Cuisine Ventilation: Equality for Extraction


Natural and forced exhaust ventilation, model range of kitchen hoods, design features, price order.

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Cuisine Ventilation: Equality for Extraction

Exhaust umbrella is one of the most important elements of the exhaust. Its design is always different in shape and provides an extract for the necessary personality.

Cuisine Ventilation: Equality for Extraction

High-Tech-style extracts are made of thermo and shockproof glass and stainless steel. They are not only "close in spirit" with modern cooking panels, but also very practical from the point of view of sanitation and hygiene - if necessary, they can be easily laundered from dirt

Cuisine Ventilation: Equality for Extraction

The inclined umbrella provides convenient access to the cooking panel.

Cuisine Ventilation: Equality for Extraction

Hood with a decorative visor from tempered glass

Cuisine Ventilation: Equality for Extraction

With a properly selected and installed hood, space over the stove ceases to be a "dead zone" - there you can place an additional shelves for kitchenware

Cuisine Ventilation: Equality for Extraction

To accommodate an exhaust with a decorative umbrella requires a lot of space

Cuisine Ventilation: Equality for Extraction

Desktop hoods after work are easily cleaned in the table

Cuisine Ventilation: Equality for Extraction

To hide excess equipment, you can choose a hood, decorated under the shelf or embedded in the closet

Cuisine Ventilation: Equality for Extraction

The case of cheaper models is made of painted metal

Cuisine Ventilation: Equality for Extraction

To avoid particles of fat into the fan mechanism, a fat filter is installed on hoods. It must be cleaned at least twice a year

Kitchen flavors, alas, not always charmingly beautiful. To combat unpleasant odors and evaporations in our home, especially in its auxiliary premises, you need thoughtful ventilation

In the nearby past, the air purity functions were fully imposed on the systems of natural ventilation, which are equipped with all apartment buildings. The action of such a system is based on the difference in the specific weight of cold air outside and warm inside the apartment. Hoping, it is possible to achieve the desired result, and mistakes in the design, and the shortcomings of "socialist construction" are also affected, and the difficulties in maintaining systems in working condition, and, finally, the increased demands on the comfort of the apartment owners.

To determine if you do not join the house in the house, natural ventilation is quite simple: if within 10-20 minutes after the cigarette was smoked in the kitchen, there is a strong smell of tobacco smoke in the air, it means that it is time to take action. A kitchen exhaust umbrella will help to leave the position, or, simply, the kitchen hood. Its main feature is the presence of a fan that pulls the air under the umbrella and sends the air duct outside the room. That is, the hoods carry out mechanical (forced) ventilation. The choice of these devices is quite large. Let's say, in a solid online store you can see the list of 200 or more models from one and a half dozens of manufacturers. Ito, not counting expensive exclusive samples. The grace of forms, the richness of the colors and a variety of exhaust structures can be admired both in numerous cabins of kitchen equipment and in stores of large suppliers of household appliances, for example, "M.Video", "Technosila", "Party". The price range is also very wide from $ 50 to $ 3000.

If you came to the heart of some kind of model, do not rush to part with money. First make sure it is suitable for your kitchen and will not cause excessive difficulties when installing. Of course, only specialists are devoted to all the subtleties of the issue, but the general principles of ventilation, as well as the selection and installation of such devices, is useful to know and a simple mortal tenant.

Aircraft or recycling?

From the contaminated air in the kitchen, you can get rid of two ways:

cleaning with filters with a subsequent return to the room (this is called recycling);

Its full of it is out of your apartment.

In recycling mode, the air, driven by a fan through an exhaust, is cleaned with the use of an active coal filter and then fed back to the room. The service life of the standard coal filter is on average one year, after that it must be replaced. Recycling mode is not provided in all hoods, which must be remembered by choosing one or another model.

High-quality air purification can be achieved by removing it through the air duct. In this case, the process is almost 100% effective. However, problems often arise: where to take an additional (sometimes very significant) air volume and where to reset its contaminated excess. It turns out that the answers to these questions are not as obvious, as it seems at first glance.

