How to choose flexible bitumen tile


Before everyone who decided to cover the roof of a country house with a flexible bituminous tile, the question inevitably arises: what to pay attention to when choosing a specific material?

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How to choose flexible bitumen tile

Photo: Tehtonol

Most potential buyers are primarily interested in suitable color gamut, curly "cutting" of the trunks and the cost of the coating, which ranges from 250 to 2700 rubles. for 1 m2. Of course, all these parameters are needed and important, but insufficient to acquire a really high-quality and durable roofing material.

The optimal choice can be considered a product with a certain set of qualities. Of course, this is aesthetic appearance and affordable price, and at the same time reliability, weather resistance, environmental friendliness and fire safety, lightness of installation, ease of operation, compliance with international and domestic quality standards, including entered into force in 2015 GOST 32806 -2014 "Tiles bituminous". The choice will be more competent if you specify the sellers and analyze their answers to the following questions.

How to choose flexible bitumen tile

Photo: Tehtonol

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1. Based on what bitumen is a flexible tile?

Today, the domestic market prevails two main types of bitumen for the production of flexible tile. This is oxidized bitumen and SBS-modified. What are their differences? Oxidized bitumen is obtained by artificial composition (oxidation) of the natural mass. After that it withstands the heating to 90 ÅÃs, which, you see, a lot. And high adhesive properties allow it to reliably hold on the surface of the shingle protective and decorative layer of stone granulate. It is no coincidence that the overwhelming majority of flexible tiles in our market is made on its basis. And yet we note that in the northern latitudes, such a dog-pinta eventually becomes quite rigid and loses the ability to adapt to seasonal fluctuations in rafal structures. In regions with a mild climate, without sudden temperature drops, it will serve longer (the warranty on the material in leading producers reaches 60 years).

How to choose flexible bitumen tile

To ensure the free stock of rainwater from the roof, it is necessary to clean the watercutter and funnels as they are clogged. Photo: shutterstock /

Polymer SBS-modifiers (styrene-styrene or artificial rubber) are introduced into the production of SBS-modified bitumen (styrene-styrene-styrene or artificial rubber), after which it acquires the properties of the polymer. Bitumen fragility decreases, elasticity is growing, and, as a result, the reliability of the roofing coating and its service life increases. A qualitative SBS-modified bitumen retains heat resistance to 100-110 ° C and elasticity at temperatures up to -25 ° C. The last property allows you to noticeably extend the construction season and flatten the roof even in the cold season, without postponing the work until spring, spending time and money on the roof preservation. However, the cost of the tiles on the exclusive bitumen, compared with the material on an oxidized bitumen, above 20%, and even 100%. In large manufacturers of flexible tile, the range, as a rule, includes materials on an oxidized and SBS-modified bitumen. In any case, to make the right choice, you should inquire the value of the heat resistance of a particular coating, and the higher it is better.

How to choose flexible bitumen tile

The intricate, overflowing pattern of roofs is obtained due to the mixing of basalt pellets painted in different colors. Photo: Katepal.

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2. What is the density of the base from the glass cholester?

The strength of the flexible tile determines the reinforcing layer of glass cholester. In high-quality materials, its density is not less than 100 g / m². This data manufacturer indicates advertising accompanying materials or technical sheets on products. If there is no such information in the store, it is worth entering the manufacturer's official website and there to familiarize yourself with the technical sheet data on a specific model of the tile. These values, as a rule, do not exceed 125 g / m2. The best density does not allow bitumen how to impregnate the reinforcing layer.

For capital buildings that will serve dozens of years, we recommend choosing a flexible tile at a SBS-modified bitumen. Its main advantage - durability. In addition, it is elastic and can be stretched out without destroying than the material on an oxidized bitumen. This gives an important advantage when installing roofing, during which the trunks are forced to be physically deformed. Distinguish materials based on oxidized bitumen and SBS-modified easy. Enough to take two samples and move them in your hands. The second will be much more plastic compared to the first, and to notice the difference, it is not necessary to be an expert.

