4 Common Errors in the Arrangement of Heating in the Country House


You could not take into account the heat loss, incorrectly calculate the number of radiators and choose batteries of insufficient power. We tell more about frequent misses together with the expert.

4 Common Errors in the Arrangement of Heating in the Country House 2131_1

4 Common Errors in the Arrangement of Heating in the Country House

The unsuccessfully designed heating system costs as expensive as well thought out. However, when you understand the difference, it will be too late. Together with Alexey Dubchak, the project manager in the category "Engineering Systems" of Lerua Merlen stores, we are talking about common errors in the arrangement of the heating system in the country house.

1 Invalid energy type selection

Usually choose between electric heating, gas and fuel.

Electric heating has many advantages: simple installation of convectors and a warm floor system, there is no need to launch communications in the floor and walls available components. But there are also disadvantages - electricity bills will be high.

If the house has access to the main gas, gas boiler room and connecting the water heating system - the most correct solution. Such a system equipment will cost more installation of convectors and electric heating floors, but expenses will quickly pay off due to low operating cost.

The cost of heating the house of gas is approximately four times lower in comparison with electricity heating.

If there is no main gas, boiler room and water heating equipment is still possible. When choosing a source of energy in this case, it is detailed to study the availability of fuel and prices for it.

Thus, stone coal can be in the regions with the magnificent mining of fossil alternative gas. Where there is a lot of forests, you can choose heating with a solid fuel boiler on firewood, fuel briquettes or pellets - granules from pressed sawdust.

The most versatile energy sources include liquefied gas and liquid fuel.

These energy carriers can also be based on the construction of the boiler room and connecting the water heating system. It is worth considering that the installation of storage for liquefied gas will require costs, while only specialized containers will need for the storage of diesel fuel.

4 Common Errors in the Arrangement of Heating in the Country House 2131_3

  • FAQ on the gas heating system: 7 answers to the main questions

2 Invalid selection of radiators

Calculate the number of batteries

Knowing the rules and the area of ​​the rooms, you can independently select the required number of radiators in the store.

Use a simple rule: for heating 1 sq. M. m in the room with a height of the ceilings 2.5 meters it is necessary to spend 100 W energy (the radiator power in watts is indicated on the product packaging).

If the ceilings in the room above 2.5 meters, calculate the added height as a percentage, and then adjust the calculation by this value. In order not to install an additional radiator, choose more powerful batteries.

This method of calculation is suitable for sample premises when nothing prevents the radiators of the required length in the right places. But in the houses sometimes it is impossible to establish increased radiators due to protruding architectural elements. Then you have to choose the most effective model.

Choose an effective radiator

The market presents steel, aluminum and metal heating radiators. Everyone has its advantages and disadvantages. Aluminum radiators are characterized by the highest heat transfer, but serve less than others and are subject to mechanical damage. Steel radiators are durable and reliable, cost inexpensively, but have impressive dimensions at the same power.

Modern bimetallic radiators combine the advantages of aluminum and steel batteries. Inside the bimetallic radiator is a durable housing in which water circulates. Outside there are aluminum panels with fins, effectively giving heat.

It is bimetallic radiators that will become the best solution when large batteries cannot be installed in the room.

Structurally, they are sectional and monolithic, while the first type is more versatile. You can choose from the number of sections from 4 to 22, and therefore it is easy to find a solution for any complex project. In addition, specialized models for installation in the floor are available today, as well as vertical radiators that use when the French floor-to-ceiling windows are available. Vertical radiators are located on the walls between the windows, and this solution allows you to create a heating system of the desired power with a non-standard location of the batteries.

4 Common Errors in the Arrangement of Heating in the Country House 2131_5

Today, many large retailers offer a project to design and install turnkey engineering systems. So you can get a project optimized with the features of the house.

3 Wrong expanding heating batteries

When installing radiators, it will be possible to avoid errors if you use the standards of SNiP 41-01-2003. The distance from the window sill to the radiator for these standards should be at least 10 cm. Between the wall and the floor it is worth leaving the width of at least three fourth from the thickness of the radiator. Between the floor and the bottom of the radiator - from 8 to 14 cm. If this gap will be over 15 cm, the temperature difference at the floor and at the top of the room will be too noticeable.

4 Common Errors in the Arrangement of Heating in the Country House 2131_6

  • How to choose heating radiators: detailed guide

4 Unaccounted heat losses

Often, after installing the heating system it turns out that the power is missing. And the reason sometimes lies not in incorrect calculations. Power can be chosen correctly, but if the house did not measure the heat loss, it may not be enough.

Measurements The heat loss is carried out at the stage of designing the heating system. During the measurements, the specialist examines the house with a thermal imager to identify errors made during construction.

The most common causes of heat loss: the insufficient efficiency of double-glazed windows and the presence of cold bridges.

Cold bridges often occur in the junctions between parts of the house. The structural element of the material with a higher thermal conductivity can be the bridge of the cold, for example, a reinforced concrete amplifier, laid over the window opening in the brick wall. Part of the deficiencies identified can be eliminated in different ways. Among the most famous: insulation of the joints between the plates with the assembly foam and the creation of a more dense outer layer of thermal insulation in the location of elements with increased heat transfer.

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