Recognition on the terrain

As for any other built-in technology, it is extremely important for extracts to match the size of the space allocated under them. Accessories of the cooking panel, over which they are installed. It is believed that the extractor will work qualitatively only under the condition that its air-acting umbrella in the plan will completely close the plane of the plate - then the leakage of the contaminated air will be minimal. It is not surprising that models with a width of the umbrella 60 and 90cm are the greatest popularity of the buyers, that is, as in standard cooking panels. Some difficulties may occur if the width of the width panel (or the set of modular panels) is greater than 90cm-hoses with umbrellas 120cm wide and more: AH 400-131 from GAGGENAU (90136 cm); Da 252-2 from Miele (50120 cm). If the stove is composed of several cooking modules, you can use a combination of wall and desktop hoods.

With regard to the height of the placement of the umbrella, it is determined by the considerations of ergonomics and the requirements of fire safety. The lower above the slab to lay an extract, the better it will capture evaporation and harmful smells. But if the distance is too small, there will be a danger of damage due to overheating and even fat ignition accumulated on the filter. So the minimum distance between the umbrella and the stove is 50-65cm, depending on the type of burners and the exhaust model. Typically, manufacturers indicate the optimal height of the fastening of the device above the cooking panel in the supasport. Now about ergonomics. Here everything is relatively simple: the extract must be located at such an altitude, which does not interfere with the culinary manipulation of the kitchen host. And in any case, at any case, do not close it overview the hob when he stands near her.

Parade models

Taking up the architectural features of the kitchen room, you can proceed to the selection of the exhaust model (unless, we are not talking about a fully equipped insertable kitchen, the components of which defines an experienced designer). There are several design types of such devices:

Wall-made hoods resembling an umbrella shaped with a long pipe (for example, DKE995B from Bosch; EFC009X from Electrolux; LC66651 from Siemens). They are attached to the wall and are constantly in sight, and therefore their decorative design should relate to furniture design. For the external similarity with the chimns of fireplaces, they are also called the hoods of a fireplace type.

Island (DA220 from Miele; KD91 from Fox) - models mounted to the ceiling. It is convenient when plates located in the center of the kitchen. Island hoods, as a rule, work only in aircraft mode, without recirculation (DA229-1 and DA289 from Miele).

Installed in special hinged cabinets (8160dm from AEG; Gi186 from Kaiser; FB906SL from Faber). These models, unlike those listed above, are invisible for the eyes (which allows you to save on beautiful and expensive materials of the external case - with equal technical indicators, the embedded hoods cost 10-20% cheaper than island and wall-mounted).

Desktop - hoods that are embedded directly into the cooking panel (VL051 from Gaggenau; 115DDM from AEG). There are an additional panel module (usually located between the stove and the grill). The proximity of the exhaust to the "contamination source" provides high quality air purification.

Of course, the device you are interested in are different from each other not only by appearance and cost, but also by productivity, overall dimensions, durability, set of additional functions (increasing the comfort of culinary work and the reliability of instruments in operation).

Under the performance of the hood is meant the volume of air that it is capable of driving per unit of time; Performance is measured in cubic meters per hour. The low-power devices pump 200-300 m3 / h air, more powerful (DA200 from Miele; 9060d from AEG) - up to 500-750 m3 / h. The mansion is the model AH 400-131 of Gaggenau, the corresponding indicator of which is 1200 m3 / h.

Note: The maximum specified drawback performance corresponds to the operation in the air removal mode! Recycle mode is associated with an additional load on the fan (the air must be driven through the coal filter), which causes a drop in performance by 30-40%. For example, the maximum performance of the model Da 217-1 (Miele) with a free tap of air - 705 m3 / h, and when recirculated- 480 m3 / h. If you are going to use the hood for recycling, be sure to specify its performance in this mode.

