Around the orange wall


Repair of a three-bedroom apartment with a total area of ​​76 m2 in the P44T panel house. Estimates.

Around the orange wall 14109_1

Around the orange wall
The hallway equipped with a wardrobe and hanger from IKEA. Silver surfaces of the doors and racks are thoughtfully combined with a lead-gray tone of ceramic tiles on the floor. Important details - thin white strip on the walls under the ceiling and white edges of the doorway

Around the orange wall

Around the orange wall
The living room was increased by 7.6 m2, connecting the area of ​​the hall. For a futuristic chandelier (DZES, Italy) with small light bulbs and point halogen luminaires (OSRAM) installed a lowering transformer. A new wide opening, leading to the private zone, strengthened the same as the opening of the kitchen
Around the orange wall
The wall, along which the whole technique will be placed, painted in a bright orange color (BECKERPLAST 3 paint), which attracts attention to it, as to theatrical scene. "Scene" is highlighted in a blue pylon and a visor, and the next white wall only enhances this contrast

Around the orange wall

Around the orange wall
The threshold of the loggia was separated by laminate, and its wall-wooden panels
Around the orange wall
In the corridor, they created a chungy closed with lattice doors. Mix the washing machine and boiler
Around the orange wall
Summer in the evening from the winter garden, through new, with glass fabrics, loggia doors and transparent curtains made according to Dmitry Fedorov's sketches, the living room looks especially cozy. And during the day there is always a lot of light
Around the orange wall
The living room generously flooded with daylight through new glazing. The heating radiator was mounted on a nearby wall, expanding at an angle of 90
Around the orange wall
In the bedroom, the ceiling design is the same as in the living room and children's. Wicker furniture - from IKEA. Chandelier- Altea (Micron, Italy)
Around the orange wall
All kitchen furniture from "March" is made of Italian semi-finished product in yellow-blue tones
Around the orange wall
Four blue glass glass in a decorative wall, six squares of blue ceramic tiles on the floor and blue facade of kitchen furniture - the whole interior is assembled into a single ensemble
Around the orange wall
Plan before reconstruction
Around the orange wall
Plan after reconstruction

In a rare panel house, the planning of apartments is interesting and convenient, more often, on the contrary. A lot of time and cash goes to correcting the errors of builders and the elimination of shortcomings. But as a result of reorganization and repair and such housing can be quite acceptable for a modern family of three.


Around the orange wall
The opening between the hallway and the living room was issued by the portal, one of whose borders is tilted at an angle 5. Thanks to this, an elegant decorative visor in the living room at the owner of the apartment in the panel house is completely visible to the planning of its planning to the desired level. After all, almost all the walls are carrying here, and nonsense often play a discharge role. Today it will be a three-bedroom apartment in the modern panel house of the P44T series. Total area - 76m2, residential - 44.8m2, ceiling height- 270cm.

Standard layout with isolated rooms and a small corridor is attractive to spacious kitchen with a bucket, as well as two loggias. The outer walls consist of three-layer panels with a thickness of 280mm, lined with decorative bricks outside. The internal bearing walls are reinforced concrete, 140- and 180-millimeters. Partitions have a thickness of 80mm. Cleansing reinforced concrete, 140mm thick. Soknov was lucky: builders have established new heat shielding structures with two-chamber glazing, so there was no need to change them.

Confusion: Dreams and Wishes

Architect Dmitry Fedorov, to which the owners of the apartment applied, began its work on the interior with the fact that he distributed their homework. He asked each family member to describe the future housing on paper. Documented wishes (in the form of small essays written in a free style) served as a reference point for design. The main ideas were: 1- freedom of movement; 2- Zoning the entire area so that each family member can live, no one interfere; 3- Comfort of public seats.


