

Modern person, surrounded by artificial materials on all sides, often prefers living fences. Types of fence and suitable plants.

Hedges 13726_1

Photo by A. Sapelina
Photo O.Voronina

Stripped summer hedges and gates

Photo O.Voronina

Actural Line of Russia, such a composition can be created from barberries of spherical shape

Photo O.Voronina

Low live curb edging flower bed

Getty / Fotobank.

"Restroom" is separated from the rest of the garden of a high alive hedge

Photo O.Voronina

"Watchtower" from Holly (United Kingdom, Kewish)

Photo by A. Matseva

Indian green elephants- not less exotic for Russians

Photo O.Voronina

Bumold flowering spirea

Photo by A. Sapelina

For borders, the height of which should be less than the height of the combined colors, good dwarf forms of different plants

Photo O.Voronina

Always remember that the diameter of the root system is larger than the diameter of the crown

Photo P.Nikolaev

Hawker hawker hawker haircuts using automatic garden scissors

Photo O.Voronina

This secluded corner with a bench would not be so romantic without curly plants crawling along a stone wall, and two green "guards". Their original form causes many different associations, each has their own

Photo O.Voronina

When foliage, living hedges, unfortunately, lose their protective properties and become ane

Photo O.Voronina

Hollows cut twice in the year in the spring to achieve the active formation of shoots and the formation of a dense crown, and at the end of the season

Photo O.Voronina

For cutting fences it is better to choose plants with small leaves, in our conditions it can be barberries or turquish

Photo O.Voronina

The two-row fence is more dense and impenetrable than the one-row. The ideal is the form, gradually suspending the book, - all plant tiers in this case receive a sufficient amount of light

Photo O.Voronina

Alley from the Tuy, landed along the road of the country village. In the early, the time of the thuu became very popular, but, unfortunately, the harsh winters they carry it hard and can freeze

Planting plant in the form of a bitterness is only one of many ways to separate your home and garden. But a modern person, surrounded by artificial materials from all sides, often prefers exactly those living fences.

Livestores are called very dense linear plantings of trees and shrubs with well-closed crowns, forming solid green "walls". They can be of different heights (from 40-50cm to 9-10m), to be located on the boundaries of the site or used for its internal zoning. Similar "walls" - reliable protection against wind, dust, noise, outsiders. Finally, they are well delayed snow in winter. Yipri this is cheaper than many other types of fences, differing in addition to enviable longevity. In love the garden they will create an unobtrusive and very spectacular background for flower beds or become part of landscape compositions. Aesley you are lucky and among the thick branches of the trees, the nest of the bird will, it will also be a "musical" alive hedge. True, it will take quite a few years or even decades to form a green fence.

Selection of plants

There are several common demands to all living ingots. Forward turn, this is the lowest decorativeness. It is in mind the early blooming of leaves and flowering in the spring, as well as a long period of preservation of attractiveness in the fall. It is clear, in the living hedge, you will not pass from one element on the other, as in the flower arrangement. Also in all the fences sitting on the border of the site and performing protective functions, the crown should be very dense. The assential height of the selected plants should approximately correspond to the desired height of the fence.

But the most important thing is to decide which hedge you want: molded (cut) or unformed (freely growing). For each of them there is a set of plants. Thus, the molded hedges are created from trees and shrubs with a thick crown, abundant branching and branching, well-resistant haircut. Among them, breeds with small leaves are more decorated, and they seem somewhat careless with large. Strong hedges are relatively compact (usually about 0.5-0.7m width). Their elements give different form-rectangular, triangular, trapezoid, round or even egg-shaped. For high molded hedges in the conditions of the middle strip of Russia, limes are most often used (mellular, large-scale, but not their swambores) and hawth spirits. Lipa is unpretentious, its branches are well bent, due to which of these trees can create different forms or wavy rows. But, like any fence, Lipova has its drawbacks. So, she has a relatively late leaves. From shrubs, Barbaris and Kizylniki are popular (with the exception of their shaking forms). A cutting hedge does not have to be "purebred", and a mixed version of several wood or shrub breeds combined in their biological and decorative properties.

