5 Errors in cleaning that you can admit following the method of CONMARI


The Japanese Conduction Method described in the book Marie Condo "Magician", implies that your house will always be pure and there will be no superfluous things. But to achieve such a result, you need to use the system without errors.

5 Errors in cleaning that you can admit following the method of CONMARI 7222_1

5 Errors in cleaning that you can admit following the method of CONMARI

The Japanese Condo Condo Cleaning Specialist Method proposes to abandon her habitual value and focus on getting rid of unnecessary things, proper storage and daily maintenance of order.

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Condo says not just about clean ...

Condo speaks not easy of purity in the house, but about the whole philosophy associated with attitudes towards things. She also promises that general cleaning, or rather the total racking, will have to do only, and then simply maintain order. Sounds great, but in practice you may encounter underwater stones of the system. We were listed below.

1 The "Joy of Things" method does not always work

Before deciding, throwing out the thing or leave, Condo advises to hold her in his hands and feel, brings you joy or not. The pleasing things should be left, with the others - say goodbye.

In fact, not all people can even experience genuine joy from something material. In addition, it is quite difficult to experience joy about the price of life, such as toilet or cleaning products. But it is definitely not necessary to refuse them.

If the method of joy for you is not RA ...

If the method of joy does not work for you, think about things on the other side: do you think it is beautiful or useful. If yes, leave.

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2 should not start racking spontaneously

Condo offers to start racking immediately, but if your apartment needs a serious cleaning, it is better to schedule it. Make sure you have at least a few days to completely bring the house in order. Otherwise risk throwing at halfway.

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3 can not blindly follow the method

Condo tells about Japanese attitude to things, specific type of space and lifestyle. If your lifestyle and home are far from those described in the book, do not attempt to copy the recommendations thoughtlessly. Better adapt them to yourself.

For example, Konmari's chip - stored ...

For example, the confirmary chip is storage in drawers of clothing, folded by vertical rolls. But in a small studio may simply find a place for the chest. It is not worth buying it - it is better to purchase a tissue suspended organizer with shelves and storage boxes where you can fold things in the same way.

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4 To maintain cleanliness will have to make an effort

Marie Condo promises that global racking will have to do only once, and then it will only need to make small daily rituals to maintain purity.

In fact, you need to understand M ...

In fact, it is necessary to understand that one racking does not save you from new impulsive purchases, and the daily cleaning system may not come in immediately. You will need some time to instill useful habits and rebuild - keep in mind. And do not forget that miracles do not happen.

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5 Condar Method - NOT Panacea

Despite the popularity of Marie Condo itself and its method, it may turn out that you just do not fit. Perhaps now you are not ready to part with old things or you simply do not have time. Perhaps the system itself does not take root in your home. Do not dwell on this method and do not put a cross on your attempts to clean up.

There are other cleaning systems - try, suddenly one of them will suit you perfectly.

  • The most important thing is that you need to know about cleaning in brilliant methods Marie Condo, Fly Lady, Kaizen

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