In the panel house of the P44t series, the slabs of the overlap are laid down along the bearing walls, but perpendicular to them. This facilitated the task of the architect, allowing him to demolish the whole partition separating the living room from the corridor. Thus, they pushed the living room border and increased the living area at 7.6 m2. Part of the corridor was given under the boiler room, providing for the place and for the washing machine. The passage to the kitchen was arranged from the living room, amplifying the opening and giving it an irregular form (this brought a special note to the atmosphere). In order not to clutch and so small space of unnecessary furniture (in small-sized apartments of typical houses, as everyone knows, the places are very lacking), in the parent bedroom I had to highlight the corner for a small dressing room. Finally, on a loggia, adjacent to the living room, arranged a cozy winter garden.

Thus, the total area of ​​the apartment, as it is easy to guess, remained the same. However, as a result of the addition of 7.6 m2 of the former lounge and subtraction of 4.3m2 wardrobe room, the living area increased by 3.3m2.


Reconstruction began with dismantling work. The technical boxes in the toilet and the bathroom were broken, drove the opening in the overhaul of the living room and the kitchen, the screed was removed. The onwards of the bedroom and the nursery hung the vestibule. To do this, they cut through and strengthened the opening in the bearing wall, and the new partition was done, as well as niche in the living room, from the plasterboard on the metal frame. In parallel with this, the builders erected a small brick partition in the corridor and the decorative wall in the kitchen. Before starting work, the entire wiring, laid in the affected walls, was de-energized, all horizontal seams between the walls and overlaps "bought" cement mortar. The openings cut through with a diamond circle, that is, without impact influence. In order to avoid falling on the overlap of a large drank blockage of concrete, it was dismembered on separate fragments weighing no more than 30 kg. They were immediately endured in a garbage container so that the accumulated pieces did not load the slab overlap. In front of the slit as a temporary backup, 4 racks made of steel pipes with a diameter of 100mm on the spyers were installed. The backups were dismantled only after enhancing the opening of the welded metal structures from the channel, which was then shuffled along the welded grid.

Then in concrete and brick walls cut the shoes and the electrical cable was laid in them. After that, all the shoes were embellished, the walls were closed with the "Glims" primer and pasted, small irregularities clung to the putty "Fugaphit". The owners wanted to just paint the walls, but the architect advised first to cry with wallpaper and only after that he was painted. After all, the house is new and will still give shrinkage. Entrance went German wallpapers Rasch, primer Scotte Grund and BECKERPLAST 3 paint (Beckers, Sweden). All walls in the apartment were painted (in 2 layers) with a calm warm meter. The exception was the main wall of the living room, along which an Audoviovideo system will be installed (and for now only TV). There the surface was painted into an active orange color.


All electrical work began, as it should be, since the design, with the calculation of the power supply of power consumers. The object all began with a temporary lighting device and power to the working tool. After that, the electrical recorder made the shoes and carried out a cable wiring. In parallel with this, they did the wiring for the so-called "low-current systems" (telephone, intercom, antennas, the Internet). One prerequisite was followed here: the wires of low-current systems should not pass alongside power cables, to avoid interference in the reception and transmission of the signal caused by an electric magnetic field. Before plasterers, the electricians were embellished, the electrician was confirmed in the health of all lines, "calling" using the wire band tester connected in the dispensing boxes.

After preparing the surface of the walls under the final finish (alignment and finishing putty), the electro-loading mechanisms of switches and sockets was mounted. The most recent stage of these works was passed after finishing all the premises (wicked with wallpaper, facing tiles, painting). Then lamps were installed and decorative mechanisms.

In electrical work, used:

Rosettes and switches PRODAX joint production of Hungary-Germany, wires PVS (Russia) 32.5 on the sockets and 31.5 to lighting;

Built-in halogen lamps OSRAM (HUNGARY - Germany) in tail ceilings and living room wall;

Transformers for Italian low-voltage halogen luminaires with a power of 12W at the rate of 1 transformer for 3-5 lamps;

Uzo (device of a protective disconnection in case of current leakage or strong enhancement of humidity in the rooms) to secure the operation of the water heater (boiler) and the washing machine;

A separate NYM34 cable for electric stoves, which connected to a separate machine (all consumers having a power of more than 3kW, as must have connected to separate automans).


