Mat: Memories of the future


Outdoor coatings from natural materials. Raw materials, weaving technology, laying methods. Brands and collections.

Mat: Memories of the future 14500_1

Mat: Memories of the future

Interior in Eitylele is unthinkable without mat on the floor

Mat: Memories of the future
Jab offers various options for mats for mats, so easy to choose the one that is suitable for your apartment
Mat: Memories of the future
Mat: Memories of the future

The pattern of coatings, as a rule, is built on local colors and blue. But the red and natural colors (sand, swamp) are especially popular.

Mat: Memories of the future

Flooring from vegetable materials are supplied in rolls, which is convenient for delivery and styling

Mat: Memories of the future

The canvas are optionally use to finish the entire floor, you can cut a rug of any size and tinker

Mat: Memories of the future

Cotton network gives a rice rice elasticity

Mat: Memories of the future
Floor coating of sisal natural color from jab

Today, in the era of urbanization and increasing environmental pollution, fewer people have the opportunity to live in unity with nature. Probably, so we try to attract it to our homes. On the wave of ecological design, many manufacturers return to natural raw materials, in particular to vegetable materials for the production of floor coverings.

The tradition to produce flooring from natural plant materials stretches from deep antiquity. Even before learning how to make a thread from animal wool, a person noticed that many plants have very strong fibers, and began to use these fibers for their own purposes. Veggie tombs of the valley of the kings found mats from cane and lotus. Around Greece, the floors of the houses were decorated with woven carpets or also mats. Around Rome, a vegetable fiber rug becomes a lot of poor people. Rich already enjoy carpets imported from the countries of the Middle East, which were always famous for their exquisite silk and wool products. By this day, the indispensable element of the interior are woven outdoor mattats.

Mats, woven from plant fibers, are known as the "mat". This is a terrible French word china, which was denoted by carpet products brought from China and entered Europeans in XIX. In the Wave East East. A traffic of the mint looked very simple, the only decoration was the interweaving of the threads that differed in thickness and texture. Bridheld rugs from rice straw and paper, at the beginning of XIX and CHW. It was very fashionable. Now our compatriots are in honor of wool and silk-popular materials for carpets. But the people of the older and middle generation, probably, still remember the small cheap mats of Vietnamese production, at least somehow filling the meager Soviet market of the 70-80s.

To the west of fashion on the mat returned in the last decade of XXV., Sprinkling environmental design. Rugs from plant materials perfectly "fit" in his aesthetics. After all, they are not only made of the purest natural raw materials, but also do not cause allergies, and they still have a light foot massage, that is, good health. In addition, many fibers are so durable that they do not suffer from the claws of domestic pets. The thick weave and the dense structure of the coatings, in addition to aesthetic, play and the practical role is to increase the soundproofing of the room.

Types of raw materials

The main materials for the manufacture of mats have not changed since the most ancient times. Fibers are extracted from leaves or plant barrels by pulling or separating from the pulp. Having thus obtained the fibers, our ancestors were spilled together, dried and made something like a thin rope, and already made a solid and beautiful floor covering from it. The most famous and common vegetable materials for the factory, jute, sisal, coyre. Rice, flax, hemp, cotton are less common.

Cotton. It was the first to use nomads. This is a very cheap and easy-to-dress material, the threads of which were obtained very durable, suitable not only for clothes, but also for interior items. In the production of carpets and mats in our time, cotton is used as a mesh base, which strengthens the coating and protects against deformation.

Cane It grows on the swampy soil and on the shores of the reservoirs. Cane species, of which you can make mats, many, in different countries of their own, traditionally used in the production of floor or wall coatings. The height of the plant is not more than 1.5 m, so that to obtain a long rope you have to connect a few stems. Two techniques of working with reed are known: you can goss out more green stems and then dry, and you can first dry, and then swing and gossip. The first technique makes it possible to quickly make a mat and immediately use it, but the second makes the mat more durable and durable with a relatively small thickness.

Linen It turns out, also used as raw materials for mats. Fabrics produce from ordinary flax, but when connecting several fibers in a bundle, a thin and strong material is obtained, suitable for creating the finest rugs. They are very beautiful, but unfortunately, are short-lived, therefore only suitable for walls. However, another plant is known - Indonesian flax, more similar to cactus. From his leaves, very long and thick fibers pull out. The inhabitants of Indonesia will fly from them mats, which then sell to tourists. The emagazines of the flax mat are extremely rare, but seeing the word "flax" on the label, you can not doubt that there is a member of the exotic Indonesian plant.

