8 natural fertilizers for room colors that are in your kitchen


The audit of kitchen cabinets will save you time and budget, because the fertilizer can be made from sugar, tea or banana peel.

8 natural fertilizers for room colors that are in your kitchen 2721_1

8 natural fertilizers for room colors that are in your kitchen

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Yeast, sugar, orange zest - familiar ingredients for cake, which can become excellent fertilizer for your violet. It is convenient because you do not need to run to the store, but still safe: to choose sugar much more difficult than pesticides from a bag with artificial fertilizers.

1 Sugar.

Glucose is a great nutrient for people, but also for indoor plants. A solution is prepared from a liter of water and a tablespoon of ordinary sugar. The feeding is done more than once a month, and additionally, EM-preparations are introduced into the soil, which contain carbon dioxide (without it, glucose is not learned).

8 natural fertilizers for room colors that are in your kitchen 2721_3

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2 yeast

Fertilizer with yeast contains vitamins of group B, thanks to which the plant increases more successfully and develops. It can be made of dry or alive yeast. In the first case, the bag is bred in 10 liters of water and add 3 tablespoons of sugar. Flowers watered once in the season. Fertilizer from living yeast is prepared as follows: Pressed yeast are bred by water in a ratio of 1: 5 and give 2 hours. Apply only freshly prepared solution. After feeding in the soil, ash introduce to keep the potassium balance.

8 natural fertilizers for room colors that are in your kitchen 2721_5

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3 Coffee Human

Speit coffee is a universal product that can be used not only for cooking scrubs, but also for fertilizer of indoor plants. And although the nutrients are not contained in the currency, it makes the soil with a more acidic, loose and light, contributes to the saturation of the soil with oxygen.

8 natural fertilizers for room colors that are in your kitchen 2721_7

4 citrusovs

As fertilizers, citrus peel suits, or rather infusion from it. It has antiseptic properties, fights pests and increases flower immunity. A solution is preparing: the dried crusts are laid out on a third of the liter cans, they are filled with top of the water and the days are insisted. After that, the remaining volume of water fills in the bank and watered these flowers 1-2 times a month depending on the season (in winter less often).

8 natural fertilizers for room colors that are in your kitchen 2721_8

5 Banana Skeleton

You can feed the bedroom plants by potassium using a fertilizer from banana peel. Made by infusion on the same principle as from citrus. You can prepare powder from the dried peel and add soil from above, then water clean water.

8 natural fertilizers for room colors that are in your kitchen 2721_9

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6 Leek Shelukha

This is a wonderful antiseptic for plants, which eliminates pests and pathogenic bacteria. For a handful of husks you need to take a liter of water and boil it, add a husk and cook for 10 minutes. After that, fertilizer is left for another three hours so that it is fill. The resulting solution is irrigated by plants every two weeks.

8 natural fertilizers for room colors that are in your kitchen 2721_11

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7 Tea brew

You can pour the plants with sweet tea or add a fresh welding into the ground. It will make the ground with more loose and saturated oxygen. But do not overdo it, otherwise there may be black flies in the house - they, like houseplants, love tea.

8 natural fertilizers for room colors that are in your kitchen 2721_13

8 egg shell

The egg shell often fertilizes the beds, but it is also suitable for indoor plants, as it contains a lot of calcium. The shell chopped into crumbs can be used in a dry form or prepare an infusion (teaspoon of powder per liter of liquid).

8 natural fertilizers for room colors that are in your kitchen 2721_14

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