How to sell a house with a land plot: 8 answers to important questions


We tell how to deal with themselves, draw up a contract, is it possible to sell a plot with an unregistered or unfinished house and respond to other questions.

How to sell a house with a land plot: 8 answers to important questions 4690_1

How to sell a house with a land plot: 8 answers to important questions

How to quickly sell a house with a land plot? There are only two ways. Each of them has their own advantages and disadvantages. The first, most complex and risky is direct communication with the buyer without intermediaries. The risk buyer is much smaller, when paying through the bank cell, they are reduced to zero. The main thing is to disagree to dubious schemes, allegedly simplifying the transaction. The lack of the first way is that paperwork and negotiations occupy a lot of time. To hold meetings, you need to leave each time or live on the territory constantly. The second option eliminates the owner from this need. The realtor will make all the work for him.

All about selling houses with land plot

  1. Are the services of professionals need
  2. How to act alone
  3. Documents for concluding an agreement
  4. Calculation of market value
  5. What to do if it is necessary to clarify boundaries
  6. Proper drawing up contract
  7. How to be if the house is not completed on the plot
  8. Is it possible to sell land with an unregistered building

1 Is it worth using professional realtor services?

Such a solution has many advantages. In order not to risk, it is better to contact a large company with a good reputation. Employees of such companies have experience and their own huge client base. It consists of people who applied to the company to acquire land. Those who gave an announcement of the search for themselves are added to their number. With this coverage, you can find a lot faster.

Firms take marks. It affects a little on the final amount that the seller will receive, since the price for the object will be higher than in the private ad. The buyer is ready to overpay for security, because private ads often place scammers. Organizations with dozens and hundreds of branches in different cities will value their reputation. Managers working in them are reported to their leadership.

Agent can entrust the design of missing papers. He will cope with the task much faster than the owner. In order for the agent to receive the right to act from his face, the owner issues a power of attorney through the company. Under this document, an employee cannot act in his own interests. It limits the framework marked in the text. So that there was no doubt about the correctness of its compilation, it is better to attract a consultant from the legal office.

How to sell a house with a land plot: 8 answers to important questions 4690_3

If the owner knows how to properly sell a house with a land plot, and I am sure that I will cope myself, he will have to be patient. Perhaps in the midst of the season he will be able to quickly sell his property for a good price. In the refusal of realtor services there is a reason if the buyer has already been found, and suits him. In this case, only legal support will be needed.

2 How to act independently to take place?

  • It is necessary to carry out the so-called home-state. The territory and all buildings on it should produce a good impression. You can install the outside bench or gazebo, and decorate the interior with new accessories. You should also contact the cleaning company.
  • Place an ad is better in spring when demand increases. You can start with social networks. Communicate with friends and familiar is easier because they experience more confidence. Ask them to help the repost, tell you about your offer to friends. On social networks there are special resources that every day looks at a few hundred people. In case of failure, you need to contact profile sites. The ad must be fully information. Specify the land area, the floors, the area of ​​the house, finishing and material of the supporting structures, the time of the last overhaul. It is important to indicate whether gas is supplied, electricity, whether there is water supply, heating, sewage. So that the buyer can check the data, it will be necessary to provide him with a cadastral number. High-quality photos are attached to the ad. To successfully conclude an agreement, you should not give false information.
  • In order to profitably sell the garden plot with the house, it is necessary to put the paper on the paper on the station, buildings and equipment. For their design, it may take several months. It is better to do this in advance.

How to sell a house with a land plot: 8 answers to important questions 4690_4

3 What documents will required for the transaction?

  • Extract from EGRN, establishing ownership. It may be necessary to take a certificate of inheritance or an agreement on which the object was acquired.
  • Cadastral and technical passport.
  • Receipt from tax service and other state bodies about the absence of debts.
  • Extract from the house book.
  • Certificate issued in real estate evaluation.
  • Passports of the participants of the agreement and proxies.
  • The certificate that the seller is capable and is not registered in a psychiatric dispensary.
  • Power of attorney for representatives certified by a notary.
  • The consent of all owners, certified in the notarial office, or a certificate of their absence. This may be a marriage contract, according to which the owner is only one family member, a court decision or property division agreement.
  • Help on the absence of burdens - it is issued if the real estate is not secured.
  • The consent of the Bank, if the Earth or the House is his property.
  • If a minor is registered on the housing, the written consent of the guardianship authorities will take. Registration is possible only if the construction is an object of ILS.
  • Overlooking plan
  • Treaty of sale, signed by both parties.

How to sell a house with a land plot: 8 answers to important questions 4690_5

If the site is performed, additional papers will be needed:

  • Reference or reorganization project, permission to implement them.
  • Permission to gasification and electrification, as well as to connect to sewage and water supply.
  • Help from the urban planning committee and instances engaged in security zones and settlements with historical buildings.
Before selling a plot with a house in SNT, you need to consult with the control bodies.

4 How to correctly calculate the market value?

The simplest decision is to explore similar ads in the village where real estate is located. It is better to apply to the appraisers consisting in the SRO - self-regulating organization of appraisers. A specialist will be published on the object and according to the results of the inspection will give an official conclusion. Having on his hands this document, it is easier to carry out a bargaining. Services are up to 10,000 rubles.

