So that in the house it was cleaner


Overview of the process of food waste grinders: the technical characteristics of the device, the features of the installation of the display. Who produces?

So that in the house it was cleaner 13546_1

So that in the house it was cleaner
So that in the house it was cleaner
So that in the house it was cleaner
So that in the house it was cleaner

For efficient work, the display requires cold water that flushes waste into the sewer and contributes to the cooling of the motor

So that in the house it was cleaner

Installation of the shredder can be carried out on its own, since the instruction is attached to it. First you need to install a special flange in the sink drain. Next, you should consolidate the displayer under the sink using the lock. Changing pipes are connected by the sewer pipe, and the chopper is connected to the power grid.

So that in the house it was cleaner

So that in the house it was cleaner
So that in the house it was cleaner
A set for connecting a display to washing and dishwasher, which includes nozzle and metal fasteners, comes separately
So that in the house it was cleaner
Companies - Manufacturers offer flanges of various colors: White, beige, "Steel" and "Golden"
So that in the house it was cleaner
Length and shape of a pipe connecting the pavement with a sewage system depend on the "plumbing" features of the kitchen
So that in the house it was cleaner
The system of pneumatic control is included in the kit or is purchased separately
So that in the house it was cleaner

So that in the house it was cleaner

So that in the house it was cleaner

Even the residents of modern multi-storey buildings equipped with garbage chute arise difficulties with waste disposal. Any housewife knows what will happen if you forget to endure the garbage bucket on time - very soon the kitchen will turn into a real restaurant for insects. But much sharper this problem is facing the inhabitants of country cottages, because in some villages the removal of garbage is simply not provided. Partially change the situation will help the chopper of food waste- displayer.

Discloser - What is it?

The chopper of food waste, otherwise called the display, is a device that is installed under the kitchen sink to the siphon place and connects to the sewage system (it should be noted that when installing the device in the cottage, it is required to connect it to a centralized sewage network). In fact, it is a motorized garbage bin. Despite the fact that the display is intended to change the waste, it operates completely on another principle than the paper, a meat grinder or a blender. Contrary to popular belief, there are no sharp knives and blades. The device consists of two main parts: the engine and the crushing chamber, where, as the name appears, and grinds. Inside it is a metal circle, on which two stupid impeller hammers are moving. The engine drives a disk, the hammers begin to turn around their axis (the angle of rotation can be equal to 180 or 360, depending on the model) and break the waste on the ribbed walls of the chamber. Rights albeit in the fine cleaner products mixed with water and merge through holes in the disk. Through the outlet nozzle of the display, they fall into the sewer and further to the sewage treatment facilities.

So, the disposal system is simple, reliable and relatively safe, but any practical housewife may have quite reasonable fears: will the sanitary pipes be bored if there are several kilograms of garbage into the sink? In fact, the risk of a blockage is small if the volume of the water being drained is sufficient (at least 400l / h). In addition, the studies conducted by American specialists confirmed that the waste washed with a dispersion favorably affect the sewage system: the suspension dissolved in the water will clean the pipes, and they are not covered with a fatty flare. It should be mentioned that the displayer not only allows you to maintain cleanliness in the kitchen, but also plays a latter role in improving the environmental situation, partially solving garbage collection problems and falling out dumps.

The chopper will help to get rid of most of the organic waste: watermelon crusts, shells of nuts, fruit bones, egg shell, chicken and small meat bones IdR. By the way, the solid garbage display is not only not harmful, but even useful, it provides purity in the crushing chamber and freedom of rotation of grinding elements. Isv and the same device is not omnivorous. So, celery, corn cobs and banana cuse are better to throw out in the traditional way. The fact is that these products have a fatty, fibrous structure and during grinding form lumps that pop up, like a float, and they are very difficult to wash off. Contraindicated with a display and sparkled leek husks, especially in large quantities, as well as hot fat and foam oil - they can stick to grinding elements, an acre of that clog sewage pipes.

Raskin Larisa, Deputy General Director of SovinService

"Since the displayer, in fact, is an advanced siphon, and other kitchen units can be connected to it, a dishwasher or washing machine. Of course, it is a plus size of our cuisines, as a rule, leave to desire the best, and the desire to connect all the devices to One water pipe is quite explained. But from a practical point of view, it is not always good. Competently connect the cars is quite difficult, and often the fluids begin to "walk" on the hoses on the principle of reporting vessels. As a result, interference in the work of aggregates, unpleasant odors and leaks. So, if possible, an excessive combination is better to avoid. If without it, it is impossible to do without it, it is better not to try to do it yourself, but to trust a qualified specialist. "


Before you decide on the purchase of "Kitchen Assistant," you should figure out a little in the technical characteristics of the device. A family of three makes no sense to acquire an aggregate, designed for medium-sized restaurant, and a low-power model can hardly satisfy the needs of the cottage inhabitants.