In Snip 2.08.01-89 * "Residential buildings" said (clause 3.2.): "Velzhniy houses should include heating and ventilation with a natural motion ..." Appendix N4: "... extractor from the kitchen is not less than 60- 90 m3 / h (depending on the type of slabs). "

If there is a ventilation channel in the apartment, then warm air is rushed up and outward through it. Which is colder on the street, the more air is removed in the canal. In the summer, when the outdoor temperature is higher than the internal, the natural motivation simply does not work, and may even work with the opposite effect - the "tipping" of the ventilation. Therefore, in the new norms of the city of Moscow- MGNSN 3.01-96 ("Moscow City Construction Rates" of 1990) - there is a next item:

"5.9. In residential buildings allowed a device for influencing mechanical ventilation or air conditioning. "

This entry allows you to create an exhaust system with a fan removing air from the room. But it is necessary to equip it without disrupting the work of general system systems.

The drawing performance is recommended to select, based on the volume of the kitchen room: it is desirable that it makes up an approximately ten-fold its magnitude, well, no less than five-time. Thus, a capacity of 300 m3 / h is suitable for the kitchen with a capacity of 30m3.

At the same time, it is not necessary to forget that almost all modern hoods are equipped with productivity regulators that allow you to adjust the volume of airfilled air under a specific "life situation". This makes it possible to install even in small kitchens with relatively powerful devices. The azlins of their performance are transformed into a kind of "emergency stock" in case of food on the plate or in the oven will highly nourish.

The kitchen hood is different from the usual forced exhaust ventilation systems by the fact that it deals with strongly heated and highly contaminated air. Working with such an aggressive medium, the ventilation device must be protected from overheating and boiling oil vapors and fat. More cheap models (KF51WH from Ardo; Gi186 from Kaiser) The housing and a significant part of the parts are made of plastic and painted metal. Dear hoods (AH600 from Gaggenau; 9060d from AEG) are made of stainless steel, aluminum alloys and high-strength glass (which, in addition to durability, gives them a well-known aesthetic appeal). Fat and oil are delayed on a special residential-absorbing filter from acrylic plastic (cheaper option) or metal (more expensive). This filter must be changed by an average of 2 years per year, and the contaminated metal mesh after intensive flushing in the hot soap solution is again suitable for operation.

A set of additional functions has a considerable effect on the cost of one or another. This is primarily the slab lighting system. The usual incandescent lamps are embedded in the umbrella, in more advanced models are used halogen (EFC935X exhaust from Electrolux and IS50290XS from Kaiser) or fluorescent lamps of increased efficiency with an increased service life (AH 400-131 extracts from Gaggenau and DA 216-2 from Miele ). Extract models can additionally adjust the lighting. Thus, in LC66651 and LC86950 (Siemens), the functions of changing the intensity of the light stream (Softlight function) and adjustment of the illuminated area (DIMM function) are provided. Lighting control systems are also equipped with MIELE models (DA 259-2, DA 252-2), AEG (9050DM Katamaran), General Electric (JV750SISS).

Some modern devices are equipped with an interval switching system, a residual button, a protective shutdown sensor, or even a sensor fixing the degree of contamination of the fat filter.

Interval switching system (on the hoods of LC75955 from Siemens and AH 400-131 from Gaggenau) starts the fan once a hour at low power. Creates a constant influx of air into the room, so it is especially useful where the kitchen hood is the only possible ventilation system. The residual button (in the DKE995B models from Bosch; DA289 from Miele) provides the fan operation of about 10 minutes after turning off the plate and exhaust. The result of the result from the room is removed by accidentally delayed "aromas", and thus increases the efficiency of air purification. Protective shutdown sensor (EFC009X SIEMENS; EFC009X from ELECTROLUX) ensures that the exhaust "is not overwhelmed" - if it continuously worked the maximum time, it turns off it. The contamination sensor of the fat filter (DHI665G samples from Bosch; DA 252-2 from Miele) is needed so that the amount of fat on the filter does not exceed some critical value (excessive contamination is capable of not only to derive the fan mechanism, but also cause spontaneous fat ignition deposited in air ducts).