Around the orange wall
In the bathroom staged a stretch ceiling (Barrisol). The pallet and the glass door of the shower bought separately in the construction market and mounted on the spot plumbing work began with the dismantling of Santechnibors, which were established by the builders. Water fittings and appliances on hot and cold branches were installed in the following sequence:

Mechanical filters of coarse and fine cleaning, behind them - water meters. Filters protect the system from entering mechanical pollution in Santechnibores and mixers (scale particles from welding, rust, metal chips, etc. - all this may appear in water supply riser as a result of repair work);

Pressure reducer with pressure gauge for water control. This avoids breakdowns of sanitary pribers as a result of pressure in the system;

Collector ("comb") for the wiring of metal-polymer pipes. It is used for separate water supply to consumers of shower and washbasin mixers, toilet, washing machine, boiler, washing. Vavagal cases or to replace the device can always be disabled any consumer separately, without overlapping all water supply in the apartment;

Metal plastic pipes. They are easy to bend and stacked in cramped conditions of a small bathroom. In addition, you can completely avoid pipe connections under the tie, using for this so-called "fan" wiring;

The filter under the washbasin in the kitchen improves the chemical composition of water to indicators of sanitary standards and even higher;

Santechpribor. Toilet, sink, shower and mixers mounted after finishing decoration.

When re-equiping the heating system in residential rooms and only radiators were replaced in the kitchen, since the pipes were new. On the discharge from the risers of hot water, ball valves were placed.


Around the orange wall
Creating this ceiling in the nursery was worth $ 862 with the materials and work (from the installation of the frame, the construction of the design, the stacking of the glass kiss, putty and the primer to the finish color in 2 layers) on the architect's project in all rooms of the apartment, with the exception of the bathroom and hallway, Duplex frame ceilings are made, drywall. The second (lower) level in the living room, the nursery has the outlines of the right quadrangle (and in the bedroom and in the kitchen - asymmetric polygons) and is painted lighter than the main ceiling. This visually increases the height of the premises, adorns the apartment and gives it a peculiar appearance. The center of ceiling compositions have large round recesses in which lamps are placed.

The whole process of creating such simple, but spectacular ceilings from the project and to the finish color was divided into several essential technological stages. First, on the plates of overlaps made the layout of the location of the lamps and wires. The wires were laid without sticking, on point elements of fastening. Then, on the main, basic floors, the carrier metal frame was strengthened for both levels of the ceiling and the top level was crushed. Then the first ceiling level was covered along the seams and painted, otherwise then it would be physically difficult to paint the surface along the walls. After that, right on the floor of the future living room made patterns, according to which it was cut out of the sheets of plasterboard sheatons for the second, decorative level of the ceiling. So made all the elements of the trim and attached to the frame. In order to subsequently avoid cracks during operation and sediment of the house, the entire surface of the plasterboard ceiling was covered with a painting "tautkin" (Tassoglas, Sweden) and the trimming of stacked in 2 layers. After applying the first layer of putty, small holes for the lamps were cut out. The edges of the holes were also punctured by the "cob" and past. At the last stage, the ceilings were painted (in 2 layers) and halogen lamps were installed.

Tile, carpet, laminate

After the construction of the walls and the installation of ceiling structures, we took up the device of a traditional cement-sand tie. Floors in all rooms, except the bathroom, are made on the same level. To prepare the floor, the surface was initially leveled, knocking down all the irregularities, removed the garbage and delivered the "Betokontakt" primer ("Knauf Gyps"). The primer provided a reliable grip with a cement mixture in residential premises and with a layer of bitumen mastic in the bathroom. Here on the mastic, the waterproofing from the rolled material "Hydrokhotloizol", then laid the reinforcing mesh and flooded the floor of the cement-sandy mixture "Birsss 16" - the same as in all other premises. This screed was covered with raw sawdusts and for 28 days (the entire period of ripening) was water from time to time water. Vitoga, the screed rush longer, became stronger and did not give cracks.