You can cut the fencing from coniferous, whose advantage before deciduous is obviously decorative all year round. In the early time, the Tui was very popular, although earlier, during the heyday of the Russian noble estate, they were considered to be wonderful overseas plants and planted only in the front zones of the garden, in the parter, in front of the facade of the house. The coniferous hedges of the firings were more familiar. A spruce hedge is stable (in the heat "not burning," in winter it does not make) and, due to its density, protects well from the wind. True, it grows for a long time (on its formation leaves from 20 to 40 years). Tui also grow quickly. But they are "burning", they are drained from cold drafts, and from the wintering of hedges from the Tui outlet, loosely.

Enchanting Europe is very popular with tees, samshes and evergreen species of eaves, which are well aware of a curly haircut and allow you to decorate gardens with green squirrels, bears, hares and mickey-Mausami. Avot in the conditions of the middle strip of Russia these plants winter is bad. Although there are unique tice and self-spanning hedges in the suburbs, for several years living in "enchanted" places with a successful microclimate for them, but it is rare. From the plants of our latitudes, you can create only simple shapes, cubes, parallelepipeds, pyramids. The exception is the smorodine alpine, which is amenable to the figure haircut. But it is low (60-80cm) and drops the leaves for the winter.

For freely growing, unformed intakes, very many decorative flowering and decorative and deciduous rocks are suitable: spirires, pots, barberries, rosehips. Good density is unpretentious and quickly developing. Probably, it is easier to list exceptions: those species that do not hold shape are not suitable for unformed hedges (for example, buddha or kerrium - they are "collapsed" and fall on the ground). Freely growing hedges can occupy a lot of space (depending on the breeds, from 0.7 to 3 or more in width). The diameter of their root system is approximately equal to the diameter of the crown (in the cutting hedges, respectively, the diameter of the root system is greater than the crown diameter). It is good to combine plants with different timing decorativeness. Beautiful, let's say, bunk hedge from dwarf apple trees, blooming in spring, and hydrangea, blooming from mid-summer to autumn.

Photo O.Voronina

From low plants that can be haircut (kizylniki, turquoine), you can "build" maze of bizarre forms

Photo O.Voronina

Against the background of Barbaris or Kizilnik, vertical accents can land the thui pyramidal

Photo O.Voronina

Decorative outside, a live fence looks completely unattractive from the inside

Sleeping hedge

The special type of alive hedge is the grinding, in which the branches of the neighboring trees are very closely intertwined with each other. A high hedge of a height of about one and a half meters usually has a width of only 15-20 cm, while it is very dense and thick. For its device it is better to use trees with plastic branches- for example, decorative flowering varieties of apple trees and pears.

The creation of a high hedge is a painstaking, requiring knowledge of special technologies. There are several cultivation schemes, but the classic is considered as follows. After planting plants (the distance between adjacent trunks is 25-30 cm) or in a year, their ground part is shortened to 10 cm on the ground level. The next spring of the thrusts of shoots retain only two side, located in the plane of the intended hedge, the rest are cut. The preserved shoots bind the cross will cover the side shoots of neighboring plants and cut down just above the ligament site. This operation is carried out for several years, removing all unnecessary pigs. Insides, the branches can be cut off the branches, performing the so-called vaccination with convergence. Moreover, in the first years of plants, it is better to attach plants to the lattice or a grid, which is subsequently removed. After a few years, a durable impenetrable wall is formed.

Style matching

Until now, there is still an erroneous opinion that the lively elevation of an exceptionally regular garden, and only freely growing "fences" can be used in the landscape. It's a delusion. A staring alive hedge will decorate any landscape, the only question is how to enter it. If geo-metric forms are appropriate in the strict regular garden, then in the landscaped they need to be selected carefully, if possible, avoiding "angularity". You can make an upper edge of the hedge in different ways: a straight line will fit well into the regular landscape, but it is better to mitigate it in a landscape, make a wave-like. Mixboron planted on this background can repeat this wave and join the green fence into special, rhythmically echoing relationships.

Be sure to take into account that a live fence emphasizes the border of the site than the usual fence, which is why the garden visually decreases in size. Therefore, in small possessions it is not recommended to "erect" the green walls throughout the perimeter. To smooth the negative sensations from the perception of a green fence (and all sorts of fences, a person perceives negatively rather), you can shift accents and turn it into a flower bed background. Punch background is better to use breeds with a classic green color. Extended purple hedges "Press" and not all people perceive with pleasure. Interesting at first glance, the combination of flowers (like purple with golden) in reality can be very screaming, kitchers and turn your garden in the fair and Balagan, and not in the sophisticated work of art.

