Chef's workbench


We make a kitchen countertop as convenient as possible: options for layouts, multi-level structures, arrangement of sink-sinks, ergonomics of the mixer.

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Chef's workbench
Chef's workbench
Chef's workbench
Chef's workbench
Chef's workbench
Chef's workbench
Chef's workbench

Along with the laminated chipboard (B, D), countertops made of artificial stone (A, B) are widely represented. Avot Ceramic tile (d) as tabletop coating is used quite rarely, mainly for interior designs for old

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"Island" element with stainless steel washers and a mixer with an additional shower can be on a spring suspension. This design requires a lot of space in the kitchen, but it is very convenient to work

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Models "Diana" (a) and "Medea" (b) (Virs) successfully demonstrate the options for pairing the working surface of the table top with a bar with a breakfast table
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Chef's workbench

Kitchen sinks are suitable for drying dishes

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Retractable table allows you to significantly expand the area of ​​the working surface ("Forem-kitchen")
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ORAS contactless mixer with two water poles
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The angular regiment-podium in the "dead zone" behind the sink ("Forem-kitchen"). Such a design will protect the utensils located on it from getting splashes of water
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Chef's workbench

Stainless steel strips (a) mounted in a worktop of acrylic stone serve as a kind of hot dishes, and grooves on its surface - for water flow (b)

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Corner sink-washing Pamira (Franke) with a wing for drying dishes and a spacious additional bowl. Forward washing ensures comfort when working. Case Material Washing Stainless Steel
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LG Chem.

Combination of working surfaces made of acrylic stone LG Hi-Macs

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"Kitchen Miele"
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Chef's workbench
Chef's workbench

Various combinations of working surfaces with a bar counter (a), a totals (b), dining table (B). The height of the "medium-statistical" dining table is 750mm, the working surface of the table top 850-910mm (g), bar counter - 1100-1140mm

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The tabletop of a rounded shape is convenient in a small kitchen, less chances Accidentally get injured, clinging to the corner of the furniture

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The dining table with a secret can be used as a storage of cutlery or some other kitchen utensils.

Chef's workbench

The practicality of modern cuisines is largely based on the successful compatibility of furniture, machinery and accessories necessary for work.

Our culinary successes are largely dependent on the convenience of the design of the working facility, the kitchen countertops. From how successfully this important piece of the kitchen mechanism is designed, whether the built-in technique is conveniently located on it, it directly depends on how much time, forces and nerves will have to spend on cooking.

Kitchen table top, or top, is something more than just a table lid located in the kitchen. Today, this term implies a whole range of work surfaces intended for processing semi-finished products and storage of necessary utensils. Sometimes it combines several worktops placed at different levels from the floor. "On Equal Rights", a bar counter, sink, embedded technique sometimes turn on. In addition, the kitchen top can be equipped with sockets for connecting combines, mixers and other necessary aggregates.

Aza kitchen geometry

Among the numerous layout options in apartment buildings are widely popular with kitchens with linear or M-shaped (inclined) kitchen tabletop. In cases, the top is placed along one or two walls. Linear layout is sometimes the only possible room for the premises of a small area (up to 7-8m2), in which the furniture in a different way is very difficult. As a rule, at the ends of a similar working surface there is a refrigerator and a washing, and in the middle plate or cooking panel. This is the location of the three main work units (refrigerators, plates, sinks) is quite justified. The hostess is easier to the edge of the eye to watch out what happens on the cooking panel in the center, even if it is engaged in other affairs, for example, pulls out the products from the refrigerator or wash the dishes. With a g-figurative layout of the cooking panel, a place in the middle of the long segment of the kitchen top, and the sink-in the corner, at the junction of the long and short segments is usually removed. For such layout options, special angular sinks are used. There are also models of cooking panels intended for angular embedding. They are published by AEG, Gaggenau (both Germany), Teka (Spain).

