All about planting tulips in spring: a guide that will be understood by novice and is useful to experienced gardeners


We tell in detail about the timing and methods of tulips disembarking in the spring.

All about planting tulips in spring: a guide that will be understood by novice and is useful to experienced gardeners 4364_1

All about planting tulips in spring: a guide that will be understood by novice and is useful to experienced gardeners

In order for spring flowering to take place, many cultures are planted in autumn. True, for various reasons it may not always. Let's talk about planting tulips in the spring: when and how to plant them, so that the plants have time to bloom in the summer.

All about spring tulips disembarking

Is it possible to do it in the spring

Dates of landing work

Types of landing

How to cook seeds

Two landing instructions

- in open ground

- in the pots

Is it possible to plant tulips in spring

These bulbous are very resistant to cold. Therefore, they are usually planted in the ground under the winter. Do it in September or October. They perfectly tolerate wintering. During this time, the strength accumulates to continuously and abundantly bloom with the arrival of warm days. This option is considered the best, but not the only possible one. You can land on bulk and in March-April, as well as all months until July. Later it is not recommended to do, because the plant does not have time to prepare for winter and may perish. True, the blooms planted after May the specimens this year will not be. They will not have time to crush flower kidney. To speed up the process, the bulbs in the spring are pre-put on the tramp. Preliminary landing allows the bulb to acclimatize and grow actively. Celling is the only way to get flowers after the spring landing.

In any case, planted "in the winter" of the bulbs will give abundant and early flowering. Spring planting will bloom later and will be less lush. But they can replace each other if you plan both varieties on one flowerbed. So you can get blossom within two months. If we sit down late-cooling varieties, this term will increase.

All about planting tulips in spring: a guide that will be understood by novice and is useful to experienced gardeners 4364_3

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When to plant tulips in spring

There are no strict recommendations here. Lukovychy plant immediately after the earth warms up. In different climatic conditions, this happens at different times. Rule one. In order for the plant to grow into growth, the condition is observed: at a depth of 100 mm, the temperature cannot be below 9 ° C. We give an exemplary schedule for planting tulips into the ground.

Schedule for different regions for tulip landing

  • Kuban and other southern regions - February-March. Provided that there are favorable weather conditions.
  • Moscow region and the middle strip of Russia - April.
  • Ural and Siberia - May.

Choosing favorable deadlines for landing, we must take into account the variety. There are early and late-cooling varieties. Planted at one time, alone will bloom before, others later. For cold regions, a preliminary surveillance is recommended. The grown seedlings put on the street on the same time as the bulbs. But the flowers will appear on them earlier.

All about planting tulips in spring: a guide that will be understood by novice and is useful to experienced gardeners 4364_5

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Types of landing

Healthy high-quality lows planted in spring three ways.

  • In open ground. If the deadlines are not missed, the plants will root and even bloom. But the flowers will be little. Normal bloom is possible only next year.
  • In small containers or extension boxes. In warm weather, grown bushes are transplanted on the flower beds. They bloom normally in summer, but somewhat later than those that were planted in the fall.
  • In large boxes or pots without subsequent transplantation. They are planted fairly early. Plants have time to grow and root. In the warm season, such mini-beds are carried out on a terrace, a veranda, a platform in front of the house. Most often they have time to bloom in the summer.

Lukovichny feel well and quickly develop in greenhouses. However, here they are most often grown for mass implementation.

All about planting tulips in spring: a guide that will be understood by novice and is useful to experienced gardeners 4364_7

How to cook material for landing

The bulbs are assembled in the fall in the fall, they buy in markets or in specialized outlets. But, regardless of the place of purchase, they must be stored in winter correctly. The seed material is dried, remove the stuck earth, if it remains. The material prepared in such a way is folded into wooden boxes with one layer. If we put in two or three layers, the risk of spoil the lows increases. Clean the cool place. Storage temperature - in the zero area. Good ventilation is required.

In private houses, Lukovichki lowered to the basement or in the cellar. If there are no, fold in the lower container of the refrigerator. There they retain the viability over the entire wintering. Before planted, the seed material gets and carefully inspect. All lows with signs of rot or diseases are rejected. They will infect healthy copies. Bought recent bulbs are placed in the container at the bottom of the refrigerator at least 12-14 hours. There they will stop, become hardy and vitality.