Oksana Dmitrieva

Head of Marketing and Advertising Exclusive Distributor TM Katepal, Tilcor, Regenau in the Russian Federation

How to choose flexible bitumen tile

Gonns of flexible bituminous tiles are suitable for covering the roofs of any shapes: from simple duplex to domes, cone-shaped, hemispheres and other configurations. Despite this, the amount of waste during installation will be minimal - only about 5%. Photo: Tegola.

3. What material is the protective and decorative layer of flexible tile and how reliably it keeps on the surface?

From the impact of ultraviolet rays and mechanical damage, waterproof bitumen layers protect booking sprinkles. In this quality the most common shale and basalt granulate. The slate is painted with a chemical way, and over time, its shades can hang out. Basalt granules acquire color in the firing process at high temperature, and it remains unchanged all the time of operation of the coating. In addition, basalt granulate is better "rolled" in bitumen, increasing the attractiveness of the tiles and its service life. It is this non-combustible mineral surface that protects the roof from the fire when sparks from the furnace or fireplace are falling on it.

How to choose flexible bitumen tile

Roofing pistol accelerates soft tile styling

In addition, it will be delayed on the roof of the winter snow cap on the roof, retaining heat in the house, and in the spring will prevent an avalanche-like slope, which is able to spoil the waterproof system, break the shrubs and trees growing nearby. Before purchasing the tile, it is not necessary to check how fast the sprinkle is kept on the bitumen layer. Throw your hand different tile samples and compare how the granules are easily separated. At the same time, remember that during the installation and in the first year of operation there is a natural slight shower of the granulate, but not more than 10%.

How to choose flexible bitumen tile

The base under the laying of shingles of flexible bituminous tiles should be dry, solid, rigid and smooth. Diases in height of the OSP or FSF should not exceed 1-2 mm. Photo: Katepal.

4. How old is the enterprise, producing flexible tile, and what are its production capacity?

Pay attention to the brand known to the brand of flexible bitumen tiles, to the enterprise that releases it. Do not be lazy to go to the site of the plant, find out the reasons where it is located (in Russia or abroad) and what is its production capacity. Young companies that produce tiles less than 5 years old give it a lifelong guarantee that looks somewhat doubtful.

How to choose flexible bitumen tile

TN-Shinglas Classic system for a cold attic. 1 - Flexible tile Technonol Shinglas; 2 - Anderep series lining carpet; 3 - Wooden flooring (OSP-3, FSF); 4 - rarefied doom; 5 - a rafter foot. Photo: Tehtonol

Pay attention to the range of concomitant materials: lining and ended carpets, mastic, films and membranes. A wide range of components - a sign of a serious approach to work. Listen to the recommendations of friends who chose the tile of a particular brand and were convinced of its quality for several seasons. Among the largest producers of this roofing material Tekhtonikol Corporation. She began the release of flexible tile under the Shinglas brand in 2000-2003, and today the total capacity of production is 50 million m2 products per year.

How to choose flexible bitumen tile

Photo: Owens Corning

The first flexible tile of TEGOLA Corporation appeared in 1976. Currently, in its account 14 industrial enterprises and representative offices in 73 countries of the world. The history of the plant for the production of soft tiles and components Katepal began in 1949. In six decades, a small family firm rose into a large enterprise, which ensures the demand of European and Russian markets. Multi-sectoral manufacturing company "CRZ" has 48 years of experience in the manufacture of roofing and waterproofing materials, among which the flexible roofshield tile.

The Ruflex plant, which is part of the Association "Diana", began its activities in 1991. Today it specializes in the release of the flexible tiles of the same brand and components for it. The choice is individual. Some buyers are always and in all offer imported products. Others are trying to purchase material with an optimal value ratio and quality. One of the important advantages of the Russian flexible tile is an acceptable price in which there are no customs duties and excess transportation costs. However, it is gratifying that the domestic construction market offers goods for every taste.

