How to make a room comfortable with your own hands and without excess costs


We tell how to transform any room. In our selection you will find ideas for small and large rooms. Take and use!

How to make a room comfortable with your own hands and without excess costs 9662_1

How to make a room comfortable with your own hands and without excess costs

All about how to make a residential space comfortable and beautiful:

Receptions for creating comfort in any apartment
  • Zoning
  • Creating proper lighting
  • Textile selection
  • Decoration of walls
  • Selection of accessories
  • Personalization and decor do it yourself
  • Plants
  • Book shelves in creating comfort
  • Aromatization
  • Tree in interior design
  • Latest strokes

Designer techniques for Khrushchev

How to make a narrow space

Let's first understand with the concept - comfort. It is often spoken about him, but not everyone understands that it is not only beautiful, but also a comfortable setting. First of all, the house should be convenient. It is not necessary to immediately repeat the perfect pictures from the Internet or magazines to landslide your apartment. Sometimes it is enough to add a few trifles or replace only part of the interior. First we will tell how to make a room cozy, regardless of its dimensions and destination.

How to transform any room

First of all, think what is missing at home. Recall the moments in which it was especially uncomfortable to you or guests. Maybe lack another chairs or a table? Or the shelves are high and the necessary thing has to look for half an hour? Try to fill at least one space and you will see how the perception of housing will change. It will become more comfortable and will be pleasant in it. Let's talk about visual receptions, with the help of which you can obey apartment.


A large or small room is not important. Divide it on functional sites (for example, dining and working or bedrooms) and the interior will become more organized. This can be done with the help of decorative shirms, partitions, bastykhins, accent walls, carpets on the floor. In the photo - cozy rooms in which this method is used.

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How to make a room comfortable with your own hands and without excess costs 9662_8

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Organize proper lighting

In any part of the apartment there may be three levels of lighting: the main chandeliers and what makes the home furnishings: sconce, flooring, highlighting individual items, glowing decor. Try to apply a few rules to decorate the space and increase its functionality.

  • In all work areas (kitchen, office), install "cold lamps", contributing to the concentration of attention.
  • In all other premises - "warm." They are opposite, relax.
  • Cheering garlands. Flickering of multi-colored lights in the evening dusk will create a fabulous atmosphere in any apartment. In this case, it is also better to choose warm colors.
  • To visually pull up low walls, install floor lamps, and backlight under furniture.
  • You can expand a small room with a corn area of ​​lamps around the ceiling perimeter. They should be directed to the walls.

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How to make a room comfortable with your own hands and without excess costs 9662_19

Add diverse textiles

Pillows and blankets on sofas, curtains - all this should be in the same style and echoes (combine) with the rest of the decor. Interesting reception - carpets unfolded on each other. Put a bright, bulk mat over a large, monochon palace to emphasize some kind of plot or just like that. Even the woven track of the bed will transform the situation in a warmer and homemade. If you decorate the bedroom - hang next to the seating area or the canopy of the lung, flowing material. A common sleeping place will turn into a cozy nest.

The principle of multi-layered can be used with any textile. Combine not only drawings, but also materials. For example, knitted or fur beds and pillows in pillowcases from smooth fabric. Another way to transform accommodation is to hang a hammock.

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How to make a room comfortable with your own hands and without excess costs 9662_29

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Decorate walls

How to make a beautiful cozy room? Decorate her main part. Even in minimalistic scand-apartments is a place for posters and paintings. They revive the space, the individuality of the owner is added to it. If you are not a lover of painting and graphics, fill out an empty space by other objects. It can be: decorative plates, souvenirs, dream catchers, wicker mats, graphite boards, photos, mirrors, geographical maps and much more.

Suitable pages from magazines, your own drawings. If possible, choose one wall and paint it into another color. It can be contrasting about three others or differ in the drawing. Saturated, bright shades are suitable for the dark corner. Beautifully looks partial finish with artificial stone, wooden panels. But this option is more suitable for large living rooms.

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Pick up accessories and correctly grouper them

Try not to overdo it with vases and statueries. If souvenirs can be combined into one subject - find a separate place in the closet or on the bookshelves only under them. Designers on the tables are recommended to be grouped according to the rule "Troika". Three items look balanced, especially if they are different sizes. But the interior can be decorated not only with cute baubles. Try multiple techniques for creating comfort:

  • Candles. Better if it is simple, without excessive decorativeness, candles. Suitable tea and ordinary. Collect everything you have and distribute several pieces around the house.
  • Serve water on the table in a transparent jug. You can also leave it in the bedroom on the bedside table next to the bed for air humidification.
  • Take bright fruits, put them in a simple vase or bowl and put on a prominent place.
  • Always keep napkins on the table. This creates a feeling of purity.
  • Do not throw away plastic or glass bottles from under perfume or drinks. Of these, you can make a pretty vase or fill them with beads, colored pebbles and tied with a twine. The label can be washed, holding the container in warm soap water or heating with a hairdryer.
  • The kitchen zone will become more comfortable if there are cereals, tea and herbs to pour out in beautiful containers or glass jars. If you have time and desire - drew paper stickers with inscriptions.
  • Books on the coffee table. The publication of a small format can be put in some container or a suitable box.

