Repair and decoration of the bedroom: what exactly can not save


When choosing materials and objects from our selection, the first thing worth thinking is - quality and personal comfort.

Repair and decoration of the bedroom: what exactly can not save 863_1

Repair and decoration of the bedroom: what exactly can not save

The ability to save on repair is always a bonus. But there are points of estimates that do not regret funds. Savings can cause your discomfort, and the new repair and things in the bedroom will not bring joy.

1 windows

Good windows - a pledge of a quiet sleep. If the apartment is located on the first floors, or near the house there is a highway with an active stream of cars, a better compactor and reliable double-glazed windows will be a good attachment. This is important for any room, but it is in the bedroom that the noise from the street and draft can cause regular lack of sleep and, as a result, health problems.

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2 Natural materials in the finish

Natural materials in the decoration are the components of a good microclimate, which affects the quality of sleep and overall well-being. That is why it is important to choose them in the bedroom, and more often to air the room.

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Repair and decoration of the bedroom: what exactly can not save 863_5

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3 Humidifier or Cleaner

Clean air without dust and harmful impurities in the bedroom are necessary for healthy sleep. In dust contains particles of viruses, bacteria and allergens that can affect health. Therefore, clean the air in the bedroom and take care of the microclimate is very important. It is not necessary to save on the gadgets that clean the air, and it is also useful to ventilate more often. You can put a hygrometer, it will follow the level of humidity. Do not overcover the air, including a warm floor or battery for high power.

4 curtains

High-quality window textiles plays an important role in the design of the bedroom. This is not only the beauty of the interior. Curtains can collect dust that after it provokes allergies. To avoid this, it is better to smoke the curtains in the floor along the length of the walls, not leaving the folds on the floor.

If you like to wake up late, or the bedroom on the sunny side, it makes sense to choose the curtains blackout. They will protect from excess light, and at the same time they will make noise from the street less and get rid of drafts.

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5 bed linen

It is better to choose a set of natural dense materials. Cotton is good, but it happens too much dust. Qualitative materials provide air exchange, sleep on such bed linen is not too hot or cold, the skin breathes.

Pay attention to choosing which dyes used the manufacturer, and production technology. For example, paint with a pigment process of staining can be polished if you wash at high temperatures. Better reactive staining or photo printing technology, although they have to overpay.

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6 pillow

A good filler and the correct cushion shape is very important. If these points neglected when choosing, sleep can deteriorate greatly. Moreover, headache, weakness and some health problems may occur just because of the irregular shape of the pillow and poor-quality filler.

It is best to choose orthopedic pillows by own anthropometric data. Depending on the favorite position in a dream, the shape and height of the pillow will also differ. That is, if you like to sleep on your stomach, a pillow for sleep on your back will not suit you - it will be too high. Also, if you chose a pillow with a natural filler, you must regularly clean and sort out it. Otherwise, harmful microorganisms may begin.

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7 mattresses

We included in the recommendation on saving on the repair of the bedroom rejection of the additional options of the mattress. For example, different upholstery for the winter and summer period. But on the main - form and filler - it is better not to save.

When choosing, focus on your own comfort and some medical recommendations. For example, a hard mattress will suit people with the diseases of the back and the musculoskeletal system, soft - children and older people, and the rest you need to choose the product of medium hardness. Natural fillers are usually more expensive. Before making a choice, learn the market for synthetic fillers, there are modern analogues of natural fiber, not inferior in characteristics, but cheaper.

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