What is apartments: pros and cons of their purchase


Find out what the apartments are so attractive and why demand grows on them. And also, that can spoil the joy of buying.

What is apartments: pros and cons of their purchase 8358_1

What is apartments: pros and cons of their purchase

The legislation of the Russian Federation clarifies that the apartments are a temporary accommodation room. Their area according to the law is 40 square meters. M and more. Be sure to have two or more accommodation, kitchen, bathroom. These are high comfort rooms located in motels, hotels, sanatoriums, holiday homes, etc. If they are placed in multifunctional complexes or condo hotels, can be sold to individuals.

How profitable to buy apartments

The difference between apartments and apartment

Pros and cons of apartments

  • Benefits
  • disadvantages

Features of the mortgage

To whom it is profitable


Apartments and Apartment: What's the difference

Apart-accommodation is different from the apartment to other legal status. This is a commercial real estate, the owner of which can temporarily live here, to rent it or place guests. Even if at the construction of the apartments, sanitary and technical standards for residential facilities were observed, they are still not considered such. But this makes it possible to translate them into this category.

Another difference lies in possession of general property. This in an apartment building I consider the place of general: the attic, basement, house territory, etc. For apart-housing, the concept of general property does not exist. She all belongs to the owner of the building. If the tenants want to renew something here, they will have to redeem or rent the area they need.

What is apartments: pros and cons of their purchase 8358_3

Purchase of apartments: pros and cons

The acquisition has significant pros and cons. We will understand in detail in them.

Advantages of purchase

Real estate is considered favorable investment of funds. Especially if the building is located in a large or resort town. Advantages of non-standard housing:

  • The price is lower than that of an equivalent apartment by about 17-25%. Accurate ratio is determined by different factors. The main among them are the comfort and area of ​​accommodation.
  • Developed infrastructure. If the purchase is in a multifunctional residential complex, which is most often, then in the same building or a large number of shops, banks, restaurants, etc. are located in the same building.
  • Convenient location. Business centers and hotels are usually located in the central part of the city or nearby. So it appears the opportunity to save time on the trip to work. All important urban objects are also nearby.
  • The ability to profitably invest. Acquired apart-accommodation can be passed either after some time to resell. Statistics show that its cost is constantly growing.
  • The possibility of any redevelopment. These are non-residential premises, so they can be redone. But at the same time, all security requirements must be observed.

All this is significant advantages. They determine the high demand for "non-standard" housing. They are especially relevant for megacities, such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, where the place of work and accommodation can separate tens of kilometers.

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In addition to the merits there are many pitfalls that can level the advantages of acquisition.

  • It is impossible to place a residence. The law does not consider the room by residential, so it is not allowed to register in it. The only thing that the owner can do is get temporary registration. Provided that there is a hotel status or an apartment hotel. In other cases, even this is not supposed. Therefore, it is necessary to specify the status of housing yet at the purchase stage. The maximum period for which registration will be issued is five years old, then it can be extended. Now there is information that in Russia can allow registration in the apartment, but so far the law is not accepted.
  • It is impossible to get subsidies, benefits, etc. Temporary registration cannot be the basis for the design of the INN, putting on the labor exchange. The absence of the status of residential premises prevents the preparation of property deduction, different benefits or subsidies.
  • The cost of maintaining apart-housing is much more than the apartment. The tax rate on non-residential property is higher, as above and the tariffs are not its content. The difference in the price of hot water supply and heating is especially noticeable. It is higher than the usual about a quarter.
  • Possible presence of "uncomfortable" neighbors. Offices, shops and other organizations can be placed through the wall, because everything can be purchased in the business center. They are not obliged to observe the "Rules of Silence", which are mandatory for apartment buildings.
  • In the event of difficulties with the payment of mortgages, the Bank has the right to take a commercial real estate for debts.
  • The creation of HOA is impossible. This often turns into an overestimated price for housing and utilities services. According to reviews, the construction company is often taken by the role of Jeep. Given that there are no alternatives to residents, they have to pay for simply the robber tariff.
  • Sometimes the buyer of apart-housing outside the city has to pay extra sums for connecting communications. The developer is beneficial to buying cheap areas without water, gas, other goods. Then as the new owner has to pay extra for their connection. In addition, taking into account the absence of the possibility of organizing the HOA, the tariff for housing and communal services can be very high.

What is apartments: pros and cons of their purchase 8358_5

It becomes clear that all the shortcomings are related to the status of real estate. It is non-residential or commercial. This is the main one, what is the difference between apartments. The law allows changing status, but this requires compliance with many different requirements. If such a translation of the future owner plans, before conclusion, it is necessary to find out whether it is possible at all.

Features of the mortgage contract

Most of the housing is acquired in a mortgage, this is an ordinary practice for Russians. In the case of apartments, such a scheme may not work because the purchase of a commercial object is assumed. Here is a list of possible difficulties faced when making a mortgage:

  • Larger than if it was an apartment, the initial fee.
  • Interest rates are significantly higher.
  • Long and complex procedure for estimating the object.

That's not all. Banks do not always issue loans to buy a commercial area. Therefore, the number of proposals will be less than it could be. The conditions for issuing such a loan banks believe:

  • Funds for the initial contribution, minimum of 15% of the required amount.
  • Official confirmation of applicant income.
  • Real estate insurance.
  • The presence of a full package of permits from the developer, if this is a new building.

State subsidization of office premises is not provided. No preferential programs, including Matkapital, do not work.

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Who benefits to have commercial property

It seems that non-residential real estate is a bad acquisition. Too much of all sorts of nuances, which significantly increase the cost of its content, make it impossible to obtain benefits, etc. But in reality this format is satisfied.

  • People buy no first housing. For them, all difficulties with registration and other documents are insignificant. All of them are made at the first address, which can be in any place.
  • Students or bachelors. They do not really need a social infrastructure. For example, the proximity of schools or kindergartens. If the room is located in an apartment building, this is a good option for families. In this case, all social norms are performed.
  • Investors. They do not consider their acquisition as a place for their own stay, we assume only to make a profit.
  • Businessmen. Rental for rent, open the hotel, etc.

For pensioners, families with children, such a format may be the most disadvantageous as possible. The only plus is low, compared to the alternative, the price. But everything else will cost much more. Communal payments and taxes will be higher, it will not be possible to arrange a subsidy. In addition, there are no guarantees that the structure will be erected in an area with a developed social infrastructure.

By law, the developer is not obliged to comply with social norms, landscaping the local area, to build parking, etc. So he will not waste. Otherwise, they come when it is planned to translate real estate in the residential. The developer can do this at the end of construction, immediately after the introduction of new buildings into operation.

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Underwater stones when buying apartments in Moscow or any other city a lot. This is still a new property format, which is not suitable for all attractiveness. The state plans to regulate this sphere. Norms are accepted, which are designed to level the difference in the status for owners of commercial premises using them as the only housing. So far, there are few such standards, you need to carefully weigh in and against before buying.

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