Glazing on the ceiling


Cuisine lighting: lamps for working and dining areas, Kitchen Lightsign rules. What does the market offer?

Glazing on the ceiling 13552_1

Glazing on the ceiling
Tobias Grali.

Stopping your choice on the ceiling lamp for general lighting, pay attention to the power of the lamp - it should be not lower than 75W

Glazing on the ceiling
Photo of Evgenia Lichina

Who said the chandelier in the kitchen is inappropriate? Just this decision is not for a small room

Glazing on the ceiling

"Friendly Family" Suspended Luminaires from Bankamp will not leave a single corner

Glazing on the ceiling

If the ceiling height allows, the lamps can be installed at the top of the hinged cabinets

Glazing on the ceiling
Glazing on the ceiling
Photo of Karen Manko

It is not necessary that the "artificial sun" existed in the singular. Several light sources will distribute it more evenly

Glazing on the ceiling

It is possible to achieve a full illumination of the dining table using an autonomous lamp. There may be several them if the table is long enough

Glazing on the ceiling
Glazing on the ceiling
Decorative incandescent lamps:

A- "Candle in the Wind"

B-flask with spraying

Perfect candle

G-model "Glob"

Glazing on the ceiling
Glazing on the ceiling
Glazing on the ceiling

Hood with backlit provides uniform illumination of the plate and washing

Glazing on the ceiling
Glazing on the ceiling
Fluorescent lamps have the property of high light output and low energy consumption. The best option for kitchen - elongated samples with a cross section 7 or 16mm
Glazing on the ceiling
Glazing on the ceiling
Glazing on the ceiling

Luminaires placed around the ceiling perimeter visually expand space

Glazing on the ceiling

Luminaires on brackets can adjust the direction of the light stream

Glazing on the ceiling

Glazing on the ceiling

When choosing a lamp, it is important that he fit into the overall stylistics of the room and did not conflict with sources of illumination of other zones

Glazing on the ceiling
Glazing on the ceiling

At one of the specialized exhibitions, everyone has attracted a funny lamp for the kitchen - "frying pan" on which the "scrambled eggs" is fried. A truly gift for those who cannot do without humor even on the issue of arranging their apartments. But jokes jokes, and the cuisine lighting is serious.

In each business, their laws

Glazing on the ceiling
Photo of Karen Mancoundly, developed by scientists of the lighting norms are mandatory only for specialists, equipping public interiors. But they can be taken note of at least as recommendations. The illumination is set in special units- suites (LC). Included overall illumination of residential premises is considered sufficient if 1 m2 square is from 15 to 20W power of incandescent bulbs. The overall illumination of the kitchen is significantly higher than 75W / m2. It should be the maximum preparation of food, 100W / m2, and in the dining area zone 50W / m2.

As for fire safety, the requirements for it are well known: not posting in the immediate vicinity of water (less 0,6m) elements of wiring, sockets, switches, high-voltage lamps, and the entire metal reinforcement, designed for the network voltage, is mandatory grounded. The lamps with the IP22 marking are quite appropriate above the washing and stove, that is, protected from penetration of dust and splashes. For those who want to progress, the level of protection IP54 is suitable. For them, halogen hesitus on voltage of 12V will be of interest.

Another rate for the kitchen is the mandatory presence of a window that provides insolation. However, designers have already taken care of this. You also remain competently using the light for which you do not need to pay. If the kitchen window looks north, you can feel the shortage of natural light. Light walls and ceiling will help to get out of the position. It is clear, because the reflection coefficient with white surfaces is 0.7-0.85, and, for example, green - already 0.02.

Some fighters for extra meters close the kitchen window to use another deaf wall. Specialists do this not advise. It is better to place the desktop right under the window: and the light will be enough, and the hostess work more fun. The "blind" zone of the kitchen may be and then when it is united with a dining room and living room. In this case, the entire load takes on artificial lighting. What should it be? How to choose the right lamp for the kitchen?

What light sources prefer?

Choosing a lamp for the kitchen, many prefer models with luminescent or halogen sources. However, most of the types of these lamps give a light stream, in which bluish-blue rays are predomined, distorting the color of products and cooked food.

Fluorescent lamps are attractive in that their power consumption is five times lower, and the light output is four to five times higher than that of conventional incandescent lamps. Yes, and they serve five to eight times longer. The best option for kitchen-elongated samples with a cross section of 7 or 16mm.

Halogen lamps miniature, durable (2-6 thousand ads), have high light output with low power consumption (14-25 lm / W). With the power of 20W, they provide the same illumination as the incandescent bulb by 40W. Tubular "halogens" with a long spiral are suitable for the working area. Capsule, with a compact glow body and a variable angle of rotation, an excellent solution for suspended ceilings.