The first and main indicator is the engine power. What it is higher, the faster the processing is being recycled and the greater waste can be crushed. Displayers also differ in the volume of the crushing chamber and the level of sound insulation. The noise published by the device is not too large and averages 50-70DB, but manufacturers are trying to reduce this value (FD10000S models, FD7500S and FD5500S from Frigidaire, displayers 75, 65, 55 and 45 performed by Insinkerator). It can be argued that when working at the highest revolutions (for example, with the grinding of beef or pork bones), the chopper will create no more noise than the included coffee grinder.

The most advanced and expensive models of displayers are supplied by some additional functions: a pneumatic control system, autorevers that allows the disk to spin in different directions (this may be needed in case of jamming), and a radio frequency filter (the entire lineup of Frigidaire), due to which the chopper does not create interference for others household appliances. The case of the crushing chamber is performed either from plastic or stainless steel. The last option is preferable, since it is much more durable of a polymer counterpart.

Display design:

So that in the house it was cleaner

1) the inlet nozzle of the dysopozer;

2) fastener lock;

3) grinding chamber;

4) rigidly fixed gear ring;

5) Connection node dishwasher;

6) movingly fixed impeller hammers (angle of rotation can be 180 or 360 depending on the model);

7) the outer casing (manufactured from a particularly durable plastic or steel);

8) Metal crushing disk;

9) engine (power 0.5-1l. C), driven drive

Installation features

As mentioned above, the display is installed under the sink and is connected to the sewage system. Since the chopper is an electrical device, it will require a grounded outlet 220V, and it is desirable that it has protection against moisture. As for the compatibility of the chopper with kitchen sinks, it is suitable for all models of the so-called European standard 31/2 (the diameter of the drain hole is 89-90mm). But if the sink does not correspond to these parameters, it does not mean that it certainly needs to be replaced. Workers made of stainless steel, hole diameter can be increased (usually provider companies provide this service). It should be noted that the pipe, with which the device will be connected to the sewage, should be smooth-corrugated quickly clogged with residues of food and will become a source of unpleasant odors in the room.

The chopper installation procedure is not too complex, and it is theoretically, it is capable of performing anyone who at least a bit disassembled in the plumbing, especially since the detailed instruction in Russian is necessarily attached. However, we should not forget that the dispersion is a rather powerful machine, which, on the one hand, is connected directly to the sewage pipes, and on the other, it works under a voltage of 220-240V. Probably, it would be more correct to entrust her installation of a professional. Bestie, if it is not a mechanic from Zhweg, which, most likely, will see the shredder for the first time and is hardly familiar with the intricacies of its installation, but a qualified master of the supplier firm. First, if the device is faulty, it will figure out at once, and its company will no longer be able to declare that the device was contacted due to illiterate installation, and secondly, using the services of a specialist, the buyer receives a guarantee for the work done. This will cost the customer in the amount of about $ 25-30.

Victoria Kresheva, Specialist Sales Department of Ergodizain

"Poisters appeared in Russia relatively recently, and many still have a rather vague idea about them, so when buying needs to be doubly careful. Forward, you should pay attention to the integrity of the package. The box should not be opened (it is unpacking when they are unpacking) , I remember or "pushed." A warranty card and instructions in Russian must be attached. In addition, the displayer does not interfere with simply hold in hand: "This" device is sufficiently heavy, 7-9kg. Such a simple way you can distinguish the original from the counterfeit. . I had to deal with cases of fraud when, through the online stores under the guise of household waste chopper, people sold the units used at exhibitions and in the kitchen studios (a display costs about $ 300, a dummy- $ 30). Of course, no documentation for them was attached, and To present claims to the manufacturer was impossible. "


The manufacturers of parsers in one voice claim that the device does not need maintenance, and most likely it is, since there are no knives that require sharpening or replaceable filters. WHATS During the operation of the device, some difficulties sometimes arise. Most often it is necessary to deal with the problem of jamming, when a solid object falls into the chopper, which is "not on the teeth". But with such a misfortune, it is quite possible to cope without resorting to the help of service specialists. It is enough to disable the display from the network, and then just extract the "foreign body". It is quite safe, as it is simply not about it, but just in case it is better to use crochet or tongs.

There are cases when the pavement suddenly stops in the midst of work, as if it was turned off. However, this does not always mean breakdown. Perhaps just worked for overload protection. In this case, you need to turn off the device and check if there is no "unnecessary" items inside, and then press the restart button. If the chopper is turned on, the disk rotates, but the waste is not discharged into the sewage system, it means that something interferes with the movement of cams. Anyway, the specialists of service centers argue that the overwhelming number of problems arises not due to the factory marriage (a structurally, the device is quite simple, there are not so many details that may fail), but due to improper operation. It should be remembered that cold water is necessary for cooling the engine and an effective washout, and after all waste has been recycled, you need to leave the water on 10-15 seconds to rinse the camera and plumbing pipes. Cannot be used to clean the crushing chamber agents intended for cleaning sewage pipes, chloride and abrasive substances. From stuck foods and unpleasant odor you can get rid of, putting a little soda into the chamber and grinding lemon.

