View of the eckerday


Equipment for Ecodom: Rain water collection systems and biological wastewater treatment, devices for obtaining and storing renewable gaseous fuel, microthep

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How to ensure the independence of the house from electrical, heat and sewage networks, from centralized water and gas supply, as well as minimize environmental pollution? This can be done, only equipping it with special equipment.

View of the eckerday
Schco Many regions of Russia in severe frosts due to accidents of worn heating networks regularly turn off heating, and there are no means for replacing heat lines in local budgets. Prices for all types of energy resources grow much faster than incomes of the population. Since our country is going to join the WTO, soon the cost of gas for Russian consumers, according to economists, will increase 3 times. If you have not yet lowered your hands and think about the future of your children and grandchildren, this material is for you.

We have already begun to tell you about EKODOM (see the article "Eco-Heal Fortress", "IVD", 2009, No. 5). Such a building should differ in minimal heat loss and a very low energy consumption, while the power supply occurs due to renewable sources. Now we will talk about how not only to reduce the harmful effects of housing on the environment and energy costs, but also to get the maximum benefit from the disposal of organic waste. This will require you to purchase special equipment. It will purify the drains and dispose of organic waste by the biological method, produce renewable gaseous fuel and accumulate its reserves, to serve as an alternative source of electricity, collect and dismiss rainwater from impurities.

Rainwater collection and cleaning

The use of rainwater in an extomer not only increases its independence from plumbing networks. We wrote about the use of rain moisture for technical purposes in the energy efficient house located in the Danish Ecoposelka Sten (see "IVD", 2009, No. 5). What are the advantages of drinking rainwater in an extomome? Due to the absence of calcium and magnesium in the DHW system, scale is not formed. The resource of the washing machine increases by about 5 times. There is no iron in the underwater, which avoids the appearance of rust on plumbing and improve the quality of washing, without applying chlorine-containing drugs. The absence of chlorine ensures environmental friendliness in the eco-friend. In advance of advanced extomas use an additional system for collecting stormwater. With a drizzle, it does not work. When the shower begins, the special programmable valve remains closed for some time until the thread is mocking with the roof of a bird litter and other contaminants. Then the valve opens, and water is heading through the consistently installed filter, the ultraviolet sterilizer and the mineralizer into a special clean capacity. The water collected in it in terms of ecology is suitable for washing and cooking and quality is not inferior to bottled


Equipment scheme of Ecodom:

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Computer graphics Alexander Samarina 1-vacuum solar collectors;

2-gas generator;

3-storage tank of the hot water system;


5-heat exchanger;

6-collection of rainwater;

7-underground gas storage factor;

8-ground heat recovery;

9-methyenk two-piece for the organic and "gray" water;


11-collection of technical water;

12-wet Gazgolder

Biological purification of stock

The environmental friendliness of the house and its independence from centralized sewage provides an autonomous system of biological wastewater treatment. It does not pollute the environment, eliminates the need to clean the cesspool and cause tank truck with a fecal pump, and in addition, "pays" to its hosts valuable organic fertilizer and biogas. Prosossia can now be purchased by the devices of individual biological cleaning - septics having a different design and made both in separate buildings and "in one bottle". Inections with anaerobic (methyenk) and aerobic (aerobenk) sections are used. Methytenk is suitable for collecting biogas in a separate case.

Methytenk. The reservoir for the preliminary biological purification of small volumes of household wastewater is called methyenk because, with an anaerobic (without air access), the fermentation of biological residues is allocated methane (biogas, marsh gas). Until recently, until the global economic crisis has come, it was simply released into the atmosphere. Now, in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol, methane emissions as very strong greenhouse gas should be limited. By the way, the methyenk is not the only possible source of biogas in an extomome: there are other ones in an intensively functioning farm that we will also tell me further. Inesl, using them, to collect biogas, and then pour into an individual gas storage, it will be possible to obtain it in an amount sufficient for your own food needs on the kitchen gas stove, generating electricity and water heating in the GVS system. Aesley is formed surplus, they can be implemented at a market price.

