I go on the carpet


Carpets: classification, characteristics, operational qualities, practical care tips. The history of carpet.

I go on the carpet 14694_1

I go on the carpet
Typical for the East, a motley "carpet" Interior: The abundance of carpets creates an atmosphere of a soft coziness and aneg
I go on the carpet
Vintage handmade carpets (XVIII - XIX centuries) from the Zili Studio Collection
I go on the carpet
Facial and auto side of the carpet. The density of the nodules connected and nailed to each other
I go on the carpet
Handmade lounge carpets. For 200 years of active service, they did not lose their bright colors. Sumy, like kilims, served for making covered and pillows
I go on the carpet
Latestly used vegetation ornament
I go on the carpet
Carpets can use a very concise lines
I go on the carpet
Natural wool carpets allow the addition of silk threads, which gives them a noble gentle shine
I go on the carpet
Carpet from the new collection of Carpet House. This sample is made of modern synthetic materials.
I go on the carpet
Carpets from modern collections of new design. The carpet can lie on the floor or hang on the wall as a decorative accent. He can also become an interior composite center.
I go on the carpet
Futuristic design full of energy
I go on the carpet
Sizal carpet

Not far from the mountains, when heat wants, coziness and something soft, reminiscent of fresh herb. So, it was time to talk about the carpet of such acquaintances, but also such mysterious. Their amazing shades, diversity of the painted pile, inexplicable Arabesques have long been fascinated by the secrets ...

What is a carpet?

The carpet is a product (usually a multicolor, patterned) of woolen, silk yarn, usually with a pile. It is used for floor covering, wall decorations.

To begin with, let's figure it out than the carpet is different, for example, from the tapestry or mat. The row threads are fixed on the basis of nodes. The same, or, as it is also called, tapping seeds, knots do not tie a duck just dragged through the bases of the base, and then a special fork is nourished to each other. These two types of coatings and ornaments differ. The carpet is performed in strictly calculated techniques, with mathematical accuracy. The tapestry, on the contrary, is very arbitrarily, there are no series, there are certain freedom and fantasy in the pattern lines.

Separate from carpets and tapestries. Place is occupied by mats. They are distinguished by the method of weave threads (more similar to those used in tapping) and material-sizal (dried agave fibers). But still the mat was a carpet prototype, so we will come back to it.

Little excursion in a big story

The first in the history of mankind woven images were found in the tomb of the pharaoh of the TUMOSIV. They refer to the time of the new kingdom (the XVI-XI centuries. BC.). Ana one of the frescoes of Ben Hassan dated X century. BC e., the entire weaving process is shown in the form in which we know it today.

The most ancient of the preserved carpets was created in V c. BC e. Archaeologists discovered it in the famous Burning Kurgan in Altai, now it is stored in the Hermitage. However, this product was probably in Assyria, which indicates a very wide distribution of carpets already at the distant time. The framework carpet is decorated with a concise ornament with pronounced anthropomorphic and zoomorphic elements (horsemen on horseback). It is clear that this type of coating served not only to the decoration, but also the keeper of valuable information. It is notable to note the good safety of the product - with proper storage, carpets can live more than one hundred and even a thousand years.

On the territory of the broken Assyria, the Persian kingdom arose, inherited the great art of carpetitions. Modern Iran and Iraq adequate all the magnificence of ancient crafts.

The birth of the carpet in the environment of nomadic peoples was due to their arms themselves. Cutting continental climates Horny days with a temperature of up to + 40s are replaced by cold nights (up to 0c). The absence of permanent dwellings forced people to sleep in tents and tents. The need to warm the earth flooring in such conditions is quite explained. Radianess often used felt wool. Later appeared woven mats. So the path of mankind to the carpet in his modern understanding took quite a long time. The main material for the manufacture of carpets was sheep wool.

Conditionally, the history of the carpet can be divided into two periods. The first-premichene, when they were manufactured for the needs of one family (or parents). On the change of worn and thrown out products just new fabrics. Carpets of that time differed in small sizes and relatively low density - from40 to 180uses per square decimeter. Products were transmitted from generation to generation within one kind or family, for example, with a god of the bride or inherited. However, at the time of the youth of the carpet, there were sometimes official orders for residences, parade halls, mosques. But the only possibility for the carpet to move at a considerable distance was to be in another country in the form of a diplomatic gift or redemption, Dani. Such cases agree, it is impossible to be called typical.

The second period of the carpet, commercial, finally occurred only in the middle of the XIX and a combination of machine production, which has increasingly replaced manual weaving, with the emergence of new transport capabilities and with the activation of exports. WTO Time arises production of carpets, intended solely for sale. Already in the middle of the century, the foreign trade by these products becomes a branch of the national economy, for example, Persia-first massive exporter.