Nikita Kulagin, Architect

"The most optimal solution - rotating point sources of light, placed around the perimeter of the ceiling in the form of a glowing circuit, it will visually expand the space. Such lamps can be rationally distributed over the entire surface of the ceiling. For the same purpose, fluorescent lamps with a capacity of 40W, but only with warm, Close to the natural range of radiation. They are better located in one line along the working area with a removal from the wall 50-60cm. If the ceiling height allows the lamp at the top of the cabinets. They will provide a soft reflected light and visually increase the height of the room.

Retro style lovers can advise the intricate, plastic or glass lampshade on a flexible helix. By changing his position by vertical, the overall light can instantly turn into an "intimate" and vice versa.

Who said the chandelier in the kitchen is inappropriate? Just this decision is not for a small room. The best options are chandomers with two groups of autonomous lamps. A group that guides the light down will provide local lighting, and upwards. Arrange the lighting in the kitchen having a complex configuration will help compact swivel lamps fixed on the busbar. They easily move on the rail-rail, changing the direction of the luminous flux.

It is interesting to imitation windows cutting into the ceiling. For this, suspended structures from transparent materials are usually used. By the way, the "window" can really cut through, but only in a false-brake. A tendable niche places powerful light sources, and then closed with glass. "

Kitchen "Sun"

The appointment of general light in the kitchen is to replace natural lighting in the dark. Such a light should be evenly distributed, scattered, soft and at the same time bright. For this purpose, there is enough source with a capacity of 60-100W. It is not necessary that the "artificial sun" existed in the only number of several light sources easier to achieve its uniform distribution. The number of luminaires depends on the configuration and size of the room.

The traditional location of the lamp in the center of the kitchen Many LEDs are considered an anachronism. Stroks view of taste preferences This categorical is hardly relevant. Therefore, we will operate with more objective categories. The main argument against is that such a lamp covers only the center of the kitchen, often not filled with anything. The same person busy cooking will discard the shadow on the cutting table, unless, of course, the work area is not located in the center of the room.

Upon closer look, it turns out that all these problems are not difficult to solve. For example, with sharp shadows and uneven light distribution, quite traditional ceiling lights with a diffuser made of matte glass and a hole at the bottom or the guide stream of light up, to the ceiling. And in general, this is not the question, about which it is worth breaking the spears. First, because the LEDs are able to offer a lot of interesting options for organizing background lighting. Avo-second, the upper light plays in the kitchen by no means a major role.

"Setting" light in the kitchen, specialists proceed from the fact that it is primarily a room for cooking, and then the place for the morning cup of coffee and a family dinner. Therefore, first of all, the problem of illumination of the working area is solved, then dining, and the upper light only complements various types of functional. It is possible to neglected in the mouse kitchens at all.

Light way to culinary vertices

Glazing on the ceiling
"A La Carte"

A row of light bulbs under mounted cabinets directs light directly to the working partial requirement for lighting the working zone - the uniform distribution of a powerful, directional downlight on the surface of the cutting table, washing and plates. In this case, the formation of shadows is completely excluded.

Options for organizing work lighting are not so much. The easiest and most mobile wallpapers fixed on the edges of the shelves. But a similar solution can only be considered as temporary. In the presence of mounted lockers, it is best to place the lamps on their lower surface. To do this, use elongated luminescent or low-voltage (12V) halogen lamps. The length of the first, as a rule, is 40-80 cm, which corresponds to the standard sizes of kitchen equipment. Compact, not stuck, they direct light directly to the desktop.

Another option is a series of single lamps located above mounted cabinets. Mounting the appliances on the ceiling, back from the wall on 60cm and do not lower them below the top edge of the shelves. On the wall it is better to mount the lamps on flexible or movable brackets, with which it is easy to adjust the direction of the luminous flux. If you do without hinged lockers, such models are especially appropriate. Usually, they use diffuse reflectors that protect their eyes from the blind light. Another single lamp over the working surface of the table should be placed on the left, of course, if you are not left-handed.

The upstands of the mounted locker can sometimes embed the halogen lamps of the directional light, placing them on chrome rods. To illuminate the working surface, several lamps with a capacity of 10Ws installed in 30-60 cm.

For the working area, it is better to choose lamps with plaffones of simple shape and a smooth surface that are easier to contain clean. It is not worth neglecting this, because pollution can reduce the level of illumination by 10-20%. By the way, the fat, dirt and dust dot lamps are less inclined to accumulate.

If the working area of ​​the kitchen is related to the wall, the sources of work lighting are placed on the ceiling. In case, lamps are suitable on elongated cords with scattering light with frosted lamps. Prepared designs with point lamps are also used. But they, as a rule, do not look too aesthetic, and in terms of cost several times the usual ceiling appliance.

