Apartments for sale without realtor: step-by-step instruction that will help not make mistakes


We tell how to sell an apartment on the assignment in the house under construction or real estate in the secondary market.

Apartments for sale without realtor: step-by-step instruction that will help not make mistakes 7005_1

Apartments for sale without realtor: step-by-step instruction that will help not make mistakes

Realtor services are often included in the price of the apartment and it repels buyers. We give step-by-step instructions, how to sell an apartment without a realtor in the secondary market and tell you what to do with real estate in houses under construction.

Apartments for sale step by step:

In the house under construction

On the secondary market

  • Evaluation
  • Collection of documents
  • Advertising
  • View
  • Getting prepayment
  • Extract of the previous tenants
  • Transfer of money
  • Conclusion of the Treaty
  • Registration of rights and full payment
  • Key transmission

How to sell an apartment yourself without a realtor in the house under construction

The special feature in the house under construction is that it is not necessary to collect and check a large number of documents. Since there is no property yet, but there are only accommodation requirements, they are transmitted to them. There are assignments between the participants (CESSIA) of the rights under the DDA agreement.

Step-by-step instructions for the conclusion of the transaction

  • Rate an object. The current price level of the developer is taken as a basis.
  • Write an ad. If the sales of the developer continues, you can contact him and the process will go faster. But you will get a smaller profit.
  • Invite a housing, if it is already completed. The show is arranged in apartments without decoration.
  • Familiarize the buyer with DDD and payments confirming payment. If the property is bought in a mortgage, add the Bank's consent to the assignment of rights.
  • Notify the developer about the intention to convey the rights to the object.
  • Agree about the method of calculation and sign an agreement when transferring money to the Bank.
  • Sign the concession contract and register it in Rosreestre.
  • Get money.
Transmission Act A new participant of shared construction signs already with the developer.

How to sell accommodation in the secondary market

Cut the order of actions for those who already have ownership. The instruction relates both to objects in recently terraced houses, if the documents on them are decorated and they are registered in the unified base of the Rosreestra.


Determine the price of real estate and your goals to understand how it is better to sell, and how much time it goes. Your task is to learn not the final price, but the range from which you can repel when composing advertising. 10 factors affect the cost.

Evaluation factors

  • District. Predension, ecology, infrastructure.
  • Type of construction. Panel, brick or monolith; New or old fund.
  • Area. Common and residential, kitchen size, number of rooms.
  • View. If the windows overlook the beautiful reservoir, the sea or the garden, the cost of the object can be increased.
  • The location of the house in the area. Are there many noise there, is there any dangerous places?
  • Distance from subway or public transport stops.
  • Floor. Apartments on the first and upper floors in old houses are often cold, dark, noisy or raw, so the price on them sometimes has to be reduced.
  • Planning. Related or separate rooms, the height of the premises, the characteristics of the bathroom, the presence of storage rooms, antlesole, loggia or balcony.
  • Infrastructure at home. Are there parking, guard, concierge, fence around the territory.
  • Availability of repair.

Realtors conduct a primary assessment on the first three items from the list, as they most affect the cost.

Apartments for sale without realtor: step-by-step instruction that will help not make mistakes 7005_3

How to evaluate

  • Choose several sites with real estate ads. For example, Avito, Cyan, "From hand to hand."
  • Make a sample of apartments similar to your. The more objects find, the better (10-15 will already give an idea of ​​the price). Use data over the past two or three months. Specify the cost by phone if it is not specified in the ad.
  • Calculate the average arithmetic price per square meter.
  • Analyze the benefits of your offer. For example, windows overlooking the park or water, high ceilings, convenient layout, add 5-10% to the cost.
  • We also appreciate the disadvantages. Noisy road or remoteness from transport will reduce the demand for your offer.
  • Consider the decline or lift the market. In the first case, the buyer is likely to prefer to bargain or call an ad in the cheaper offer.
It is possible to order real estate assessment in several agents at the same time, but you need to take into account that you will persistently sell your services. In addition, the prices mentioned in the Agency may be overestimated.

When you get the price range, adjust your goals. Usually owners are interested, is it possible to sell an apartment without a realtor quickly? There is such an opportunity. Of course, there can be several potential customers in the agency, but in the end it depends on the characteristics of real estate and your requests.

If the buyer needs to find urgently - you have to make a discount to draw attention to your ad or agree to bargain during negotiations. Sell ​​faster will also help correct advertising, correct negotiations with interested parties and timely collection of documents. First we will tell about the latter.

You can sell an apartment more expensive if you make repair or legal redevelopment in it. For example, disconnect adjacent rooms. You can also create an artificial excitement around real estate.

Collection of documents

This process is better to perform in stages. Some documents have a validity period, therefore it makes no sense to get them in advance. For example, an extract from EGRN is valid for 30 days. Here is a list of what needs to be prepared.

  • The basis of ownership. This is a document in which the cause of ownership is indicated.
  • Passport owner and birth certificate, if one of the owners is a minor.
  • The consent of the guardianship bodies, if one of the owners is a child.
  • The consent of the husband or wife, if the property was bought in marriage, but decorated on one of the spouses. Instead, it is possible to provide a marriage contract or a court decision on the division of property.
  • Bank permission if the object is a pledge for another unpaid loan.
  • Extract from the housebook with information about the prescribed and registered residents, a certificate of absence of debts. It is usually drawn up at the end of the transaction.
  • Confirmation that you have notified other shareholders if you sell only your share.
  • Cadastral and technical passport. Not always needed, only at the request of the buyer.
  • Notarially confirmed power of attorney if it is not the owner, and his authorized representative.

The contract of sale, an act of acceptance and housing, receipt of the payment of duty, receipt of money, the state registration statement is made in the transaction process.