During this period, the flourishing art of carpetdom occurs. Money attracted to the industry, naturally, created the best conditions for the development of the craft. But the carpet Renaissance continued not long. Very soon the powerful "ninth shaft" of demand has changed the principles of this painstaking art. Carpets needed a lot, and bright, attracting the attention of buyers. High quality questions began to retreat on the background. The emergence of aniline paints, significantly simplifying and reduced technological processes of carpets also played a big role. The imitation of oriental carpets begin to do in Europe and in China.

Finished our short historical excursion period of the newest story. Today, the geography of carpets is extremely extensive. Losurea carpets are manufactured near Moscow Lyubertsy. Vasia, China, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, India. Vafrike - Tunisia. Veverop- France, Belgium, Germany. We note an important feature: most of the European and Russian carpets are made in the factory conditions, the Asian products are mainly different by hand.


It is appropriate to classify carpets on the method of manufacture. Then the first group forms products created completely manually. Here, we will also take the carpets made in the so-called tuffing technique, which will also be discussed. The second method is manifact (products are created by half manually). Tiny-machine, now the most common, in which all technological processes are mechanized.

All in nature carpets are divided into pile and lounge. Sideless, in turn, are mainly two types: Kilima and Sumora. These varieties of lounge carpets appeared at the beginning of the V c. n. e. Their beautiful oriental names mean only technological characteristics. The "progenitor" of a lounge carpet is a mat, the very first in the history of humanity outdoor coating. True, in distant antiquity, she more resembled the carpet of her pile attached to a wicker basis with the help of nodes.

Kilim - a handmade rover, not having technical, that is, the wrong side. Typing thread color, as a result of which the coating is obtained by bilateral. The ornament is formed using nodes noticeable with attentive inspection. Kilim can not only be tailored to the floor, but also use as a tablecloth, bedspread, drapering. The lack of a pile allows you to put heavy furniture on it without prejudice to the surface. Kilima is usually very lungs and simply cleaned. They are made only manually, which makes them unique and very expensive.

Another kind of lounge carpets are summa. In the formative of the ornament, the thread forming the ornament is winding around the base in the form of a pigtail, the end of which is displayed on the wrong one. The result is summa, as a rule, have the facial and technical sides.

Pile carpets today are most popular. Soft, intellectory pile is formed from the outward ends of the threads associated in the nodules. They are either cut, or leave intact.


Initially, carpets were manually made. Thes of them on the usual wooden frame. The ornament of the rowers were kept in memory, passing the "Iruk of Hand". Later, special patterns appeared, which were put on ducks. The model could serve the ready carpet.

Today, the so-called tuffing technique received widespread, in which the pile nodules "shoot" to the basis of a special pistol. This technique is also assumed to be manual.

With the advent of weaving manufactures, the process of making carpets has become more and more mechanized. At the same time, labor productivity naturally increased, though to the detriment of the uniqueness of products. The in the distance from manufactory was developed factory, mass. Modern machine carpetworking uses the latest computer technology and can even reproduce manual work, imitating the man-made irregularity of the ornament.

It is not known why, but since the XIXVEK, a sign of the quality of the carpet is considered to be high density. In general, density is rather the usual technical characteristic, the same as, for example, the size or thickness. It is determined by the number of nodules per square decimeter (sometimes square meter, centimeter or inches).

The easiest way to count the density itself. To do this, on the wrong side of the carpet, measure the square decimeter and count all the nodules in it from the rows. A too high density indicator may in some cases cause the destruction of the product-carpet will crack on bends (for example, if it is inhabited to collapse), and it is unlikely to be able to save it.


As already mentioned, the main and best material for carpets from ancient times is genuine sheep wool. InXxvek, for the sake of cheaper products, cotton, flax and synthetics began to apply. For expensive wall carpets in the older used silk.

Not all wool is suitable for a good carpet. One of the best varieties is the wool "Gazni", diped from a healed of a semi-annual Afghan lamb. In the early time, the leader in the carpet became New Zelaland wool, environmentally friendly, thin, durable, white and soft to the touch. It is noteworthy that the strength of the wool directly depends on the nutrition of the sheep. Inspection of animal wool hunger strikes are thinning and can then break. The quality of washing the finished product also plays the quality of the finished product. Properly washed carpet does not smell sheepskin, almost does not hide and keeps silky stiffness for a long time. Today, rowers are increasingly dealing with artificial materials. It is no secret that synthetic carpets for a number of characteristics are inferior to natural. Now there are certain advantages: it is easy to clean, weigh less weighs, it is cheaper. The number of synthetic materials used is quite large: suprim, viscose, terclone, polyamide, etc. Among the manufacturers of synthetic carpets, one of the leading places belongs to Belgium, these products are particularly widely represented on the Russian market. A wide variety of Belgian and French synthetic carpets is available on Carpet House stores in the Moscow carpet company.

