The most detailed guide on interior doors: what better to choose how to check the quality and correctly mount


We are talking about fillers of interroom doors, decorative coatings and structures, we recommend how to check the quality, perform installation and reveal other important points.

The most detailed guide on interior doors: what better to choose how to check the quality and correctly mount 13980_1

The most detailed guide on interior doors: what better to choose how to check the quality and correctly mount

The interior of any apartment or house does not do without interior doors. Even if you decide to leave open opening, at least a canvas will be installed in the bathroom. Let's talk about how to choose interior doors at what stage of repairing make a purchase and make measurements of the opening, how to install systems and check the installation quality.

Selection of interroom doors and accessories

Differences in appearance

By construction

Materials fillers

Decorative coatings

Choosing accessories

Specialists are advised to think about choosing a system at the stage of development of a design project design. But at the same time, it is not necessary to navigate the fashion and their appearance. We still need to evaluate the quality of manufacture and operational characteristics.

What are the interior doors

Traditionally, the systems are divided into shield and fillane. In addition, the popularity of fashionable Tsard varieties is gaining. Mansion cost all-glass products.

  • Fillan design. In the manufacture of products of this type, rectangular or arched philins are inserted into the open frame or binding. The frame can be made according to any of the described technologies or made of wood array (solid or glue). Filins are made from MDF, chipboard, HDF (high density wood-fibrous plate), wood. Filled details isolate sound worse than shielded, - especially this concerns models with flints from thin (6-10 mm) sheet materials. Weak place - junction of the frame with inserts. Because of the oscillations, the parts change their dimensions, while the unpainted spike of Filönka slightly extends from the groove on the frame bar. But this can be avoided if the manufacturer stains (facing) parts of the part separately, it does not use glue when assembling, and screw ties.
  • Cargy design. Conceptually close to Filönchata, but it does not have a closed frame: the cloth consists of side racks, horizontal inserts-Tsarg (wooden or composite planks) of the same or different widths and thickness. Note that they satisfactorily insulate the sound only in the presence of a adhesive puzzle compound or seals between the kings.
  • Shield design. The main parts of such a system are a wooden strapping, a double-sided sheet covering, a filling, designed to put the cloth and improve its soundproofing qualities. The shield canvases differ in the filling material.
  • All-glass cloths. They are performed from the tempered triplex with a thickness of 10-12 mm. They have an air noise insulation index of at least 22 dB, absolutely moisture resistant (manufacturers often recommend putting them in the bathrooms), but are difficult to care.

The most detailed guide on interior doors: what better to choose how to check the quality and correctly mount 13980_3

Differences on constructive type

  • Swing. There are almost any residential premises. Most often it is a single design consisting of a door frame and one plate. Advantage - small size. This allows you to mount it even in small housing with narrow doorways. Bivalve varieties put in the rooms of a large area.
  • Sliding. The name of this species speaks for itself. The sash does not break down, it shifts to the side, frees the disc. At the same time, smoothly moves on the rollers along the steel rail, fixed at the top. It can "leave" in common or navigate along the wall. Such a design looks effectively and saves residential space. In the open position takes less space than the swollen model.
  • Folding. When opening, moving on the guides, while occupying the minimum useful area. Of the minuses you can call bad tightness. For this reason, the sound insulation is very bad.

The most detailed guide on interior doors: what better to choose how to check the quality and correctly mount 13980_4

Options of doors fillers

Paper or cardboard

Such a product is also called Tamburat. The strapping is performed from residuous bars designed to the microcamp of the MDF (wood-fibrous medium density plates) with a thickness of 4-6 mm, and a cardboard or paper cellular aggregate is located between them. Elements glue under the press of waterproof joinery glue.

The Tamburate weighs 8-10 kg, has good soundproof properties (an air noise insulation index of 25-27 dB) is almost not breeding. They are allowed to maintain in length (such a need sometimes occurs when installed in typical bathroom). The main disadvantage is a relatively low resistance to local mechanical effects. MDF plates are tightly building DVP (organity), dents are relatively easily easily appeared on their surface.