Next is carried out against pests and diseases. Lowering the lows for half an hour in a pre-prepared solution of permanganate potassium of weak pink. You can use the tincture of cleanliness or any other means from diseases and pests.

Before disembarking, they remove a solid husk with each bulb. Once again carefully inspect. The slightest signs of the disease or damage - a reason for rejection. The risk of infection of the neighbors on the flower bed is too large.

All about planting tulips in spring: a guide that will be understood by novice and is useful to experienced gardeners 4364_8

How landing works are held

To get abundant bloom, it is important to know not only when planting the spring tulips, but also how to do it right. You need to start with the preparation of the landing place. For disembodied bushes, this is especially true. The flowerbed should be well covered and warm up the sun. Moreover, the insolation should be uniform, otherwise the stalk will begin to reach the sun, grow stretched and curved. The best types of soil are light sues or loam. Heavier species slow down the development and appearance of colors.

Landing in the primer

We offer detailed instructions how to plant bulwing in the ground.

  1. Preparing a place. The fatal warming ground is drunk. The optimal depth is a shovel. In the stepted soil, the root system will quickly develop.
  2. We introduce fertilizer. It can be any organic, except for fresh manure. It provokes rotting and fungal lesions of the roots. For light soils, mineral fertilizers of the appropriate composition are recommended.
  3. Place the sites where we will plant flowers. Keep the diagram of 10x10 cm. Dump the wells or carry out the grooves.
  4. We abundantly water the seats, we wait until the moisture is absorbed.
  5. Lay the bulbs sharply up. I fall asleep with a fertile substrate. Carefully smaller with robbles surface.
  6. Water again. The second watering helps to compact the Earth and the landing material in it, which significantly speeds up germination.

Be sure to comply of the sealing. There is a rule: it must be equal to three lying patterns. On average, small material is plugged by 5-6 cm, large - by 10-12 cm.

All about planting tulips in spring: a guide that will be understood by novice and is useful to experienced gardeners 4364_9

Potted land

The technique is suitable for distortion if it is planned to reset the plant, and for permanent growth in decorative vases. Only tanks will differ. In the first case there are no special requirements for them. In the second, it is desirable to buy low wide pots or rectangular boxes. It is best of the ceramics to enter the air in the earthen com. Cheap plastic does not miss it.

Instructions for disembarking pot

  1. At the bottom of the tank laying the drain layer. We make it from the ceramzit or pebbles. Height is about 5 cm. It is necessary to prevent excessive moisturizing and protect the roots from rot.
  2. Preparing a fertile substrate. In equal shares, mix the leaf soil. If it is not, the earth is suitable from the garden. Add some sand and peat to get soil with a weak alkaline reaction. You can use the purchase of a suitable composition.
  3. Fill in the substrate the box so that it remains to the edges about 10-15 cm. It depends on the dimensions of the bulbs.
  4. Lay out seed material. Acute part is necessarily directed up. The gap between future sprouts is 10 cm.
  5. I fall asleep the substrate so that 2-3 cm remains to the upper edges of the container, we are a little tribe, water.
  6. Transfer containers to a solar warm place: on a glazed loggia or windowsill.

In both cases, landings are sitting in the same way. Before the appearance of a sprout, the care lies in the periodic watering. The crumpled stalks watered carefully, so that the water did not get on them. Grown seedlings feed potash, phosphate and nitric fertilizers. Plants with trampling need to put in the flower garden on time. Do it with the onset of sustainable heat.

All about planting tulips in spring: a guide that will be understood by novice and is useful to experienced gardeners 4364_10

We found out whether it is possible to plant tulips in the spring and how to do it right. Flowers are unpretentious in care, even a beginner can grow them. A wide selection of varieties of different flowering period will make the best way to extend flowering flowering flowering in the country or near the house. If there is very little experience, we advise you to start with a potted landing. It is much easier to care for flowers, and when they bloom, it will be possible to transfer a decorative vase into a suitable place.

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