Jute - the genus of shrubs, half-workers and herbs of the family of lime. There are about 100wids and is found in the tropics of Asia, Africa and America. Attach annual plants jute short-forth and long-fashioned. 20-25% fibers are obtained from dry skes. Jute mats differ in special endurance and durability, so often used for technical purposes or in places with heavy load (for example, in offices or as a rug before entering). Sometimes the jute is mistakenly called the fibers of the Chinese fan palm, but they are significantly thinner and used for mats mainly in China, Vietnam and Korea.

Koir - Fiber from the intermarry of nuts of coconut palm. (Do not confuse with a copra, which is the dried nutrient tissue-endosperm of palm trees and is used to produce coconut oil, in the production of margarine and soap.) The best coyre is mined from non-seated nuts. They are soaked in seawater to give elasticity, and then combed. The longest fibers (25.4-30.5 cm) go to the manufacture of a hide thread, from which mats make mats, as well as mats that are not wetting and non-sinking ropes and ropes, fishing nets. A short and tangled fiber mature nuts is used to pack mattresses. Coyre produce mainly in India and on the island of Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Often the coconut fiber mats come to the market, characterized by special rigidity and rudeness. This suggests that the fibers are not nuts, and the bracket braids are palm, they are harder by octoplodes and are used mainly for technical needs. These stores and coyre, and the fiber of the trunk called in one word "coconut".

Sisal (more correctly) is a fiber from the leaves of American Agava growing, mainly in Mexico. From Agava, the Indians did not only the drink like a vodka, but also mats and ropes. CXVI The Vispean Port of Sishal from South America arrived ships with surprisingly strong ropes withsting a huge load. Since the name of the plant with the sailors was unknown, ropes and threads resulting from fiber began to refer to Sizal.

The length and strength of the resulting threads depend on the length and thickness of the fiber. The best mats are those who are woven from long fibers of the leaves. Short fibers are also used, but more handicraft masters, and do not differ endurance.

Fig . Mats from rice straw thinner and softer everyone else. The Chinese and the Japanese to produce more delicate material use fresh plants stalks. Mat weave immediately after harvesting rice and then dried in the sun. The product in this case acquires flexibility (with sufficient strength) and a specific aroma. On the firms focused on the western market, the stalks are dried, and then we lose in the mat. The strength of the material is not lost, but the smell disappears, and the fibers become slightly rougher than when used in the fresh form.

Hemp . Despite the unfair reputation, this plant can be useful. Accome, in the production of threads for tissues and mats. The greatest popular hemp filaments are used in countries such as Holland, Jamaica, USA, Cuba, Canada. This technical culture is easy to grow and inexpensive in recycling, which allows to obtain a relatively cheap raw material. Although in Russia there was already clothes from cannabis (by the way, notable), the mats can be found only in specialized esoteric stores. They are not produced in Western countries, but in India and Sri Lanka, so they do not differ in particular quality. Wishing to decorate the floor with a cannabis mat can be advised to order this product via the Internet.

Seaweed . Not everyone knows that from many seaweeds also make mats. Long fibers of algae dried, twisted and weave thin and very flexible mats. Such products are usually not stained, have a natural green, brown or beige color. They have a weak smell of sea salt, which can be determined, fake this or not. Produced in the countries of Southeast Asia: in Thailand, Japan, Indonesia, on the Islands of Bali and Jamaica. VMoskwe Mat from algae can be purchased in a wide network of CARPET HOES stores and in IKEA.

Recently, paper (driving with other plant fibers) has been used in the production of floor coverings). It is made of cotton or rice, exposed to special processing and is not afraid of water. It is very expensive to make mats from paper very expensive, so the cost of such a handmade product can reach $ 5,000. If you see an 100% paper mat in the store not by the transient price, you are most likely paper in combination with rice straw (50:50 or 70:30 removed). It is not a deception of the world (except Japan, where natural paper mats still make) it is customary to be a paper mat if it contains at least 30% of paper fiber.

Very often inexperienced buyers, and the sellers themselves are confused by jute, sisal and coyre, counting all this with the same material. But if you look close to the mat and touch it, you can distinguish between these three vegetable material. Jute and Coyre form thicker threads and have the structure of Belubee, and sometimes some kind of hard pile. Sisal mats can be thin, there is no pile at all. It should also be paid to special explanations, the manufacturer: if it is said that the coating is afraid of water and is intended for use only at home, most likely it is Sizal.

