Fourth dimension


Three-bedroom apartment (104.8 m2) with the plot development of space. The project conquered the first award at the Samara Competition "Season of the Interior".

Fourth dimension 14287_1

Fourth dimension
Bright walls and columns - business card interior. They visually expand the space and beat the antique theme inherent in the project.
Fourth dimension
The rigidity of the TV shape contrasts with smooth lines of cabinets and sofas
Fourth dimension
Glass countertops of dining and coffee tables give furniture grace and weightlessness
Fourth dimension
Light transparent curtains seem to erase the border between the interior and the external space
Fourth dimension
A wooden staircase by an architect sketch leads from the living room directly to the roof. Podium is made of natural granite
Fourth dimension
The monochromy of the finishing materials revives the elements of the decor. Bright pillows invade the colors of the picturesque panel
Fourth dimension
Dark wood frames contrast with blond walls and ceiling. They define vertical rhythm, opposition

Rustic partitions

Fourth dimension
An anti-aircraft lantern in the kitchen hides the mezzanine. His halogen backlight creates the illusion of daylight
Fourth dimension
Wooden shelves design echoes the ladder design - both designs are typed from contrasting wooden elements
Fourth dimension
The bedroom color is completely different from the guest area. Deep blue colors create a feeling of rest
Fourth dimension
Tabletop washbasin in the bathroom made to order from natural granite
Fourth dimension
Rusted wall with arch and column - postmodern interpretation of ancient traditions. I firmly fit the sculpture that the owner chose himself
Fourth dimension
Plan before reconstruction
Fourth dimension
Plan after reconstruction

The apartment, in contrast to the country house, always limits the creative freedom of the architect. After all, in fact, it is just a rectangular box. What can I do with it? Remove a few partitions? Play with the height of the suspended ceilings? It is not for nothing that work with apartments is more suitable for the decorator. The object submitted on our pages is an exception to the rules. There is a "fourth dimension" - the plot development of space, sometimes completely unexpected.

The scene is Samara. The abnormal part of the city successfully passes the brick new building, made according to an individual project. The building has a complex configuration: its completion is decided stepwise, in the style of cascade architecture. As the result it turned out that from the apartment we want to tell, you can go straight to the roof (another apartment located below).

So, the customer acquired on the last floor of a new building 104.8m2 for life. Stone with a terrific view from the windows. Soda side- Panorama of old Samara courtyards and roofs of the houses of the last century. Solid-picturesque silhouettes of modern urban landscape. Stretch-view of the Volga and Volga expanses. It was from this side that there are two loggia exits (awaits and a rest area on the roof, but we will not be ahead of the events).

The undoubted advantage of the apartment was the three-meter height of the ceilings, which subsequently allowed to wipe the space along the vertical space. At this, the advantages of the initial project ended. Transverse bearing walls hardly divided the apartment for disproportionate compartments, which made it difficult for free planning. Due to the wide step of the walls, a significant part of the area (greasy, for example, than the bedroom area) "eaten" a huge hallway-hall, in which the doors of six rooms left. This feature of the apartment suggested to the architect Vladimir Chicherin the idea of ​​an atrium-inner courtyard, from which embroidered premises differ in different directions.

The wishes of the customer regarding the housing created were minimal. What he really insisted, so it is on the need to remake adjacent to the bedroom loggia to the office (sizzy it was quite possible) and expand the living room by attaching another loggia to it. The last decision suggested by itself. The floor is a narrow, disproportionately elongated loggia, and, together with it, the living room was 0.8m below the roof level of the neighboring part of the building. It is not enough that from a functional point of view of the loggia was absolutely useless - the customer is clearly not from those who are inclined to store home bilks on the balcony. In addition, the view rested in the usual rolling-mastic roof, which is an unavailable spectacle. Yes, even the layout of the house allowed to enter this level of the roof only from our apartment. Is it possible not to use such a chance?

Looking ahead, let's say that now the roof is a logical continuation of residential space, and you can get straight from the living room. An open-air plastic plastic coating, imitating the lawn, was laid, and a recreation area was created for the warm season, the table and chairs under the umbrella. But this is only a temporary solution. The owner of the apartment intends to continue cooperation with the architect and turn the recreational zone on the roof in the Roman court.