Modern kitchen designers are increasingly refusing to the table, elongated in line along the wall. The fact is that this design contradicts the main rules for placing the kitchen appliances. According to him, the distance between the three main technical devices should be so that the hostess should have spent time and effort on an unproductive running room. The optimal "distance" between the stove, the refrigerator and the sink is achieved with their location in the tops of the equilateral triangle. This "triangle rule" is well familiar to those who design kitchen interiors. The larger area of ​​the kitchen, the stringement should be performed. Therefore, for very spacious kitchens (more than 15-20m2), the most practical is the "island" layout. The main table top with two devices stretched along the wall, and the auxiliary, "island" is a separate table. Any technique or equipment can be built into the "island" top. But do not forget that the "inhabitants of the island" will need to connect to gas, water supply and other "amenities". This is a rather complicated problem that we will definitely discuss in subsequent articles.

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The working surface and the dining table harmoniously constitute a single whole

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Mocha (Virs) mocked thickness table top (120mm) will help "fit" furniture under the hosts of high growth
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Gioconda Kitchen Planning Option (Snaidero)

Mollar Yar.

The height of the table top is one of the most important parameters to be determined individually, given the growth of its potential owner. At the same time, working surfaces intended for various operations are placed at different levels. So, to set the height of the cutting table, you should get face to the kitchen top, bend your hands in the elbows at a right angle, press the elbows to the body, and the forearls and palms send ahead. The surface of the table should be located 150-200mm below the palm - then it will be conveniently cutting, it will be convenient to cut, and produce a variety of manipulations with semi-finished products. For a person, an increase in 1.8 m, the optimal height of the cutting countertops is approximately 850-900mm.

The sink level must be 100-150mm higher than the cutting surface. If they are placed in the same plane, a man, trying to wash in a wash of dishes or vegetables lying on the bottom, will be forced to lean forward, instinctively trying to protect against splashes.

Analyst position of the cooking panel - on the contrary, below the cutting surface by 50-150mm. In this case, the hostess will have the opportunity to look into a high pan (especially if it is installed on the closest Konfork), not lifting on the tiptoe. Yes, and stiring the cooking dish is much more convenient if the hand is not bent in the elbow.

Thus, the countertops located at different levels from the floor should ideally be three - and this is provided that only one person (or several owners of one growth) uses the kitchen. The situation is complicated if, for example, one of the spouses is significantly higher than the other and both love to prepare. An inadmissible case on the kitchen top may have to equip individual jobs with different surface heights.

So, the traditional design "in one plane" is recognized in non-ergonomic. Nevertheless, manufacturers of kitchens, and customers are not in a hurry to give up her. After all, a multi-level top has its own minuses. The most obvious, with a large number of surfaces located at different height, is the probability of chance by chance to push them from them, for example, tilt the unsuccessful saucepan with soup. Preferably countertops with several levels to equip the perimeter with sides that reduce the ability to accident. It is also necessary that each top has a fairly large area and it could be placed all the necessary dishes. Mute "Khrushchev" kitchens multilevel work surfaces are unacceptable.

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"Kitchen Miele"

The cooking panel is often plugged with respect to the cutting surface.

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Countertops with a protrusion provide convenience with a cookbook

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Cutting board, closing the sink, slightly increases the working surface of the table top

Material for the base

Kitchen headsets presented today on the market can be equipped with countertops made from a variety of materials. Most often laminated chipboard, stainless steel and acrylic stone, natural, aluminum, ceramic tile, plywood, wood massif. In detail about the materials for kitchen tops, it was described in the article "Kitchen Top". Here, we will only briefly remind of the most popular coverage.

Laminated DPP - inexpensive (1Pog. Movement costs from $ 30) and well-proven material. Kneospiery advantages include the possibility of manufacturing tabletops of complex shape, a large selection of decorative finish options. Now, the time of wear resistance it is inferior to stainless steel or, for example, granite. Achilles fifth laminated kitchen tops often turn out to be kept panels, weakly protected from moisture. Therefore, deciding to stop on this material, make sure that all joints are carefully sealed.

Stainless steel (1Pog. M- $ 75-100) is characterized by high durability, strength, resistance to chemical influences. It is not by chance that professional chefs prefer such surfaces. Tops from stainless steel tops can be attributed to the fact that the models presented in the market usually have a rectangular shape in terms of plan. Create a tabletop intricate shape with stainless steel coating without seamlessness is technically complex, but possible in exclusive models that offers, for example, Snaidero (Italy).

