Garage Cares


Garage arrangement: Modern technologies, materials and constructive solutions designed for garages

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What car owner does not dream that his garage is not only a "apartment for the car", but also a beautiful cozy room, where the necessary tools and accessories are always at hand?! It is not bad to also take place for storing sports and gardening inventory, and perhaps for the workshop. All this is not difficult to do if modern materials and constructive solutions are adjusted.

Garage Cares
Garagetek Today we know well how to transform an apartment or a country house in accordance with modern interior design samples. But at the same time I am rather vaguely imagine what is a "civilized" garage. Only recently, new technologies, materials and solutions, specially designed for garages appeared on the domestic market.

We look under the feet

Repair in any room is almost always starting from the ceiling, then go to the walls and put in order the floor in order. The garage in this sense is no exception. However, we will start our story from the floor as the most important and complex in the surface of the surface.

Better- more

Garage Cares
The "dirt-based systems" in the city of the bus owner is forced to be content with a metal or concrete box, the dimensions of which are usually 5.5-63-3.5m. To replace them in megalopolis, there are gradually selected places in high-rise parkingons with a concomitant tiny cabinet. Well, the owner of the country area has the ability to build a garage of almost any dimensions, integrate it into the main building or build separately!

It is better to think in advance how you will use the garage room (only for the purpose or additionally as a hozblock and workshop), and in accordance with this, calculate its size. As practice shows, the garage in the country house should be 1.5-2 times more in the area than the city box.

In the garage, a reinforced concrete slab is usually served in the garage, cast on the ground after the walls of the building are erected, or when building a foundation. Often, the hosts are content with such a concrete floor and costs at all without flooring, sometimes just because they do not know which material for it to use. After all, the floor of the garage should have the strength of the road surface, to be resistant to gasoline and oils, as well as aggressive substances that are part of antifungal reagents. A heavy test for the floor will also be spikes on winter tires. Lacking conditions will not be able to "work" either a tree nor linoleum (even intended for public buildings). Meanwhile, the concrete floor is ugly, hygroscopic (absorbs fluids, and with them and smells), strongly dust, it is difficult to remove contaminants from it.

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Photo 1.

Photo by Chernyshova

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Photo 2.

Photo by Chernyshova

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Photo 3.

Photo by Chernyshova

1-3. The policy on a polymer basis is aligned with a toothed spatula (1). Before filling the coating, the strength of the base (2) and its humidity (3) are checked.

Ceramic tiles are often considered as the only possible flooring for the garage. However, this material does not always justify the hopes imposed on it. Eating substances with time penetrate the intercutric seams, and then under the tile. If at the same time it was put, as they are called, an ambulance hand, after 2-3 years, it loses the adhesion with the adhesive layer, and the tile begins to "knock out". But even if the laying was performed by a qualified master, the tile floor would not withstand strong shock loads, because of them, the grid of cracks will most likely appear.

Practice of drainage

If the garage is intensively used in winter, only the drainage system will avoid the appearance of dirty pomp. The drainage gutter is most often arranged parallel to the gate from their inner side (and for garages located in the ground floors, and outside to divert the rain and melting water). The floor of the garage must be given a slope (approximately 0.5%) towards entry. (Such a bias is useful in any case, because at the same time you can wash the floor, watering it out of the hose.) Water from collecting drain is sent to the local storm network or to the filter well. Before railway, it is required to install sandcloth.

Specialized solutions for garages and other utility rooms with high load on the floor have long been developed. We list them.

Reinforcing compounds and paints for concrete. This is the easiest and cheapest option of the floor device in the garage. In the domestic market, Cerinol HB hardensions are presented ("Saint-Goben Construction Products Rus"), Extra-Top ("Imomat") (both- Russia) IDR. The complementar can only be used at the pouring stage of the screed, it is rubbed into the upper layer before the solution solidifies. At the same time, the strength to the compression of the surface layer increases with 20 to80MP.

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4-7. The company Citadel Floor Finishing Systems has developed a new fleet-based fastened composition. Using it, it is obtained very durable and plastic flooring, resistant to urinates and organic solvents, as well as to sharp temperature differences. To create a decorative effect, synthetic "chips" of various graininess and colors are added to the working mixture, such as Gunflint Trail (5), Green Bay (6), Gravel (7).