Light chipboard

The crowded wood-chip stove is enhanced along the edges of wooden bars, they are trimmed with thin plastic, MDF or HDF to minimize the likelihood of warping, bundle, the appearance of the gap between the tree and the chipboard. Such panels are somewhat heavier than tambular. At the same time, the sound is better, the sound is better (air noise insulation index 27-30 dB).

Wooden bars

The core is recruited from fragmented bars. In essence, it is an engineering array of wood. Without stabilizing sheet sheathing (usually HDF), it is also not to do. By the main characteristics, such models are comparable to chipboard-based products, but are considered more environmentally friendly. They are quite massive, which is reflected in the choice of loops.

Grid of narrow bands Fiberboard and MDF

According to the reviews of professionals, what interior doors are better to choose, it can be concluded that the grill of narrow bands and MDF are an outdated way of manufacture. Now he is occasionally applied by small enterprises. Such models are characterized by a modest price, not very neat performance (visible joints of the facing on the edges, inaccurate geometry), poorly tolerate moisture oscillations (bloating may appear on the trim).

Polyurene Foolder

Polyurethane canvas feature good insulation, maintainability and ease.

The most detailed guide on interior doors: what better to choose how to check the quality and correctly mount 13980_5

Decorative coatings of the canvases

  • Paper-layered plastic (laminatin, melamine film, CPL plastic) - synthetic material based on melamine resins. Extremely persistent, precisely reproduces the texture and texture of the tree, but the drawing on the products of one article will be the same.
  • Polypropylene film (ECOCHPON) - inexpensive artificial coating with a pronounced texture of natural materials, resistant to any operational loads. When heated, it is easily shorted, which allows you to bite the part entirely, without joiners on the rails.
  • PVC film is a soft coating used mainly to simulate monochrome color. The texture of the tree reproduces badly, giving itself the perfect smoothness, unnatural colors.
  • The reconstructed veneer is a facing of brutal (corrupt-in-round) wooden plates of soft rocks glued under the press in the volumetric blanks, then chopped into thin sheets. It has an attractive view. Requires varnishing (color). Moreover, the wear resistance of the surface depends on the quality of the varnish or enamel layer.
  • Natural veneer is an expensive high-quality coating obtained by the traditional method (longitudinal planing of trunks and gliding strips into wide sheets). Used in the manufacture of exclusive models.
  • Enamel (alkyd, polyurethane, etc.) - opaque compounds that are applied to pre-primed (sometimes veneered) surfaces. Oral orders in any color RAL palette are usually performed for an additional fee.
  • Polyester coatings ("high varnish" and "high enamel") - multilayer compositions with mirror glitter; Very roads and not too racks for mechanical influences.

The most detailed guide on interior doors: what better to choose how to check the quality and correctly mount 13980_6

Choice of locks and handles

The lock-latch is often crashed by the manufacturer. It can be ordinary spring or magnetic. Spring devices sometimes triggered harsh, moreover, when the cloth is open, the tongue protrudes from the castle housing - there is a risk of scattering or clinging to clothing. Magnetic latches work almost silently and do not need lubrication throughout the service life. Magnetic devices cost about 20-30% more expensive than normal, while safe and aesthetics, but somewhat inferior on reliability.

Of all the details, the pen is most quickly wearing. Therefore, it is advisable to make it preferably to make well-known manufacturers using modern coating technologies. The item must be maximally useable (without sharp corners and pointed elements). From this point of view, the optimal round nobs, but they are less ergonomic than push handles.

