and the cabin closed with a film rotches faster than open.

Cockmones of the construction season The roof of the house can be completed partially, for example, the rafters are made, a doom is assembled, but the roofing material itself is not laid. Then there is a temporary shelter from above, again in order to protect the unfinished building from partial destruction. Over the finished rafters, the runneroid is placed and fastened with slats. It is especially important to comply with this rule for frame houses. After all, if the unlocked wooden rafter structures are wound and iced and their weight will increase significantly, due to the spacer efforts, the unfinished frame house may even fall.

Closed access

Protect the unfinished house is required not only from weather influences, but also from the uninterested guests. According to the overall safety rules, access to the object must be closed. It is not so much about the homeless and lovers of easy profit, how many of the children who are in search of a place for games can get into a unfinished building and inadvertently indulgent. Therefore, it is necessary to score the door and window openings and completely de-energize the object. For door and window openings, black frames are made from boards, which stretch parchment, rubberoid or puff. The usual polyethylene film is better not to use for this purpose, as it is easy to break. By the current case, you can take a reinforced film.

However, chopped houses that require a certain time for shrinkage, it is desirable to leave for winter with open window openings, so that the construction is well ventilated. This, of course, may not always and not everywhere, but only in protected areas.

Carefully treat already to the already laid communications. So, the autonomous water heating system before in winter it is necessary to blow the compressor to remove water and thereby keep pipes. It is also necessary to drain the water from the water supply system.

If the house is preserved for a long time than a year, it is desirable to process the unbelievable areas (angles, overlapping from the basement) antibacterial and antifungal compositions. In conservation for one winter, this processing is not required - in winter microorganisms practically do not multiply.

The editorial board thanks "Stroy-Inccst" and "Anna-KSU" for help in preparing the material.

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