Then, at the request of customers, the devimat (DEVI) electric floors mounted in the bathroom and then the tile was laid on the tile glue "Unix". The seams were treated with a special waterproof milei grout. Tile is used in the corridor. On the loggia under the tie, the thermal insulation of the Rockwool thick 50mm is laid, and a ceramic tile is also laid on the tie. Stamped on the substrate from the organity of beds and shot around the edges of the Crochs brackets. The popular and nursery on a well-aligned screed was a soundproofing substrate (polyethylene) and further- "floating" method (without glue, the type of connection- Uniclic) laminated floor covering of Kronospan (Switzerland).

Windows and doors

During construction, quite decent windows were installed in the house, so they did not change them. Both loggias were insulated. Then expanded the area of ​​glazing the living room using the balcony door and the Aquarius window with solid glass canvases. They were put in a slightly enlarged window opening, leaving the loggia. To complete the style of the style of the apartment, textile decoration of windows, made according to the sketches of the architect Dmitry Fedorov. New interior doors lined with veneer "Dark Walnut" - Italian production (ECO / STANDART CIECA, G.L.).

Type of work Scope of work Ral payment, $ Cost, $ Name of materials number Price, $ Cost, $ Total, $
Laying the electrocable, telephone and antenna cable in the strokes 1.5 pog. M. eight 12 Cable set 1.5 pog. M. one 2. fourteen
Electrocabage Laying without Stroke 2 pose. M. 3. 6. Cable set 2 pose. M. 0.5 one 7.
Cement tie device 3.7 m2 eight thirty Dry mixture "Birsss 16" ("Experimental plant of dry mixtures", Russia) 222 kg 0.05 eleven 41.
Alignment of walls 13m2 eight 104. Stucco "Rotband" ("Knauf Gyps", Russia) 91 kg 0,2 eighteen 122.
Grinding wall 16m2. 2. 32. Soil Scotte Grund (Beckers, Sweden) 2.5 L. 4.8. 12 44.
Spike wall 16m2. four 64. Putchable "Fugaphite" ("Knauf Gypsum") 4 kg 0.34. one 65.
Installation of a staircase plasterboard ceiling 4m2. fifteen 60. Plasterboard "KNAUF-LIST" with mounting profiles 4m2. 5.5 22. 82.
Preparation of ceilings under painting (putting off the joints, stacking glass cloth, primer) 4m2. nine 36. Materials Kit - Fiberglass "Pautinca" (Tassoglas, Sweden), Putacure "Fugaphit", Soil Scotte Grund On 4m2 5,7 23. 59.
Laying tiles on the floor 3.7 m2 fifteen 56. Ceramic tile (Sokol, Russia) 3.7 m2 eight thirty 86.
Installation of plinth 5 pose M. 3. fifteen Plinth Unilin Decor (Belgium) 5 pose M. 3,3. 17. 32.
Painting ceiling 4m2. 7. 28. BECKERPLAST 3 paint (Beckers) 0.5 L. four 2. thirty
Casting walls by wallpaper 16m2. four 64. Wallpapers for painting Rasch (Germany) 16m2. 1,7 27. 91.
Painting Walls 16m2. 3. 48. BECKERPLAST 3 paint 2 L. four eight 56.
Installation of the lamp 1 PC. eight eight OSRAM lamp (Germany) 1 PC. fifteen fifteen 23.
Installing outlets and switches 2 pcs. five 10 Prodax electrical installation (Hungary - Germany) 2 pcs. 3. 6. sixteen