In the domestic market, such equipment is represented as "Sanitek Maxi" (Bioecology, Russia). Volumes are different: 1.3; 2; 3; 4 and 5m3. The price of one unit is from 35 thousand rubles. The device is a container of polyester fiberglass. It is used to purify household wastewater from the house in which a family of 2-8 people lives. Wastewater flows slowly, and suspended particles settle on the bottom of the sump. There they decompose without air access, and an IL-high-quality fertilizer is formed. To activate fermentation, there are bags with a biologically active preparation in the methyenk. The country is such a means, for example, "Tamir" (Russia); Packaging with a volume of 1.5l costs 360 rubles. This is a complex of useful soil microorganisms, allowing to dispose of organic waste (including in cesspools), clean the sewer systems and strokes from blockages, restore drainage, eliminate unpleasant odors, and acceleratedly recycle into high-quality compost household and agricultural garbage (food residues, tops , weeds, sawdust, manure IDR). This biological preparation significantly increases the speed and degree of decomposition of the organic. So that methyenks can function in winter (especially in frosts), some owners of such equipment embed into them the pipes of obtaining hot water, and the housings are additionally insulated outside by several layers of foam. Thus, they create good conditions for anaerobic bacteria (the temperature is 52c, optimal for the vital activity of these organisms). So it is possible to ensure the highly efficient operation of the cleaning system and obtaining methane throughout the year.

Aerotenk. These aggregates differ in the principle of operation (aeration effect, biofilters with an active ILR.) And on constructive execution. We do not consider them into the published article, since the aerotanks are not sources of valuable resources. Installation of the system of biological treatment of wastewater (methyenk and aerotenk) turnkey is from 140 thousand rubles. In addition to fertilizer and biogas, such a device produces technical water. Economic should not use rigid potent detergents and disinfectants if purified water is used for watering plants used in food. After all, such water can destroy the beneficial bacteria operating in the biological wastewater system.

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Photo 1.


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Photo 2.


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Photo 3.


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Photo 4.


1.TheTeetend and Aerotenk are installed in the pit, dug around near the house. At the same time, service hatches are on the ground surface.

2. The compact dimensions of the wall microthez fit between two kitchen cabinets.

3. Increased Microthep Device.

4. Compressor FAS NZ-R11 is designed to pump out gas into an underground gas storage.

Non-volatility in harmony with nature

Biogas and pyrolysis gas-renewable alternative fuel, which can be used to prepare food on the kitchen gas stove, produce electricity and heat the water in the DHW system. To get it, use several devices.

Wet Gazgolder. It serves to pre-collect biological and pyrolysis gas. Gazgolder is a tank with water in which the cap is located that pops up when filling it with gas. All gas pump tubes are removed under the bottom of the cap and are equipped with gas lamp caps playing the role of check valves. If any gas source does not work, the gas accumulating under the cap cannot reach this source, since this is hampered by the water surrounding the cap. After the cap is filled and pops up, the compressor turns on automatically: it boosts the gas collected in the underground gas storage until the cap does not drown. Thus, the wet Gazgolder continuously works around the clock, until at least one of the sources allocates gas.

To download the gas to an underground gas storage, you can use, for example, the FAS NZ-R11 compressor (FAS Flssiggas-Anlagen, Germany) with a capacity of 4.5m3 / h with a pressure of 10 Bar (cost- 56 thousand rubles). Prosossia is the ability to purchase the underground gas storage facilities Gasholder (Germany) with a capacity of 2,7m3 (price, from 9 thousand rubles) and 4.85m3 (from 10 thousand rubles).

Wet Gazgolder filled with gas (A), then gas died (b)

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Computer graphics Alexander Samarina 1-cap;

2-gas pumping tube;

3-gas feeds;

4-gas lap caps;


6 cable.

Waste choppers. All solid organic waste before disposal (in a biogenerator or system of biological wastewater treatment) must be changed. Garden garbage grinding devices are processed by thin branches, branches and leaves in the material that goes to the production of compost (there are aggregates capable of grinding even randomly caught bars with a thickness of 40mm). The shredders are equipped with a system for superimorn, as well as wheels for more convenient movement. For example, the power of the Al-Ko device (Dynamic Micro, Germany) is 2.5 kW, the rotational speed of the knife is 2800 rpm. Cost - 10-15 thousand rubles. Vanstole shredders like DJ 2000 (Moulinex, France) provides one nozzle. Maximum power consumption is 0.35 kW. The volume of the bowl made of plastic - 0.6l. Price, 1-1.5 thousand rubles.

The chopper of food waste, say ISE M-65 (In-Sink-ERATOR, USA), is an electrical device installed in the location in the kitchen sink with a large (89-90mm) drain hole and connected to the sewage system. First include cold water, then the chopper, grinding food residues into the smallest particles for 10-15 s without the use of knives and blades. Waste falls on a metal disk rotating with a frequency of 1450 rpm, and the centrifugal force scatches them on the walls of the grinding chamber, on which self-folding metal "graters" are fixed. The cost of the device is 9100rub.