Among the "unique abilities" of individual exhausts, you can mention control from the plate using the air density sensor. This feature is implemented in the LC75955 model (Siemens). The ultrasonic density sensor determines the degree of contamination of heated air and automatically specifies the operation mode for the exhaust. Another one-of-a-kind model-AH600 from Gaggenau is equipped with a built-in "air curtain". It acts as follows: part of the air, thanks to the fan, enters the special channel located on the front panel. The resulting flow hood "blows" the plate. Vitoga rising from the pair of prepared dish rushes into an exhaust hood.

An important advantage of the drawing is considered silent work, after all, there are enough noise sources in the kitchen. The minimum noise level is achieved through the use of powerful fans included on small revolutions, special noise absorbing gaskets and body structures excluding vibration. Just "quiet" models lead 2600dM from AEG (44DBA at capacity 520 m3 / h), AH900 from Gaggenau (49DB at 660 m3 / h) and AH600 from Gaggenau (52DB at 600 m3 / h). It should be noted that almost all the extracts of well-known manufacturers comply with European quality standards. The ATEA means that even at relatively low-cost models, the noise level indicator does not exceed 70stB (for example, at SL26.E IX from Ariston it is 63DB in performance of 400 m3 / h, at 2020D exhaust from Aeg- not more than 60 pb).

Of particular interest are compact embedded exhaust fans (for example, 561d and 760d from AEG). It is good because they can be mounted in the already developed architectural structures. The result is possible to avoid distortion of the author's idea of ​​the interior.

Breathe deeply

Unfortunately, install the kitchen exhaust to work in the mode of the aircraft is much more complicated than, let's say, hang on the wall you like the picture. Meanwhile, many owners naively believe that the air duct can be connected to the hole of natural ventilation. This is a dangerous error! Ducts of natural ventilation for connecting kitchen hoods are absolutely not intended! Why?

First of all, because even with a disconnected umbrella, the normal, natural ventilation of the kitchen room is broken. After all, now the air must pass the air to the ventilation mines, and even overcome many obstacles. Acrief is turned on, the situation worsens even stronger.

The fact is that in high-rise buildings, natural ventilation kitchens is performed according to the "Highway with a satellite" scheme. "Magistral" is nothing but a duct that collects polluted air from the "satellites" of each apartment at home. Such a scheme excludes: "overturning" exhaust ventilation (flowing air from the ventilation mines into your apartment); The flow of air from the lower apartments to the top; Slide the upper apartments in case of fire in the lower.

We note, first of all, two features of this system:

one. Air ducts of different apartments are connected.

2. Natural exhaust ventilation Kitchens is ensured by the calculation of the regulatory air exchange (in valid 60-90 m3 / h).

Based on these values, air ducts and mines of a certain section are manufactured. The volume of air drawn up through the kitchen umbrella is usually 250-600 m3 / h. So, when connecting an umbrella to the channel of natural ventilation, this huge stream creates in the system "PORT". The process of natural ventilation in other apartments is simply blocked.

Thus, if there is no special ventilation channel for exhaust umbrellas (in the latter country, similar channels are provided only in the most recent elite new buildings), the connection of the umbrella to the total ventilation system leads to a violation of the operation of the ed-military ventilation riser at home. Perhaps the owner of the re-equipped kitchen is little worried about the rest of the tenants at home. But they, in turn, can be exhaust umbrellas! Thus, the neighbors also disturb the ventilation in other apartments. Result normal air circulation will be broken throughout the entrance.

Therefore, if the desire to have a fashionable extractor in a city high-rise building is irresistibly, acquire a model with recirculation mode and with adjustable performance. But at the same time, consider: even such a device can be included at full capacity only for a short time, otherwise the quarrels with neighbors cannot be avoided. Harmful cases inhabitants of the upper floors, it is possible to break through the permission to install individual air vent.

In the cottages, the problems of the air duct devices are significantly simplified, since the builders have more opportunities for maneuver, and the troubles from exhaust umbrellas do not apply to other apartments. It is useful to provide in the kitchen two independent ventilation channels - one for the general exhaust, the other for the kitchen umbrella. It should be borne in mind that hot pairs rose from the plate is not strictly vertically, but at a low angle. And above the exhaust umbrella is located, the more vapors across it. Therefore, for kitchens, where often and remember, umbrellas are needed quite large and installed down.