Installation of electrical panel 1 PC. fifty fifty Electroshet AV (Germany) 1 PC. fifty fifty 100
Installation of automata 5 pieces. eight 40. AVV machines 5 pieces. 12 60. 100
Installation of Uzo. 2 pcs. twenty 40. Uzo avv 2 pcs. fifty 100 140.
TOTAL 703. TOTAL 405.
TOTAL 1108.
Living room and tambour
Cutting of openings in the bearing walls and their strengthening 4,5m2 54. 243. Disk with diamond spraying Bosch (Germany), Drill Makita (Japan) Set 594. 594. 837.
Laying the electrocable, telephone and antenna cable 25 pog. M. 5.5 138. Cable set 25 pog. M. one 25. 163.
Alignment of walls 43m2. eight 344. Stucco "Rotband" 301kg 0,2 60. 404.
Grinding wall 43m2. 2. 86. Soil Scotte Grund. 6 L. 4.8. thirty 116.
Spike wall 43m2. four 172. Putchal "Fugaphite" 11 kg 0.34. four 176.
Tie device 21,5m2. eight 172. Dry mix "BIRS 16" 1290 kg 0.05 65. 237.
Device of stitched two-level ceilings 21,5m2. twenty 430. Plasterboard "KNAUF-LIST" with mounting profiles 32.7 m2 eleven 360. 790.
Preparation of ceilings under painting 32.7 m2 nine 294. Fiberglass "Pautinca", Putailed "Fugaphit", Soil Scotte Grund 32.7 m2 5,7 186. 480.
Painting ceiling 32.7 m2 7. 229. BECKERPLAST 3 paint 3 L. four 12 241.
Casting walls by wallpaper 43m2. four 172. Wallpapers for painting Rasch (Germany) 43m2. 1,7 73. 245.
Painting Walls 43m2. 3. 129. BECKERPLAST 3 paint 4 L. four sixteen 145.
Installation of lamps 10 pieces. eight 80. Osram lamps 10 pieces. 10 100 180.
Installation of chandeliers 1 PC. eight eight Chandelier Dzes (Italy) 1 PC. 197. 197. 205.
Installation of heating radiator 1 PC. fifty fifty Radiator Sira (Italy) 1 PC. 80. 80. 130.
Installing outlets and switches 10 pieces. four 40. Wiring Products Prodax 10 pieces. 3. thirty 70.
Installation of laminated flooring 21,5m2. eight 172. Laminated floor covering Kronospan (Switzerland) with a substrate and plinth 21,5m2. 10 215. 387.
TOTAL 2759. TOTAL 2047.
TOTAL 4806.
Laying electrocable 26 pog. M. 5.5 143. Cable set 26 pog. M. one 26. 169.
Installation of lamps 7 pcs. eight 56. Ospam lamps 7 pcs. 10 70. 126.
Cement tie device 12,6m2 6. 76. Dry mix "BIRS 16" 756 kg 0.05 38. 114.
Construction of partitions 3,5m2 fifteen 53. Plasterboard with mounting profiles "Knauf Gypsum" 3.5 m2. 5.5 nineteen 72.
Alignment of walls 41m2. eight 328. Stucco "Rotband" 287 kg 0.34. 98. 426.
Grinding wall 41m2. 2. 82. Soil Scotte Grund. 6 L. 4.8. 29. 111.
Spike wall 41m2. four 164. Putchal "Fugaphite" 11 L. 0.34. four 168.
Installation of a stitched ceiling 12,6m2 10 126. Plasterboard "KNAUF-LIST" with mounting profiles 22m2. eleven 242. 368.
Preparation of ceilings under painting (putting off the joints, stacking glass cloth, primer) 20m2. nine 180. Materials set (fiberglass "Pautinka", putty "Fuganfit", soil Scotte Grund) At 20m2 5,7 114. 294.
Painting ceiling 22m2. four 88. BECKERPLAST 3 paint 3 L. four 12 100
Casting walls by wallpaper 41m2. four 164. Wallpaper Painting Rasch 41m2. 1,7 70. 234.
Painting Walls 41m2. 3. 123. BECKERPLAST 3 paint 5 L. four twenty 143.