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Photo 5.


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Photo 6.


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Photo 7.


5. Distributor of food waste- The device installed under the sink into the place of release.

6-7. The garden debris (6) is equipped with a container for collecting products, griming to suitable for composting consistency. Garden garbage chopper (7) has no container for collecting recycled products.

Biogenerator. This unit is designed to generate biogas and liquid fertilizer from organic waste. First, the biogenerator is fully loaded with a substrate consisting of crushed organic waste and water, carefully mixed in proportions 1: 1, as well as a special preparation, such as Tamir. A section of 25-52c is maintained by a beogenator; 4 times a day for 15min automatically turns on a mixing device that breaks the crust formed on the surface to enhance fermentation.

After 7-10 days, active fermentation begins and biogas allocated to the wet Gazagolder stands out. Next is the continuous technological process. Each day, the finished liquid fertilizer is drained (its quantity is 10% of the working volume of the biogenerator) and the substrate is replenished accordingly. At the same time, the daily yield of biogas is from 6m3 for every 100 liters of biomass, depending on the composition of organic waste.

Interesting fact: Currently, 10 modern biogenerator complexes are operated in Russia. For example, one of them is located in the Belgorod region. We use Waukesha (USA) equipment. This efficient complex provides electricity, gas, hot water and liquid fertilizer of 70 forces. Way in Europe, including in the Baltic countries, biogas, obtained as a result of anaerobic fermentation of various organic waste, have long been used. In effectly, 60-70% methane and 30-40% of carbon dioxide, as well as minor hydrogen sulfide impurities (up to 3%), hydrogen, ammonia and nitrogen oxides, can be included in the composition of biogas.

Gas generator. This device is designed to obtain pyrolysis gas. The gas generator is advisable to score with the Cumulative GVS tank, then it will serve for water heating. Pyrolysis gas is formed as a result of incomplete combustion of solid fuel (wood chocks, peat, coal, pellets IT.P.) with limited air access (28-35% of the total amount necessary for fuel combustion).

The internal space of the working device is divided into four zones. The upper part of the drossing bunker (temperature is 150-200 ° C). The middle part of the dry distillation bunker (temperature is 300-500C). The fuel without air access is charred, resins, acids and other products of dry distillation are distinguished from it. The burning zone is located in the belt Furm (temperature - 1100-1300c and above). This comes the charred fuel and dry distillation products and in the presence of a sufficient amount of oxygen, supplied with air through the tours, is mainly burned, forming carbon dioxide gas (CO2) and carbon monoxide, or carbon monoxide (CO). The recovery zone is located between the burning area and the grate grid. Two CO2 passes through hot carbon and, connecting with carbon particles, forms CO. The vacative chamber produces a generator gas mixture of gases: carbon monoxide, methane (CH4), hydrogen (H2), as well as alcohols (CH3On, C2N5Un) IDR. The gas coil cooler is cooled, heating water in the accumulative tank, and is cleaned of suspended particles of ash and dust, from formic and acetic acids. Devices close to the design to the described, produces the firm "Workshop of his business" (Ukraine), the cost is about 100 thousand rubles.

The exhaust gases of the internal combustion engine using generator gas or biogas as fuel, environmentally cleaner. The octane number of gaseous fuels is 110-140. Motors operating on bio or generator gas, more than gasoline or diesel. In winter, at a reduced temperature, the gas generator functions more efficiently, since the working gas mixture is better filled with the engine cylinders, such as a cogeneration plant.

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Photo 9.

Computer graphics Alexander Samarina

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Photo 10.

Computer graphics Alexander Samarina

8.Chemem combined electricity and thermal energy (DHW).

9.Shem bioreactor: 1-loading bunker; 2-yield of biogas.

10.Shem gas generator: 1-gas generating device; 2-cumulative tank; 3-heat exchanger.

Cogeneration and integration of alternative sources

The combined production of electricity and thermal energy with a thermal engine and an electric generator is called cogeneration. Heat transmission, for example, for water heating, occurs through a two-circuit heat exchanger (it consists of a condensation heat exchanger for transmitting heat from exhaust gases and the engine cooling circuit of the engine cylinders). Over the past 5 years, Ecopower (USA) sold in Europe, mainly in the UK, about 5 thousand microthep on the basis of a single-cylinder four-stroke engine of internal combustion with a power of 3 kW. The cost of microthec is from 220 thousand rubles. Thermal heating of water heating - 12kW. The condensation heat exchanger works normally, provided that the temperature of the recycled water does not exceed 40-50c. Therefore, manufacturers recommend using Microthez together with water warm floors instead of traditional radiators. The system, including the microthec, a storage tank of 1 thousand, and the warm floors of 200m2, costs from 1.8 million rubles.