The most detailed guide on interior doors: what better to choose how to check the quality and correctly mount 13980_7

Measurement and purchase

How to measure the opening

When better to make an order

How to check the quality of the product in the store

The process of choice and purchase begins with the measurement. From this will depend, it will have to or do not have to pay more both for the product itself and for its installation. It is much easier to reduce the opening when installing than to face the fact that the cloth acquired with the box does not get up in the designated place. It is necessary to take into account when choosing what interior doors are better for the apartment.

How to perform measurements

The calculation of the opening hole is carried out according to such a formula: the estimated size of the web plus 10 cm in width and 5 cm in height. It is not necessary to do a rough box of the logbook: put the panels without it. But if you want to provide the highest quality and good installation, and at the same time to facilitate the work of the masters, without it, it is not necessary to take into account when preparing the opening. In this case, 10 cm in width and 5 cm in height are added to already existing calculated values.

It is necessary to take into account not only the width and height of the excavation, but also the thickness of the walls. It is different in different rooms: from 5 cm in the bathroom to 20 cm in partitions between rooms, and in rare cases can reach half-meter and even 70 cm (capital partitions in old houses). With a great thickness, the question will definitely be asking for the width of the door box or other, an alternative design version. Here you can use either a simple bar, or a structurally provided fast board (it is an expander or just good), which connects to the door frame through the key (usually attached to the kit).

Externally, a good one should not differ from the box, first of all in color, as its task is also to decorate the doorway. But it is always estimated separately from the installed set. Every 10 cm of the width of the problem increase the total cost of the kit. In order to save, it is possible to make slope instead of buying good. The cost of such a solution is lower than surcharge for additional elements. When redeveloped in new partitions, it is better to make opening of standard size 2055-2060 mm high, 700-710, 800-810, 900-910 width (for single-section systems), 1330-1350, 1530 -1550 mm (for double). It is necessary to take into account the tie of the floor, the floor covering, plaster layers.

The most detailed guide on interior doors: what better to choose how to check the quality and correctly mount 13980_8

At what stage of repairs to make an order

It depends on what interior doors you decide to choose: if these are serial products, it is better not to rush to the order. But when a non-standard size or a special pattern is required, the manufacturer is treated for 3 months (Russian companies) or even six months (foreign) to the intended installation.

It is undesirable to bring products to the object until the end of all the "wet" processes - even packed, additionally looked into the film, they may suffer from high humidity. Blocks must be put after the completion of the main finish: coloring (pastiles by wallpaper) ceilings, walls, laying flooring. At this stage, you can already close the joint of the box with a wall with a platband, only to attach the plinth.

When cosmetic repair, the sequence of actions does not change: ceiling, walls, floor should be prepared. But you can remove your elements to dismantle in the initial phase of the finishing work, then not to damage the outdoor design, wallpaper. In addition, without removing the platbands, it is impossible to accurately determine the dimensions of the openings.

The most detailed guide on interior doors: what better to choose how to check the quality and correctly mount 13980_9

How to check the quality when buying

Before choosing interior doors, professionals advise to check their quality in the store. Make it just:

  • Make sure in the absence of "waves" on face surfaces. For this purpose, the parties are examined in the oblique rays of light. Sheets should not be fed when hand is pressed.
  • Pay attention to the edge: Facing joints must be dense, without gaps. The slightest discharge of the veneer indicates violation of technology.
  • Framework models find out the fillet thickness (they are most often performed from MDF). The minimum value is 14 mm. Otherwise, strength and sound insulation will be critically low.
  • Ensure that there is no chain of small cracks and "grain" on the decoration (the first most often found on the gloss lacquer, the second on the laminated surfaces).
  • Clamped models have a thickness and material of translucent inserts. If their area is up to 50% of the size of the surface, the sheet must have a thickness of at least 6 mm. If it exceeds 50%, it is better to use the tempered glass.

The most detailed guide on interior doors: what better to choose how to check the quality and correctly mount 13980_10

Mounting work and checking their quality

Preparation for installation


Mounting quality check

Installation should be prepared. Especially if we are talking about domestic products, and the apartment is already furnished.