Paints can be acrylic, epoxy, polyurethane based. These are such compositions as "Bethyl" ("Krasbyt"), "Betoxyl" ("Hz"), ESP-1125 ("ESP-polymer") (all- Russia). The main drawback is fast abrasion, because the layer thickness is only 0.5 mm. Acrylic paint is the least resistant, such a coating should be updated 1-2rrosis per year. Paints are inexpensive - up to 300 rubles. For 1 kg. However, to get a beautiful smooth surface, the machine grinding will be required, which will multiply increase costs.

Bulk industrial floors on a cement basis. They are produced in the form of a dry mix, which are indulge in water and poured with a thin layer (5-15mm) on top of a completely dry and primed by the corresponding screed primer. Such, for example, vetonit4610 DUROTOP and VETONIT4630 DUROTOP and VETONIT4630 DUROLIT ("Saint-Goben Construction Products Rus"), "Korodur-Cordan" and "Koroplan" ("Mark Paul", Russia). In addition to conventional gray, there are colored mixes, say vetonit 4650 Durocolor (a few shades of gray, as well as red, green and yellow tones). These mixtures have a sufficiently long time of curing: it will be possible to enter the garage on the car only after 1 post after filling the floor. The strength to compress such floors reaches 40 mp. The average cost (including laying works) - 650-800 rub. For 1m2.

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Photo 8.

Photo V. Grigoriev

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Photo 9.

"Dirt Systems"

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Photo 10.


8-10. The globular tile is beautiful and does not require grinding of a concrete base. Loop compounds (8) or curly end locks (9) provide quick installation of the coating.

Polymer floors are divided into epoxy, polyurethane and polymethyl methacrylate. These are materials "Polymerstone-1" and "Epostun" ("Krako", Russia), "PU-555" ("Hz") IDR. They are single and two-component compounds, after curing forming a solid waterproof wear-resistant layer with a thickness of 1-10mm (compression strength, 70-90MPA). They are placed on a concrete basis, the humidity of which should not exceed 4-5%. The plate is carefully prepared: grind, covered with two types of primer. All this process takes at least 5 days (a long intermediate drying of the layers is required). Polymer materials can be applied to concrete only at positive temperatures. Epoxy compositions are easier in laying (not so demanding to the quality of the basis of the base) than polyurethane and polymethyl methacrylate, but less resistant to abrasion and shock loads.

Tropics are contraindicated

In winter, the same temperature should not be maintained in the garage as in residential rooms. This will lead to excess energy consumption, and in the absence of air-exhaust ventilation, it can even be adversely affected by the "health" of the car. After all, moisture from the body and wheels will quickly evaporate, and in the room will be very humid. The car body in such conditions practically does not dry out, which inevitably causes corrosion. The optimal temperature for the garage is considered 5C. For heating, water radiators connected to the house system can be used, as well as oil and ceramic electrical heaters (they are easy to install), convectors and ceiling IR emitters. Air heating with the use of fan heaters will provide an intensive blowing of the car body and its drying, but only in the presence of effective ventilation. It is better to equip a garage of a mechanical (forced) system of exhaust ventilation. It is easy to install, does not require expensive devices, consumes only 100-200W and does not depend on the direction of wind and atmospheric pressure. Each chain of the garage power grid is sure to protect the machine and the Uzo with a leakage current of 30mA.

All polymeric formulations are transparent, but they are painted in almost any tone, adding tips and fillers: normal or quartz sand, granite crumb, decorative "chips" (colored granules based on barium sulfate). Fillers make a coating at easely and give it anti-slip properties (the granite crumb is particularly effective in this regard). It should be noted that the type of filler does not affect the value of the material - it averages 1500-2500 rubles. For 1m2 (including the cost of work). Placeing the polymer coating, it is better to start the material on the walls on a height of about 10 cm. Then you can wash the floor, watering it out of the hose.

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Photo 11.

Photo V. Grigoriev

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Photo 12.

Photo V. Grigoriev

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Photo 13.

Photo V. Grigoriev

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Photo 14.

