15 items that designer would throw out of your bedroom


We asked experts, designers and architects Igor and Galina Berezkini from the ARHOSNOVA Bureau, Anastasia Zabusov and Ekaterina Bostandi, from which it was time to refuse the interior of the bedroom. They shared their experiences and opinions in the article.

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15 items that designer would throw out of your bedroom

1 big chandelier over the bed

There are several reasons for refusing a large chandelier. First, the psychological aspect: a large chandelier over a sleeping place can cause a feeling of anxiety, interfere with relaxation and sleep. And secondly, it is functionally, such lighting is not suitable for the bedroom, where soft light is required, which will create a cozy atmosphere.

Architect Igor Berezkin and Designer Galina Berezkin:

The best option will be several groups of lamps for various scenarios and degrees of bedroom space: sconce, flooring, small ceiling lamps.

Refusing to the ceiling chandelier, often perform another error - there are point lights only around the perimeter of the room. Although it is better not to do so, designer Ekaterina Bostanidi believes. The lighting needs to be located all over the area of ​​the ceiling, without emphasizing the configuration of the room.

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2 carpet on the wall

Recently, carpets on the wall began to consider the trend returned. You can use it in the bedroom, but only if you choose the actual carpet model. What was fashionable even 10 years ago, will not be relevant today.

"The carpet must be an art object, an alternative picture. This technique is quite complicated, so I would recommend it to be introduced into the interior only with the participation of the designer, "recommends Anastasia Zabood.

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3 clock with sound

It is better to abandon noisy hours, as they will interfere with relaxing during the day and sleep at night. And the replacement may not be standard. "An interesting decision will be the replacement of such hours for silent electronic options with the projector, which allow you to transfer the image of the clock on the wall or ceiling. The easy muffled glow of the clock projection creates a pleasant atmosphere and can serve as an unobtrusive nightnam, "Igor and Galina Berezkin advise.

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4 mini souvenirs on the shelves

Make a revision of your souvenir collection. It is possible that it's time to hide in the boxes (or get rid of at all).

Designer Ekaterina Bostanidi:

Now more popular to decorate the interiors larger elements of the decor. Large vases, figurines, outdoor paintings and so on

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4 Bed linen and covered with irrelevant prints

Bed linen with bright drawings can spoil even the most thoughtful interior. According to Anastasia Skow, it is worth abandoning the alapecked prints: dolphins, flowers, animals, fruits, plants. If one-photo kits are tired, look at bedding with minimalist ornaments, for example, striped or with Crate. And it is desirable that it does not combine more than two or three colors.

Heavy satin bedspreads in the "Royal style" with ruffles or laces should also be included in the list of non-recommended.

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15 items that designer would throw out of your bedroom 3276_11

15 items that designer would throw out of your bedroom 3276_12

15 items that designer would throw out of your bedroom 3276_13

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5 computer

The solution to abandon the computer and in general the workplace in the bedroom Architect Igor Berezkin and Designer Galina Berezkin explain the fact that it can cause psychological discomfort. Especially if the work is associated with stress and voltage. The best solution will transfer this zone into the living room, on the loggia or even in the kitchen, if the area allows.

15 items that designer would throw out of your bedroom 3276_15

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6 disproportionately large bed

Too much bed, despite the fact that this is a dream of many, it may not match the size of the room, looks not harmonious in the interior. Moreover, you should not choose the overall furniture if you have to sacrifice a place to pass.

Architect Igor Berezkin and Designer Galina Berezkin:

It is very important when choosing the size of the bed, pay attention to the free space around the perimeter for the passages. The dimensions of the minimum comfort pass are worth keeping at least 60 cm, and the best if the passage is 80 cm and more - in this case, the risk of injury on the protruding beds is reduced.

7 Round bed

Designer Anastasia Zabowov believes that such a bed attracts attention to himself due to its unusualness, but at the same time looks tasteless in the interior. She also fits badly into a standard rectangular space, as its geometry implies that it will not stand near the walls.

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8 Miscellaneous Textiles

It is believed that the selection of bedspreads, curtains and pillows of one color and invoices will not definitely be mistaken in creating a harmonious interior. But not all designers agree with that.

Designer Ekaterina Bostanidi:

The interior looks not boring when different textiles use various prints. Such interiors want to consider.

9 Classic Beddahin Over Bed

With this detail it is very easy to turn the interior into the likeness of the palace or the castle that in the urban apartment is not at all appropriate. However, even in a country house and a spacious bedroom, the canopy should be used with caution.

Designer Anastasia Zavokova:

If you do not live in a medieval castle or palace, then the Baldakhina above the bed should be avoided. It is the echo of the 90s, when many sought to repeat the interiors of the Hermitage in the modern apartment.

10 Multilayer Heavy Curtains

Several layers of textiles on the windows is permissible, but only if it is not heavy dense tissues. It is better to use a shadowing couple of curtains with light tulle, Catherine Bostanidi believes.

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15 items that designer would throw out of your bedroom 3276_20

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15 items that designer would throw out of your bedroom 3276_22

11 lace synthetic tulle

Tulle with a synthetic shine heares the interior and looks old-fashioned. If you want a transparent light chart, it is better to find a replacement synthetics. Anastasia Zavokova recommends matte natural textures without drawing and lace.

12 animal pillows

With them, everything is simple - leave such accessories in the children's room.

13 Banal posters and posters

Designer Anastasia Zabovova does not advise you to hang in the rooms banal posters or posters with photos downloaded from the Internet.

Designer Anastasia Zavokova:

If there is a poster or poster on the wall, this item must be beautifully decorated in a frame or printed on canvas, as well as present artistic value. Otherwise, the bedroom begins to remind a teenager room.

15 simulators and sports equipment

Often, in search of a place for sports, choose a bedroom, as you do not spend a lot of time in this room. If, of course, it is not the only one. Is it worth doing so - the question is controversial. Igor and Galina Berezkina believe that it contradicts the main purpose of sleeping room to rest and relax, and it is better to transfer the sports zone to another place, for example, on the loggia, in the hall, maybe even in a nursery to do together with the child. But if there is no possibility to transfer, try zoning space. This will help partitions and shirms that will hide a sports inventory, and the owner will be able to psychologically tune in to sleep better.

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