Many manufacturers of kitchen equipment take care of the illumination of the working area. Most of the modern kitchen furniture is equipped with built-in backlight. Panels with a lamp, a socket for connecting electrical appliances, timer and switch are particularly popular. The latest models use Softlight technology, allowing to smoothly adjust the intensity of the light flux. Another novelty-DIMM function, with which you can change the brightness of the lighting, focusing it on the desired surface.

Today, no one surprises the hoods equipped with backlight. Here are usually used miniature incandescent bulbs by 20-40Ws, elongated luminescent (9-13W) and halogen (on 20W) lamps. The latter, by the way, equip the most expensive models. These sources provide approximately the same plate illumination. Sometimes their light is quite enough for the entire working area.

The internal illumination of kitchen cabinets becomes usual. It is especially better in cabinets with translucent doors, although it does not have any meaning to illuminate the working area. Some manufacturers go even further, rubbing the ends of the cabinets with a material that can be saturated with light, and in the dark to give it in the form of a yellow, blue or turquoise glow. Having come for such a kitchen at night, you will no longer stumble on the sharp corner of the cabinet. Decorative and orienting role also play luminous borders, wall and floor tiles using LED or fiber-optic technology.

Inna Sokhnina, Architect

Glazing on the ceiling
GE LIGHTING "Fundamental criterion when choosing lamps for kitchen-emitted by them by the spectrum of light waves. One of the main rules of the LED on the kitchen is proximity to the natural, heat and white spectrum. Color light here can only be present as an element of decor.

Incandescent bulbs are tightly to the yellow spectrum, so somewhat distort colors. Light cheap fluorescent lamps (LCB, LD, LD, LDC) closer to blue and purple spectrum areas. Cold bluish glow also distorts colors. Overweight and expensive fluorescent sources (type LTB-heat-white with color temperatures about 2700K) - the range of their radiation is as close as possible to the natural, so that they perfectly reproduce colors.

The emission spectrum of halogen lamps is very close to sunny. Their bright, clean and warm light provides the most accurate color reproduction. In the light of the light, even the most uncomfortable dishes look attractive and excite appetite. "

Light the family trapese

Perhaps the dining area of ​​the kitchen LEDs prefer to all others. After all, it provides much more space for psychological and aesthetic exercises.

As in the working area, the light should be evenly distributed across the dining table tabletop, covering the entire surface. This can be achieved by placing an autonomous lamp over the table. Or several lamps if the table is quite long. They are not necessarily placed on one line and at one height. Here you can give the will of fantasy, not forgetting, however, that local light sources should be not lower than 50-60cm from the surface of the table, but in general, above the mark of 1.2-1.4 m from it. Otherwise, soft, relaxing lighting will not work. By the way, the highly located lighting device makes the lighting more solemnly low-cozy.

The founded zone is preferable to lamps with matte or white flasks, medium power, with a directional distribution of light and the natural spectrum of radiation.

Speaking about the comfort, we will recall the lampsure again. It can be made from any translucent material. But perhaps the best option is a fabric that not only perfectly dispels the light, but also lightly stains the space around.

The option when the dining table is moved to the wall, involves the use of the sconce raised above the table top for about a meter. High desktop lamps are also suitable, directly on the table. Fucks are quite appropriate, the height of which is sufficient to illuminate the entire countertops. Those who lack intimacy in the dining area, low table lamps with diffused light can be recommended.

What does the market offer?

The Russian market presents the light sources of the best foreign manufacturers: Osram, Paulmann, General Electric Lighting, Phillips, Silvania Idr. High-quality products are offered by leading Russian electrolympic plants - Saransky, Kalashnikovsky, Ufa, Smolensk IDR. Product prices scatter is very large. Models of Western manufacturers, as a rule, in 8-10 times more than domestic analogs. The cheapest domestic halogen lamps can be purchased at a price of 10 rubles., Imported, from 25 rubles. The current sum will cost luminescent sources. The most technological models are about three times more expensive.

Our market is filled with lamps from China, Taiwan, Poland, Turkey, the UAE. As a rule, they are inferior to products of leading Western firms and in quality, and in design, and therefore have a low price category - 100). Russian companies are offered quite worthy products, including Marbel, Saturn, Electropolitus, Point Point Idre. Lidad on the market of Austria, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy, USA and Finland. Fashion legislature for classic style lamps is Italy. For models of Austrian, Belgian and German firms, a more discreet design is characteristic. Prices for their products fluctuate from $ 100 to $ 40,000 and higher for exclusive samples. Since the kitchen lamps should not be too cleaning, you can purchase devices at a reasonable price. Thus, the Finnish company Lival offers a series of specialized lamps at a price of 600 to 10600rub., Austrian EGLo- from 300 to 5800 rub., German OSRAM- from 400 to 3100 rub.

The editorial board thanks Avant, "Svetomport", "IBTM", General Elecric Lighting, as well as architects Nikita Kulagina and Inna Sokhonnina for help in preparing the material.

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