Ceramic Tiles.

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Photo 15.

Ceramic Tiles.

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Photo 16.


11-15. For the decoration of the walls in the garage it is better to choose non-combustible materials: aluminum siding from 320 rub. For 1m2 (11), sandstone 15-20mm from 250 rub. For 1m2 (12), a slate from 1900rub. For 1m2 (13) or artificial stone from 2200 rub. for 1m2 (14.15). The cost of cladding siding is from 150 rubles. For 1m2, stone - from 320 rub. For 1m2.

16. The modern garage is "equal to the residential premises. We make a lot of air and light, and things are located in perfect order.

Plastic (polyvinyl chloride) tile. This outdoor garage coverage is distributed in Europe and the USA. The internal country has presented products from Garagetek, Racedeck (Oba), TLM (France), Plast Factor (Russia). The coating is squares with a size of 300300mm and a thickness of about 15 mm, stacked by the "floating" method - with the help of a lock connection. The finished floor is notometric. In order for the moisture penetrating under it, the ventilation gap is provided under the floor (the tiles are based on the concrete not the entire plane, but only at several points). Before you find the coating, the screed must be treated with a hydrophobizer. Manufacturers produce tiles of different colors, so that it can be even located on the floor patterns. But the material has a disadvantage: with intensive operation of the garage, the coating loses its "commodity" after 1-2 years. Price of domestic tile- 1100 rub. For 1m2 (with laying), imported, from 1500 rubles. For 1m2.

Tips Owner Garage

1. Most things should be in sight and always at hand.

2. Use attachment storage systems to make it easier and easier to wash the floors.

3. Prefer the lattice regiments - less dust accumulates.

Higher and higher

The decoration of the walls and the ceiling in the garage has its own specifics. It concerns the materials used. First of all, it is necessary that they can withstand sufficiently severe operating conditions: high humidity, sharp temperature differences, inevitable when opening the gate. As in any buffer zone between the street and the housing, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of wet cleaning of the surfaces of the walls, which should also be resistant to scratches and chips. The garage is considered a premises with increased fire hazard, since liquid fuels and lubricants are often stored here. Therefore, it is desirable that the finishing material is non-combustible or at least not supported the burning.

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Photo 17.


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Photo 18.


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Photo 19.


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Photo 20.


17. Love automated gates must be equipped with a security system that turns off the drive power when the person or car appears.

18. The storage of things under the ceiling facilitates movement on the garage.

19-20. The living hooks (19) and the lattice shelves (20) are better than the closed mezzanine: they make it possible to easily place a large-sized equipment and find the right thing.

The simplest option is to fascinate the walls, and then cover their facade paint. The cost of plastering works - 400-600 rub. For 1m2. The price of paint, from which the visible result mainly and depends, varies in the range of 100-1500 rubles. For 1l (with the consumption of the most expensive compositions with the addition of mineral crumb - to 0.6 liters per 1m2). Another common method is to fresse the plastered walls with tiles to a height of 1.4-1.7 m, and the usual interior washing paint is also suitable. The walls of the garage can also be separated by natural or artificial stone.

Knocks? We'll see...

The viewing pit should be arranged only at a low level of groundwater, otherwise it will become a source of excess moisture. If the foundation is slab, you need to provide a rectangular hole in it in advance. The optimal width of the yam-70-80cm, length, 2-4m, and the depth is determined individually depending on the growth of the owner. The walls are usually laid out of the brick, and the bottom is poured with concrete with mandatory reinforcement. The hole in the floor is covered with a board or steel flooring.

However, today many developers refuse plastering, too much time they occupy, and a good wizard find not easy. We often use the trim on the crate of wooden bars or metal profiles. By the way, the practice has shown that the alignment of the walls with the help of the sheets of Hlk is not the best option for the garage. Plasterboard sheets are not strong enough, and it is easy to damage them if you use a garage as a warehouse or workshop. This also applies to most thin-walled interior PVC panels, which are also noticeably embrittleing at negative temperatures. It is better to use wall laminated materials based on wood-fibrous high density plates.

Gate, lift!