Weaving technology

There are different ways of weaving the canvas mat. You can make pigtails, you can gossip the threads in a checker order, you can combine the fibers of several species. Sometimes even a woolen carpet is decorated with sisal inserts. They also make nodules and loops in the duck, it is very similar to the technique of weaving the carpet of wool and silk, but there are no pile from the coatings from plant fibers (nodules and loops are not cut). European firms are used for such mats lining from felt or cotton network. The number of loops per 1 cm2 can vary depending on the thickness of the thread, the average weaving density is 3-4 loops per 1 cm2. The indental side of the mat is often covered with natural latex. Patrable product this layer should be no thinner 0.5mm. Occupation can be judged by it, whether the top layer of the rug from latex coating is separated. If the mat is smelled to the 3-fold, the base and fiber itself, the rug is unlikely to last long (it is worth considering that it is mainly similar to Chinese and Indonesian, but not Western European products).

The mats are rushing, as a rule, manually, despite the fact that it is expensive and laborious. Machine method is possible, it significantly reduces the cost of items. Mat is offered or painted, or natural. For example, the coyre has a range of shades from light to dark brown; sisal-light brown or dark beige; jute-gray brown or brown; rice - from gentle-beige to dairy; hemp- predominantly gray-beige; reed - from pale green to dust green; Paper made from rice will have a range from beige to light brown, and made of cotton, from white clay color to dirty sand. Machine method of coloring fibers allows you to use from18 to 22 sets, mostly local (for example, red, blue, black, white, green, etc.). The palette of manual coloring is a huge wizard to use both halftone, and soft transitions from one shade to another.

The mats in the form of finished rugs can be purchased in specialized stores or in handwalks in foreign trips. The fragrance comes mainly, material for flooring in huge rolls - like those in which carpet is supplied. Roll width is most often from3.5 to 4m. Almost all firms selling mats from vegetable fibers in Moscow offer 2Vida products: flooring or carpet carpet cut from roll. Carpets are trimmed by a border of leather, fabric, brocade, cotton or cord of various colors and drawings. The mark is better to do more from those considerations that the rug left without processing the rug can bloom and build up, which will reduce its service life. The border is sewn or fixed on the glue (the sewn will last longer). This service is provided in the store when buying a product. The work on the mark can last from 1 to 7 days and increase the price of the product up to 100% (depending on the size of the carpet, material and the width of the border). However, on average, $ 10-25 is added to the cost of the vehicle actually. Some stores overestimate rug prices, arguing that this is the author's work. The truth will help to establish the trim of the mat: if it is a simple border, then most likely about the author's work there can be no speech.

The tradition of laying out the floor in Japanese houses with special matamines - came from tea houses and the Zen Buddhist culture of the tea ceremony. It is made by tatami from two plants. The middle of the mat is a layer woven from rice straw, label from Iguza (a variety of reed growing on the Japanese islands). At the edges, tatami is trimmed by Crate from a dark cloth (GOZA), sometimes lush embroidered. The surface of the mat is smooth, almost silk, pleasant to the touch. IHUSI is very useful for the body: it has a soft massage effect on the foot, and also has bactericidal and hypoallergenic properties. Vtatat will never be tightened or other insects. Its area is strictly regulated and must be from 1.5 to 1.8m2. Avota The ratio of the lengths of the parties in various areas of Japan is traditionally different: Wedtoki- 1.760.88m; wkoto- 1,910,95m; Vanya- 1,820.91m. Tatami thickness fluctuates from3 to 6cm. The weight of one product with a thickness of 5-6 cm is 35-45 kg.

You can raise tatami on any surface, best on rude boards. There are traditional areas for different areas of Japan, options for laying mats. It does not require any special strengthening. Mats can be cutting, adjusting to the shape of the room, put on each other, creating places for seating and sleep or podium. Serve tatami for a very long time. Extreme temples of Japan remained tatami XIV-XV centuries, and almost in perfect condition. It is easy to care for such products: they can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and washing. However, the main condition for their conservation and adherence to certain traditions. So, you need to remember that the Japanese never go along tatami in shoes. As the mats are not afraid of any water, no heat, they have not only in the house, but also on the veranda and even in the garden. VMoskwe Tatami can be purchased in the Gallery of the Japanese interior "Dzendo" at a price of $ 150-450 (depending on the thickness).

Methods of laying

Wicker coating can be at the floor in various ways: on glue, under plinth, on hooks, for double-sided tape. Installation technique is not particularly different from plain carpet. In principle, work can be made with your own hands, the complexity will be only docking pieces. A shop selling outdoor covers, there are wizard-stackers. The cost of their services or is included in the product price, or negotiated separately.

The presence of an invalible side of latex simplifies the installation of the coating. It will not slide on the floor, and when laying on a large plot, it will not require the use of special adhesives, since latex will allow the canvas to hold onto its own weight. When laying under the plinth, it is necessary to buy a coating with a reserve: the floor area plus at least 5% per battery from all sides. Before sticking to the floor, the material is entered into the room and is left at room temperature for 48 hours. For stickers, special glue based on synthetic resins without diluent is used.