At the end of 3 years in Europe with the described installations, Whispergen's Microthec (New Zealand) with the thermal engine of the external combustion of Stirling is successfully competing. Already sold about 8 thousand. Such devices. Vg.Tolos (Spain) build a specialized plant, which will be licensed to produce 30 thousand. Microthep Whispergen per year. Electrical power - 1kW, thermal - 5.5 kW. The price of these microthesis is quite high (from 350 thousand rubles), but consumers attract their undoubted advantages.

Advantages of Microtc with Stirling Engine:

silent. The noise level at a distance of 2M from the working ECOPOWER is 56DB, and under similar conditions for Whispergen- not more than 40 dB. This allows you to install Whispergen in the kitchen (traditional place of gas condensation boilers in European housing);

The optimal for the Middle Eastern House is the number of hot water produced. In the summer you do not have to think about what to do with its surplus;

Compactness and ease. The size of the installation, for example, whispergen (VSHD) is 650500450mm, mass-137kg. In the way, the unit takes the same place as a standard dishwasher. For comparison: the dimensions of the American Microthez (FDAS) - 1280980700mm, mass - 400kg;

Lack of maintenance (work resource - up to 40 thousand.): There are no oil inside the cylinder, no filters and spark plugs, do not adjust the valves and the ignition system. Avian Installation with DVS after 8 thousand, repair is needed;

Fuel "omnory". Stirling engine is able to use many types of gaseous, liquid and solid fuels. For example, if it works on hydrogen, exhaust is practically no (all combustion products turn into water condensate in a condensation heat exchanger). Accordingly, heat does not go outside, and the efficiency reaches almost 100%. If natural gas serves as a fuel, the exhaust contains up to 15-20% of water vapor, which condensing is actively absorbed by the anhydrides of coal, ant and other acids and thereby significantly reduce the level of environmental pollution. Since the "hidden heat" condensation of water vapors is transmitted to the heated water, the installation efficiency comes to 95%. Other Case Coal: When burning, it almost does not form water vapor, and its composition includes sulfur. Sulfuric anhydride at the same time cannot be absorbed by condensate (the latter simply does not appear) and, connecting with atmospheric moisture, causes acid rains. When working on an angle into the atmosphere, the maximum number of CO2 is ejected and a lot of heat is lost with exhaust gases, and the efficiency efficiency does not exceed 85%.

B2008g. Microgen (international company with headquarters in the UK) conducted a large-scale experiment. In the North of the Netherlands, the Whispergen Microthep was installed in the north of the Netherlands, and the compact wall microthec of a completely new type, developed by Microgen and externally indistinguishable from popular wall gas condensation boilers in the west.

Even the internal device of these new microthez visually resembles the design of a standard wall-mounted gas condensing boiler due to the similarity of the latest and heat exchanger of the microthep. The difference is that under the heat exchanger, the stirring-generator block suspended on the springs.

The expression of the operation of these microthec not only regularly recorded the testimony of measuring instruments, but also quickly changed the design, and also developed and installed additional alternative sources of energy and the device. Even the term "integration of alternative sources" appeared.

Absorption chiller alternative cold source. It is designed to absorb the excess heat energy of hot water in the summer and produce cold for air conditioning systems and food storage. Cogeneration, supplemented by the release of cold, is called a triegeration. While there are only experimental samples of absorption chillers. We can easily buy inexpensive absorption automotive refrigerators, driven by thermal energy of a working propane burner. However, these devices are unlikely to serve as absorption chillers, as an aqueous solution of ammonia is not effective as used in them as a coolant. Using in the near future, productive chiller will undoubtedly increase the electrical power of the microthec without problems with excessive hot water.

Vacuum collectors and a solar photoconduance source of heat and electricity. Owners of some houses do not live in them constantly. Frosting in an uncomfortable building with a network electricity, you need to maintain the minimum required temperature (4-6c), in which the water supply is protected from the accident possible due to freezing. Vacuum collectors and photoelectric panels solve the problem.

