Noise insulation of the floor under the tie: choose materials and put it with your own hands


We tell, in what cases additional noise isolation is needed and how to carry out work without a repair brigade.

Noise insulation of the floor under the tie: choose materials and put it with your own hands 8071_1

Noise insulation of the floor under the tie: choose materials and put it with your own hands

The overlap of apartment buildings do not always meet the current technical standards. Old buildings were built according to outdated standards. In addition, sand, ceramzit and mineral wool used in their erection, have long lost their useful properties. The absorption of sound occurs due to the soft structure, quenching oscillations, and a large number of emptiness filled with air. As you know, sound waves in a solid spread much better than gas. Over time, the cavity is filled with water or dust or compressable in mechanical exposure. In new buildings often have to deal with marriage. In addition, many tenants do not suit the standard level of noise insulation of the floor in the apartment. The problem can be solved on their own without coordination of the project in government instances and attracting a professional repair brigade. The idea lies in the device of an additional sound-absorbing layer stacked under the concrete tie.

Noise insulation of the floor under the tie in the apartment

Advantages and disadvantages

Two main options

How to choose the material

Step-by-step instruction

  • Surface preparation
  • Mounting work

Features of noise insulation of the floor under the tie in the apartment

Before you dare to such a case, you need to weigh all the "for" and "against". The effectiveness of the method is no doubt and is determined by the quality and number of insulating materials.

The disadvantages include high cost, compared with the floating gender device, when the insulator is located under the final coating, as well as the high weight of the concrete mass, especially before setting when it contains a large amount of water. It is necessary to take into account and reduce the height of the room - the floor level may noticeably climb.

There is a difficult-time dilemma - the more efficient the coating works, the smaller the space remains in the kitchen or room. In old panel houses, where the height of the walls is less than two and a half meters, you can get rid of noise, retaining the ceiling level unchanged. The fact is that several centimeters "eats" the old coating. It can be anything. There are cases when under the parquet was a layer of asphalt or something, not at all suitable for construction.

Noise insulation of the floor under the tie: choose materials and put it with your own hands 8071_3

At least 10 cm occupy lagows - wooden frame, which serves as the base for floorboards and stretching on top of the reinforced concrete overlap. Such a technical solution is found in many buildings, including panel high-rise buildings built at the end of the seventies.

Another minus lies in the fact that concrete, especially in the raw form, has a great weight. In old buildings, where the supporting structures are very worn, before starting repair work, it is better to consult from specialists. Engineering firms can conduct a survey of walls and overlaps and issue a conclusion about their bearing capacity. To reduce the load, you can reduce the thickness of the concrete layer or choose a composition with high porosity as a material.

Options for layout

With a high ceiling height, it is possible to make an efficient and thick layer. To improve sound absorption, you can arrange it from above, and below. Modern rolled products are suitable for the top. They differ in rigidity and a small thickness. We can lay linoleum, carpet and laminate on them. The base should be sufficiently tough and still, however, the tile or parquet is better to sharpen on a firm surface. As a basis, porous cement-based mixtures can be used.

Noise insulation of the floor under the tie: choose materials and put it with your own hands 8071_4

Choosing materials

Products differ in properties and quality. In order not to get confused and prevent the error, you should first pay attention to the specifications if they are specified on the package. The density must be between 75 to 175 kg / m3. The dynamic modulus of elasticity should not exceed 15 MPa. Otherwise, the porous structure doubts the weight of the concrete mix and will lose the ability to delay the sound waves.

Pores, fibers and other voids absorbing oscillations need to be protected from moisture. Even with a dry screed device there is a risk of wetting. Water accumulates in the process of operation, which leads to the formation of mold and the destruction of the internal structure. In order for such problems, it does not occur on top and bottom with waterproofing.

Noise insulation of the floor under the tie: choose materials and put it with your own hands 8071_5

For sealing slots in the joints between the wall and the slab of the overlap, mastic are used. To protect the entire perimeter, rolled waterproofing materials based on polyethylene are used. They are a thin film that takes no more than a few millimeters from the height of the room. With such protection, you can not be afraid to flood your neighbors below. If the installation works are carried out correctly and the seams are securely closed, the film perfectly holds moisture.

Noiseisotes differ in the inner structure. The following groups can be distinguished.


Are the most effective, but serve not long and cost expensive. Among the advantages can be noted a small thickness. Sound isolate it is 3 mm. To protect against water in solution and dampness, a layer of waterproofing is required from above and below.


For example, mineral wool. They are produced thick from 15 to 20 cm. Even if there are high ceilings in the house, you can only apply them with a thin screed - otherwise the fibers will sound. The load should not exceed 0.002 MPa. Fibrous plates serve for a long time, not afraid of water. They do not have rodents. This advantage is very important for owners of country houses. Good protection against noise provides glass wool, however, if the overlap is also needed, it is better to use stone cotton wool. This necessity often occurs in apartments located on the lower floor, bordering the entrance or not heated basement.


