Room of children Captain


Scientific approach to "filling" for the children's room: the most simple formula for success - planes, tanks and warm, soft floor.

Room of children Captain 14247_1

Room of children Captain
Photo M.Stepanov.

Life for the city is a special segment of childhood. I remember all my life. Drops and sunsets come through the "star" windows. Over the head of the roof of his "house" - child expectation of the holiday will remain for a long time

Room of children Captain
Architect V. Gerasimov.

Photo V.Nepledova.

A good option to solve the room with two beds. A little heavy and old-fashioned

Room of children Captain
Designer V.Sashkova.

Photo by D.Minkina. A window for a small young lady, draped table, a gentle chair and light wallpaper. It's simple here, but cozy. Removing something - an atmosphere can not change

Room of children Captain

Bright lamps love not only girls. They should be in the kid's room initially. The evolution of taste will be shown over time

Room of children Captain
If the child loves the machine, and the interior sets up on the "marine" way, then the owner wins
Room of children Captain

Such bright, "delicious" accessories that you want to lease. Or bite off a piece

Room of children Captain

Room of children Captain
Architect N. Lesseeva.

Photo by D.Minkina.

Room of children Captain

Such a workplace will enjoy any adult, but it will be a small "colleague"

Room of children Captain
Architect V. Gerasimov.

Photo V.Nepledova.

Her Majesty is a two-level bed! Children beat her infinitely! True, you need to accept additional time to lay sleep

Room of children Captain

Unusual shape shelf will take and pencils, and brushes

Room of children Captain
Room of children Captain
Architect D. Fedorov.

Photo M.Stepanov.

Very a lot of air and light. A lot of space for creativity with a limited area of ​​the room

Room of children Captain

Compact and mobile. The young owner with great pleasure "plays" in this transformer

Room of children Captain

Options for a funny, but business owner. The most "important" solutions will be accepted easily and easily

Room of children Captain
Architect S. Roerofeev.

Photo P. Lebedeva

Room of children Captain
Room of children Captain

Successfully zoning a limited space can not only with the help of different levels, but also furniture

Do you know who, perhaps, was the most interesting child? In children Captain Grant. It included oceans, islands and continents. The children in it grew, indignant, hardened. The enforcement of their further living choice do not have to doubt. Why don't we extract from this certainly a positive example maximum benefit and do not try to create a launch site? For all the best, life-in-law, healthy. Let our children possess these qualities. To, if it is not easy for a uninhabited island, they could save us.

Chapter 1. Big Swimming

Young Mary and Robert (actually, the Children of Captain Grant) was quite and very difficult. Their purposeful father went to search for the island to create a Scottish colony. Hompor. A letter sent to them with the help of a bottle mail with the coordinates of its location was delivered to the shark on board the yacht "Duncan". Accidentally. But it all started.

What was in the yacht undoubtedly useful in terms of medicine, so it is its ecological purity. Tree, metal, high-quality finish and comfortable conditions. Beautiful kitchen (Olbinet cook). Perfect ventilation and wonderful insolation of premises. Sea air. Abundance of gymnastic exercises for a teenage boy provided a rigger. The girl was also not deprived of attention. It was influenced by a positive example of the wife of the yacht owner and daily unobtrusive training in the field of etiquette, personal hygiene-usual problems for young age. Add to this the first nascent mutual feeling, and you will get the most ideal forming environment. Such are the unconditional advantages.

But there are plenty of minuses. A relatively low fence (you can fall into water), the lack of security system (easy to crawl from the mast). Plus the problems of acclimatization, the risk to detect the sea disease, allergic to some tropical plant. Do not forget the negative anthropogenic factor. All this was aggravated by constant nervous tension, anxiety and uncertainty. A modern child in such an atmosphere would surely got a whole bouquet of diseases. But the innocent people of the distant era did not think about it. The immunity of young rescuers was at the height, the environmental situation too. Achto to absurdity, then they were adequately represented by Mr. Pagannel, who, strictly speaking, contributed to the growth of adrenaline throughout the journey.

But we break up for some time from the literature and proceed to unconditional things. My interlocutors - a pediatrician pediatrician Margarita Marholia and Children's psychologist Elena Efimova.