Installation of laminated flooring 12,6m2 eight 101. Laminated floor covering Kronospan with a substrate and plinth 12,6m2 10 126. 227.
Installing the door block 1 PC. 40. 40. Door unit ECO / STANDART CIECA (G.S.L., Italy) 1 PC. 265. 265. 305.
Installing outlets and switches 3 pcs. four 12 Wiring accessories 3 pcs. 3. nine 21.
Installation of heating radiators 1 PC. fifty fifty Radiator Sira. 1 PC. 80. 80. 130.
TOTAL 1786. TOTAL 1222.
TOTAL 3008.
Bedroom and dressing room
Erecting walls (partitions) Wardrobe 11m2 fourteen 154. Plasterboard "KNAUF-LIST" with mounting profiles 11m2 eleven 121. 275.
Laying the electrocable, telephone and antenna cable 26 pog. M. 5.5 143. Cable set 26 pog. M. one 26. 169.
Cement tie device 13,2m2 6. 79. Dry mix "BIRS 16" 792 kg 0.05 40. 119.
Installation of a stitched ceiling 13,2m2 twenty 264. Plasterboard "KNAUF-LIST" with mounting profiles 23m2. 22. 506. 770.
Preparation of ceilings under painting (putting off the joints, stacking glass cloth, primer) 23m2. nine 207. Materials set (fiberglass "Pautinka", putty "Fuganfit", soil Scotte Grund) On 23m2. 5,7 131. 338.
Painting ceiling 22m2. four 88. BECKERPLAST 3 paint 3 L. four 12 100
Alignment of walls 44m2. eight 352. Stucco "Rotband" 308 kg 0.04. 123. 475.
Grinding wall 65m2. 2. 130. Soil Scotte Grund. 8 L. 4.8. 38. 168.
Spike wall 65m2. four 260. Putchal "Fugaphite" 8 kg 0.34. 3. 263.
Casting walls by wallpaper 65m2. four 260. Wallpaper Painting Rasch 65m2. 1,7 111. 371.
Coloring walls 65m2. 3. 195. BECKERPLAST 3 paint 8 L. four 32. 227.
Installation of built-in luminaires 6 pcs. 7. 42. Osram lamps 6 pcs. 10 60. 102.
Installation of chandeliers 1 PC. eight eight Chandelier Altea (Micron, Italy) 1 PC. 229. 229. 237.
Installation of laminated flooring 6,2m2 eight fifty Laminated floor covering Kronospan with a substrate and plinth 6,2m2 10 62. 112.
Flooring carpet 7m2. five 35. Carpet Mikado 213 (Domo, Belgium) 7m2. nine 54. 89.
Installation of heating radiators 1 PC. fifty fifty Radiator Sira. 1 PC. 80. 80. 130.
Installing outlets and switches 4 things. four sixteen Wiring Products Prodax 4 things. 3. 12 28.
Installation of the door block 1 PC. 40. 40. Door unit (ECO / STANDART CIECA, G.S.L.) 1 PC. 265. 265. 305.
Installation of the door block in the dressing room 1 PC. 40. 40. Door block (ATP, Russia) 1 PC. 188. 188. 228.
TOTAL 2413. TOTAL 2093.
TOTAL 4506.
Kitchen and corridor
Laying pipes water supply 8 pose. M. 5.5 44. Pipes of metal-polymer 8 pose. M. 6. 48. 92.
Laying the electrocable, telephone and antenna cable 12 pose M. 5.5 66. Cable set 12 pose M. one 12 78.
Cement tie device 16.8 m2 6. 79. Dry mix "BIRS 16" 1008 kg 0.05 fifty 129.
Alignment of walls 45.5m2. eight 364. Stucco "Rotband" 319 kg 0.34. 108. 472.
Grinding wall 45.5m2. 2. 91. Soil Scotte Grund. 6 L. 4.8. 29. 120.
Spike wall 45.5m2. four 182. Putchal "Fugaphite" 11 kg 0.34. four 186.
Painting Walls 50m2. 3. 150. BECKERPLAST 3 paint 6 L. four 24. 174.
Device of stitched ceilings 16.8 m2 twenty 336. Plasterboard "KNAUF-LIST" with mounting profiles 25m2. eleven 275. 611.
