Pass Repair: Lawyer Tips and Real Stories of Updates without


Together with the lawyer Yulia, the draft is telling how to initiate the repair of the entrance and return the money if you made it yourself. Bonus - real stories of independent alterations of old entrances.

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Pass Repair: Lawyer Tips and Real Stories of Updates without

How to initiate the start of repair by communal services?

The frequency of cosmetic repairs in public premises to which the ancient house of an apartment building is 3-5 years. This is indicated in the Resolution of the State Committee for the Construction and Housing and Communal Complex of September 27, 2003 No. 170.

In fact, the frequency of repair depends on the wear of the building, the relations of residents to their common property and the conscientiousness of the management company.

The funds for the current repair of the entrance are laid in the tariff for the maintenance and repair of common areas (funds for the overhaul of the entrance are collected separately, pay attention).

Make an application

If you think that repairs are needed, you need to contact the management company with a statement from the general meeting of residents. In such a statement, which is written in free form, indicate the place of work, the date of the last repair and list the works that residents are considered vital.

Take the application to the Criminal Code and the District Administration

One copy of the statement is authorized from tenants (this may be, for example, the Chairman of the HOA or Senior in the entrance) refers to the management company, where it is registered. On the second copy of the application that returns to residents, its incoming room, reception date, printing and signature of the employee who accepted the document must also be affixed. Just in case, the third copy of the document is sent to the public reception office or district administration (in the accompanying letter or in the "header" of this statement indicate that it is directed to monitor the implementation).

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An example of a renovated entrance in Chelyabinsk

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Get the answer

Within 15 calendar days of the Criminal Code, a response is indicated in which the timeline and scope of work indicate.

If the repair is denied, it is necessary to prepare a complaint with the state linespect of the city or the area about the inaction of the Criminal Code (remember, did you attribute them the third instance of the application?). The answer to the complaint is prepared within 30 days. The Goshilspeciation can make repairs to work, so agreed that at this stage the current update of the entrance is not required.

How to return money if you made a repair yourself?

If the residents of the entrance did not wait for an answer from the management company and decided to take power into their hands, making repairs on their own, you can return money by saving certain documents.

Make a defective statement

Before repair, a defective statement must be drawn up, which takes into account all major and small work scheduled in the entrance.

Save the estimate for repairs

Together with defective statement, the act of the start of repair work and the work schedule of work, as well as their estimates. If the estimates of the tenants suggests, the contract is concluded with a construction and repair organization.

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Make an act of acceptance of work

When the repair is completed, the act of acceptance of work is drawn up. With the positive development of the Events of the Criminal Code, having received a statement from the tenants to compensate for the repair conducted at his own account (to the application it is necessary to attach copies of all documents confirming the work carried out), agrees with the estimate and lists the means for repairs.

How to return money if the Criminal Code refused compensation?

Repair has been spent, money is spent, but the Criminal Code does not want to compensate them. In this case, the tenants have the right to apply to the court with a claim for reimbursement of amounts spent on repairs due to non-fulfillment by the management company of their obligations.

The success of appeal to the court depends in many respects how carefully you made up documents during repair. If some works have passed past the estimates, they will not reimburse their cost.

It is possible that the development of events is possible: the Criminal Code is ready to compensate for the repair, but not in full. For example, the Specialists of the Criminal Code found the cost of the works overestimated or believe that part of the improvements produced refers to overhaul, and therefore cannot be paid from the current repair fund. In this case, the tenants can also apply to the court for the repair to be compensated to them to fully (of course, with all the documents confirming its cost).

Pass Repair: Lawyer Tips and Real Stories of Updates without 6777_10

  • What if the tenants leave garbage on the landing and in the entrance

Real Starry Repair Stors

Alteration of entry in Stalinke in Novosibirsk

Catherine and his spouse bought an apartment in Stalinke 1934 built, he was subject to overhaul and utilities were engaged in updating the facade. But the entrances were not included in the overhaul program. And then the young family decided to act on their own. At first they recorded the reception to the director of the Management Company. But, unfortunately, this meeting did not give anything other than the information. The director clarified the process of collecting funds for repairs: the tenants decide that it is necessary to replace, the money will dump, and after work begins. In a concrete case, they said that it was necessary to make a decision on repairs at the meeting of residents, to obtain the consent of all owners to increase payments (up to 1.5-2 thousand rubles per month), to accumulate funds and proceed to work. This option did not suit our heroes, since it was necessary to wait for more than one year, and they decided to act independently.

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Photo entrance to repair

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Photo entrance to repair

Catherine and his spouse hired a specialist, made repairs from the entrance door and tambour to the second floor, where their apartment is located. 60 thousand rubles left for work. The main part for the repair of their floor was divided with neighbors on the site (Note: on the site of 2 apartments, and in total in the entrance - 6 apartments). The cost of repairing the input zone was offered to divide the neighbors on the entrance, and almost everyone agreed. Now the question of repairing other floors is solved, as the neighbors liked the alteration, although they were originally against.

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Photo of the entrance after repair

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Photo of the entrance after repair

Alteration of entrance in an income house in Moscow

There will be no long history, but there is a result that is very pleased. The center of attention is an entrance in the revenue home of the early 20th century. The tenants were considered paint from the rail, the wooden part was polished and left the natural color of the tree, and screenshots and chandeliers from IKE were chosen as a replacement of lighting. The historical atmosphere has survived, but at the same time the entrance began to look much more careful.

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