Care and storage

The duration of the rug service or flooring depends on the material from which they are manufactured and operating conditions. If all the conditions are observed, then for sisalized average service life, 5 years; for jute, coyre, cane and hemp-7 years; For rice and paper- 4 years. It is also worth remembering that the carpet or the coating on the latex substrate will continue longer than without it, and the thicker the mat without the base from cotton and latex, the less time of its life. Sizal mats, rice straw and paper are afraid of damp. So if you have noticed greenish or brown spots on a roll or rug, divorces, if the material decomposed on a flat surface goes with waves or spreads the shaft smell, most likely the mat was caught incorrectly. This product is not worth buying, since its service life is reduced almost in 3rd.

Carpets and flooring from rice, paper, cane, cannabis are good in residential premises. Jute and coyre can be used in the hallway or in the office. Sizalus laid both at home and in the office, it all depends on the special marks of the manufacturer. Any of natural fibers can be used for warm floors. When laying on the stairs or on any curved surfaces, the so-called fold line will not be visible, which is noticeable on carpets and carpet.

Each type of mats need your care that you have to tell about in the store. General rules we will list. Mats from sisal, hemp and rice "do not love" washing vacuum cleaners, and when wine, milk, tea, coffee and carbonated drinks spill on them. These products can leave insanible spots on the surface. Products from Jute and Coyra Rack not only to similar one-time troubles, but calmly withstand even constant walking on them in dirty shoes. It is better to use dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. Thanks to a special antistatic property, cleaning will not be tedious, because, unlike the pile carpets, the mats are not collecting dust at the base, and it is quite easy to clean them.

Mat will withstand rubbing a slightly damp cloth, but hot water is unacceptable. If you want to use some detergents, it must be solutions for vinegar based plant fibers. Sometimes carpets and flooring are processed during the production process of SCOTCHGUARD (this needs to be recognized by the sellers, because even one collection there are also processed, and untreated mats). The composition protects the coating from moisture, dust, dirt and stains and contributes to lighter care. For processed products, any cleaning products and moisture are contraindicated because they wash off ScotchGuard, after which the rug becomes vulnerable to dirt.

Stamps and collections

Unlike the West, in Russia, outdoor coatings from plant fibers are pretty scoop. According to sellers, while these products do not use us in demand, buyers either do not know about the existence of such materials, or they are frightened by their high prices, or simply did not move away from stereotype and prefer carpets from wool or silk. Yes, and trading firms do not particularly advertise the collections of the mats by purchasing them from manufacturers to the extinguisher, since you need to have in the range and exotic. Do not meet in Moscow and poor-quality goods or counterfeit- the positive side of small demand. But the limited demand turns around also by the fact that sellers and consultants or nothing can tell about the mats presented in them in stores, or distribute erroneous information. Therefore, to go to the store for the mat, it is necessary to "savvy" in order not to fall. Ask that they offer firms, what are the conditions for using and cleaning coating, from which materials they are made, etc. The wider your knowledge, the greater the likelihood that you are not mistaken in the choice, and the purchased product will delight you for many years. It should also be borne in mind that there are few in the trading halls of the mat, but most shops provide for the possibility of order. Therefore, you should ask the directories that sellers to show for some reason forget.

Astra (Germany), sometimes appearing in stores under the name of its Ottogolzesohne owners, represents a wide range of sisal coatings in Moscow. The height of the loop is from 5 to 10mm. Types of weaving are different, from the usual nodel to sewing around the duck (weaving similar to the fabric). Suggested both a variety of combinations of natural colors and painted fibers. The color palette is small and includes mainly shades of red, but also there are green, blue, black. Products of Salvador and Panama Rio collections are suitable for offices, premises with large patency and stairs. Outdoor coatings from Coyra (coconut) are limited to several natural shades of fibers and colorful in red. A very small collection of reed mats is valuable in that it is the only one in Moscow, the reed reeds in the form of an outdoor coating are not presented at all. All products enroll in stores in the form of rolls with a width of 4m. A variety of borders palette: suede, tapestry, cotton are offered. The cost of 1m2 of the coating of sisal is from $ 70, from coir - from $ 50, from the cane- $ 70-95. The German mats are softer others, since processed by a special heat session, - this should be considered when buying.

