5 applications and services for cleaning, which will help keep a house in perfect cleanliness


Turn cleaning the game, start cleaning on the Fly Lady system or find where to hand over the recycling trash - for all this there are already special services.

5 applications and services for cleaning, which will help keep a house in perfect cleanliness 8144_1

5 applications and services for cleaning, which will help keep a house in perfect cleanliness

1 Ladyfly.

An application available to iOS and Android will help those who want to keep household in accordance with the Fly Lady system. It involves compliance with the set of requirements: the execution of "Rutin", the definition of "hot spots", cleaning on timer, etc. All of them are much easier to perform, downloading a mobile assistant. There will also be a newsletter with assignments that the "flying lady" usually receive.

2 UNFUCK Your Habitat

5 applications and services for cleaning, which will help keep a house in perfect cleanliness 8144_3

The iOS and Android application allows you to make a list of important homework, reminds when they need to be executed, and also helps to set timing to perform any operation. He has only a small drawback - it is paid. True, the installation costs less than the dollar.

  • 8 applications for smartphone that will make the house comfortable

3 BrightNest

Anglo-language application that can work on a smartphone and desktop is a whole encyclopedia for household. In BrightNest, you can find tips for any task: ranging from the organization to store and ending with a plaque from plumbing.

4 Ourhome.

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This application will be especially useful to families with children: it is possible to distribute household tasks between all family members and compete in their implementation. You can connect everyone to the service and see who fulfilled or did not fulfill its task. For additional motivation there are awards - with them children will definitely love cleaning! Also in Ourhome, you can conduct a joint list of purchases and celebrate important family dates.

5 RecycleMap

5 applications and services for cleaning, which will help keep a house in perfect cleanliness 8144_6

Finally, a useful web service for racking. The RecycleMap map shows the places where you can hand over unnecessary clothing, batteries, household appliances or rubbish for processing. Just choose your city and look for the nearest item.

Do you use some cleaning applications? Leave your favorite in the comments.

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