Acrylic stone It has numerous advantages, and countertops made of it are becoming increasingly popular. We will call such brands like Corian, Montelli (DuPont, USA), LG Hi-Macs, LG Hi-Macs Volcanics (LGChem, Korea), Getacore (WestaggetAlitag, Germany). The material has an absolutely non-porous surface, and in hygienicness and resistance to pollution is not inferior to steel. His surfaces, if desired, give any shape (it has the properties of thermoforming), and separate parts glue between themselves without a seam. This allows manufacturers to produce products of the most soothed form, combined compositions consisting of a top and bowl of kitchen sink. Compared to stainless steel, the acrylic stone is characterized by less wear resistance, but its surface can be repaired, remove scratches, cracks and chips. The only minus acrylic stone is its relatively high price (from $ 150 for 1Pog. M).

Options for mounting kitchen sinks in a tabletop from acrylic stone (A), stainless steel (b) laminated chipboard (B). When they are installed, it is very important to prevent the formation of gaps between the kitchen sink and the table top

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Chef's workbench
Chef's workbench

Water regulatory zone

It is estimated that work, one way or another associated with the sink, takes up to 2/3 of the time spent on all matters in the kitchen. Therefore, it is desirable that sink sinks are equipped as convenient as possible. The modern market offers a variety of types of kitchen sinks, differing from each other by the material from which they are manufactured, spaciousness and "geometry" bowls of washes and the working surfaces adjacent to them (wings). You can also find shells worth from $ 30-50 (the simplest models, without a mixer and other accessories) to $ 1000-1500 (fully equipped washing modules). More about the design of kitchen sinks is told in the article "We dream of a kitchen." Choosing a sink, you should pay attention to the following details.

Configuration and sizes of the sink bowl. The bowl must be quite spacious and deep (at least 150mm) so that in it can easily fit and wide frying pan, and high pots. In this case, its volume should be chosen taking into account the presence or absence in the kitchen of the dishwasher, if it is available, on the sizes of the bowl, you can save a little "savings". For work it is most convenient, the traditional, rectangular in the plan form. Along with the main bowl, many washers are equipped with an extra. This allows us to divide such different processes as, for example, washing plates and rinsing vegetables, which is very practical and hygienic. Well, if the second, the added bowl is equipped with a plug-in form with holes (sometimes called calerar), which performs the function of the colander, as, for example, atlantis (Franke, Germany).

Wing design for drying. This part of the washing is commonly used very actively, especially if the drying is placed between the sink and stove. In addition cases, she often plays the role of a coach for hot dishes, removed from the stove (most often it happens when the table top is made of a material that "does not like" too high temperatures). Therefore, such a wing should be fairly spacious. Extract models of miles are used by a pair of wings located on both sides of the bowl.

Additional devices that are equipped with a washing. These are primarily metal mesh and grilles used for drying dishes. Such accessories are sold separately, but they are not always suitable for shells with a complex configuration of the bowl and the wings adjacent to it. Another useful detail is a removable cutting board, which actually represents an additional work surface. It is also not bad if the manufacturers of the mile provided a place for storing detergents, devices for washing, towels and other necessary things.

Sinks differ in the form of a bowl (round, rectangular - a, c), depth and capacity

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Chef's workbench
Chef's workbench

Water flow control

If you have a lot and often cook, the kitchen faucet will be operated with much greater intensity than similar equipment in the bathroom. The work on its body can be hit, for example, oil splashes, alkali or other household chemicals. From here and high demands on the reliability of kitchen mixers: it is best to choose models with ceramic shut-off valves, the service life is much larger than that of the valves with a rubber or leather gasket. The accumulator accumulation should be resistant to chemical effects, therefore, it is preferable to use a chromium brass faucet faucets. In addition, it is desirable that the housing has the most simple form, it will be easier to clean it from fat and dirt.

Now a few words about the ergonomics of the kitchen mixer. Rotary valves for separate inclusion of hot and cold water in the kitchen are not very convenient, because it is often necessary to turn on the water without touching the tap with evaporated hands. It is not surprising that one-leaf kitchen mixers are widely popular, which can be used with a light touch of the back side of the palm. More comfortable contactless mixers combined with a conventional mixer on one bar, as in the Lacucinaalessi model (ORAS, Finland). They do not require touch at all, it is enough to bring your hands to the instill. True, such equipment cheap can not be called, if a qualitative one-dimensional mixer can be found for sale for $ 50-100, then the contactless will cost about $ 350.