Consist of rubber plugs, soft granules and frozen mastic based on acrylic. As an example, you can bring a noisefoot. They are effective, durable, well hold the form and do not need waterproofing, since their emptiness is closed with a frozen mastic substance. It is expensive, which is fully paid for a long service life.


Among the representatives of this variety, sand and clamzit are most often used. This is one of the least costly ways. Bulk materials are perfectly protected from noise. In terms of its characteristics, they are not inferior to more expensive counterparts. Eco-friendly and do not cause allergies. When the device is a dry screed, it is better to take a grainzite of different sizes so that small pieces filled the space between large. For wet, on the contrary, it is necessary to fall asleep the same fraction - after the fill there will be more emptiness.


For example, a porilex made of expanded polyethylene can serve as a good waterproofer. Cellic materials are distinguished by a small thickness and, therefore, low sound absorption. One layer takes at a height of about five millimeters. The coating is quite expensive, but allows you to save on moisture. It is easy to spoil, but with a gentle handling in the process of laying it will last up to 100 years. Polyethylene is environmentally friendly, does not burn and does not decompose over time. Dampness is not terrible. It is able to withstand a larger load. It works best in combination with other more efficient insulators.


Differ from the cellular method of formation of voids in their structure. These include isolon, isophlex, isozum. The coating has a greater thickness. The foamed polyethylene and polystyrene are used as raw materials. The best properties have an isophane based on foamed polystorol. It absorbs sound fluctuations better. The class of foamed materials includes foam plastic. It is not expensive and has a number of disadvantages, for example, fire safety. Plates should be rigid - otherwise they will sound under the weight of the solution. The emptiness is closed in them, so moisture getting excluded in them, and waterproofing devices are not required.


Have qualities inherent in different structures. It is characterized by a high price, while they are used quite often. As an example, it is possible to cite thermaboism, rubber-based texound, hike, made of fiberglass impregnated with bitumen.

Noise insulation of the floor under the tie: choose materials and put it with your own hands 8071_6

How to make noise insulation in the apartment

There are several ways to carry out work quickly and right, but they all have common points.

Surface preparation

You should start with the preparation of the overlap. It should be cleaned from dust, dirt and left-coating residues. The gaps in the seams between the plates and other voids will need to be embedded with putty, sealant or mastic designed for this type of work. For alignment, cement-sandy mixes are used or special compositions applied with a thickness of 3 to 5 cm. The surface must be dried.

After preparation, the waterproofer is stacked. You can use runneroid, but it is better to use a film from foamed polyethylene. When applied, the protective layer will more effectively absorb sound oscillations. The laying is made with the allen on the walls in the height of the final coating. The layer is necessary that the waves do not apply from the walls, so there should be no contact between them. For the same reason, it is necessary to avoid "bridges" between the screed and overlapping in the form of metal parts - crosses, holders, other elements.

Noise insulation of the floor under the tie: choose materials and put it with your own hands 8071_7

There are special damping tapes that perform the role of pads between the walls and horizontal surfaces. Surplus are trimmed by the level of finishing coating.

Mounting work

Works can be performed independently without the involvement of professionals. Plates are located in touch with each other, rolls with a small thickness are stacked by braziness. The seams are filled with mounting foam, if the thickness is large, or rushed with scotch. Pipes perfectly conduct sound waves, so they should be covered with a protective layer. From above, the film is hardened, necessary to protect against moisture. At the same time, the walls are made of about 10 cm with such a calculation to close the damper tape. Seams are stuck. The plastic reinforcement grid is placed on top, and concrete solution is poured. Dry screed is worse conducting sound, so when it is organized, it will be possible to save on the structure height.

Noise insulation of the floor under the tie: choose materials and put it with your own hands 8071_8

There are more complex schemes that make it possible to achieve better results. With such noise insulation, the floor in the apartment uses modern materials. Here is one of the recipes. The purified base is stacked by thermaboism. It is a mineral wool panel placed in a shell protecting it from moisture and mechanical damage. From above, there is a Texound - membrane, quenching sound oscillations. The resulting cake is poured with a concrete solution, a reinforced plastic or metal grid.

After the mixture is grabbed, it is closed with a substrate from the vibrooflora. It extinguishes vibrations that extend from the bottom from the neighbors, as well as the shock noise arising directly indoors. Vibrofloro can serve as the basis for the finishing floor covering. It has sufficient rigidity to lay a laminate, parquet or tile from above. The surface "walk" will not be. The cost of materials will be approximately 3,500 rubles per square meter.

Noise insulation of the floor under the tie: choose materials and put it with your own hands 8071_9

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