Today, the garage gates with lifting components are becoming increasingly popular. They are divided into sectional and rolling. The width of the horizontal components of the canvas is quite large (300-500mm). These elements are bonded with each other loops and are equipped with rollers that allow the canvas to slide on the guides and remove it under the ceiling. Above the belts are collected from narrow lamellas. It is wound on the shaft and hides in the box, strengthened over the opening from the outer or inner side. If the height of the opening is allowed, the box is mounted in the wall plane (so it is less noticeable, moreover, the burglary resistance of the gate increases). Ita and another system can be equipped with an electric drive with Du. Sectional gates more burglar resistant, and their heat-insulating characteristics are better than rolling. But the last is somewhat easier to install, and there is no free space for them under the ceiling. They are also a little cheaper: standard sectional doors (32.2m) are 18 thousand rubles, and similar rollets are about 14 thousand rubles. without mounting. (For details about the garage gates, see "IVD", 2010, №2.)

The walls of the walls panel creates certain difficulties, when in the future the garage is equipped with storage systems. After all, to hang the shelf or a simple hook, you need to know exactly where the carrier bar is located. To do this, during the work, you need to make the appropriate marking or remember the pitch of the bars. A to avoid such difficulties helps a completely special type of finishing offered by Garagetek. This is imitating PVC panels with reinforcing fibrous filler (wall thickness - 8mm), which screwed horizontally to the trim from the bar. Each panel has a special shape groove that allows you to install storage system elements anywhere.

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Photo 21.


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Photo 23.


21-23. The system of finishes and storage Garagetek includes wall sheel and many attached elements: a variety of shelves (21), specialized holders (22) and cabinets (23). Thanks to the special attachment, their location is easy to change.

As for the ceiling, it is best to plaster or mount a suspended or tail structure from GLC, GVLV or metal panels. The suspended ceiling will give an opportunity without much trouble placing electrical cables, air heating channels or ventilation, install built-in lamps.

Add strength

In private construction, in the construction of walls of buildings, foam blocks and lightweight sandwich panels are widely used. Fencing made of them, warm and inexpensive, but hang the shelf or locker in the house - a whole problem: due to the low density of the material of the wall, it does not want to keep the usual fastener (nails and self-tapping screw). However, the output, of course, is. For foam blocks have developed special screw dowels and chemical anchors, such as Hilti (Liechtenstein) or Mungo (Switzerland). If you need to suspend heavy design to the Canadian and Finnish sandwich panels (they consist of two outer layers of OSP thickness of 10mm with filling with a layer of polystyrene foam 150-200mm), you will have to look for joints where wooden bars strapping are located, or "Tied" to the floor and ceiling . In the early case, you can use long steel corners or rectangular pipes with a wall thickness of at least 2mm. Books with bolts or self-removing screws fix brackets for shelves.

Spread on the shelves

Until recently, there were no storage systems for the garage. Today, manufacturers offer a lot of specialized metallic and plastic furniture, which did not have to dream before and dreaming. Here and cabinets for spare parts and hardware products (each box has many cells of various sizes), made in the form of low tubes, and wall panels with tool holders, and mesh baskets for small things. Good service will serve the racks-designers (they are easy to place the long-term building materials), as well as hooks and shelves for sports equipment, racks for storing seasonal wheels or tires. All these diverse modular elements (and there are also those that many do not even guess, "say, individual holders for the ball) help competently organize space. Some firms (for example, Garagetek) are ready to develop a comprehensive solution for your garage, including finishing and arrangement of the room. But it is possible to independently choose the necessary components. They are widely represented in large construction and furniture retail chains, such as IKEA, Leroy Merlin, OBI.

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Photo 24.


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Photo 25.


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Photo 26.


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Photo 27.


24-27. Very useful Wall panels for manual tools (24.25), as well as holders for ride garden and sports equipment (26). Universal racking racks-designers with aluminum racks and shelves from glued shields (27).

Of course, a new approach to the furniture of the garage, in contrast to the "elder", will require costs. But, taking it to the arms, you can easily find a place for each thing. Enough only to maintain the order created once.

The editorial board thanks Garagetek, Alutech for help in preparing the material.

The material is prepared according to the results of the survey of readers on the website of the action "Create new ideas."

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