Transitional diseases

Both natural and forced exhaust ventilation work quite reliably only if the outdoor fresh air is admired (in other words, infiltration). Really infiltration is provided by slots and technological gaps in window and door structures. However, modern doors and plastic windows (double-glazed windows) are usually sealed and the air is practically missing. Therefore, with closed windows and doors, exhaust ventilation simply stops acting. Ivot already in the apartment there is a stagnation of air, there are unpleasant odors, the humidity and concentration of carbon dioxide increases. In general, the stoolness and only.

The easiest way to compensate for the shortage of fresh air is to open the windows in residential rooms. Hospital, it is quite often unacceptable for a variety of reasons, among which is an unfavorable environmental situation, low or high outdoor air temperature IT.P. Opening windows can not and if there is air conditioning in the apartment. After all, warm trifold air creates an additional load on air conditioning, and it is usually not taken into account when choosing equipment.

A more versatile method for compensating exhaust ventilation is to install in window bounds or wall of special supply valves. At the same time, the amount of supply air in the cold period should be taken into account when calculating the heating system.

But the best solution to the problem will be a device for intake mechanical ventilation with heated outdoor air in winter. Such ventilation can be provided with both the central system and applying small-sized supplies that serve one apartment. And here, the windows and doors can be absolutely hermetic. The device of mechanical supply ventilation provides high quality of air ventilation, but requires additional cash costs (about the systems of supply ventilation, it was about the "Home atmosphere" articles and "Tell me what you breathe, and I will say ...").

And when all these problems are taken into account and the solution is found, then the time comes to get a wallet.

Manufacturer Model Width, depth, height, cm Maximum performance, m3 / h Design features Price, $
AEG, Germany (14Models) 9060d. 906584. 720. Island, lighting- 4 halogen lamps, 4 performance adjustment steps 1900.
8160dm 6047135. 420. Wall, 3 performance adjustment steps 400.
Ardo, Italy (19 models) KF61Wh. 604815. 195. Embedded, lighting - incandescent lamp 45.
Luxor60IX. 856050. 465. Wall-mounted, incandescent lighting, stainless steel housing 210.
Bosch, Germany (7modes) DHI665G. 603041.5 700. Embedded, halogen lighting, 5-stage performance adjustment, filter contamination indicator 310.
DKE995B. 9055127. 480. Wall, halogen lighting, filter contamination indicator, residual stroke mode 1100.
Gaggenau, Germany (18mowers) AH 400-131 13690166. 1200. Island, Economic Fluorescent Lamps, Filter Pollution Sensor, Interval Inclusion System, Hardened Glass Visor 2900.
AH600. 9052140. 680. Wall, halogen lighting, residual stroke mode, air curtain function 2500.
Electrolux, Sweden (6modes) EFC009X. 1005093. 600. Wall, halogen lighting, 4 level of performance 990.
EFD280X. 14,55160 450. Desktop, 2 levels of performance 130.
Kaiser, Germany (18modes) K195SL601MW. 605015. 230. Embedded, metal filter 60.
IS50290XS. 908490. 700. Island, halogen lighting, remote control 930.
Miele, Germany (12modes) DA289. 9050110 690. Wall, filter contamination sensor, residual stroke mode, 3 performance adjustment steps, visor 1750.
DA252-2 12050115 690. Wall, filter contamination sensor, residual stroke mode, 3 performance adjustment steps, handrail from above visor 2200.
Siemens, Germany (6modes) LC86950. 9050110 550. Wall, halogen lighting with Soft Light function, filter contamination indicator, seeded glass visor 980.
LC75955 9052110. 580. Wall, halogen lighting, filter contamination indicator, touch automatic automatic on / off Ultrasound Sensor 790.
Zanussi, Italy (12moders) ZHC615W 1006049. 450. Wall, lighting incandescent lamps, 3 performance levels 180.
ZHW755 504815. 200. Embedded, 3 levels of performance 90.

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