Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples


Moldings, hats, curtains and paintings ... Touch how to decorate the walls of the bedroom so that it looks beautiful and original.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_1

The design of walls in the bedroom is worth paying special attention, because in this room you will spend a lot of time, and it is important that nothing annoyed in it, but on the contrary, inspired, soothing and pleased. We have gathered 15 interesting ideas for the design of the bedroom - despite the originality, each of them is great for the personal zone in the apartment.

How to arrange walls in the bedroom

  1. Wallpapers and frescoes
  2. Wall panels
  3. Mirrors
  4. Different textures and colors
  5. Lamps and garlands
  6. Pictures and posters
  7. Unusual decor
  8. Brick
  9. Concrete
  10. Dark paint
  11. Moldings
  12. DIY decoration
  13. Curtains
  14. Carpet
  15. Racks and shelves

1 Wallpapers and Frescoes

Wallpapers are often used in the design of the walls of the bedroom, and it is clear why: it is convenient, inexpensive and beautiful. In addition, there are many options to unusually place them. You can go through the traditional path and completely caught the accent wall by wallpaper. It can be done otherwise - for example, enter into part of the canvas in the frame and thus create a decorative panel.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_2
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_3
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_4
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_5
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_6

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_7

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_8

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_9

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_10

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_11

Choosing frescoes and wallpapers, you can be guided by two principles: take contrasting towards the rest of the walls or choose the color and drawing. In the first case, the wall with the decor will attract all the attention, in the second - the interior as a whole will look harmonious.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_12
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_13

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_14

Photo: Instagram neointeriordesign

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_15

Photo: Instagram Melaniejadedesigns

The color of photo wallpaper can be contrasting or maintain the selected shades in the bedroom. The drawing is not too large and realistic. For example, huge images of animals have long come out of fashion and definitely will not decorate the room. If you need to visually increase the bedroom space, choose a pattern with a perspective.

2 Wall panels

The mass options mass, but for the bedroom the best is the most eco-friendly: from textiles, skin, wood.

Soft panels on the wall in the bedroom

They can most often meet in this room - as a change in headboard. Popular fabric panels, but also skin can be seen, especially in brutal or respectable interiors.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_16
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_17
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_18
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_19
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_20
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_21

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_22

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_23

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_24

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_25

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_26

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_27

Most often, the soft panels are limited to the width of the bed itself (length can be different, up to the ceiling), although there are also projects in which they are located on the whole wall.

Wooden panels

Ideal if you want to issue an interior in ecostel (by the way, a great solution!). However, the wooden wall will take root in other solutions: from modern style to Ar Deco.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_28
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_29

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_30

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_31

Laminate or parquet board

One of the latest popular bedroom design trends is to arrange one of the walls with laminate or parquet board. The finish can move from the floor on the walls and even the ceiling.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_32
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_33
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_34

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_35

Photo: Instagram Harpinteriors1

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_36

Photo: Instagram ashley.joyfullygrowing

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_37

Photo: Instagram ThemodeStfarmHouse

  • Short bedroom guide: from zoning to decorating

3D panels

Produced from a variety of materials. Their key feature is a non-bustal view. This is just an example of the fact that the decor may not be bright, but memorable.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_39
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_40
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_41

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_42

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_43

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_44

3 mirrors

A small mirror in the design is not difficult, and what about the whole mirror wall? This technique helps not only allocate one of the surfaces, but also expand the space (for small-slickers is very relevant).

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_45
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_46

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_47

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_48

The only condition is that such large mirrors are better not to post opposite the bed: they will distract from sleep, to be glad. The perfect place is the space behind the back.

4 different textures and colors

The combination of different textures and colors can work very powerfully. An example is a mix of wood, concrete of a mirror surface: it seems to be pretty ordinary materials, but together such a finish looks fresh and interesting.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_49
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_50

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_51

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_52

The same applies to the colors: it is absolutely optionally to hang the entire room with bright posters - you can make paint muffled color blocks, and now your design looks unusual.

5 lamps and garlands

The bedroom should have at least a few light sources: ceiling, bedside, in the recreation area or work. Use this: for example, select the walls of an interesting form or cancel banal lamps.

The idea for brave is to place the wires from the lamps on the wall so that they become reminding an intricate picture.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_53
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_54

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_55

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_56

The garland can be decorate the room in a modern style, the Scandinavian light interior and even the brutal loft. Cute garlands with light bulbs add romance and comfort.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_57
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_58

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_59

Photo: Instagram MiennaSverden

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_60

Photo: Instagram Whatsabouttown_Home

6 paintings and posters

Simple, but the cool idea of ​​the design of walls in the bedroom - paintings and posters. The advantage of this decor is that you can diversify it in your taste. For example, hang alphabet posters that will inspire you every morning, add pictures with beautiful landscapes or make a gallery from family pictures.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_61
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_62
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_63

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_64

Photo: Instagram MybedroomGoals

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_65

Photo: Instagram Interior4inspo

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_66

Photo: Instagram Manicsarah

Unusual location

If you want original design, think over the placement of the canvas. Recently, it is often possible to see them not hung, but attached to the wall - it adds a premises a note of bohemility and relaxation (and she does not hurt the intimate space).

