What is the difference between the induction stove from the glass-ceramic and what is better to buy


We tell about the mechanism of work of the plates, about their merits and disadvantages, as well as arguing about what to choose for your home.

What is the difference between the induction stove from the glass-ceramic and what is better to buy 5117_1

What is the difference between the induction stove from the glass-ceramic and what is better to buy

When choosing a new slab, a natural desire is to buy a modern and functional household appliance. The induction and glass-ceramic models are popular in the market, which have their own positive and negative qualities. Therefore, in the article we will deal with what is better: induction or glass-ceramic cooking panel.

We select a suitable stove

Features of each model:
  • Glass ceramics
  • Induction

What ultimately choose

What is the difference between induction and glass-ceramic plates

Each of the models mentioned is a variety of electric stove. Outwardly, they are very similar to each other: both cooking surface is made of glass ceramics. But at the same time, the tiles have a completely different heating system. To understand what is the result of buying, you need to figure out than the induction stove differs from the glass-ceramic.

Glass ceramics

In fact, this model is almost no different from the usual electric stove: the heating system is exactly the same. Heating occurs with a tubular electric heater (TEN), which can be ordinary or double-circuit. The latter is needed to create burners of different diameters - for large and small pots. They can also have any shape, not only round.

In addition, there are several types of heating zones: halogen, rapid, induction. The first are considered short-lived, electricity consumes strongly, however, the process of cooking is much faster. The second is heated for a long time, but serve the user much longer. The latter helps heat only the desired burner, while leaving another surface of the technique of cold.

What is the difference between the induction stove from the glass-ceramic and what is better to buy 5117_3

Advantages of use

  • Resistant to high temperatures. The tile is well carried out heat, while it is able to withstand heating to 600 C.
  • A particularly durable surface that is not afraid of shocks. The cooking panel is made of cyran - material capable of withstanding the load up to 25 kilograms per square centimeter, as well as to stop more than 15 years.
  • Compared to gas devices, the power of consumption is low.
  • The burners are pretty cool enough, so it is easy to adjust the degree of heating when cooking.

What is the difference between the induction stove from the glass-ceramic and what is better to buy 5117_4

Disadvantages of glass ceramics

  • This model does not immediately heat the dishes immediately. First heats up the helix, and only then - the contents of the pan. It takes more time.
  • Special cleaning products are required, as well as devices, suitable surfaces. Pollution, for example, it is worth cleaning only by a special scraper, and produce wet cleaning only with the help of special detergents, otherwise you can scratch the panel.
  • Despite stability, the glass-ceramic is very afraid of point blows, for example, a knife - it can split from it.
  • Tile requires the use of special dishes, so you have to get acquainted with the purchase of a new: with a flat thick bottom. Moreover, if the diameter of the saucepan and pan was equal to the circumference of the burner, so the electric stove will serve you longer.
Do not use glass and ceramics dishes - it does not spend warmly. Also, you should not put on glass ceramic pans of aluminum and copper, as they will spoil the surface.


The heating system of this model is considered innovative, it is very different from the previous one. Instead of a TEN under the cooking panel there is an electromagnetic coil, which produces a strong electromagnetic field. It creates vortex high-frequency currents, thanks to which the bottom of the pan and its contents are preheated.

What is the difference between the induction stove from the glass-ceramic and what is better to buy 5117_5

  • All about induction plates: principle of operation, pros and cons

Pluses of use

  • Unlike the glass ceramic plate, induction warms only specific zones on the working surface. Food cooking will take less time.
  • Temperature mode can be changed almost instantly to the desired mark.
  • Different modes of operation allow you to instantly boil the water or, on the contrary, reduce the power to slowly stew food. Therefore, it can boil the liter of water in 2-3 minutes, with a spiral with a spiral with a spiral at the same time 5-7 minutes.
  • Induction saves electricity, since the maximum power of consumption in one burner is 2 kW. Accordingly, four burners operating simultaneously at maximum power consume about 7-8 kW.
  • The surface can be warm only from the dishes standing on the stove, so it is difficult to burn hard.
  • Users note ease of cleaning, since there is practically no likely to burn products on the cool panel.
  • During use in the kitchen, a greenhouse effect is not created, as the surface does not become hot.

What is the difference between the induction stove from the glass-ceramic and what is better to buy 5117_7

Cons panel

  • Users noted that during operation it is very noise. It can prevent residents of tenants if the kitchen is merged with the living room, or it will simply be an annoying factor for you.
  • The surface is rather fragile, so you need to carefully care for it.
  • The hill of the induction model is not able to heat the dish, if its diameter is less than 150 millimeters. Therefore, to warm baby food in a small saucepan or cook coffee in the Turk will not work.
  • Also, as in the previous case, we need dishes with a special bottom with ferromagnetic properties.
  • Induction appliances - quite expensive acquisition.
  • When embedded, it is necessary to be very neat, as the system is rather fragile.
  • The slab is better not to install next to the dishwasher and other large household appliances from the metal, as it can affect her work.

What is the difference between the induction stove from the glass-ceramic and what is better to buy 5117_8

What to choose in the end?

Approaching the end of the pars, they will answer the question, what is better: glass ceramics or induction stove? There is a definite solution

If you have the desired amount of money, do not want to bother with care and do not like to cook for a long time, choose induction. She will also suit those who have small children, - get a burn from the heating of the burner more complicated than from a completely hot panel. In terms of safety, induction is much better: you do not need to follow the cooking process, since usually the technique is equipped with an automatic shutdown mode.

Purchase of glass ceramics is much more profitable, as the models are cheaper. In addition, the future owners do not have to worry that the ceramic panel is scattered from the scattered salt or sugar. As for the dishes, the owners of induction models will have to completely replace all the utensils. The glass-ceramic is less demanding: they are suitable with a flat bottom saucepan from the usual stainless steel.

What is the difference between the induction stove from the glass-ceramic and what is better to buy 5117_9

Now you know about the differences between the two models, so you can independently make a choice in the store.

  • How to clean the stove from the glass ceramics so that there are no trace from the dirt: 10 ways

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