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How to make a room comfortable with your own hands and without excess costs 9662_52

You can also decorate the room with floor vases. In winter, bright knitted covers will be relevant for organizers, mugs, bottles. A comfortable accessory is somewhat identical in color and shape of wicker baskets. The size may be different. On the shelves or tables in them you can drop different little things. Large baskets on the floor will help to quickly organize order before the sudden arrival of guests.

Add individuality

Display your hobbies in the interior, be something photo, travel, needlework or game on musical instruments. The easiest way to personalize housing with personal and family photos. Of these, you can make a garland, attach to cork and graphite boards.

How to make a room comfortable with your own hands

Another option is to select the decor and create it yourself. Perhaps he will not reflect your interests, but knowing that this is the result of your work will warm the soul. In addition, the creative process is very fascinating. It can be a decoupage of glass or wooden things, unusual frames for the mirror, paper garlands, floristic compositions.

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How to make a room comfortable with your own hands and without excess costs 9662_56

Create a green corner

Another simple way to transform any interior. Large potted plants (palm trees, cactuses, milk), look great in the corners or next to the chair, sofa. Suspended caspets will decorate and the window and the wall. They can make them make hands from empty cans and jute rope. In the darkened parts of the room, on the tables at a distance from the window, you can keep flurarals - compositions from succulents and moss in transparent tanks.

Bouquets of cut colors are better to put in unusual places - in the corner, on the shelf or even on the floor. So they will look like an integral part of the interior. If you do not like live plants, use drunks. The comfort will add natural unpainted compositions from cereals or phizalis.

And you can combine beautiful with useful and independently grow on the windowsill microell, mint and other herbs. Such mini-gardens in wooden boxes covered with mourn or paint look well.

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Experiment with bookcases

Classical placement of books is vertical or inclined. Try alternating it with a horizontal location or with things. The main thing is that the order looks random and even a little careless.

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Fragravize the room

It is more correct to apply good essential oils for this, as aromatic candles and incense often have a sharp, unpleasant smell. You can use special lamps, sachets, cane sticks, diffusers. Oils of mint, rosemary, citrus, basil are suitable for the kitchen. For bedrooms: Lavender, Jasmine, Sandal, Rose. For the living room: Mandarin, Grapefruit, Lemon.

Add natural materials and unusual things

A tree in the interior in any form will add a warm atmosphere. It can be furniture or finishing surfaces. Do you miss nature? Like its elements in the design: Put the stumps instead of a tomb next to the bed, a large branch instead of a cornice or decor.

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Create a single style

Often, different things in the apartment are not stylistic with each other. In this case, you can paint furniture objects in the color of the walls or choose textiles of the desired shade. All this needs to be distributed at different angles to harmonize the interior.

How to make a comfortable small room

If you put a goal to visually increase the room - select bright, pastel materials for finishing, add mirrors and many lighting devices. Also finish Its comfortable, not cumbersome furniture in which a lot of things will be placed. This is important, since the main rule of the design of a small space is not to litter it. In this case, the principles of minimalism are suitable. Pay attention to corner sofas, bunk beds, tables with built-in boxes or folding table top.

Several rules:

  • Since the wallpaper is usually bright, the color of furniture and other settings can be bright.
  • Pictures, lamps and decor must be proportionate to the area.
  • Photos, drawings, posters are better to hang out horizontal, but in a vertical row. This visually pulls the walls.
  • If you use screens and racks for zoning, try to make it so that they missed daylight.
  • If possible, hang on the windows translucent curtains.
  • Choose low upholstered furniture.
  • To expand the space, use transparent chairs and tables, mirror elements in the design.

If only the bed and some furniture are closer to the room, the goal is most likely not to expand the space. To accumulate such a corner, use bright wallpapers, cavities, a small bedside table with a beautiful desktop lamp, textiles.

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  • Before and after: 3 old garages, which turned into cozy and stylish rooms

How to create a comfort in an elongated layout room

Set out This layout is very difficult. For housing does not resemble a car, use multiple receptions.

  • Highlight a short wall with contrasting color.
  • Long at the same time you need to paint into a light shade or zonate with different materials.
  • Wire space into two functional center with the help of transparent or translucent partitions, podium, carpet, curtains.
  • Put a compact sofa and a coffee table across.
  • Add several round items to the situation.
  • In the exit, place a mirror wardrobe.

Designers recommend to reduce the number of furniture and choose the most functional: spacious, folding, with drawers. As for decoration, you can use all the techniques listed in the first part of the article. It is not recommended only to be placed on the walls elongated horizontally objects, as they will only exacerbate the deficiencies of the planning.

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How to make a room comfortable with your own hands and without excess costs 9662_84

A more couple of tips on How to make your room comfortable with your own hands:

  • Make regular wet cleaning. Dust accumulates very quickly on any surface and very spoils the appearance and convenience of housing.
  • Periodically spend the permutation. Sometimes it is enough to change furniture in places and the room becomes more comfortable.

As you can see, creating a pleasant and convenient setting in the apartment often does not require much costs. Look in stocks old fabrics, building materials - most likely you can make something. Try to start with the trifles: Put a flower at home or throw a beautiful plaid on the sofa and you will immediately notice the result.

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