Please note that before mounting the pallets with flexible bituminous tiles, it is desirable to store in a dry closed room, in conditions that will ensure the safety of the packaging and, most importantly, will avoid exposure to the material of direct sunlight. The fact is that on the underside of each shingle there is a glue thermoactive layer. Its properties are manifested at elevated temperature. Storage in place protected from sun rays, prevents premature glow gluing with each other. This process should begin after laying. Then the individual elements are gradually sintered and form a monolithic and hermetic roofing coating.

Artyom Azarov

Technical Specialist of the Destiner "Cottage and Low-rise Construction", Region Moscow, Technonikol Company

How to choose flexible bitumen tile

Flexible tile of the Cologne collection, Gold Series (Döcke Pie), Single-layer (387 rubles / m²). Photo: Döcke Pie

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5. What is the term warranty on flexible tile?

At the same time with the acquisition of the bituminous tile, the buyer must receive a warranty certificate with compulsory data on the material (date of sale, name, color, article, number, production code of the party) and the seller's company (name, address, telephone, F. I. O. Representative , Signature stamp). In addition, the certificate must be written, in which case the buyer will receive compensation, how much and in what form. If the manufacturer gives a lifelong guarantee, but that it enters it and to whom to contact the crisis situation - it is unclear, it is unlikely that this can be considered a serious document.

It is also worth considering the fact that the warranty does not apply to defects that arose as a result of improper transportation and storage of gears, violations of the rules of installation, service, due to the shrinkage of the building, deformation of a continuous basis, natural disasters and other force majeure. Although the risks associated with damage to the material due to violations of the production process technology, the manufacturer entirely takes effect. At the same time, the term of the official guarantee on flexible roof can be quite long: from 5 to 60 years.

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On a note

So that the attic was really warm, there are insulation plates in the roofing cake. A vapor barrier film under them protects against the penetration of moisture from the attic. The diffusion membrane over the plates prevents the weathering of heat out of the room and contributes to the output of the steam out of the insulation outward. Flexible tile gives the tightness, durability of the entire system and an attractive appearance.

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How to choose flexible bitumen tile 11665_31

Ting Tango Collection (Technonikol Shinglas), Single-layer (421 rubles / m²). Photo: "Tekhnonikol

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Tiles of the collection "Antik", series "Outline" (ICOPAL), single-layer (465 rubles / m²). Photo: icopal

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Tile collection "Western" (Technonikol Shinglas), two-layer (1201 rubles / m²). Photo: Tehtonol

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Tetris Tile collection, SIMPLE series (Döcke Pie), Single-layer (277 rubles / m²). Photo: Döcke Pie

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Tile collection "Continent" (Technonikol Shinglas), Three-layer (1735 rubles / m²). Photo: Tehtonol

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Tile "Silver Coral" Collections Ambient (Katepal), single-layer (636 rubles / m²). Photo: Katepal.

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Tile collection "Kolchuga", SIMPLE series (Döcke Pie), single-layer (310 rubles / m²). Photo: Döcke Pie

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Tile collection "Clare", series "Outline" (ICOPAL), single-layer (465 rubles / m²). Photo: icopal

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Tile collection of "Country" (Technonikol Shinglas), two-layer (449 rubles / m²). Photo: Tehtonol

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Minimalistic tile "Foxy" (katepal), single-layer (406 rubles / m²). Photo: Katepal.

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Tile collection "Alaska", Nordland series (Tegola), single-layer (480 rubles / m²). Photo: Tegola.

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Tile collection "Flamenco" (Technonikol Shinglas), single-layer (421 rubles / m²). Photo: Tehtonol

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Tile "Futuro", Top Shingle series (Tegola), Single-layer (255 rubles / m²). Photo: Tegola.

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Tile collection Mansion (Katepal), Alberti color, two-layer (838 rubles / m²). Photo: Katepal.

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Tile collection "Crohn", SIMPLE series (Döcke Pie), single-layer (336 rubles / m²). Photo: Döcke Pie

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