How to use antibacterial spray for disinfection at home: 6 tips for better results


Antiseptic cleaning of the house is good and during the exacerbation of ARVI, and in ordinary life. Leave the solution after processing on the surface, pre-remove the fat and make cleaning more often - we tell how to use the antiseptics to be effective.

How to use antibacterial spray for disinfection at home: 6 tips for better results 4008_1

How to use antibacterial spray for disinfection at home: 6 tips for better results

The difference between antibacterial sprays and the usual cleaning agent of colossal, moreover, the compositions work in different ways. How to find out what exactly you have, and what rules to follow when working with this group of cleaning, we will tell.

1 Read the instructions

On each package of disinfector, the manufacturer always indicates the method of use, contraindications and the time of action. Clearly follow these recommendations to use the tool 100%.

How to use antibacterial spray for disinfection at home: 6 tips for better results 4008_3

2 Leave the solution after processing

When you wipe the surface with the disinfector, it cannot be washed immediately with a napkin or a paper towel. It is necessary to leave the composition for several minutes depending on what the manufacturer indicates. It is very important to note that not all means will be effective after 10 minutes of stay on the surface. Some are quite enough and the pairs of minutes, while others can be left not only at 10, but also for all 15 minutes.

After the required time passes, you can wash the residues with dry napkins. But, as a rule, the surface and itself becomes completely dry. If after processing it does not dry, you can open the window so that the fresh air evaporates the residues.

3 Do not wipe the surface after antibacterial napkins

Alcohol napkins leave after themselves, as a rule, a lot of moisture. It can not be washed with a dry cloth or napkins, this composition should evaporate himself, because it dries, it works and disinfect your furniture.

How to use antibacterial spray for disinfection at home: 6 tips for better results 4008_4

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4 Pre-remove dirt and fat

If the surface is badly contaminated (for example, a kitchen table or a countertop), be sure to wash it before using an antiseptic. Better if it is simple clean water. The fact is that these compositions do not work on a dirty or oily surface, which means that you will spend in vain and the means and your time.

How to use antibacterial spray for disinfection at home: 6 tips for better results 4008_6

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5 Cover the entire surface

With antibacterial cleaning of the house it is very important to ensure that the antiseptic composition covers the entire surface that you want to clean. It does not work on the residual principle, so in those places where you forget to put it, the microbes will remain, and later they will spread over the rest of the surface. In this sense, the most convenient fixture is a sprayer, but if you have a sanitizer in the form of a gel in a conventional bottle, just pour it more to the surface and distribute the generous layer. For dry places it will be seen where it is worth performing additional processing.

6 Some surfaces need to be processed often

It is important to carry out antibacterial cleaning regularly. Once a week for many surfaces in the house is catastrophically not enough, especially if you often have guests. Handles, bathroom, bathroom and all other surfaces that you constantly touch your hands (even a mobile phone and other technique) need to wipe daily or even several times a day. The effectiveness of disinfection can be said when such surfaces are processed after each contact with unwashed hands.

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