As for the style of the interior and the plot development of space, then these issues the customer completely left at the discretion of the author of the project. What happened in the end? Some postmodern constructivism. All interior elements are emphasized functional, simple and concise. But at the same time, the topic of classical architectural heritage is developing in the dwelling.

The word "atrium" denoting the courtyard comes from the Latin Atrium. Ancient Roman engineer and architect Vitruvius, who lived in I. BC er, in his treatise "Ten books about architecture" mentioned two types of atriums. Under the so-called Caveedium (delates. SaVUS- empty, hollow), having Etruscan origin, meant an open-air yard, surrounded by perimeter by residential premises. Another appearance was a gallery with a solid overlap located in the center of the house. Atrium was an important place of dwelling. The whole family was gathered here, a significant ceremony was happening: the conclusion of marriage, the choice of the name of the newborn, the funeral rites. Endrevenrim buildings Atrium floors were separated by marble and mosaic, the walls were decorated with frescoes, the statues were established in the niches. The idea of ​​an atrium in architecture was so attractive that he experienced the century. This technique is often used in the interiors of various styles associated with the rethinking of the classic heritage.

The architect itself makes it difficult to accurately determine the style of the interior. "The apartment is eclectic," says Vladimir Chicherin. "Each element was chosen after long reflection and careful comparison with the surrounding space."

The rethinking of the techniques of ancient architecture balances between seriousness and irony. From Hall Atrium, the rays - "Streets", unexpectedly ending with the most utilitarian objects: kitchen equipment, bed in the bedroom, a staircase leading to the roof ... The columns are located in a different coordinate system - their location is dictated by a constructive necessity: these interior elements are located "Debris" carrier wall.

Rusted walls are unexpectedly interrupted, not reaching the ceiling. Thanks to this, being at any point of the apartment, you feel that the space is one. Moreover, a natural desire arises to trace how the plot develops on, which is hidden behind the walls as if folded from the ancient stones.

Light rusty walls, homogeneous and massive, contrast with light and transparent horizontal and vertical inserts made of glass mocked in a ramp of dark wood. This technique was not found immediately. Initially it was assumed to build a light sliding partition between the kitchen and the living room. It was charged with the obligation to isolate the representative zone of the apartment from the cooking point, but at the same time pass the light. The design of the septum is a dark frame, "diverted" joiner on the squares, - should balance the whiteness of solid walls. Subsequently, it turned out that it is not required to isolate the kitchen. The lifestyle of the owners does not imply frequent and thorough exercises in culinary art, so the problem with kitchen smells and noise turned out to be irrelevant. But the echoes of the idea of ​​a glass partition with a dark frame are traced in the design of transparent inserts and doors pattern.

From a technical point of view, the redevelopment turned out to be quite complicated. It was decided to demolish a few large sections of the bearing walls. From the capital wall between the living room and the hall left only two fragments, near the bathroom and the bathroom. All this was done in order to get the combined, open space of a guest area, including a hall with a dressing room, a living-dining room and a kitchen. Achetoba maintain the carrying ability of the capital construction, on the site of the dismantled segment of the wall, two metal pipes, filled with concrete. On top of the columns laid a metal beam. Part of the outer wall that divided the living room and the loggia, they destroyed completely. The space of the loggia attached to the living room, thanks to which it was possible to win about five meters of useful area. The brick fencing of the loggia was reinforced with metal reinforcement and insulated mineral wool. The glazing was performed using a light aluminum design of Rehau with a triple double glazing. The changes affected the carrier wall between the Hall and Children's. The doorway was arranged in a new place in order to more rationally organize the space of the hallway, placing a deaf wall of the dressing room.

Conducting such global transformations of supporting structures demanded complex engineering calculations. They were made by the same designer who designed the house. Calculations have shown that the demolition of capital walls is possible, since the apartment is on the last floor and perceives the load of the roof alone. The fact that the engineering part has fulfilled the organization, which designed the house has significantly simplified and accelerated the coordination of redevelopment.