How to sell a house with a land plot: 8 answers to important questions 4690_6

What to take into account when calculating

  • Ownership area.
  • Characteristics of the building - size, floors, material, equipment, communications, accommodation in the cold season.
  • The overall condition - tallery made, the degree of wear of the supporting structures of the building, its finishes and communications.
  • The presence of household buildings and their condition.
  • Infrastructure - availability of shops, schools, medical institutions, railway stations, bus stops, high-quality roads.
  • Features of the Area - Ecology, climate, remoteness from the city. It is important whether natural reservoirs and the forest are, and how far they are.
  • Proximity to the airfield, security zones, power lines and other factors creating restrictions on construction.
  • The degree of preparedness of documents.
  • The presence of encumbrances.
  • Registered minor citizens, as well as owners who do not want to agree to the transaction.

5 What should I do if you need to clarify the boundaries of the territory?

Tips of lawyers how to sell a country house with a plot quickly, converge in one - first need to be put in order of paper. With different operations with the Earth there are inaccuracies in measurements. To solve the dispute between neighbors and other challengers per square meters, they are conducted. If the last time it was performed more than three years ago, these are outdated. During this time, the metric and design standards could swap. You can check the status of the boundaries on a public cadastral map on the Internet. They must be marked with black lines. Red referred to controversial places. If there are no black contours - there are no clear boundaries, and they must be clarified.

Cadastral engineers are leaving the object. With the help of measuring instruments, they determine the boundaries and make data into the act. Measurement is performed on external circuits, so the presence of neighbors is necessary. They must let employee on their own. The act signs engineers, owner and its neighbors. Then the plan is compiled. The cost of work is from 5,000 to 30,000 rubles. Registration takes a few weeks. The data is made to the main documents establishing the right to private property, without which the conclusion of the agreement is impossible.

How to sell a house with a land plot: 8 answers to important questions 4690_7

6 How to arrange and conclude a contract with the buyer?

It is drawn up in three copies - for the participants of the transaction and Rosreestra. Copies are wrapped in a notary. The form can be arbitrary, but it is better to use a proven template. To insure itself from errors, you should consult a lawyer or entrust him to compose text. In the case when the payment is postponed, the parties conclude a preliminary agreement, where the terms of the agreement and the period in which it will be signed.

The document contains several sections:

  • The subject of the contract, which includes the technical characteristics of the object, its address and data on the guidelines.
  • Full cost and payment terms.
  • Responsibility of the parties - the size of the penalty is negotiated here when the delay is determined by the person assumed to eliminate the fault. There are other factors.
  • The rights and obligations of the parties are in this part it is indicated who pays for the cost of repair and utilities until the transaction is completed.
  • Details, passport details.

After signing the contract and the transfer of the established amount, the transmission act is issued. It is made in arbitrary form. The Rosrester applies to the transition of rights. You can do it through MFC.

How to sell a house with a land plot: 8 answers to important questions 4690_8

7 How to sell an unfinished house with a land plot?

If the buyer needs only the land, and the building is not registered, you can make paper without registering it. So come when the structure does not represent value. Even in the case when it remains to finish quite a bit, the liquidity of the building is very low. It is impossible to get a big amount for it. Bring work to the end is more profitable.

When buying a suburban real estate in the country village, proximity to the forest and the river, transport accessibility, ecological situation is important. The developed infrastructure is equally important. The cost is mainly from the area and advantage of the area. The presence of a well with drinking water and connected communications little affects the price. Gasification and electrification also do not have a noticeable effect on the price. It will ride only a few percent. The quality of the construction and its arrangement is much more important when assessing a cottage for permanent residence.

When evaluated, it should be considered at what stage are the work. If only the foundation is ready, the construction is not taken into account. In the case when it remains to finish the root, the costs of materials and work carried out to the ground. The buyer needs to provide a project so that it can complete the construction. The brighter will be visualization, the greater the chances that it will make a good impression, and the deal will take place.

How to sell a house with a land plot: 8 answers to important questions 4690_9

When showing on the object, it is necessary to restore order - remove the garbage, to dissolve the ground, gently fold the materials and tools.

What documents should be collected

  • Permission to carry out construction work. There should be no doubt that they are legally legally.
  • The agreed project and the magazine, where the mark is published on its implementation.
  • Extract from EGRN. Due to its absence, the certificate of the right to property is either about the right of inheritance.

8 Is it possible to sell a plot with an unregistered house?

If the parties do not object, you can spend such a deal. The cost of the building is determined orally or in writing and is included in the total amount.

The buyer exposes itself at risk, as the building can be built with violations. Perhaps this is the reason for which it is not registered. Paper design does not take much time. For the owners there are no difficulties in obtaining a new extract from EGRN. If the owner still did not do this, it should cause suspicions. It is possible that after signing the contract, the house will have to demolish at their own expense or redo it.

How to sell a house with a land plot: 8 answers to important questions 4690_10

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