Benefits and disadvantages of houses from a bar


We tell about the advantages and minuses of houses from a four-tissue, profiled, glue and vertical timber.

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Benefits and disadvantages of houses from a bar

Approximately twenty years ago, the bar was one of the most popular building materials. Build from it today, but in the main house of premium category. Conditions changed, the prices of wood, and the material itself became completely different. Let's talk about what types of raw materials are represented today on the market, as the technology of the construction of the walls of this material has changed. Let's discuss the construction of the house from the bar, pros and cons of different options.

Pros and cons of houses from a different type of timber





Four-kissant bar

An ordinary timber - linted with four sides log. When the walls are erected, it is not necessary to choose the lunar grooves (as in the case of login), while cut parts (hill) can be used for draft flooring, fences, or processed on chip.


The advantages of the houses from the bar before the chopped at one time were obvious - this is a higher construction rate, the ability to do without qualified carpenters and affordable price. In the middle strip, the material was mainly used with a cross section of 150 × 150 mm, north - 200 × 200 mm.

The simplest corner lock - straight & ...

The simplest angular lock is a direct secret spike.

Disadvantages of the house from the usual timber

However, during the construction of the usual type of material, the seams between the crowns is difficult to make hermetic. First of all, because the material cannot be considered as a wooden semblance of bricks or blocks. It always breaks a bit - and in the process of construction, and later, if the load from the supervised crowns and the roof is small. Pokclock blows out of direct seams, the birds take it away.

Another common reason is the fact that the walls are cold - these are violations of the technology when weaking the crowns, strengthening the discovers, the installation of columns, because of which the crowns "hang" on the impudent and racks. Finally, it is often very casually compacted by the seams after the end of the main shrinkage: the cauldium costs expensive, and many owners save, hiring unskilled workers.

The house of the tree of natural humidity should be set at least a year - only after that you can start to tram and start finishing. If you start the heating at full power immediately after construction, the shrinkage is likely to go wrong, large cracks and cracks are formed in the walls, it is impossible to exclude the risk of the box.

And finally, a serious argument against construction from the specified lumber is a time-consuming finish. If you harvest it and remove the chamfer, it will detain the process of building the walls and increase the probability of warping. Unstored surfaces are very difficult to paint, and even if you do not regret the time and paint, the result is hardly pleased. So, the walls will have to wash with clapboards or siding - and from the inside, and outside (the option with a plating brick we do not consider, it is very expensive and incorrect from the point of view of construction heat engineering). The trim will increase the cost of the house and change its appearance: in fact it will remain wooden, but it will look like a frame. This, by the way, can become a pretext to reduce the price of giving when selling.

Finnish companies, previously building & ...

Finnish companies that have previously built from a log, booster and profiled bar, today mainly moved to the glue material.

Profiled bar

Many do not mind to build a house from a profiled bar, the pros and cons which are not yet known to everyone.


In general, these are much better products compared to the usual. They have a windproof longitudinal castle, and the sprawl surfaces on powerful equipment.

The walls of profiled material are obtained beautiful and not blocked, while it is possible to build very quickly, especially if you order a house complex - a set of marked parts, fully ready for assembly. Between the crowns lay a flax ribbon (no need to lay a pass); The grooves for mortgage bars in the openings are usually already chosen; The project indicates the location and type of fasteners, the location of the shrinkage compensators and other assembly nuances. All this allows you to build a house of a fairly large area (about 100 m2) in just a month and a half.

Without canopt work in most cases, you can do, especially if you use a modern synthetic seal seal.

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The profiled non-black bar: two narrow sealing foam ribbons are laid between the crowns, in the corners - wide flax ribbons.

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The glazing area in a modern house from the bar can be very large, sometimes the construction can be even confused with glass factor.

It is very important on time to antisept the sawn timber, otherwise it can change the color (strong damage to the rot in the walls that are added by the wind is unlikely). In addition to the painting surface, it is advisable to polish (but if you have a good ribbon grinding machine, it will take it not so much time).


Easy in the construction process is extremely undesirable, because the problem of warping is also relevant: the raw bar in hot and windy weather can lead the screw in just a couple of days, and after that it is no longer possible to put it into the wall. The requirements for shrinkage, for the profiled tree of natural humidity are the same as for the usual.

Chamber drying products are also sold. They cost about 3 thousand rubles / m3 more, give a slightly smaller shrinkage (about 5%) and are much smaller. They can begin to be used immediately after the construction (however, increase the temperature should be gradually 2-3 degrees per day).

From the profiled timber hour

Of the profiled timber often build whole country villages with household houses. Such cottages are well sold, as residents of cities appreciate natural materials.

It is also important to ensure correctly monitor the protective and decorative coating of the facades. If the house is in an open area and it is dark color, then the paint will have to resume once every three or four years, and the oil is once every five or six years. If the structure is in the forest, while the walls of natural color or bright, then the service life will be almost twice as much.

Artem Avakamov, Head K & ...

Artem Avakamov, Head of Esg Professional, ArtLine, Stroycontrol:

For the winter house, the optimal section of the bar is 210 × 180 mm. The increase in thickness is welcome, but it increases the cost of material and works. For summer cottages, there are enough timber from the width of the parties 140-160 mm. We do not recommend using walls from a bar of unequal sections of thickness when implementing a single project, we do not recommend, so they have a different shrinkage ratio. The weakest place in the brusade walls is the corners, so we recommend that they are sealing with a flattened or foam rubber, but you need to be attentive: the excess amount of the insulation will prevent the shrinkage at home.

Glue bar

The production of this material is a high-tech process, in which many operations previously implemented on the construction site are transferred to the factory where powerful equipment can be used. Consider the pros and cons of the house from the glue bar.


Longitudinal locks are performed so exactly that in some cases there is no seal between the crowns at all, but to be guaranteed to avoid purging, most firms make a sealing tape in interventic seams, and in the corners uses the pass. In any case, cautious walls are not required.

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Domocomplekt delivered to the site.

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Installed a bustling crown.

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Worker drill holes under bent.

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As a rule, wooden brazening round or hexagon sections are used.

Since the boards before gluing are subjected to chamber drying, the house gives a shrink no more than 2%. There are no cracks on the outer surfaces and very few bitch. The walls look very carefully, and the house itself is modern and expensive because they are associated with the trend of eco-friendly housing.


Perhaps the only minus is a high price (2.5-3 times higher than usual). Houses made of glue material are always supplied in the form of a kit, while construction should be carried out under the rigid control of the technical supervision of the firm.

Yulia Yurlova, Deputy General Director of the Izba de Luxe:

During the construction of buildings of a large area and with complex architecture, it is often necessary to be especially carefully thought out the design part of the project. Often it is necessary to combine several types of fastening, for example, brazen, tie studs and power spring-loaded nodes, varying their step depending on the load on the walls, the location of the openings and other factors. Only in this way it is possible to ensure the strength of the house box and its correct shrinkage. Next, you should control the shrinkage of the walls, paying particular attention to the proof, regulate the compensators' jackrats, visually inspect the walls for damage.

Vertical Bar.

Relatively new construction technology.


Problems of shrinkage in an unusual way - the bar is set up vertically. Actually, the products are already very little similar to the usual lumber: it has a complex section (lock profile), which allows the bars to firmly connect with each other, forming a windproof and thermal insulating labyrinth. Houses are obtained very warm and durable.


1 m2 in such a house will cost as expensive (and even a bit more expensive) than in a litter of age-old cedar pines.

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