The apartment is used and one more not quite traditional for urban housing Solution: the most real fireplace is installed. Again, thanks to the location of housing on the last floor-trap point of view, it did not make much difficulty to bring the fireplace pipe to the roof.

As a result, the interior transformations were logically divided into two zones, guest and private. The guest zone is a single multifunctional space. Rhythm and diagonal direction of movement in it are set by partitions of bricks with plasterboard trim. Diagonal pattern highlights and tiling (ceramic and made by special order granite) in the hall, the kitchen and bathroom, as well as the piece oak parquet in the living room and dining area.

How painting will look in the interior, largely depends on its environment. The inferior factors here are background and lighting. The background on which art should be played, if possible, you need to make calm. Because on a fragmented, crushed items, the picture may simply be lost. The color is great. So, a blue or green background creates a feeling of depth and space, red and purple so aggressive, which makes attention from the subject of art, yellow in reasonable doses can contribute to the positive color of perception. Universal is considered gray. It is calm, neutral, can harmonize almost with all other colors. White and black are often used as a background with professional preparation of exposures. However, the bright white can tiring his eyes, and black with a long contemplation causes negative emotions.

To demonstrate art objects, the directional local lighting is most suitable. It helps to concentrate attention in the picture. You can organize directional light using several halogen bulbs. Concentrated local lighting is recommended to combine with general scattered, which will create greater visual comfort.

Geographically, the cuisine and the bathroom remained in the previous places, as was conceived in the source project. But they became more interesting due to the complex configuration, broken plastic walls and partitions. The kitchen is clearly separated from the living room and dining facilities of vertical zoning. Its ceiling is reduced by as much as 50cm. Effective space arranged economic mezzanine. But not just a mezzanine, but an antlesoli with an anti-aircraft lantern. When you get into the kitchen, a complete impression is created that there, behind the glass part of the ceiling, hesitates the sky. However, this is only an illusion. Halogen lamps hidden inside the mezzanine, with great convincing imitate daylight.

The living room turned out to be air and spacious not only due to its impressive sizes and not reaching the ceiling by partitions, but also because of the glass wall, behind which the rest area begins. To get there, you need to overcome the drops of levels in 80cm, rising to several steps along the wooden staircase. Its design and design - the copyright of Vladimir Chicherin. The staircase collected from wooden associates of two contrasting shades (dark and light) on the principle of "spike-groove" is impressed by almost weightless. Its grace is emphasized by the massive step-podium from the black granite, made to order the company "Granules". This material is also present in the floor finish of the kitchen and the fireplace shelf. The table top of the bar counter is made of black marble.

The "night" the topic continues part of the suspended ceiling above the dining area depicting the starry sky. Painted glass in combination with embedded halogen light bulbs perfectly copes with the role assigned to him. The design of this site is another know-how project. The absorption of a drywall ceiling is cut through a round hole. The depth is hidden a wooden frame from intersecting bars. Books with the help of decorative bolts made by special order, glass plates are mounted (holes in them are drilled by a diamond instrument). At the crosshairs of the slabs, halogen light bulbs are placed with narrow cartridges, the light of which expressively contrasts with a black background.

The private apartment zone is solved fundamentally differently than the guest, both on the planning, and the choice of finishing materials. It is significantly softer and closed. The location and configuration of the premises almost did not change. There was only the location of the doorway, which we have already spoken about. The bedroom turned out to be included in the diagonal composition of the guest zone, closing one of the Anfila. Thus, it is somewhat more isolated from the entrance to the apartment. Previously, barely stepped into the hallway, it was possible to immediately see the interior of the bedroom through the doorway. Now the pass-through area is closed with a dressing room.

The loggia near the bedroom joined the room and turned 9m2 into a full office. For this, the outer walls were insulated with polyurethane foam plates with plaster over the grid, and the glazing was performed from the same as in the living room, the aluminum design of the REHAU with a triple double glazing. The bathroom increased its area and changed by configuration. Now the entrance to it is arranged from the bedroom, and not from the general hall, as before, which is certainly more convenient.