Preparation of ceilings under painting (putting off the joints, stacking glass cloth, primer) 25m2. nine 225. Materials set (fiberglass "Pautinka", putty "Fuganfit", soil Scotte Grund) 25m2. 5,7 143. 368.
Painting ceiling 25m2. 3. 75. BECKERPLAST 3 paint 3 L. four 12 87.
Laying ceramic tiles on the floor 5m2. fifteen 75. Ceramic tile "Falcon" 5m2. eight 40. 115.
Laying of laminated flooring 11.8M2. eight 94. Laminated floor covering Kronospan with a substrate and plinth 11.8M2. 10 118. 212.
Installation of heating radiator 1 PC. fifty fifty Radiator Sira (Italy) 1 PC. 80. 80. 130.
Installing outlets and switches 6 pcs. four 24. Wiring Products Prodax 6 pcs. 3. eighteen 42.
Installation of lamps 10 pieces. eight 80. Osram lamps 10 pieces. 10 100 180.
Installation boiler 1 PC. 47. 47. Ariston Boiler (Italy) 1 PC. 200. 200. 247.
Installing a washing machine 1 PC. thirty thirty Washing machine Ariston 1 PC. 400. 400. 430.
TOTAL 2012. TOTAL 1661.
TOTAL 3673.
Construction of partitions from ceramzitobetone 19m2. 12 228. Ceramzit concrete blocks ("TPA UNITE", Russia) 19m2. nine 171. 399.
Alignment of walls 19m2. eight 152. Stucco "Rotband" 133 kg 0.04. five 157.
Grinding wall 19m2. 2. 38. Soil Scotte Grund. 2 L. 4.8. 10 48.
Spike wall 19m2. four 76. Putchal "Fugaphite" 4.75 L. 0.34. 2. 78.
Stroshings of walls under the wiring of pipes and under the wiring 16 pog. M. 3. 48. - - 00. 00. 48.
Laying of water supply and sewage pipes 8 pose. M. five 40. Pipes of metal-polymer 8 pose. M. 6. 48. 88.
Laying electrical cable 8 pose. M. four 32. Cable set 8 pose. M. one eight 40.
Cement screed device with waterproofing 3.9M2 10 39. Dry mix "BIRS 16" 240 kg 0.05 12 57.
"Hydrosteclozol" ("Philicharovly", Russia) 4,5m2 1,3. 6.
Installation of floor heating system 3m2. twenty 60. Devimat (Devi, Denmark) 1 set 120. 120. 180.
Installing water purification filters 2 pcs. twenty 40. Filters ("Rus Filter", Russia) 2 pcs. thirty 60. 100
Facing wall tiles 19m2. fourteen 266. Tile "Falcon" 19m2. eight 152. 418.
Laying tiles on the floor 3.9M2 eleven 43. Tile "Falcon" 3.9M2 eight 31. 74.
Installation of stretch ceiling 3.9M2 00. 00. Stretch ceiling Barrisol (France) with mounting 3.9M2 70. 273. 273.
Installation of toiletza 1 PC. 40. 40. Unitaz Nordic (Gustavsberg, Sweden) 1 PC. 179. 179. 219.
Installation of washbasin 1 PC. twenty twenty Washbasin 1 PC. 200. 200. 220.
Installation of towel rail 1 PC. twenty twenty Electric Warmos-VK Heated Towel (Warmos, Finland) 1 PC. 155. 155. 175.
Installation of the shower cabin 1 PC. 80. 80. Shower cabin (Russia) 1 PC. 140. 140. 220.
Installing outlets and switches 4 things. four sixteen Wiring Products Prodax 4 things. 3. 12 28.
Installation of built-in luminaires 4 things. 7. 28. Osram lamps 4 things. 10 40. 68.
Installation of the door block 1 PC. 40. 40. Door unit Eco / Standart Cieca 1 PC. 265. 265. 305.
TOTAL 1306. TOTAL 1889.
TOTAL 3195.
The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

Around the orange wall 14109_19

Architect: Dmitry Fedorov

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