Apartments for sale without realtor: step-by-step instruction that will help not make mistakes 7005_4


The buyer's search can be started simultaneously with the collection of documents. You need to make a good ad and select sites for it. It may be social networks or sites that we have listed at the beginning of the article.

Describe all the advantages of the object in the ad. Start from the main one. Tell us where the house is located, the type of construction, the area of ​​the selling real estate, the number of rooms. Then specify the floor, planning features, infrastructure. Add information about the bathroom, the height of the ceilings, the presence or absence of the balcony. Make a view from the window and is made to repair. Write everything briefly, without art sizes. Do not forget to specify the price and whether bargain is possible.

Photos must be high quality, beautiful. A person who browsing ads is important to see the layout. Therefore, take pictures of each room, kitchen and bathroom as a whole, without focusing on individual objects of the situation. Or let the snapshots of the furniture be extra. You can attach a schematic plan.

Apartments for sale without realtor: step-by-step instruction that will help not make mistakes 7005_5

When everything is ready - place an ad on your page on social networks, in the appropriate groups and on sites. Now it remains to wait for calls.

If you are planning an alternative deal - the simultaneous sale of an old apartment and buy new, start searching it at this stage.

Views and negotiations

The next step of step-by-step instructions for the sale of apartments without a realtor is its preparation for showing. It is desirable that a lightweight redecoration is made in the housing. Especially if it has visible disadvantages. Throw unnecessary things that litter space, survive. Take care of good lighting and pleasant smell or its absence. Sometimes it is better to put in order and a staircase with an adjacent territory adjacent to the entrance. Of course, without fanaticism.

Useful tips for meeting future buyers

  • Try to look carefully, put on neutral clothes.
  • If you can - invite people in the morning. As a rule, at this time, people are more calm and not yet tired.
  • Spend a mini-tour of the apartment. Accent attention on its advantages.
  • Be prepared for questions about the right of ownership, the method of calculation, timing, the amount of prepayment.

Buyers can ask about the possibility of bargaining. It is not always prudent to refuse. It is necessary to take into account the state of the market. If prices are rising, then it can be insisted on their own. In the opposite case, and when the apartment has many drawbacks, a reasonable bargaining is appropriate.

Further we describe the process of selling an apartment without a realtor in stages, when the buyer has already been found.

Getting prepayment

At this stage, the parties sign a deposit agreement and it is notarized. He records the intentions of the participants of the transaction. It indicates technical information about the property, the exact price, the terms of mutual settlements, the terms of sale, discharge and evictions from housing. Also writing or orally stipulates the time transfer time.

In an alternative deal, the process may differ slightly. In this case, you pass the deposit to the next seller.

The buyer transmits part of the amount of the seller - usually it is 1-5% of the total cost. If he refuses the transaction, loses an advance. If you find a more advantageous offer, then pay double-size deposit.

After receiving the advance, you need to delete ads for sale and stop showing. If people continue to call, you can record their phone in case of termination of the transaction, warning that the buyer is found.


If the previous tenants are not prescribed in advance, you need to do this at this stage. You can contact MFC or District UFMS. At the same time, get a certificate of missing debts.

Transfer of money

Typically, calculations are made in cash, through a bank cell. This is a safe scheme, if you are attentive. To do everything correctly, sign a document with an additional agreement in which convenient dates and conditions for you will be indicated.

The term must be sufficient in case of delay in the registration of the transaction. Let it be a registration time plus for two weeks. So safer for you. Supplement for the extension of storage will be small. The only condition for obtaining money is the transfer of ownership of an object. It may be your copy of the purchase and sale agreement (DKP) or an extract from the USRP. If the previous tenants still did not starre from registration in the apartment, you may need an extract from the house book. Other conditions, such as a transmission act, the presence of the buyer himself should not be. Otherwise, you will be in the dependent position.

In an alternative deal, if the surcharge you or from you are not expected, the money comes from the buyer to the second seller. If the second seller you are, then the agreement is a contract and an additional agreement with the first buyer.

There are two more methods of calculations - through the notary and non-cash transfealing through the letter of credit. In the first case, the money is listed on the bank account of the notary. After registering the deal, he translates their seller. This option is more convenient because there will be no delays in registration. In the second case, an agreement is concluded with the Bank, according to which you should have been confirmed by the fact of the sale of housing. To transfer the entire amount to your account.

Signing contract

You can prepare a pattern and even need a little in advance to coordinate it with the second side. Faster and safer to enter into a transaction with the participation of a notary. In the prescribed conditions, there should be no unclear wording that can be interpreted twofold. DKP make up and sign in three copies.

Apartments for sale without realtor: step-by-step instruction that will help not make mistakes 7005_6

Registration of the transfer of rights and receipt of money

After the transaction, the seller transfers the right to property. To do this, contact the MFC or the separation of Rosreestra. You write a statement about the transition of rights, pay the state duty and convey an employee of the organization the entire package of documents. In return you give a receipt of their receipt. After registration, you take your copy of the DCT, with which you can get money.

Registration can be suspended due to the lack of any documents. In this case, the seller risks losing access to money. If in add. The agreement was specified a sufficient period - nothing terrible. If not - you need to urgently contact the buyer and renew the extra. Agreement in the bank.

Key transmission

At this stage, an act of acceptance transmission is signed. It is made in arbitrary form with some mandatory information.

What includes an act of transfer

  • Who, who and what conveys.
  • Enumeration of completed liabilities of both parties.
  • List of furniture if the housing was sold with her.

A new owner can ask for a receipt of money. In this case, you pass it with him with the keys and other references.

Apartments for sale without realtor: step-by-step instruction that will help not make mistakes 7005_7

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