Tronul - Go, or myself an architect


Reconstruction of a one-room apartment with a total area of ​​34.8 m2 in the house of the II-18 series, produced by the ongoing forces of one Moscow family.

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Tronul - Go, or myself an architect
Kitchen. The round table is pleasant to sit both the two and a large company
Tronul - Go, or myself an architect
View from the hallway in the living room. We decided to use glass blocks, stretch ceilings and warm tiled floors in our apartment
Tronul - Go, or myself an architect
View from the living room. The whole apartment is like a palm: right kitchen, left bathroom
Tronul - Go, or myself an architect
Living room. The room seems spacious due to the lack of unnecessary furniture
Tronul - Go, or myself an architect
Bathroom. Figure and coloring of the tile we invented, pushing out from already purchased glass blocks
Tronul - Go, or myself an architect
Typical panel house series II-18
Tronul - Go, or myself an architect
Initial layout of the apartment
Tronul - Go, or myself an architect
Planning after reconstruction

Once again, looking at the ceiling of our one-bedroom apartment in a typical high-rise building, the wife said:

- In my opinion, it's time.

- What time is it? - I asked with unkind foreboding.

"It's time to make repairs," the wife confirmed my worst fears.

- Only we will not redo and rebuild!

- So, - I summed up. - Cosmetic repair, and no rearrangements!

The first wall, the victim of restructuring, was the one that near the door was chosen a small yarn in the room. More precisely, not the whole wall, but only the doorway in it.

When I proposed to redo the surprise in the dressing room, my wife looked at me as it should be, the students of Brunelands looked at the Matra, showing them a fresh project of the Dome of the Cathedral in Santa Maria del Fiore. Then for the first time, the idea of ​​the need to measure all the walls, and then neatly draw them on the millimeter. On the plan of the Alcover terms very quickly turned into a dressing room, a multiple meters of residential space. I had to "erect the wall (subsequently it was made of light foam concrete), separating the input and room zone. The wardrobe in the closet can be gently place the wardrobes along the newly appeared wall. By the way, they would have come to the hallway and mirror doors of these cabinets.

Buyer advice

Not imagining how to assess the quality of the tile, we chose the easiest way: buying tiles from a direct official distributor knowingly a good firm. Estimates are always the choice in size and color worse, prices are somewhat higher and no discounts for small-winding batchs are not provided.An idea to enlarge the bathroom and the toilet at the expense of the corridor suggested a wife. It was confused only the need to cut one more doorway- in the kitchen from the room.

When I said, I also think about it and still that the bathroom could be combined, the wife looked at me carefully, as if he could not believe that there would be enough space for two thoughts in my head at the same time, and said:

- That's just not wanting to mess around with this doorway to the kitchen ...

"I agree," I nodded my head. "They wage so walking the whole wall." Or almost all.

The decision on the demolition of the wall between the kitchen and the room solved the problem of the kitchen table in the sense that now he could partially enter the room, without clinging to the virtually all free space of the kitchen.

"Now guests do not have to close at the table, you will not need to buy a second music center and I will have less dental problems!" Wife said happily.

- where is the dentistry?

"Despite the fact that I don't have to creak my teeth from annoyance when I cook, and you look in another room" Secret materials ".

Once we woke up for a friendly "rain" drop from the ceiling: the neighbors were flooded on top. Parquet sank, the ceiling was covered with picturesque divorces. But the most unpleasant was that the recurrence was not only possible, but rather, on the contrary. That's how it was decided to make a false-brake. It is difficult to say ... That is, to say, it is just very easy that we would have had to mess if it would have had to regain, if it was in the end made from drywall. As it turned out (silent people), the plasterboard swells perfectly when the water appears on it, they will cringe and even break. We chose stretch ceilings that have already managed to save the apartment from flooding several times: they only savage the water leaked on them, and then the workers of the firms established the ceiling, and through the thin hose with the needle, the accumulated liquid pump out the needle. The perfectly smooth surface is restored. By the way, it turned out that point lamps are easily cut into the stretch ceiling, and we used this during the design of the bathroom.

Selle Board

By purchasing a stretch ceiling, it should be borne in mind that its cost increases with increasing the number of corners in the room. The rectangular protrusion of the wall, which gives two additional angle, denounce the ceiling by about 102 = 20 dollars, column - by40. A similar situation with the inserting lamps.

In addition to the chagrins, the swollen floor brought some joy of discovery: the level of overlaps made it possible to lower it at least than 10 cm. The ATO would compensate for the decrease in the height of the room due to the stretch ceiling. Among other things, the swollen parquet accelerated the maturation of the thought of replacing it to ceramics. This, in turn, did not contradict our other Platonic love for the "warm floor". We picked up a tile with a textured surface under the "light tree", with three different shades. They laid it in checkers, alternating light and dark. Completely put dark one colors in the kitchen, the other. But all the same distinct zoning on the floor did not work, it is perceived as a single one. I is not sure that on the square of such sizes you need to do differently. We wanted the speakers, we decided to put the tile not in parallel-perpendicular to the walls, but at an angle to them. As for the magnitude of the angle and its directions, they were chosen so that the guest was "called" the guest to the table immediately, and not to the computer, for example.

Well, finally, the glass blocks. To use them in the decor there was no harsh necessity, but we liked this material, and we were looking for a suitable place for him. In our opinion, it is very appropriate when placing a bathroom and kitchen. The fact that the choice fell on cornflower blocks was determined not by the desire to obtain necessarily avant-garde color farements, not the presence of only such in the nearest store "something for the repair of everything", but just liked this color. True, then I had to pick up paint for walls (light sandy), furniture, dishes and other details (we even began to give a blue glass, and Lev Bartenev refused his blue-yellow picture!) So that the glass blocks did not feel lonely. They in the end was the part of the walls of the bathroom from the hallway and the kitchen. They are so nice to shine when the light is lit in the bathroom. It seems that the space is not limited to the wall, but continues somewhere there, for it.

From the editor

You can save money on the "warm floor" as follows: Place the cable only where "the leg of a person", and the floor is "cold" under the furniture. In addition, in the corridors and rooms, put a relatively inexpensive cable without braid, although in the kitchen and in the bathroom, where the probability of flooding of the floor is more, a cable with waterproofing is necessary.

Generally, as for the light, we decided not to hang chandeliers. Wall lamps turned out to be more than enough. We only adjusted the optimal directions of light flows. A daily desire to make the situation more intimate can be deployed to the ceiling or wall.

Of course, without adventures it did not cost. They began when we drove in Moscow in search of materials, kitchen and upholstered furniture, hired workers. That is, everything we needed, managed to find easily. But in one case the price was not satisfied, but in another quality. The end of the ends everything was settled. Really cheaply, even a small turquoise sink in the bathroom, which decided to lay on white and blue (different tones), the Kingdom of Water Mission is still.

Our sketch on the topic "If I were an architect" embodied a brigade from the once frantic republic. The work had to be guided directly: "This is chopping it, but it is to livert on the plaster" ... The apartment in the previous time, the wife often woke up at night with the words:

"I can't believe, is it really our apartment?"

- TS-C! - I brought my finger to the lips. - Do you hear? Do you hear noise?

Behind the wall, a drunken neighbor "gave to see" households.

"Ours," the wife pronouncedly uttered and sweetly fell asleep.

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

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