Sequence of operations for the use of food waste grinders:

1) open a crane with cold water;

2) turn on the pavement;

3) reset the waste into the drain hole of the washing;

4) Hold the device on until only the sound of the motor and water is heard, which will mean that there is no waste in the crushing chamber and the disk rotates freely. The grinding process is usually from 1 to 3 minutes;

5) Turn off the device;

6) Leave the water included for another 10-15 sets to wash off all waste and rinse sewage pipes.

Safety technique

An important question that usually occurs when acquiring a household appliance is its level of security. It must be said that in the off state the display is absolutely harmless, because, as mentioned above, there are no cutting devices in it. But the working chopper can be some danger. If there are small children in the family, you need to be especially careful. So, it is better to mount the power button under the tabletop. Let it are not very convenient, but it makes it impossible by accidentally pressing. Modeles55 and 65 in Sink Eratior (USA) There is also an option of pneumatic control: by pressing the button located on the table top or side, the user sends an air impulse on the plastic tube to the electrically switch inside the instrument. Such a system completely eliminates the risk of electric shock, and in addition, it becomes the only solution to the problem in the case of a separate washing, next to which there is simply no wall where a regular switch can be placed. Another way to protect yourself and your household is to purchase a portion boot dispersion. For example, in the model78 from the company in sink eratior, the control function takes on the cover: while it is open, it is impossible to turn on the shredder. Another advantage of this appliance is a large volume of the chamber. The garbage can be accumulated during the day and recycle once a day. AVOT A disadvantage of the model is its size, the device has a height of 40cm (against the usual 32cm) and takes a rather much place under the sink.

So that in the house it was cleaner

In addition to electrical devices for grinding waste, there are models referred to as hydraulic drive. The books, in particular, include Hydromaid pavements. Such devices are good primarily by the fact that they absolutely do not increase the flow rate of electricity, they are activated by water pouring from the tap. Votchchychi from electrical models, Hydromaid displayers are not grinding, but the garbage is cut. Under the optimal working conditions, they completely successfully cope with the bones of avocado, artichokes, chicken bones, nut shells, carrot and potato cleaning, pineapple peel, and even fragments of broken dishes. But it should be borne in mind that for the effective operation of the device of this type, a constant and fairly high water pressure is needed (at least 2.5kg / cm3), and our water supply system, alas, is not distinguished by stability.

Who produces?

Unconditional leader both in the field of production and in the field of displacer consumption are the United States of America. It was there that in the distant 1927 he saw the light of the first chopper of household waste. The architect and inventor John Hammes came up with him for his wife, and then, after more than 10 years of improvements, released to the market. Becoming after World War II boom on everyday equipment made a displayer hardly by the subject of essential for American housewives. The survey spent in 1949 showed that America's women put it in the third place in the list of their household needs, after the washing machine and the desire to have more lockers. The Veverop and other countries of the world very quickly "typked" this invention, and the demand for it is growing rapidly: studies conducted in England, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Taiwan and Japan show that most consumers see the groundwater chopper part of their kitchen. Now the shredders produce, in particular, such large corporations like Whirlpool and Bosh-Siemens. True, fairness should be noted that in some countries, for example, in Finland and Germany, where organic waste is carefully sorted and used for fertilizer production, this product is not in demand.

Unas, unfortunately, the garbage utilization process is still far away, and yet the choice of parsers supplied to Russia, alas, is not too large. At the moment, on free sale, you can find mainly products of American companies in Sink Eratior, Frigidaire and Hydromaid. And to us in the country they come from Europe, passing two borders and having relevant customs duties, which, of course, does not affect their price too favorably. It only remains to hope that with time the demand for this, perhaps not the most necessary in the farm, but, of course, a convenient household appliance will increase, and with it the number of proposals will increase with it.

Sales of displayers are carried out, as a rule, through kitchen studios and household appliances salons. The chopper can also be ordered when equipped with a kitchen or purchase in companies selling kitchen sinks.

So that in the house it was cleaner

So that in the house it was cleaner

So that in the house it was cleaner

So that in the house it was cleaner

So that in the house it was cleaner

The lineup 78. 75. 65. 55. 45.
Engine power, hp 0.75 0.75 0.65 0.55 0.50
The volume of the crushing chamber, l 1,705 1.405 0.908. 0.908. 0.908.
Soundproofing - +. +. +. -
Pneumatic control system - +. +. Option Option
Height, see 40.3 32. 31.8. 31.8. 31.8.
Width, see 19,1 21. 18.4 17.3 15.9
Price, $ From 400. From 360. From 250. From 150. From 140.

So that in the house it was cleaner

So that in the house it was cleaner

So that in the house it was cleaner

So that in the house it was cleaner

The lineup GDF 1055 K. GDF 755 K. GDF 555 K. GDF 505 K.
Engine power, hp one 0.75 0.5 0.5
The volume of the crushing chamber, l 0.8. 0.8. 0.8. 0.8.
Soundproofing +. +. +. -
Radiofrequency filter +. +. +. +.
Height, see 41. 37. 35. 35.
Diameter, see 22. 22. 22. fourteen
Price, $ From 445. From 335. From 255. From 200.

The editors thanks for help in the preparation of the material of Ergodizain and Sovinservice for help in the preparation of material.

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