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_67
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_68
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_69

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_70

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_71

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_72

Pictures can be left on the floor or on a special shelf. In a small room, the latter is not bad to place right above the headboard, to save space. At the same time, highlight the sleeping area.

And what if you put the picture right on the back of the bed? It will definitely look unusual! But for security, we still advise hidden fix it so that it does not fall.

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7 Unusual wall decor in the bedroom

Wall decor variants are actually much more than ordinary paintings, but it is better to choose it in accordance with the style of the room.

For example, ethnic accessories will be good in the Boho-style room, and the panel with a fashionable metal brilliance will well fit into modern classics or ar-deco.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_74
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_75
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_76

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_77

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_78

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_79

Looking for both unusual combinations: why not decorate the scand-room with deer horns, and do not hang Cameroon hats on the brick wall? Conventional hats, by the way, can also be used as a wall decor, like unusual hours, vinyl stickers, bas-reliefs, mosaic and wooden panels ... All of them will be the perfect decoration of the wall in the bedroom above the bed.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_80
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_81
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_82
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_83
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_84
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_85
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_86
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_87
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_88
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_89

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_90

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_91

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_92

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_93

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_94

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_95

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_96

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_97

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_98

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_99

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8 Brick Wall in the Bedroom

Brick is another material to which the very place in the bedroom. Why? Everything is simple - it is natural. True, some such finishing may seem too coarse and brutal. Yes, perhaps, it is worth leaving a red brick for lofts and lovers of bold solutions.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_101
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_102
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_103
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_104
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_105
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_106
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_107

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_108

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_109

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_110

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_111

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_112

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_113

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_114

Soften the brick will help ... ordinary paint. For intimate space perfect white: painted a brick wall, added an old bed, a vintage table - and here you have an elegant interior in the spirit of the Parisian apartment. Other colors can also be used: well, if it is deep dark shades that set to sleep.

9 Concrete Walls

An option for connoisseurs of industrial aesthetics and urban style - walls under concrete. This finish without finishing is not suitable for everyone - all the same concrete walls have little common with the traditional understanding of the comfort, which must be present in the bedroom. But true connoisseurs of interior design such an idea will definitely have to taste.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_115

10 Dark Wall Color in Bedroom Design

Want to experiment with dark walls of the walls? Bedroom - the best place for this. Dark shades will relax and configure sleep.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_116
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_117

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_118

Photo: Instgram kultura.sna

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_119

Photo: Instgram _Shallash_

If the room is small, then the dark can be made only one wall - beyond the back of bed. Or paint the whole perimeter, but leave the light clearance at the ceiling - it will seem higher, and the space is free.

11 Moldings

The classic version of the wall decoration is recruiting popularity in the interiors. In the bedroom, Moldings most often distinguish the area behind the back of bed, although they can be located on the other surfaces.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_120
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_121
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_122

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_123

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_124

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_125

Moldings can be painted in the color of the walls or contrast with it. You can also make a "framing" of an unusual form, and inside the art object inside.

  • What to insert in the frame, except for photos and pictures: 16 original options

12 homemade decorations

If you have not found a suitable decoration in the store or just like creativity, decorate the walls with your own hands. A simple option is to make a craft from paper. Beautifully look flowers or paper butterflies.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_127
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_128

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_129

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_130

You can go further: your own picture, macrame-panel, an unusual gallery from the photo frame ... The advantage of such a decor - it will bring individuality to the space and fill it with a real homemade cooler. After all, the thing made by your own hands always keeps more heat than the factory.

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13 curtains

The budget idea of ​​the design of one wall of the bedroom is to hang curtains. The most interesting option is to do it in the headboard. Then the curtains will be performed at the same time and the role of the Baldakhina. The room will definitely become more comfortable.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_132
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_133

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_134

Photo: Instagram LappTussan

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_135

Photo: Instagram athomewithalidad

14 carpet

Do you think the carpets are the relic of the past? Not at all. Choose topical models. So, today in the fashion, the carpets are as if the grandmother have lainn several decades. Better without complex ornaments. You can add a Boho fashion bedroom bedroom interior, using carpets with oriental patterns.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_136
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_137

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_138

Photo: Instagram ArtspaceInteriordesign

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_139

Photo: Instagram Ellefotografie

15 shelves and racks

Open shelves and racks are at the same time useful and stylish decor. They can be placed on the collected collection, make a composition of paintings and posters in the frames, put flowers or books. Beautiful and functional - in the spirit of interior trends.

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_140
Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_141

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_142

Photo: Instagram Interioroverdose

Wall design in the bedroom: 15 unusual ideas and 69 bright examples 31092_143

Photo: Instagram SCRAPERKA

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