Height and location

If the living fence is planted near the house, then choose the shadowless trees and shrubs (spruce, lechchina, the canbushnik). On the illuminated boundaries of your possessions, you can land a hawthorn or lilac. Over time, a dense green wall is formed, which will hide from dust, noise and prying views. And, which is surprising, no stone fence protects from the wind as this "wall". Trying to overcome a solid barrier, the strong jets of the wind form a swirl, and as a result, drafts always walk through the other side of the fence. The attitude of the hedge only weakens wind threads, but it is significantly. It is not by chance that windproof strips on the fields are also a kind of live hedge.

Living isges intended for internal zoning are usually created from shrubs or low-spirited trees. They do not have to be very dense and impenetrable, the height can range from the meter to two. For borders, the dwarf shapes of wood-shrub breeds (with a height of 30-40 cm) are good. It may be the Thuja Western (varieties of Danika and Globa), Barbaris Tunberg (Baghal and Kobold), various varieties of lappache shrub and spirea Japanese. They grow very slowly (about 1.5 cm per year), but decorative themselves. Iposle how "balls" crowns are formed, they don't even need to cut. The border helps to emphasize the line of the track or terrace, outline the separation of the garden on the zone (for example, on a lawn and a mulching coating zone), but protect the low ladder or to sweep the flower bed. Borders often create from grassy perennials, say the host. You can achieve a decorative effect in just a year or two this year, but, unfortunately, early in the fall they will lose their appeal.

Special use of living fences - bosets. This is a closed form in the form of a circle, a square or more complex outlines, forming a peculiar green outdoor room. A similar "Hall" can be planted with spicy herbs or a variety of blooming plants of the same color (for example, white, and it will be a white room) or arrange a seating area with swings. The construction of Boschets was fond of Peteri when creating a summer garden. Is it worth saying that they are appropriate only in the regular garden?

Photo S. Markchenko

For lilac fences it is necessary to pick up shrubs of varieties of the same height

Photo O.Voronina

Multicolored "Wall" from Clematis. So you can separate one garden zone from another

IPS / East News

Brick arch, seen with plenty roses

Landing and care

The hedge can be grown independently or purchased ready. Ready for sale in nurseries are adults, already formed and cropped plants in containers. But they are expensive: the cost of one route may exceed $ 800. Therefore, young seedlings are bought more often with a bare root (cost, from 50-100 rubles.).

Economic space, many plant trees or shrubs in one row. But even if the tops of the plants in the single-row hurts are closed, then the base is naked trunks-wedges, stuck in the ground. Optimal for most plants is considered to land in two rows, in a checker order.

With a combination of different plants, their compatibility should be taken into account in many factors (requirements for the composition of soil, humidity, illumination), growth dynamics and a possible negative impact on each other, not to mention aesthetic compatibility.

The frequency of the haircut depends on the breed of selected plants. The trimming is cordialized on average twice in the year in the spring, when shoots are just beginning to grow, and at the end of the season. Beautifully blooming shrubs and trees, of which they create unformed hedges, to stimulate flowering enough light trimming, which is carried out once a year, in the fall. For operation, manual or automatic brush cutters are used (they are also called garden scissors). In the Russian market, they offer them many producers of garden equipment: Concerns BlackDecker and Makita, companies Gardena and Stihl (Germany), Jonsered and Husqvarna (Sweden), Viking (Austria) IDR.

With a brush, most plants are taken off at the bottom, near the earth. Be prepared to plant shrubs, borders or just perennials under them. There is another way to solve this problem, plant the trees "on the stump", that is, cut the ground part, leaving the stump with a height of 10-15 cm. The stumps quickly begin to be covered with a new piglery and after some time will again be denounced from the earth itself. A strong and already formed root system actively nourishes the ground part, and it grows faster than after landing. Weekly species increase when landing "on the stump" is up to 1-1.2m per season.

The editors thanks the landscape architect Alexander Sapelin and Alexander Matveev for help in the preparation of the material.

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