Dyes are divided into two large groups: natural and chemical. Natural animals origin or mineral. Extremely exotic coloring substances are still used. You can call, for example, PURPUR extracted from marine mollusks. The operational qualities of natural dyes are quite high: they do not fade in the sun and differ in natural, noble color.

For a long time, Anilina dominated among chemical colors for textiles. Invented in 1847, they began to quickly spread and in 1853 already reached Iran. It is aniline dyes that allowed to supply carpet production to industrial rails. True, at first, these substances have not yet been able to fix it, and they flowed from the water. But the problem was completely solved to the 20th mandues of the last century. The most vulnerable in the sense of molting red and orange colors.

Carpet as a way to invest money

As a profitable investment of funds, carpets are located in the prestigious 15th place, between antique furniture and old engravings. However, remember: only expensive is becoming more expensive. Everything else - from modern "Lyubertsy" to modern "Belgium" - will start cheaper from the moment of checking the check. So as not to be in the acclating, acquire unique vintage or modern author products.

Today, aniline paints are gradually displaced by polymer and synthetic, which do not need to be fixed and do not lose. The most modern, third generation of dye-chrome. According to the properties, they are almost indistinguishable from natural, but not so juicy in color.


Figure is one of the most important qualities of any carpet, whether it is a barn of rarity or Lyubertsy lots. History of view of history The situation looks like this: in the eastern Middle Ages, the main image was the ornament; In European stylization in the Spirit of Ampire or Rococo, Floral Pattern or Detailed Figure. Modern spectacular geometric images on carpets belong to plane decorative compositions.

In antiquity, the ornament did not play a decorative role. What seems arbitrary set of squares and rhombuses may have a deep intimate meaning.

Many people think that the ornamental nature of the carpet decor is associated with the Islamic prohibition to portray a person. But after all, the ornament arose long before Islam. It may be, this type of image is due to the technique of manual weaving, in which real objects and images have to stylize, simplify, giving them geometric forms. There is another version: the ornaments of the pagans had, as a rule, a ritual meaning. Amitvolo introduced Muslims has kept pagan motives in art. However, the value of many images now we know. So, solar signs are simple circles, circles with rays and stylized stars - symbolize prosperity; Spiral denotes water, oasis; The water symbol is both stylized duck images; The horns imply the hero of the myths of many nations.

Islam has largely changed the symbol language. Now the hand brush has become the embodiment of "Dlann Allah." It is known a product that tells the Hajj to Mecca in detail. Even the geographical features of the journey are observed even the ornament. This type of carpet received the name of the Maraz.

Today, of course, carpeted drawings are entirely decorative. Amazes the wealth of all sorts of ornaments-arabesque with such spicy exotic names, like "Cashmere", "Tekin", "Tabriz", "Bakhtiyar", "Keshan", "Herat", "Taj Mahal", "Nin", "Kimman " etc. There are also sustainable ornamental ensembles, folded over the centuries: "Bakhtiyar" - a paradise garden, "Koba" - dome, etc.

Next group of images of European stylization. Eastern techniques appeared in Europe in the XVII-XVIII centuries, after which they were constantly modified in accordance with the requirements of fashion, taste, traditions. Castle reflected Baroque, Ampir, Rococo, Classicism, Modern. Interestingly, the carpet decor as if concentrated the typical elements of styles. This trend is developing today. True, the styles and directions are translated on the surface of the products, currently high-tech, purism, country, safaris. In addition, manufacturers create their own design designs, forming original collections or lines. The richest selection of collections can be seen in the Russian Trade House Carpet House. KnaMore vague destinations include Belgian artificial carpets (Laguna and Arte lines).

Arte is a spectacular stylization in the spirit of the great artists of XXVEK Juan Miro, Pablo Picasso, Vasily Kandinsky, Kazimir Malevich and others. The Serengeti line, named in honor of the desert of the same name, embodied the motives of African ornaments in beige-brown colors. Curious Look and Pinto Series, Moderately Modernist Carpet De Voyage and, of course, children's Gold Town and Traffic School.

The design of modern carpets is so rich that every buyer will be able to make a good choice according to its taste, opportunities and the established interior. We will try only to celebrate some trends today today.

The last squeak is energetic red. Even despite certain aggressiveness and the fact that he "takes too much." You can stop at less radical versions, the ethnic pastel-linen tones are still fashionable. Still relevant concisely decorated products. They are universal, easily fit into any interior and do not particularly oblige them, that is, in their own way democratic. Moscow Carpet Company (Zalegorograd) specializes in economy class products. These are not unique expensive specimens, but products that are not sorry to change to newer. Fashionable and at the same time affordable solutions are presented by Russian buyers with half-walled and synthetic carpets. The stroks of the design of the design they differ little from expensive exclusive works. In other words, mass production today often copies rare copyright and vintage samples.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about "sculptural" carpets, which appeared with the development of machine production. Thanks to a special pile haircut, their surface can acquire a relief shape. Sometimes, however, the "sculptural" carpets are created manually, and the height of the pile can be 10-15 cm.