Preparation for mounting

Build blocks of Russian manufacturers usually assumes joinery. They are most often performed using power tools, often not equipped with vacuum cleaners and dust collectors. Therefore, the furniture must be accepted, and on the floor to lay a thick film.

The installation of any interroom system includes the installation of the box, the fastening of the loops, the insertion in the knob of the handle (as well as the lock or the retainer) and the finishing of the passing space, that is, the masking of the gaps between the wall and the box with the help of platbands.

It is possible to carry out the installation of doors only at the completed finish (pasted wallpapers, plastering tiles, applied) and floor.

Difficulties sometimes causes installation in the bathroom. Here in typical houses there is a threshold. If the same model is put in the entire apartment, it is possible to provide a reduced floor level in the bathroom compared to the rest of the apartment. This solves all the problems, and the door item is exactly the same in height, as everywhere. If the threshold is given, you can take care of the order of the sash of the reduced size - shorter from the bottom to the height of the threshold.

Installation Instructions

There are several installation methods. The specific method of installation is often chosen right on the spot, and it depends not only on the competence of the masters. Product class, its material, finishing quality, box design, weight, and features of the wall around the opening are also of great importance.

Fastening on a dowel and screws - the once most common way to install the log box. Before proceeding to work, the edges of the wall are studying - there is no clock, wiring, which screws can hurry. The collected design is inserted into the hole, the position is seduced, secured. Fasteners put in those places of box that go under the loop map (if the loop overhead).

In a strictly vertical position of the shoals, driven by level, then they are brutged with wedges or tighten with screws. It is also important that, when measuring the diagonals of the passing pass, both numeric values ​​coincided. And in order to check whether the possible deviation from the vertical on the behavior of the sash will notify, it is hosted for a sample, pre-lubricating the loop. It is easier to identify whether the deflection has not exceeded the norm and whether the cloth is recorded when opening. Otherwise, an error can be made, the so-called "Reel" when the sash continues to open or close.

All holes in which there are noticeable coarse hats are closed with decorative plugs. It is important that the plug is tightly adjacent to the surface of the jam. With a careful and execution of all work, this method of installation on screws is quite acceptable. Tubes are mounted at the end, according to constructive features. They are either installed using finish carnations and masking the place of attachment by mastic, or fixed on liquid nails that are applied point.

The most detailed guide on interior doors: what better to choose how to check the quality and correctly mount 13980_11

Mounting quality check

General rules

It is necessary to ensure the presence of gaps between the box and the blade (3-4 mm) and the gap below, between the sash and the floor (properly no more than 3-7 mm for the parquet and 11-15 mm for carpet coatings, depending on the height of the pile). Sometimes to improve natural ventilation, the gaps increase to 2 cm. Checking whether the sash opens easily, the lock is neatly lockped and unluckled, the loop will not creak.

Each rack of the box must be attached by frame dowels at least in three points, and when using hidden mounting plates, the number of attachment nodes is desirable to increase to four per rack.

For swing doors

  • Open the sash 45 °. When the unit is installed correctly, it will be hosted in this position.
  • Rate the job of the latch. When closed, the sound of the tongue strike should not be heard.
  • Ensure that the closure when closing does not hide the bars box. Ideally, a 3-4 mm width of 3-4 mm should be made around the perimeter of the sash.

The most detailed guide on interior doors: what better to choose how to check the quality and correctly mount 13980_12

For kickback

  • Pull the cloth down. If it moves with difficulty, and the scrubbing sound is heard from below, it means that the upper rail is fixed unreliable.
  • Measure the gaps between the wall and the web. If they are uneven (for example, below is wider than above), the guides are installed incorrectly.
  • Discover several times at different speeds and close the design - you should not feel hots and jumps, as well as hear the sound of friction and whistle bearings.

The most detailed guide on interior doors: what better to choose how to check the quality and correctly mount 13980_13

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