From the point of view of medicine

  • It is desirable that the children is oriented to the east or southeast windows.
  • The child is better to sleep heads to the window, on a tough mattress.
  • As for the windows of the window, the blinds still do not install. "Agree," says Margarita Gennadievna, "it's hard to rinse the blinds, consisting of small plates. From the curtains it is necessary that if necessary, they are well shaded the room."
  • Regarding locking and closing windows, the recommendations are extremely clear. The windows can be laid as notable, the main thing is that the mechanism is reliable and is not available for "small, but already curious."
  • More about locking. For my question about the inner door castle, the doctor did not give an unequivocal response. Teenage age is emotionally complicated. The child may wanted to more clearly delimit its world and the world of adults and require the installation of the inner lock (it is to demand that the ultimativity of the statements is very characteristic for the transition period). Here adults are at a crossroads: to take into account the demand of the child, it means to lose physical and psychological control over its "autonomous territory", refuse to make a conflict. Tightening military operations are not good. It remains the third: negotiations and partial concessions. But the path is the thorny. In general, the question of the inner castle is rather a matter of confidence in the child to parents and vice versa. The point of view of the psychologist is more categorical: "The castle is needed (as recognition of the personal borders of the child), but its design should allow opening the door and outside."
  • Materials - hypoallergenic. As for floor coatings, it is better to prefer the carpet, since "the authorities of the covered floors will always be removed for cleaning the place."
  • The window glass is well to strengthen the impassable film, in order to avoid nasty small fragments when the ball gets into it.
  • Surely you have repeatedly read about the horrors of sharp angles, slamming doors, frivolous switches and trusting wiring. In love with a wheelchair and slider shop, you will gladly show a rich set of tools to protect the helpless household items from young experimenters. Spend on this some time, although practice shows that the inquisitive young mind is easily overwhelmed by all obstacles.
  • More about autonomy. Very seductive "select" Krikun in a separate room, providing it with a Baby-war. On this, the pediatrician says the following: "Now fashionable point of view that babies feel calmer with mom. It gives children a sense of security and love. It seems to me that the two years can already try" (providing a separate bedroom to the child. . The psychologist adheres to other opinions: "The main criterion for solving this issue is the physical health of the newborn and mother. If the condition of both allows, it is better to immediately take the child a separate place in the apartment, keeping the inviolable bedroom of the parents, their personal marriage space. Lockers - its own territory, their own interests and relationships, a child, and every transition of these borders create problems for all family members. If there is no possibility for separate living and a child (baby objectively, that is, from the point of view of a children's doctor, needs additional attention or woman Forces to confront the traditions of the family), then you need to stay with the child. "
  • About lighting. Risching seems to be annoying, repeating well-known: the lighting should be diverse and correspond to the zoning of space (working, play area, sleeping place). It is convenient to adjust the brightness. As for the nights for infants, it is preferable to yellow scattered light. Mandatory requirement of the safety of all electrical appliances. By the way, do not think that the baby needs the light all the time. Rather, it is done for parents. Later, when the child is growing and will go to the toilet independently at night, constantly lighting will be required. But you need to explain the baby that it is done for convenience, so that he saw the road, and not to "God forbid, something happened."

Chapter 2. Accident and Relvoy

What should be in the nursery? We are not talking about some common, the same for all norms. Entry of the family establishes their rules that are followed by her members. Nevertheless, how to orient a child in everyday life so he learned these home rules easily and trouble-free? The psychologist Elena Efimova determines the circle of topics that require study, so:
  • Things must be in order, let the child himself install. In addition, security rules must be observed: do not burn candles without adults, do not store flammable substances, etc.
  • One of the main criteria for the development of a child to three years is the formation of sensory perception (experience of comprehension and awareness of color, taste, forms, size, smell of surrounding items). Thus, the personal space of the baby must be filled with this variety. Spiny and soft, light and dark, rustling and silent, sour, etc. Should surround a child in the younger age. Externally, it can be expressed in a certain parent style, but materials it is desirable to choose, taking into account the needs of the younger family member in sensory development.

    Toy toys, naturally, also acquires not himself. He persogently perceives what they put and hang around adults. The only thing he wants is splashing brightness into the eyes. And as soon as it starts (as it seems) to clearly display the surrounding reality on paper, this desire to intervene in the process of decorating its own space. Teenage period is fraught with posters on the walls. The aesthetic sense of parents can be undergoing a serious test: football players, pop rock events and elves in the afternoon ... Any parent knows that the struggle will not lead to anything. At the end of the ends, I will learn for the art of collage or nonsense. The main thing is the child develops, its interests becomes wider.

  • About the absurdity. There is nothing rider and meaningless than soft toys. These are wonderful dust collectors, ideal stains, bright and non-functional spots, saving gift options, when it is not clear what to give. They have no advantages. Therefore, do not occupy the sacred habitat of your child. For materials from which these monsters are made far from always correspond to sanitary standards. Such toys are difficult to clean. In addition, they are unstable and can easily cause the fall of the beginning to walk the kid on the angular object. And, between us, it is generally incomprehensible how to play them. There is only one kind of lovely friends who should be each, are bears that guard children's dreams. So better Jacques Pagannel than a teddy dinosaur in a natural value. Note: We are talking about banal "Okolokaysky" toys from roadside shops.