Jab (Germany) is a firm present in the market of carpets and fabrics for the house from 1946. During this time, Mark received fame worldwide and opened a lot of representative offices in Europe and America. In our market is represented by almost all range of products - from tissues to carpets and accessories. JAB coatings are made from Coyra, Sizal and Rice. All mats rush on the cotton grid and are superimposed on the basis of latex. The palette consists of 22 sets. Apply around 27 widers of weaving from threads of different thickness. There are traditional combinations: coir-sisal, sisal-rice, sisal-wool. Collections are changing every 3 months, so maybe in the store it is worth asking a newer directory. Punching border is used both fabrics and leather and a special cord, woven from coconut or sisal fiber. You can find mats with the basis of felt, and not on cotton. This increases the density of the coating, but reduces flexibility, so it cannot be put on the stairs. Rice mats are driving manually, which greatly increases the price. The cost of 1M2 coating from sisal - from $ 70, from rice - from $ 110.

Weaving mats were common worldwide much wider than the production of wool and silk carpets. Yes, and the technique of making mats is most likely ancient. In many tropical countries, folk masters, according to this, they are littered from various fibers. The waffle for these purposes is used by maize (corn), in Southeast Asia, on the Islands of the Malay Archipelago, on the Philippines - fiber of sugar palm leaves, in the Caucasus and in Central Asia-Wild Zlak called Rosica, as well as swamp herbs Rogoz and Chii.

The raw material for mats is another water plant - lotus. The stalks of this flower are so durable that, despite its subtlety, do not require additional strengthening. Lotus mats weave in Egypt, India, on Sri Lanka and Bali. Vintage secrets of skill allow you to include even flowers in the canvas. In the West and we have such things are collective. Yes, and in the countries listed, you need to make considerable efforts to find masters flying from the lotus, and even more so in ancient technologies. But the buyer will be rewarded with an excellent gentle material that is considered to be the beauty and longevity giving to its owner

Ruckstuhl (Germany) is represented in the Russian capital wonderful mats from Koyra and Jute. These are real carpets, the drawing of which is created by a combination of various textures and colors of fibers. There are large carpets (1.52m), there are cheap rugs from jute under the door. The product from Coyra with a simple geometric pattern will cost from $ 200, a more complex pattern will increase the price of almost 1.5rd. Small mats cost from $ 40 (depending on size).

Belgian company Tasibel, existing on the market since 1923, is represented by mats from Koyra, Jute, Sizal. All of them are different colors and types of weaving. The thickness of the coatings from sisal-from4 to 8.5mm. Enclosures have mats from rice and cotton. Combined floor coverings from various fiber sizals and paper, rice and paper, sisal and wool are also present. Paper for mats is made from rice and impregnated with a special composition, repelled dirt and moisture. The result is on the operational properties of the product from this gentle material become comparable with sisalev. A collection of sisal and wool is very pleasant to the touch, solid vegetable fibers are practically not tangible in the mats. Coconut mats are perfectly tolerated moisture and cold, they can be treated in winter gardens. Asperial water-repellent impregnation allows you to use these products in pools and saunas. Width roll - 4m. The price of 1m2 varies within $ 44-172 and depends on the size of the loop and the combination of colors. Also presented borders of leather, suede, tapestry and special tapes.

Unlimited Creation (Belgium) offers customers exclusive carpets from natural vegetable fibers and quite unusual in drawing flooring. There are collections from Sizal, Koyra, rice, paper, cotton, cane, flax. All mats are scattered and painted manually, you can perform a rug to order on your own sketch. The variety of colors is huge, in the last collection there are unexpected colors of the sea wave and bright pink. The finished carpets do not have a latex base, and the floor coverings are supplied on latex with a width of 3.66m. Enclosures have undoubted cotton mats. Most of the carpets are edged with unique cords, with brushes and without copyrighted borders. For this brand there are leading European designers. The price of author carpets Unlimited Creation is high, including because all objects exist in a limited, and sometimes the only instance. A carpet from Coyra Coyra natural color, 3 cm thick, with woven reed threads (blue) and special softening processing, 1,53m is worth $ 7,000. The price of finished carpets is from $ 500 depends on many factors: colors, weaving, fiber, etc.

IKEA (Sweden) offers inexpensive (from50 to 7900 rubles) mats from various materials. For example, small pebble rugs from coconut palm and algae fiber. Products are more than 80% consist of algae and 20% - from Jute or have a jute edging. Presented traditional carpets from sisal and original round out of maize. The products are often bilateral, that is, the latex layer is deprived of the "wrong". Instead, the firm offers an anti-slip litter from natural latex.

The editors thanks the chain of Carpet House stores, the company "Starik Hottabych", Salons "High Matter", "Nexklusive", "Dzendo" gallery for help in the preparation of material.

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