The modern market also offers a special service of carpets on customer sketches. By the way, interior decorators are very often resorted to this type of service. In addition to the drawing, you can choose the size and shape of the product, the height of the pile, density and other parameters.

Tips to the consumer

Style. In a minimalist interior, a carpet imitating a mat will be fitted very well. Its simple texture and natural colors exactly correspond to many modern styles. Aesley you are a fan of heat and comfort and most of all appreciate the softness in every sense of the word, you will be suitable for wool and half-walled products. For example, Iranian, Pakistani or Indian, with traditional ornaments and colors. Such "historically weathered" carpets are good in the interiors of the classic type. It is worth noting the French series of IMPERIAL woolen products, made based on the old Obusson vintage carpets.

Storage. All carpets are afraid of damp, boiling water, sun and moths. Eleaches can be avoided if it is thoroughly and quickly dry products after a wet cleaning and not to lay them on the right sunny rays. If the carpet is stored in a closed volume (for example, in a closet), 2-3 times a year sharew it, use naphthalene or more modern means of protection against moths.

Cleaning. This is a very responsible business. So if you are a happy owner of medieval kilim, better contact the specialists. However, carpets of such a level are rarely falling into random hands, and collectors tend to have close perennial relations with restorers.

If you own an expensive carpet of modern work, you can clean it yourself. Here is appreciated with the snow cleaning method. Estate the carpet in the fresh snow, pour them the surface. Then move the brush in different directions, dropping the contaminated snow and replacing it fresh. The main thing is to remember that wool woven carpets are most afraid of hot water, especially boiling water. Therefore, if there was no snow at hand, it is necessary to clean the carpet with neutral cold water, starting naturally from the corner. In the summer, knock out and dry the product in the sun face inside, preventing burnout.

You can sometimes pour a small dust salt on the surface (it absorbs dust well). Then it is convenient to remove it with a vacuum cleaner. But it should not be abused by this, because when cleaning the carpet with the front side, it is likely to injure the pile. It is better to produce with a vacuum cleaner with a vacuum cleaner, where, by the way, loves to settle mole.

In case of severe contamination, light soap solutions are quite acceptable in combination with a brush, moistened with a solution of denature or ammonia. For solid carpet cleaning there are several ways. Pure wool products are well washed in salt water with the addition of ammonia alcohol. Having finished the procedure, the carpet hang on the rope and rinse from watering water water with acetic essence (a teaspoon of 5 liters). If there are greasy spots on the surface, they must be removed to a common cleaning with warm water and ammonia (1: 1 solution). Hemp, jute and other non-woolen products should not be washed, because the danger is that they are pollinated. It is better to clean them with a vacuum cleaner, shaking or knock out. Spots from the surfaces of all types of carpets are withdrawn by gasoline.

Restoration. If there are small holes in the carpet, an easy restoration of the product from the wrong side is allowed. The break site can be duplicated with canvas or logging. However, the main principle of any restoration, like medicine, is not harmful! Do not do anything that it is impossible to fix. It is impossible to cut off only a whole carpet. If you have at least the slightest suspicion that your carpet is unique, contact a specialist.

Moscow Market Kovrov

Seller Producing country Material Price 1m2, $

(handmade carpets)

Iran wool from300
silk OT750.
France wool OT250.
synthetics 74-500
Belgium wool 204-870
synthetics 62-300
Pakistan wool OT240.
"Silk Road"

(handmade carpets)

Iran wool from350
silk from 1000.
China wool OT200.
silk from400
Pakistan wool OT200.
India, Nepal wool from150
silk OT200.
"Carpet Oasis"

(handmade carpets)

Iran wool OT500.
silk from 1000.
Pakistan wool OT250.
India, Nepal wool OT230.
"Moscow Carpet Company"

(carpets of machine work)

Iran Wool (30%) 58-82
silk OT545.
synthetics OT34.
Poland synthetics 19-41
Belgium synthetics from20
Yugoslavia Wool (30%) from41
India, Nepal wool OT58.
Saudi Arabia synthetics 26-31
Moldova Wool (30%) 17-20.
Belorussia wool 29.
Wool (50%) sixteen
synthetics fourteen
Russia wool sixteen
synthetics 14-15
"Salon of the Parade Interior"

(carpets of machine work)

Thailand Wool (30%) 700-1000
silk 1600-2000
acrylic 450-700

The editorial board thanks for the help of the preparation of material and the organization of photography Design Studio "Zili", Carpet House shopping house, shop "German style".

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