More about loose. This time about the absurdity of a different kind of templates. When they are preparing a child "dowry" to extract from the maternity hospital, a condamy scheme begins to work: a blue-boy, a pink-girl. For the hospital, anything, but the trouble is that all this pink-blue rustic-pomponchik is projected into a nursery. Or cells. Or bows. Or the monstrous number of cloth bears in the corners. Baby not before that, honestly! Here is the color of the ceiling or a canopy over the crib - another thing. As for the color orientation, it is also not unconditional. Boys often love red t-shirts and orange sofas. Advisions are sometimes not averse to humil around the room of heavenly color and play the car.

And absolutely everyone likes bright and contrasting colors. You need evidence - see illustrations, kindly granted to me with a cute girl Nastya. Bright colors are needed by her day, and at night (Weathered Fluorescent Plastic Figures). Active girl in the interior project of his room allocated an orange cabinet, an orange table and a wonderful bed of color of the Cuban Carnival. And not a single bunch drew. Now, the blue-marine time does not always like the boys, because they are not so often reading Stevenson and Jules Verne. The ports do not want to exhibit the model of tanks, airplanes and cars.

In general, parents, observe the neutrality! Let the walls be blond and non-smacks, let the frieze of the donkey, floweries, giraffes and God know what does not turn into an obsessive idea. Multicolored geometry is much better spoiled fantasy than all cartoon plots in the world. Do not make a children's neatly reduced copy of the Cabinet in the ampir style or Bouire in Rococo style. It will be nice and comfortable in such a room. Helmo- your cute fidget and a dispute? However, if you have already decided everything, I was late with my advice.

Chapter 3. Plan and Route

Jules Verne sent his heroes to swim in the 38th parallels, since the note of Captain Grant was damaged and the second coordinates did not turn out to be ... Standing on the threshold of an empty and bodied room, which should turn into a nursery, parents first remember his own childhood And think in two directions: let it be also cozy as me; Let him get anything to me. Agotum begins to think about the functional filling of the space. Ivot, folding this mosaic from memories, good wishes and practical considerations, caring adult chooses places to search for filling. That is for furniture.

In principle, furniture for children is not needed. The meaning that they do not like to choose it and do not know how. It is always nice when an adult asks the child what he likes, and provides him with a certain freedom of action. But the baby, as a rule, is distracted by the little things, looks at accessories, playing and strives to climb where it is usually not allowed. The adherent salon "Hummingbirds" is allowed to do anything, and they play with pleasure, they are loyal and do not interfere with their parents to indulge in a responsible and long-term work and layout.

Do you know what piece of furniture do children love most? Bunk bed. Sometimes they call it a two-story, sometimes double, but always like. However, a two-story bed is not a bed, but a structure that can be climbed from which you can jump, etc. Adevochka Nastya, depicting his dream children, the second floor intended for a cousin. He often comes to visit, so it is absolutely necessary for him. My son, such a bed seems to be a house, and someone supplies it with curtains. You can play the train. And even if there is no separate children's apartment in your apartment, and there is just the territory of the child, the bunk bed will create a room in the room. I will add that it is not necessary to use both beds. The lower tier can be successfully transformed into a mini-cabinet - sustainable its owner, convenient for cleaning.

The second in the ranking of furniture addious wardrobe. Also a construction. On the inner street of the Children's City, he becomes a bank, then something like the Town Hall. Young people keep their mess in it, young ladies. And those and others are equally not indifferent to the game hide and naturally, with the participation of this cabinet. Modern wardrobes are not as romantic as hippopidate monsters Stalin and poststalin eras. And you will not hang on the doors. But it is practical that they are practical, because comfort is placed in themselves as wenners and containers with a great diversity of the cementing. In addition, modern designs are neutral like Switzerland. Well, except that the doors are concerned about the rollers, but about injury - seemish. A practical parent will try to supply the room with such a wardrobe. But the child who grew up to the ten-year-old age can wish said hippopotamus, and a completely indescribable coloring. However, you will resolve questions in progressive order by that time and may agree to the compromise. KRYMERA, allow the child to paint the doors on their own.

In third place by popularity, desktop. First of all, because in the reign on it, the chaos is very easy to find the right thing. Try to offer the opportunity to clean up order, it will immediately lose half of its values. Willow will be to blame. Many love to have a children's table by the window. There are many arguments for and against, but my personal position is as follows: it is not worth it. First, the view outside the window prevents concentrate. Secondly, the window can blow. Finally, thirdly, there is no wall that is comfortable to hang pictures, schedule of lessons, notes with reminders and comic postcards, photos, etc., and so on. So give the child a piece of wall. Help care to fall the daylight to the left. However, artificial too. It is convenient to still have a punching bedside table for a computer and an end with drawers (also on wheels). Environmental than a mobility, the more fun and more dynamic.