For convenience, the design of the faucet can is very important. The height of the gland must be sufficient so that any dishes can be easily placed under the crane. Now, the time is lowly located Prails gives less splashes. The ideal option is the mixers with a retractable lean model Actis-S (Blanco, Germany), Zedra (GROHE, Germany), MIS51.xx (Telma, Italy). The mixers with an additional shower can be very popular with a spring, such as the X-Treme Series Model (NewForm, Italy), Master-S PROFI (Blanco). They are easy to use and look spectacular. However, when leaving them, there may be problems - to clean their complex design from accidentally fallen fat will be difficult.

Scenario lighting

Working surfaces should be evenly illuminated, and so that the light, reflecting from them, has not blinded the culinary. It is best to use a combination of natural and scattered artificial lighting. Where the light is unavailable from the ceiling lamp in the center, an additional backlight is required in the form of a worktop lamp.

Little and big tricks

Finally, I would like to give a few simple tips, how to make the kitchen top as comfortable as possible.

Increase the height of the table top. How to do without a cardinal redevelopment of the kitchen? Agree that, taking into account the total acceleration of the population, this problem is very relevant. Most of the modular kitchen furniture systems have strictly defined sizes of facades, which cannot be arbitrary (otherwise it turns out "kitchens to order", already for completely different money). Many manufacturers equip their models with legs with the possibility of their adjustment in height, but some legs may not be enough. Additional option is the use of the working surface of the increased thickness. The intensive countertop it is equal to 30-40mm. Daily kitchens The thickness range is significantly expanded: from 10-20 to 120-150mm. Aesthetics plays the main role in the case. Many people like when the kitchen top looks majestically and massively. But on the strength of the structure, the thickness is unlikely to affect: still a fat countertop make the team. Avot to fasten a mechanical meat grinder to it, but it is much easier to build the built-in technique.

Electricity for the combine. Nearby from the working surface of the countertops should be the sockets for connecting kitchen equipment, since the tight part of its models is equipped with a sufficiently short electric cable (about 1M long). Now the time the sockets should be positioned so that water does not hit them. The further they will be from the sink, the better. To mount on the top, it is necessary to use moisture-proof models of sockets with an IP44 protection indicator and above.

Outlets for connecting electrical appliances are located in order to eliminate the ability to accidentally cling to the wire and tilting the device (A, B). All electrical installations must have a high level of moisture protection (B)

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Chef's workbench
Chef's workbench

Scratches. The perfectly smooth, smooth surface of the table top, undoubtedly looks very impressive. However, choosing one or another material, keep in mind that over time, even stainless steel is covered with a grid of scratches. Therefore, polished tops are not very suitable for the kitchen, especially if it is supposed to use them intensively. More practical matte: they will not be so clearly visible on them. Another way to make scratches imperceptible- choose the material for the table top with a motley color. True, keep in mind that the contamination is less distinguishable on such a surface.

Products overboard! It is desirable that the edges of the top there were some like of the Borchik. It hurts to roll from the table with chicken eggs lying on glasses and other "prone to escape" subjects. In addition, the worktop with a side is easier to wash, with a known accuracy, water will not flock on the floor.

Podium instead of angle. If you prefer to equip the kitchen with an angular sink sink, a section of the working surface, located behind the sink, will be in the "dead zone". In this part of the table, it is inconvenient to store any utensils, as it is, firstly, far away (the hostess will have to reach it through the sink), and secondly, not protected from water splashes. An elegant decision on the use of this area offers Forema-Kunetu (Russia). Lodge "Diana" Such an angle of the kitchen top is busy with a triangular podium, which is convenient for storing detergents and other useful trifles.

The editorial board thanks ABB, "Kitchen Miele", Virs, Stili Misti, Legrand, "El That", "Forest-kitchens", ATP, "Stylish kitchens", "Studiolar" for help in preparing the material.

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