Primary period The effectiveness of the work of the photopennels is very low, but it is enough to ensure the effect of circulating pumps that support the movement of water in the GVS system heated from vacuum collectors. Alet, when solar photovoltaic panels operate with maximum efficiency of electricity, you can limit the operation of the microthep. This will make it possible not to produce excess hot water, save gaseous fuel and save the thermal engine motor.

Special gas burner is an alternative source of heat in Microthep in frosty days. Operating experience Microthep showed that in cold weather, the installation produces such a number of hot water, which is not enough for a comfortable stay in the house. Therefore, Microgen specialists are mounted on their microthec an additional gas burner. It is intended only for additional heating of water in Stuzh.

Pellelets alternative renewable fuel for microthep. Chermannia, Austria and other countries of the European Union, as well as Russia, the production of pellets is growing rapidly. Already, they are bypass by European consumers by 30% of the natural gas, and it is expected that in the future prices for this type of fuel will decline. Vnunberg firm Sunmachine (Germany) began to produce cogeneration microthep with an electric power of 3 kW with a stirling engine running on pelllights.

Alternative hot water consumers. When the cogeneration plant, generating electricity, in the warm season is formed an excessive amount of hot water. The question arises: where to do it? In industry for cooling hot water, cooling towers are built, which dispel heat into the environment.

The laundry hosts instead of these facilities that do not adorn the landscape and occupying a useful area, heated greenhouses for intensive production of vegetables, heated systems of biological processing of organic waste into biogas and fertilizer or heated swimming pools, saunas, baths. Assue is a queue, the development of listed devices leads to an increase in the generation of electrical energy by cogeneration plants, and its excess can enter a centralized circuit.

The experiment of Microgen showed that home microthep is thrown into the atmosphere no more than 190 g of carbon dioxide for 1 kWh produced electricity. With centralized schemes for generating electricity and heat into the surrounding space, at least 400g / (kWh) CO2 takes place. To develop 2500 kWh, Microthez spend 275m3 natural gas per year (with centralized supplies, at least 550m3). All over the course of 1, a residential house with an area of ​​200m2, equipped with Microthec, ejects 1 thousand kg less CO2 than with centralized supply of the same amount of heat and electricity.

View of the eckerday
Whispergen. Microthep Whispergen:

1- Stirling engine;

2- heat exchanger of exhaust gases;

3- heat exchanger of the cooling system;

4 - electric generator.

View of the eckerday
Ecopower Microthec Ecopower:

1- air cleaner;

2- heat exchanger of exhaust gases;

3- internal combustion engine;

4 - electric generator;

5- condensation heat exchanger.

View of the eckerday
Computer graphics Alexander Samarina Scheme of innovative pellet microtetz:

1-pellet burner;

2- screw conveyor;

3-pellet bunker.

Pellet Microthec Sunmachine.

(External species, sectional view):

View of the eckerday
Sunmachine 1- Stirling engine;

2-combustion chamber;

3 pellet bunker;

4- screw conveyor;

5-pellet burner;

6- block of heat exchangers;


We draw conclusions

Because of the globalization of the global economy, most industrial enterprises in large cities are closed. People move from emerged places in the province. Those who want to lead a full-fledged life and decided to maximize the benefits of forced resettlement, think about the fact that the feeling of freedom and independence can only give their own eco.

ECODOM is not utopia, but part of the lifestyle of our children and grandchildren. Only such a dwelling is fully consistent with the principle of sustainable development of civilization, in which, on the one hand, people practically do not use non-renewable energy sources and materials, and on the other, they do not harm the nature and health of their fellow. A similar house can be built anywhere, since it does not depend on energy. This building harmoniously fits into the landscape and, like a living being, spares energy in summer, and there exists in the Zimnimensa thanks to her. A person more than 50% of the time released to him spends in a home, and a comfortable habitat inside EcoDom has a beneficial effect on his health and allows you to significantly improve the quality of life. Ecode lives due to regenerated energy types: land, sun, wind and biomass (waste of agriculture and woodworking). Such a house is not depreciated. If the wooden facade of the stretch and fused (and we will not paint it, because we agreed not to use chemicals!), Exactly, it will remain after 20 and 50 years. He acquired his face natural. The inhabitants of this house are comfortable from the realization that they do not harm themselves and the environment.

Getting biogas (pyrolysis gas) from waste

Various organic waste (mass - 1kg) Biogas yield, m3
Manure 0.06.
Beetrophic tops 0.4.
Fresh grass 0.5
Fat 1,3.
Firewood burned in the gas generator 0,6
Human life products (per day) 0.05

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