In the piggy bank of ideas

Fourth dimension

Plastic small and not very

The modern interior is fundamentally different from the interior, say, a baroque amount of decorative elements. The rationalization of life, provoked by the technical progress and the lifestyle of the inhabitants of megacities, turned into a minimization of the efforts of designers to decorate the dwelling. The development of a convenient planning and selection of combined furniture was replaced by painstaking work on submissal to the single style of all elements, ranging from the wall membership of the fillets and ending the shape of the door handles. In this one can see the trend of time, rather than the loss of professionalism designers.

Of all the items that traditionally decorating rooms, paintings and small plastic are most popular today. Painting, photopyostra and souvenirs brought from tourist trips easily find a place on the walls and shelves of modern apartments. Hospital, almost anywhere you will not see sculptural compositions. The place that is required to install the sculpture is more rational to use under the furniture or leave empty by adding the room "space and air".

Moreover, it was in the apartment designed by Samara architect Vladimir Chicherin, elegant sculpture of awakening nymphs. The stylistics of the interior involving the paraphrase of classical traditions allowed us to supplement the laconic plastic of the rushed walls with a spectacular opening in the form of a deformed arch with a gypsum sculpture. Built-in luminaires enhance the expressiveness of the architectural and sculptural group. It simultaneously resembles fragments of houses in Pompeium, and postmodern fantasy Michael Graves. With a good location (between the living room and the hall, opposite the entrance door), it not only sets the tone to the whole interior, but also organizes the space of both rooms.

P. S. In order not to oppose the sculpture of the brutal form of a fireplace, the architect has provided a three-square opening in the partition between them, organizing the transition from the arch to the fireplace.

The color solution of the private chambers is completely opposite to the coloring gamma of the guest area. In-depth blue tones, cold and calm (accommodation from light walls with contrasting elements from dark wood in the lobby and living room). Ito is quite explained: if in the guest zone, light walls help visually expand the space and emphasize the used architectural and decorative elements, then in private rooms there is such a measure.

When choosing finishing materials, the architect took into account the difference of perception of large and small spaces. If the total composition is attracted in spacious rooms, the development of the plot is attracted, then in small rooms, the look is free or involuntarily stops on the details. Wallpaper ARTE on a tissue-synthetic basis with an interesting textured surface was used for the walls of the walls.

In conclusion, it is impossible not to stop at such an important, "sign" component of the interior like painting. Pictures of the artist Stanislav Fedorova were not at all chosen as part of the decor. Rather, the design process in one degree or another obeyed them. Thus, the grand panel "Roman cavalry" written in large, textured strokes, to a certain extent asked an antique, postmodern theme in the interior: it was so ideally signed into part of the living room wall, which looks not like painting, but as fresco. Stab - another genre and other plots, more suitable atmosphere. Painting influenced the decorative interior design: bright red and blue sofa pillows explicitly relate to it in color scheme.

The creation and implementation of the project occupied whole year and a half. Partly, this was caused by the pace in which he wanted and could engage the customer's apartment. But the architect regards the calm rhythm of the housing arrangement as unconditional plus: "The development of the interior is intuitive and gradual, it is not necessary to accelerate artificially."

The apartment has been five years old, but by having visited it, you will never say that this dwelling was created at the early stage of the development of the domestic architectural and construction market. Rather, the interior is perceived as an existing time, as if he himself is in a certain fourth dimension.

In the interior presented many details performed by special order. This is a staircase leading to the terrace (it is collected according to the principle of "spike-groove" and is installed in two planes of support); and black granite countertop on the bar; and anti-aircraft lantern in the kitchen. Luminaires in the bathroom are also partially manufactured by individual order. They are attached directly to the mirror! For this, special bars were performed from Durally, with the help of which the mount is carried out. According to the author of the project, these elements gave special brutality to lamps. The presence of such a large number of non-standard details in the interior is definitely reflected in the timing and cost of construction. The embodiment of the project was stretched to 1.5 years (instead of 6-8 months, for which repairs are usually made in apartments of similar area).

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

Fourth dimension 14287_17

Architect: Vladimir Chicherin

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