11 things in the house that have a shelf life (maybe it's time to throw away?)


Pillows, washcloths, cutting boards and disinfectants - tell what things should be regularly changed to not harm your health.

11 things in the house that have a shelf life (maybe it's time to throw away?) 1345_1

11 things in the house that have a shelf life (maybe it's time to throw away?)

1 Pillows

The shelf life of pillows is about 2-3 years. After this period of time, they deform, so they will not be able to keep their head and neck during sleep as well as they did immediately after purchase. In addition, bacteria are bred in the pillows, even if you erase them regularly. And do not forget about dust mites, which can also appear in them. Better on time to change accessories to sleep, not to sacrifice your health.

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2 blankets

Blankets, like pillows, also need to be changed regularly, but their service life is much more. It varies from 7 to 10 years. The digit depends on how you store the blankets and how they care for them.

3 mattresses

Another important accessory for good sleep is the mattress. He must serve you about 8-10 years old. During use it is worth cleaning from dust, sweat and other contaminants. This can be done using conventional soda: apply the powder on the wet surface of the mattress, let dry and thoroughly spend. Also, to extend the service life, it is worth turning it over 1-2 times a year.

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4 towels

Bacteria quickly develop on wet textile, so the towels must often wash. It should choose the mode with a high temperature - so the microbes will not have chances to survive. It is better to erase them after 3-4 uses. However, not a single textile, even the most dense, will not endure such frequent washes, so it is worth changing the towels every three years. In addition, worn textiles looks not very attractive.

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5 Cleaning Accessories

Conventional wipe washing sponges that you use in the kitchen daily, collect many bacteria. They are recommended to change every 7-14 days.

If not ready to do it so often, you can replace sponges on plastic and silicone cleaning accessories. They are easier to disinfect. But they have a service life: buy new stands 8 months after the start of use.

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6 microfibe

Rodes from microfiber will serve you much longer: they are able to withstand up to 500 styrics in the washing machine, so the service time reaches 5 years.

7 Disinfectants

In the means of cleaning, as in any chemistry, there is a shelf life. Pay attention to the disinfecting formulations: they become ineffective 3 months after opening the packaging. Accordingly, after this period, they will not be able to save the surface from bacteria and microbes.

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8 urochliki

Wet washcloths, sponges and other things that you use while taking a shower are an excellent microbial reproduction medium. Also, the mold is easily started. If you do not want skin problems, it is better to change accessories regularly. The service life is usually about 6 months. To extend it, dry the washcloth after each use.

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9 Comb

The service life of the most common extension is equal to 1 year. The fact is that on it, as on other care accessories, bacteria multiply. Even if you regularly clean the comb, it still can cause dandruff and other problems, not to mention the fact that the old accessory often gets out hair.

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10 Cutting boards

On the boards for cutting products accumulates a large number of bacteria. Even if you are thoroughly wash and disinfect the surface, completely get rid of microbes difficult. Therefore, try to change the boards once every 3 years.

11 Spices

Unfortunately, spices are stored a bright smell not very long. Usually, their shelf life is 2-3 years, during which the fragrance becomes less pronounced. Their quality also depends on the storage method: do not put spices in wet places, as well as place them in containers with a dense lid.

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