6 standing ideas from the interiors of Scandinavian kitchens (functionally and beautiful)


Wallpapers, storage options, Fishokno - Cool ideas for the interior of your kitchen from Scandinavian houses and apartments.

6 standing ideas from the interiors of Scandinavian kitchens (functionally and beautiful) 16570_1

6 standing ideas from the interiors of Scandinavian kitchens (functionally and beautiful)

Scandinavian cuisines are very distinctive. It is not afraid to use retro, wallpaper, and still thinking out storage and often engage open shelves. They can trace the connection of individual details in the interior. Kitchens of Scandinavians attract attention, and from their setting you can learn some cool ideas - beautiful, functional, and sometimes unusual.

1 Fishing Kitchen

In the studios apartments often want somehow "isolate" the kitchen, at least nominally. And again, the kitchen is often supposed to be away from the window, through the wall from the bathroom. That is, if you build a deaf partition, natural light in the kitchen will be little.

Solution - to embed such false & ...

SOLUTION - Embed such a fiddle, through which natural light will penetrate into the kitchen area.

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2 mini shelves with croups

At this kitchen in the style of a retro shelf with croups, as it were attached to the top boxes of the kitchen headset. Such a decision is generally often found on Scandinavian cuisines with retrogarners. Perhaps it was even mass production.

But the decision can be taken on the ...

But the decision can be noted and when designing your kitchen - it looks more accurately conventional open shelves with placed banks, and everything you need for cooking, therefore, at hand.

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3 Wooden hanger with hooks over the working surface

Such a wooden hook hanger is already firmly associated with a Scandinavian style. In the apartments of Scandinavians they are used in residential rooms, and in the bathrooms and in the kitchen. And this reception was adopted by residents of other countries, including in Russia.

In the same example of a roll with a hook ...

In the same example, a plate with hooks is located above the tiled apron and hides the bog between the tile and wallpaper. In addition, it is a replacement of the rail, which means an additional place for storage.

4 Mirror rear walls of kitchen cabinets

Glass doors of cabinets look the deaf walls, but at the same time less practical in terms of cleaning and order.

Here they added even more & ...

Here they added even more air and visually even slightly expanded the space, closing the rear wall of the cabinet with a mirror. In fact, for us, the mirrored back wall of the cabinet looks pretty familiar. But only when it comes to a servant, and not about the top row of the kitchen headset.

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5 Soft mini sofa instead of chairs

Kitchen corners once firmly settled in Russian cuisines, but today they are already not so relevant. Yes, indeed, the corner of "from the 2000s" will rather spoil the interior.

You can replace the corner on the bench & ...

You can replace the corner on the bench or a small kitchen sofa, as in this example. In the appropriate frame, such furniture looks very important and stylish.

6 Wallpapers - bright and accent

Wallpaper in the kitchen helps to "obume" interior, make it more cozy. But not ordinary under painting, which create the effect of the painted wall, and with the pattern that you would rather be blocked in the residential room.

Not to donate practical

In order not to sacrifice the practicality, for wallpaper you can take the wall in the dining area. Scandinavian wallpaper brands are not cheap on the market, but they are worth it. It is with them that you can recreate the spirit of this Skand.

By the way, in this interior another "sign" of the residential room is a carpet. In the kitchen, such rarely meet, except small cotton mats. Reception is bold, but also controversial in terms of practicality. You decide.

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