In the fourth place. They may argue with me, but I will hardly defend my point of view. The sofa can be the continuation of the table or floor, then part of the cabinet (it depends on the component of the room). Sometimes he is treacherously confused under his feet, sometimes a certain number of laughing people pluck on him, but the floor is preferred. There's random. Yes, and the protest element is obvious. Adults are loved when on a sofa and handles on the knees. Ayuy creatures are lying on the floor. And yet the sofa is needed. It is clearly relaxing, thinking, mourning your failures and just dorm. Finally, he can serve as a bed. But either because of this image, or because of the fact that he is perceived as a disguised alien from the world of adults, the sofa is alarming.

And absolutely relative thing is a bookcase. Hang the shelves, the good the ubiquitous trend is that they are leading, leaving conservative cabinets far behind. But, again, if the stylization conquered you and does not give rest of the ambulance in the living room, let it be a closet, of course.

By the way, about styles. Starting from these words, we turn to the "final part of the Merlevon Ballet." The last conversation will be with the architect. He will be aware of such a difficult question like ...

Chapter 4. Stumbling Stumbling Stumbling

One of the most trouble-free writing is the description of verses and shipwrecks. So, in order to bypass underwater stones and achieve calm waters of the bay, it would be nice to have experienced Lotsmana. This pilot can be an architect, designer, decorator, and the location of the room with the coordinates of the protrusions, niches, window openings and, of course, the orientation of the room on the sides of the world.

An architect Vera Gerasimov from the design studio "Arnat" is completely able to withstand the examination of the title-Lotsman. According to her deep conviction, the children should differ from other rooms, it is easier, brighter, contrast. There are still easy in shape and humane in relation to the child's furniture. Say, straight angles of constructivist objects can injure the baby. And in general, this style, as well as Japanese, is not very good for children. Raid on such children's furniture is small. Separately I want to talk about the maritime topic. It is stably in demand. Why?

Many I asked this question, and the answers received approximately the same. Idizaners, and sellers The phenomenon of the popularity of the "marine" furniture was explained by the inevitable romanticism of the generation of parents. Children's books with boys in sailors, children's impressions of adventure literature, materialized in the furniture headset. Round portholes, copper inserts, imitation of noble tick - what could be better? It turnsuses that among these scenery, Chado will grow sweet and dreamy. Before decorate the room with chests, engravings with the image of frigates, hemispheres and lamps in the form of sailboats so easily. The image is completed, but it will be difficult to build your "I" in the image invented by adults! And if your child is pragmatik? If the circle of his interests does not cover the water area of ​​all seas? If a collector of automobiles, aircraftist, a collector of puzzles or "Computer worm"? However, in any case, you should not count on the gratitude of the child. All the same it turns out that he wanted something else.

Next mighty furniture layer toys. I mean that furniture that depicts something. KRYMERA, BED-car, boat bed, sofa bear (flower, telepusik, etc.). All this balances on the verge of Kitcha. In addition, the subject may not "fit out" into the situation in dimensions or stay in proud loneliness, since it is difficult to choose a harmonious neighbor. And the child will grow, in the end, from this boat. Inach painful meditation, where unnecessary "wealth" is to rush.

Just do not think that I am against diversity. I am against dictate. We need planes, capacities and warm, soft half of the most simple formula for the success of the children's room.

  • About plants. Young and mobile creation does not sear off with outdoor pots. If not dropping, the land rises. Aoooo, the resulting leaves is commemorated. The graceful child may be interested in green window friends from a cognitive point of view. There are the greatest danger of plants with milky juice, spiners, dense cutting leaves. Not recommended, of course, flowers with a sharp smell, identified as allergens, as well as gentle plants that need constant attention. Teens to flowers are different. Someone gives pleasure from the plants, someone swallows cacti at the monitor, someone wants palm trees in a pot. Council One: Look for unpretentious views.
  • About sport. Wamalchish and girls are often sports accessories (skates, helmets, knee pads, elbows, ski boots, scooters, boxing gloves ...). Well, if you have an iron will and a firm intention to develop yourself and a child harmoniously. Then the wall, and expander, and the treadmill will be successfully serving you and your offspring, paying for funds spent on them. But if you are not ready for your example to inspire Chado on sports feats, it is better not to clutch the room. Otherwise, the child will occasionally hang on the rings or wall, knocking into something unsafe. AU will gradually begin to stitch nerves.

The final

In the children of Captain Grant, everything ended as it is impossible. Harry Grant found. Mary got married. The son, naturally, became a sailor and continued his father's case. Even Pagagnell, in the end, married. So the huge children made a lot of good. But this is almost a fairy tale, and our children may not be so perfect. Or be far from perfect. But, nevertheless, they are the most beloved children. The main thing is that the parents are captains. Other than the probability of Happy End will be very large.

The editors thanks the furniture salon "Hummingbirds", the design studio "Arnat" and personally Margarita Marchalia, Elena Efimov for help in the preparation of the material.

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