10 proven receptions in the design of the hallway, which designers recommend everyone


Elena Jeshevich and Designers of the Studio MT Design Interiors - Maria Islamova and Tatiana Ovdiy - shared advice in the design of the entrance zone, which will help turn it into a functional and beautiful room.

10 proven receptions in the design of the hallway, which designers recommend everyone 1405_1

10 proven receptions in the design of the hallway, which designers recommend everyone

1 wardrobe instead of hangers

The big wardrobe is often practical. There you can store not only outerwear, but also seasonal things, household accessories. If the place allows, it is better to prefer the wardrobe open with an open hanger. Designers of the MT Design Interiors studio believe that it will help to avoid excess chaos and better organizes the room.

You can make it differently. "To" hide "built-in furniture, you can paint it into the color of the hallway walls. This technique will make the emphasis on other furniture items or decor elements, "Maria Islamova and Tatyana Ovyi advise.

Elena Jeshevich says that on the facades of the cabinet it is possible to emphasize: "Large furniture items can win at the expense of an unusual finish: a variety of milling facades, saturated color."

  • 7 errors in the planning and design of the interior of the hallway, which often repeat

2 Accent tiles on the floor

And Elena Jeshevich, and designers MT Design Interiors converge in the opinion that in the hallway you can not be afraid of experiments and choose not one-photo, but a bright tile.

"To attract attention and make the floor accent, choose a bright or graphic tile," Tatiana Ovyi and Maria Islamova say.

"The impressive, special floor in the hallway creates a dynamics in space. Apply a bright tile with an unusual print instead of a boring surface. Such a decision will make it possible to issue all the premises more neutrally, but still not lose relevance and character, "Elena Elenevich believes.

10 proven receptions in the design of the hallway, which designers recommend everyone 1405_4
10 proven receptions in the design of the hallway, which designers recommend everyone 1405_5

10 proven receptions in the design of the hallway, which designers recommend everyone 1405_6

10 proven receptions in the design of the hallway, which designers recommend everyone 1405_7

  • Hall with a cabinet in a modern style: ideas for creating a beautiful and comfortable input zone

3 Mirror doors on the cabinets

Designers of the studio MT Design Interiors recommend making mirror facades for the cabinet: "This is a very good reception for an entrance hall. It allows you to add lights and increase even the smallest space. At the same time, we get a mirror in full growth, such an important element for the hallway. "

  • 7 design solutions in the hallway

4 Bright walls

You can use wallpaper or paint. Designers are convinced that the hallway is the place where exactly no need to be afraid of the accent.

"You can and need to be fearlessly apply bright, saturated, deep colors. Standard excuse "Quickly get tired" or "will crush" for the hallway does not work. Here, as a rule, there is little time. Any juicy, saturated color will create an atmosphere, volume will help transform space. If the hallway is small, do not be afraid to apply one color for all walls, the ceiling and the cabinet, it visually dims the boundaries of the room, "Elena Jeshevich advises.

"Floral or geometric pattern on the wallpaper will delight you and create a mood, this is an excellent solution for the input zone," say Tatyana Ovyi and Maria Islamova.

10 proven receptions in the design of the hallway, which designers recommend everyone 1405_10
10 proven receptions in the design of the hallway, which designers recommend everyone 1405_11

10 proven receptions in the design of the hallway, which designers recommend everyone 1405_12

10 proven receptions in the design of the hallway, which designers recommend everyone 1405_13

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5 panel on the entrance door

The entrance door must be entered into the interior of the hallway. If you made repairs after replacing the door or do not plan to change it at all, the pros is recommended how to do in this situation.

Designers Maria Islamova and Tat & ...

Designers Maria Islamova and Tatyana Ovyi:

To harmoniously enter the entrance door to the interior, you can order a lining in the style of all interior doors. If there is a task to hide the front door, the pad must be smooth into the color of the walls.

  • 7 rare techniques in the design of the hallway, to which should be climbed

6 console or chest

Many underestimate these furniture items in the hallway. And in vain.

"The console is generally an indispensable subject for an entrance hall, if there is enough space," Elena Yerashevich believes. - The subject itself is convenient to use, you can always put keys, gloves, other little things, put a handbag. On the console, it is good to organize a beautiful still life, put a seasonal bouquet of flowers or composition. "

According to Tatiana Ovdiy and Maria Islamova, the console will be appropriate in the hallway, and the chest of drawers (to choose): "If you make a chest of drawers to order, you can envisage the maximum number of functions: drawers, soft substrate inside the box for keys and other small items, Separation for sunglasses. "

10 proven receptions in the design of the hallway, which designers recommend everyone 1405_17
10 proven receptions in the design of the hallway, which designers recommend everyone 1405_18

10 proven receptions in the design of the hallway, which designers recommend everyone 1405_19

10 proven receptions in the design of the hallway, which designers recommend everyone 1405_20

  • 7 successful examples of a narrow hallway

7 Disclaimed lighting

Since there are almost always little natural light in the hallway, it needs to be compensated by artificial sources. And it is important that there are several of them.

"For the hallway you need to provide several options for lighting: wallpaper at the wall mirror, one or two table lamps on the console, chandelier or small ceiling lamp, if the ceilings are low. It will be very useful to provide backlight inside the built-in wardrobe, which is included on the door opening, "the designers of MT Design Interiors say.

"Well, when the lighting is organized by zones, there is local and general. If there is such an opportunity, make the passing switches so that you can turn off and turn on the light at the entrance to the hallway on both sides, "Elena Jeshevich advises.

  • 6 ideas that will help let the light into the hallway

8 mirrors as an accent

Elena Jeshevich supports the idea of ​​using mirrors in the hallway. But recommends to make them and functional, and decorative elements at the same time.

Designer Elena Yerashevich:

Designer Elena Yerashevich:

Mirrors, as everyone knows, expand the space, create a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere. It is important to take into account that they are reflected, of course. Mirror can be the whole wall. You can create a decorative composition of mirrors of different sizes. An excellent solution, functional and decorative simultaneously, there will be mirrors of complex forms, round mirrors, with backlight. The reflecting surfaces of the mirrors are aged, bronze, darkened. For different functions, you can select different types of mirror surfaces.

9 pouf or banquette

It is convenient to sit on them to remove shoes or go. Especially if you have little children.

"The form of a banquette (pouf) is better to choose depending on the stylistics of the interior and the size of the room," the designers of MT Design Interiors say.

And Elena Jeshevich recommends this subject of furniture a focus: "The banquette can be an emphasis both at the expense of color and due to unusual form and invoice. Very beautiful is the contrast of smoothly painted walls and a banquette, covered with textured cloth. "

10 proven receptions in the design of the hallway, which designers recommend everyone 1405_24
10 proven receptions in the design of the hallway, which designers recommend everyone 1405_25

10 proven receptions in the design of the hallway, which designers recommend everyone 1405_26

10 proven receptions in the design of the hallway, which designers recommend everyone 1405_27

10 paintings of large format

In the hallway it is impossible to forget about the decor. Tatyana Ovyiy and Maria Islamova recommend paintings and posters of a large format: "In a small space, this technique will allow you to increase the space and arrange accents."

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